The Announcement - FINALLY!

Thank you so much Cathe!!!! I'm so excited for you and want your to be a worldwide phenomenon! Of course, I'm excited for all of us who love you and your workouts too! Tracy :7
Congratulations Cathe!! I am excited for you!! I have my CC number memorized and I am not afraid to use it!!! ;-) LOL! :) :)
Cathe ~

Congratulations on your new adventure! This is INCREDIBLE!!!

I haven't absorbed the enormity of your announcement yet but what I have read is ASTOUNDING. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You deserve this!

Thank you, too, for maintaining your commitment to advanced exercisers. I never doubted for a single second that your news was going to BIG or that you would ever abandon your passion for developing, producing and sharing your incredible talent.

From the bottom of my heart, again, CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU!

My credit card is OUT -- I am dialed-in -- it will be a race to see who gets order #1 on the new workouts.

YOU GO, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Congratulations Cathe!!! You are not only strong, beautiful, intelligent and sweet, but you make ambitious look really good!!! I'm so happy for you and for us. I cannot wait for the new workouts!!! They sound to be exactly what we have been asking for...thanks!!:)
Congratulations, Cathe, on this new step to world domination (LOL! I mean in your career!).;-)

I'm glad to see the new venture won't lead you astray from your advanced core audience.

Hope you're celebrating this new venture appropriately!

(I just did Body Max a few weeks ago: it's still a tough and effective workout. Nice to see a "sequel" is planned!)

Is CCETV just a distributor, or does this mean that these workouts will be on some TV channel in the future?
Thank you sooooo much. The wait has beeb worth it. I totally understand to make the best business choices as possible ( my DH family owned a business and just made a major move to better their company) anyway, thanks for the new DVD's. I think that you read my mind....I love all the drills that you have in your DVDs and and I think Drill Max will be right up my ally. You are my greatest inspiration. Thank you for being such a wonderful role model:D :p :7
WOO HOO!! Congratulations-- you SO deserve this!!! :)

I'm sooooooooooo excited about an updated body max and the drill workout kind of sounds like MIC, eh?! WOO HOO!!!

Good luck with your new deal! Thank God it isn't good times ;)...

Best of luck!
This sounds great!!! Congratulations Cathe and SNM... Although it just means the boards will be even more populated with excited, wonderful people, just like FitTV increased your exposure....

The new workouts sounds amazing... As was previously mentioned - I love having the more intermediate workouts to compliment the advanced for those wimp out days... I love the idea of the 4 day cadio/weight split DVD's too!!

Whoo Hoo!!! Now to get an early pre-order.... :)
Wow, Cathe...I am SOOO toast on this!! Looks like my credit card isn't gonna know what hit it!! LOL...I'll be preordering the first 4 for sure, and, I'm also sure, all of the others!! These sound fantastic, to say the least! Congratulations and thanks for sharing the exciting news with us! :)
CONGRATS!!! and i just cannot wait to hear more about these new dvds, especially the boxing camp series. wooohoooo!!!

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Congratulations Cathe on your new venture. All the new workouts sound great, and I'll definitely be placing my order as soon as the presale starts.

I, too, want to chime in and congratulate you and Chris for this new venture with CCETV. Please thank Wendy for me in terms of bringing you to CCETV's attention. They just found a gem in you (as all of us have discovered over the years)! Hugs to you and Chris!!!

Thank you for announcing these wonderful workouts. I guess I'll be online tomorrow to order some new workouts!!! :D

Cathe -

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS coming your way! That's great news and I'm so happy to see you getting the attention you deserve!

I'm a little bummed, though...just found out I'm pregnant with #3, but you know I have to order these new workouts!!!
Congratulations. I am truly happy for you - I hope this venture is everything you wanted it to be.

I am very excited about your winter workouts - can't wait for that pre-order!

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