The Announcement - FINALLY!

I can't believe all of the wonderful advanced videos are coming our way. The long wait was so worth it. Congratulations to you Cathe, you work so hard for your fans and we appreciate it.

Congratulations, Cathe! I'm so glad to hear of your ever growing success. You deserve it!!

Looking foward to the new series :) -Tina
Congratulations to you and everyone at! I must say that my favorite part of the announcement is the next to last line which reads "We will begin the presale of the first 4 new advanced workouts tomorrow."

All the best!
Wahooooo! Body Max 2!!! I'm so excited!

Congratulations Cathe and thank you for remembering us. We always remember you for sure :+
That is great! I'm so happy for you Cathe! And so happy for all of us! hee hee! New videos!! Oh boy, my dh is not going to be happy with me! LOL! I've purchased a lot of videos this year too!

I'm supposed to be making dinner right now, but I had to sign on to see if an announcement was made yet! :eek:

Thank you!

Cathe you rock! THANK-YOU FOR NOT ABANDONING US! I actually think that your branching out is a smart move. I am almost 43 and pretty fit, but sometimes I want an easier workout. I really enjoy your new "easier" workouts. Often instead of "blowing off" a workout because I did not sleep well (the cross I bear) I can choose one of your beginner/intermediate workouts and still get a great workout in, then the next day return to one of your harder workouts or a run.

I can not wait to tell my beginner/intermediate friends about you. I have before, and they have been scared. They no longer need to be afraid as you are welcoming them aboard.

Thanks, Natalie
Congratulations on achieving your goals, Cathe!! Many of us are still working our way toward that, so hearing about your achievement is truly inspiring! I wish you the greatest success in your new venture.

I am very excited about the new workouts, too! I'm warming up the credit card for the preorder right now. :7

Cathe thanks so much for the final announcement:) Of course you know that I will be ready tomorrow for the presale:)
Congratulations Cathe! The announcement was worth waiting for:) I better get out my debit card and be ready for tomorrow:) It feels like Chritmas eve...:)

Cathe, I am so excited for you. We know how you put your heart & soul into everything you do. Congratulations for reaching a longtime dream. It has finally come true! THANKS for always thinking of us too and for making, yet another set of advanced workouts. I can't wait and my credit card is ready & waiting for tomorrow. HUGS 2 U and best wishes as you start a whole new venture!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Cathe, congratulations! No one deserves achieving their long term goal more than you do. I wish you nothing but success. :)

Your line-up for the upcoming workouts sound excellent! The only other workout that I would love to see is a step/kickboxing workout, because there is less than a handful on the market today. Cathe, your kickboxing/step workouts are fantastic. I do hope you consider making one in the future.
*falls over in exercise induced bliss* Ahhh, more torture, er ah, videos await! Thanks Cathe! I am certain that your new ventures will be even more successful than the last...
Wow! Cathe, congratulations LOVE :) the new workouts and the ones to come. It's funny because I just took my credit card out to order some hotskins items but changed my mind, but decided to hop on your site and I'm so happy you made the announcement because I'm ready to place my presale order:) .

Debbie D'Angelo

P.S. I hope we can still continue to preorder(for the winter/spring workouts) because it really helps to get the discounts (thanks!).
Oh YEAH! I was SO afraid they were going to finance all your new workouts and we wouldn't be able to save money by doing a preorder! Great news. Congratulations on your new business venture.

I have been dying for another Rhythmic Step so this is good news. There are some of us that still love just plain old step aerobics.
Yay Cathe! This is awesome news! Congratulations on your new venture with CCETV. I've got my credit card in hand, ready for the presale to start! Those workouts sound INCREDIBLE!!! Thanks so much! :D

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