Ok I did KCM cardio blast remix of step with plyo sprinkled in then lower body KCM. It was fun but not crazy hard but I felt like I worked and I was sweating by it didnt make me tired lol.
Eva I did 1 rep for x train so I hope alot of it done but what I don't understand how do I figure 60%. Of the 1 rep Maxie 70%? That isn't on there and I guess I have to do math but kinda feel embarrassed to say i don't remember how to figure % !!!
I do plan on running while doing STS and I hope I can keep it up. I am hoping to see the scale go down! Less fat and I understand I may gain cause of muscle but I am hoping since the first part is. Endurance that with running should help me do something
Katie yes it is nice!
So glad u got your workout in!!
Today KCM cardio blast plus legs
Then got in some legs in!!
Eva I did 1 rep for x train so I hope alot of it done but what I don't understand how do I figure 60%. Of the 1 rep Maxie 70%? That isn't on there and I guess I have to do math but kinda feel embarrassed to say i don't remember how to figure % !!!
I do plan on running while doing STS and I hope I can keep it up. I am hoping to see the scale go down! Less fat and I understand I may gain cause of muscle but I am hoping since the first part is. Endurance that with running should help me do something
Katie yes it is nice!
So glad u got your workout in!!
Today KCM cardio blast plus legs
Then got in some legs in!!