to fellow vegans

I'm curious about people that are choosing to give up their Cathe addiction because of this Egglands thing. Will they be researching the business partnerships and business/personal choices of the new DVD workout instructors they will replace her with? For instance, will they make sure that their new instructor has never had a job promoting a line of shoes that uses leather?
I'm curious about people that are choosing to give up their Cathe addiction because of this Egglands thing. Will they be researching the business partnerships and business/personal choices of the new DVD workout instructors they will replace her with? For instance, will they make sure that their new instructor has never had a job promoting a line of shoes that uses leather?

I actually do make an effort to shop from vegan owned and operated businesses as much as possible. As for future DVD instructors, I would only be concerned if they were promoting animal products at the time of my purchase (if they had done so at some point in the past, but no longer did, I'm not sure that would be an issue). If they were promoting leather workout shoes, then yes, that would be a problem for me (especially since so many great workout shoes are already non-leather, if not actually vegan)!

I agree with the other posters that it's never possible to avoid animal products 100%. But I make every reasonable effort to do so, and I wouldn't want to support someone who was working to promote something I have an ethical objection to. That does mean that I spend a lot of time researching companies' business practices, but it's not that difficult to do, really.
I am just shaking my head over all this...If I only bought from people who believed in only the things I believed in, then I would never again make another purchase in my life.
Hm. It's not really buying from companies that believe in the same "things" I do ~ that's too general, and I agree, that would be impossible to do. I believe a lot of stuff, and those beliefs head in all different directions! :D

However, you can find companies that don't use animals in their products and don't test on animals, for example. Obviously a person can't control every aspect of the company any more than I can control the accidental death of bugs as I weed my garden, but it's rewarding for me to give my business to companies that go out of their way to not cause additional harm to humans, animals, and the planet. :) Afreet's phrase "reasonable effort" sums up my thoughts well.

It is a pain in the butt with some products. Ice skates come to mind.
Afreet what workout shoes have you found to be vegan? Even when buying shoes that are non leather from major manufactuers I am always worried that their adhesives are animal based. As for the questions...

I want to follow Cathe's partnership with EB, I'm not sure about pruchasing new videos. Yes I will use and keep old titles.

As far as wearing leather...I have leather that was bought pre-vegan/veg and will continue to use it until it is worn out. I beleive it would be worse to throw it out as that contributes to all the things we in the United States throw out before they are used up.

I do still have make-up brushes that are older and animal hair and I use them but the new things I buy are synthetic. I read lables as far as beauty products/lotions and don't buy if they have animal products in them.

I have a nice wool coat that I use for dress in the winter and I will continue to use it but will not be buying new wool. My handbags are non leather usually fabric/nylon...I love Le Sportsac.

My main problem is finding good non leather shoes. If I find alternatives I buy them but if I can't I still buy leather. I am not a shoe fanatic like I used to be and try to buy shoes that can be worn for several seasons/years. So maybe that helps a little!

I agree with the other posters that I think some people think if they don't go "all the way" that it is not good enough. I think every little thing makes a difference, for both the animals and the enviroment. So I say do what you are comfortable with. I have found that once you start making the changes they are easier and easier to make.
As for future DVD instructors, I would only be concerned if they were promoting animal products at the time of my purchase (if they had done so at some point in the past, but no longer did, I'm not sure that would be an issue). If they were promoting leather workout shoes, then yes, that would be a problem for me (especially since so many great workout shoes are already non-leather, if not actually vegan)!

Well, that's good. Promotional partnerships rarely last forever, so when Cathe's finished promoting eggs, maybe you will feel comfortable coming back to her workouts, since that promotion would be in the past at that point.
Afreet what workout shoes have you found to be vegan? Even when buying shoes that are non leather from major manufactuers I am always worried that their adhesives are animal based.

Asics and New Balance both make lots of "all man made materials" shoes, and New Balance usually has 1 or 2 models that are actually specified as being vegan (adhesives, too). The Asics 2100 series have been vegan for years, and these are my favorites. I usually shoot an e-mail to Asics customer service a few weeks before I need new shoes, just to make sure nothing has changed.

Asics are also fully recyclable!
I am actually not vegan, I eat fish.

I have always had an issue with animal cruelty and cringe every time I see one of those trucks loaded with cows. I have seen how animals are treated, it has turned my stomach and to be honest I think I should have stopped eating meat because of those practices BUT I didn't. My reason to cut out animal products were purely health related. So unlike others here who have clear convictions that I admire, mine was purely about my health, so kinda selfish :eek:

You don't believe that animal products have much to do with increase in heart disease, cancer and other diseases? There is plenty of evidence and scientific evidence that proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt (in my opinion) but I agree with you that probably everything in moderation should be fine if you are a moderately healthy individual who is not battling any kind of disease. Whereas eliminating animal products from my diet has made a HUGE difference in my health, I agree that everyone is different and that it may not work for everyone.

I am not sure that I would agree on the "predisposition" to disease. I don't remember where I read it but it really stuck in my mind "If xyz disease runs in your family, you don't need to run with it". I guess the question is, are those diseases really genetically predispositioned OR are they in fact a lifestyle or eating pattern that we adopt while we grow up?

But back to your question, I have slowly started to eliminate or at least cut down on things that are leather, animal hair, etc. but I am not very consistent - unfortunately, I wish I could say otherwise. What can I say, I am far from perfect!!

It's not easy, my dogs eat raw meat, my kids still eat eggs and some dairy as well as fish, so I am not exactly an example of truly vegan lifestyle.

I wasn't saying that I believe that meat products do not play a part in those diseases I was just trying to point out that there are other facts that I believe play a more predominate role.
I completely agree that you "do not have to run with it". In fact we follow that thought here in my household. All of the men in my husbands family have died before the age of 60 - and I mean ALL of them. So we are making sure that we are taking care of his heart & health and everything else! Also, every woman, again I mean EVERY woman in my family has had a minimum of 2 types of cancer so we are taking any and every precaution with my health as well. However, the predisposition remains an element that we factor in to our lives.

thanks for responding though!
Tami :) has Eggland's shown as "humane." Clearly there are a lot worse companies than that one out there.

American Humane Certified™ Producers
All the facilities for each Producer listed here might not be certified. Only those products from audited and certified facilities of each Producer carry the American Humane Certified label.
Heartland Meats, Inc
Mendota, Illinois
Producer Profile

Springer Mountain Farms
Baldwin, GA
Producer profile

Clover Stornetta Farms
Petaluma, CA
Producer profile

Kleinpeter Dairy
Baton Rouge, LA
Producer profile

Loleta Cheese Company
Loleta, CA
Producer profile

Old Chatham Sheepherding Company
New York
Producer profile
Red Barn Family Farms
Producer profile
Rumiano Cheese Company
Crescent City, CA
Producer profile

Sierra Nevada Cheese Company
Willows, CA

Abbotsford Farms
Abbotsford, WI
Producer profile

Born Free
Watertown, MA

Braswell Foods
Nashville, NC

Cal-Maine Foods
Chase, KS

Cedar Valley Egg Farm
Mount Auburn, IA

Clover Stornetta Farms
Petaluma, CA
Producer profile

Country Creek Farms
Rogers, AK

Egg Innovations
Port Washington, WI

Eggland's Best
Jeffersonville, PA

Farmers Harvest
Rogers, AK

Fort Recovery Equity
Fort Recovery, OH
GCB Foods
Nashville, NC

Herbrucks Poultry Ranch
Saranac, MI
Producer profile

Hillandale Farms
Gettysburg, PA

Norco, CA
Producer profile

Morning Fresh Farms
Platteville, CO

Phil’s Fresh Eggs
Forreston, IL
Producer profile

Radlo Foods
Watertown, MA

Sauder's Eggs
Lititz, PA
Producer profile

Weaver Brothers
Versailles, OH
Producer profile

Wenger Feeds
Rheems, PA

Leidy's Nature's Tradition
Souderton, PA
Producer profile

Plainville Farms
Plainville, NY

Delimax & Montpak International
Quebec, Canada
Producer profile
This question does not apply to me as I dont feel any inclination to stop purchasing Cathe's products because of her EB association.

My sis and niece whom I love dearly love to eat meat. Many people whom I love and admire have choices different than mine. I dont try to influence them unless they ask me about this issue.

I do not use leather/fur products at all, nor silk, nor wool for that matter. I dont consume honey. As far as I am aware (and I take the trouble to ask / read labels) I dont buy products (brushes/cosmetics) which are tested on animals or contain animal products. But I think there is a high chance I am inadvertantly buying a few things that contain animal products because labelling standards are poor in my part of the world.

I am in the process of giving up dairy. Unlike other animal products (which I could easily give up overnight once I made the decision), I am using the weaning off approach with dairy.

I still have not been able to completely able to eliminate animal products - many medications are sold as capsules made with gelatin. Where possible I try to find alternatives.

I gave up meat as a child once I made the connection between what was on my plate and how it got there. I dont remember how old I was. I wasnt influenced by any literature or media or activism. I was too young for that and I wasnt exposed to any activism. I am an animal lover. I spent weekends as a child at the animal shelter when possible. I recall that my mum made chicken curry the day after the decision, and I was so tempted by the aroma, I found it difficult not to help myself to some at lunch. But that was the only time I found it difficult. Since many years now, meat does not seem like food to me any more. I dont think I could swallow even if I tried. I have no recollection of what meat or seafood or poultry tastes like.

Giving up eggs, leather, wool came later in my life as I gained more awareness.

I can still cook eggs, but I cant bring myself to handle meat. When I cook eggs pictures of what hens go through play in my mind. With every passing day, consuming dairy is more difficult. DH loves eggs - he is ovo-lacto-vegetarian. He also uses leather.

If you are curious, you may want to read about "ahimsa". Ahimsa is the sanskrit word for non-violent. It impliesthat you use your own judgement to make the best decision you can about what is least harmful to the world and her creatures and most beneficial in the grander scheme of things. It is impossible to be totally vegan. When a building is constructed creatures who live in the soil are killed. I will have no qualms about killing a parasite like say a tape worm. I hire pest control to kill roaches and rats and keep my home hygenic. I therefore dont believe I have any right to judge anybody's choices.

Wow - thanks - very well written
tami :)
Just saw this...

I'm not giving up Cathe's products. A gang of vegans would have to pry her DVDs from my cold, dead hands. :D

No, I don't own any of these things. I am a new vegan though, so I'm in the process of transition with objects like soap and hair/skin care. In addition, like Vee said, it's impossible to 100% vegan. So I do know it either sneaks into my life or will be totally unavoidable at times.

*Edit: Wait! DH bought me a leather jacket years ago. It's sitting in my closet because I don't have the heart to give it away. I have a lot of fake leather, but to be honest, the products were bought (way before I adopted vegan practices) because it was cheaper.

This whole discussion is so interesting!!!! Rarely do I read a whole thread (especially one that is 25 pages long) but I have read this whole thing and have learned a lot - thanks alls! ;)
and for the record like I think I metioned earlier I am not really "vegan" in the truest sense of the word because I do eat and use honey.
Some people call that "beegun" LOL! (And actually, if one chooses ones honey wisely--as in checking out how the beekeepers treat their bees, and not buying just any old honey from the grocery store---I think using honey can fit into a compassionate lifestyle. By supporting good beekeepers---ones who don't burn the hives or otherwise 'dispose of the bees' at the end of the summer, don't take all the honey from the bees and give them sugar water instead, who don't give them antibiotics because their immune systems are compromised because of the sugar water---one also supports their bees.)
As vegan / vegetarians following this thread do you wear leather / own leather furniture / have leather seats / use paint brushes made with animal hair?:)
I don't use leather, wool, silk or fur. My makeup brushes are synthetic (mostly taklon). Whenever possible or practicable, I avoid animal products.
Afreet what workout shoes have you found to be vegan? Even when buying shoes that are non leather from major manufactuers I am always worried that their adhesives are animal based.

Earth Shoes offer several vegan styles (if you like shoes shaped like feet, like I do ;)).

You can also go to and there is an entire category of vegan shoes.

Some other places to find vegan shoes :

Reebok has some 'all man-made materials' shoes (but I'm not sure about the adhesives used).
Katerchen I think this was posted before but I don't put alot of faith in the "Humane Certified" catagory. It is not well regulated and there is alot of wiggle room there for abuse. Like one part (help me Kathryn if I get this wrong) they say for chickens they have to have access to outside, well that may be a tiny area that only a few hens could access. I still don't think they are allowed to roost and such as they would in a natural habitat. Also one of Eggland Bests farms that was "Humane Certified" was found to have major abuses. I have come to the conclusion when you have money involved you are selling a product. When the product is an animal there are going to be abusive problems.

Kathryn thanks for the links. I have seen earth shoes vegan shoes online and Birkenstocks have vegan also. They will be options in the future!
I have had two pairs of Danskos that I have worn for everyday wear for I kid you not 3 years. They still look great. They wear like iron. So if they ever wear out I will replace them probably with Vegan Earth shoes...and yes for everday I like shoes shaped like feet! Or should I say my feet like shoes shaped like feet!!!
Yeah, I'd love to enjoy some kind of peace of mind when I see little seals like "Humane Certified," but it's about as meaningless as "USDA Organic." Don't get me wrong ~ I wish it wasn't.

Now if the Humane Farming Association said, "Okay, this particular producer is making an effort," that would get my attention.
Kathryn thanks for the links. I have seen earth shoes vegan shoes online and Birkenstocks have vegan also. They will be options in the future!
I have had two pairs of Danskos that I have worn for everyday wear for I kid you not 3 years. They still look great. They wear like iron. So if they ever wear out I will replace them probably with Vegan Earth shoes...and yes for everday I like shoes shaped like feet! Or should I say my feet like shoes shaped like feet!!!

Also, Teva and Crocs offer non-leather shoes (in the summer, I practically live in Tevas, Crocs, vegan Birkies--though they don't seem to offer them much any more--and, for my walks, vegan Earth shoes.

I know what you mean about wearing things until they are all used up. When I finally decided to no longer wear any animal products (after attending an AR conference and attending a session by Ingrid Newkirk), I immediately gave my had knit (by me) wool sweaters to my stepmothers, and took some leather shoes that were in perfect shape to Goodwill, but the ones that were 'wearable only by me' I used up until one pair literally had the soles falling apart! There is definitely a transitional period.
I've been reading this thread and it's very eye opening and informative, so thanks to all! As a serious animal lover I really need to know more about what is really going on.

I came across some info on a new movie coming out called "Food, Inc.". I thought I'd post a link to the home page, as I believe most consumers would be interested in watching this! I don't believe it focuses specifically on animal cruelty, but it does seem to be addressed. (FYI - I haven't read any reviews yet and not 100% sure what the movie details, just a general idea) I'll post the link below:

You can read about the film and watch the movie trailor. I'd love to see this movie!

Thanks again for the thread!
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