STS first time!

Well so much for a slow shift! I had to put 2 of my patients in restraints and one had to have an injection. I am beyond tired! Can't wait to punch out.

Went for a walk on my break.....beautiful fall weather!

Half the patients have the poops too and are throwing up. I have been scrubbing up like crazy! I can't get sick!

Tomorrow I am going garage saling with Tony and my bf and her husband.

Then work at 7 of 7....yay!

Goal for my days lazy! I'm talking couch and movies :)

Have a good day tomorrow everyone.
Marie- I forgot to mention I love the name you picked out too! That is such a cute, original name! So cool. :)

Jean- how exciting about your house! I know what you mean, everything I want is always the most expensive...regardless of whether it's jewelry, fitness equipment or things I want to do to the house. :rolleyes: It's like why bother spending any money at all if you aren't going to be happy and have the best? :p

Carolyn- I'm so glad you got your MRI approved! Now maybe you can get to the bottom of it all!
Actually, you made me think of doing HC Bootcamp so that was my workout today. I haven't done it in about 3 weeks. Dear LORD! At least this time my pauses weren't as long as other times :eek:. I think I paused at least 5 times...although sometimes it was to readjust my equipment and move my step due to my space issues. One suggestion I have: for the very last plyo exercise (it's literally the last exercise on the disc) I would maybe suggest modifying or substituting that move due to your knee issues. I did that move the last time I did the disc and I really felt it in my knees, not in a good way. :confused: She does basically a sit and stand but she has you sit really low on a step with only one riser before she has you pop up and I just don't think that's a great move on the knee. The workout has a lot of shoulder work, too so watch that if you start to fatigue! Like I said, the pause button is a lifesaver! lol

Gotta get in the shower. I'm getting going late because I had to keep Lydia home...she woke up with diarrhea and threw up on the carpet :(. Now she seems fine, of course :rolleyes:. Mark is coming home at 1:00 to take over for me so I don't have to reschedule every single patient on the book. Luckily my morning was really light anyway.
Jean and Colleen, everything I want is the most expensive too. I think we just have great taste! Colleen, so true about buying the best and being happy with it. Why settle??
I hate when school starts--the germs, they start acomin'! Hope Lydia is over whatever it is.
Why do the ladies of HC BC wear caps? They're on the floor so much and have to look up at the camera, and having the cap hinders their view!:confused:

Jean, I can't believe your 'retirement' and 'move' will be that soon! For some reason I thought it was 2-3 yrs away. That is super! I'm green with envy at your solarium/conservatory.
There's a 50 Shades magazine and music?! It's probably like Twi-hards and such. Crazy! I'm probably going to start the book this weekend.
I can't believe you started BB. You are a brave girl. I could picture your triceps popping out! What a visual!:D
I'm so sorry to hear about your b-i-l; very tough for your sis. She'll need a lot of support.

Carolyn, I looked at a Larabar at Trader Joe's today. Wow! The PB one only has 3 ingredients! By contrast, the Luna and Clif have at least a dozen. I hope Costco has them! I'll switch and not buy the TJ's ones.
Also, I didn't realize cross country starts as young as 5th grade. When I researched it as my son entered 6th, I thought I read that's as early as it gets. Good for him!
I would love a great deal on a decent spin bike, like that Groupon you mentioned last time on an elliptical. Like I said earlier, expensive taste. I'm not that keen on Walmart, even though I shop there.:eek:
Enjoy your sister's visit! Mine's not coming till Xmas. But I got to see her 3x this year, versus the average 1x usually.
Ridiculous long time for the doc's office to call back! It's not like you live in the backwaters and one doc serves a 100-mile radius! Sheesh.

I rcvd my topper today! Going to try HSCh tomorrow! I'm so excited!

Ooh, I'm 9 posts away from a Cathlete!
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Hello ladies! Today was super crazy! Got up and did my cardio...went to work...and BOOM!!!! Never sat down till I left for Lunch, then came back had the IT people there and when we were finished it was 4 pm. Finashed up my day of 0% work complete. Oh well, at least all the problems with the computers were solved! Tomorrow, I will be at front desk as one of the receptionist has the day off. :(

Left work, went grocery shopping, came home prepared dinner, ate, and here I am. It is after 7 pm and I still need to exercise!!!

Oh my....I am so tired.

I hope everyones children feel better.

There is a stomach bug going around down here and it is horrible. Lots of people calling about it. Also, everyones children are bringing home the funk and then the parents catch it and call us. I try to stay in my office out of germs way!!!! hehehe

Okay, I have to work go workout!

Oh...I almost forgot, I just registered for 3 5k's. (1) in septemeber and (2) in october!!! Yeah! I am so excited! I just love them. There is also one in December I am doing but registration is not open yet!!! :eek:

Be back soon!!!!!:)
Good Morning ladies! Thought I would say hello. I will be at the front desk today, so I will not be able to chat till I get home tonight. :(

Have a lovely Friday!

Carolyn and Colleen---I hope the girls feel better!!!
Hey everyone,

I did HSCh today, and even though I previewed it, I was completely unprepared. Mostly mentally. I was slightly sore from CSS the other day, the dvd skipped a couple of times (borrowed from library; there's a deep scratch so it's a goner), and was interrupted a couple of times. Aargh.

As for borrowing the workout (anyone ever look into that?), my library network has most of the other from the Hardcore series (no IMAX 3, KM, nor MM--too bad!), but that's it. Nothing else.:( I'm guessing someone donated them, unwanted or unneeded. If I ever consider buying these, I borrow to preview first. I really like HSCh, and am very tempted to buy it and HST, but I can hardly get to all my dvds as it is! And Cathe's got XTrain coming out!

Carolyn, this morning I had a half an hr more of sleep after I went to the bathroom, but couldn't fall back asleep. I found myself thinking of you and your hormone insomnia. That is so hard! I feel for you!

I trust your recommendation on the Walmart bike. Just haven't done it. I've seen it too, but it doesn't call out for me. Soon I'll have 2 spin workouts and no bike.

Poor Dylan! I hope she feels better. I get so upset when my kids get sick! Mostly for their suffering. Then I get so freaked out and mad that they'll pass it to us (read: germophobe)! Don't catch it. Your sis too. Today's a good day for the beach.

Colleen, I saw those low, low sit-and-stands on the HC BC preview. That's crazy hard on the knees!

Better get some stuff done!
Oh Jean, I'm so sorry about your BIL. :( It's so unfortunate he was miserable at the end. I hope your sister is okay.

Betty- way to go on HSch! I have to admit, I have that one and haven't done it yet! Is there a lot of impact in it? I'm not so good with jumping jacks. Every time they come up in a workout I run to my rebounder and do then on there, so I usually end up missing a few reps.

Missy- Wow 3 races! :eek: You are definitely the energizer bunny! :D

Carolyn- That sucks about the insomnia! I've definitely been trending that way the last few years. It's not all the time, but I used to sleep like a rock so to even struggle a little bit bites! :(

No workout for me today! I'm thinking maybe some steady state cardio tomorrow....maybe KPC? Unfortunately, tomorrow Mark is dragging me to this get together that is all guys who are into classic cars. It's put on by the guy who did Mark's 1969 Camaro and he has all his customers come and they all bring their muscle cars. It's like pulling teeth to get me to go :(. I have nothing in common with anyone that is there so I just end up wandering around aimlessly trying to make small talk here and there. UGH!

Have a great day ladies!
Jean, I'm so sorry about your b-i-l's passing! May he rest in peace. (((Hugs))) to you and your sister and family. It's a selfless act for him to donate his body to science. I think I should like to do the same and/or donate my organs. Peace to your family.

I'll go in search of that post you mentioned.
Jean, I'm so sorry about your BIL. I'm sure your sister will need a lot of support from you after her friend leaves, even though he had been ill for a while that's such a tough thing to go through.

I finished the 2nd week of Meso 1 and I am loving it! I am finding it much easier to navigate STS the second time around. I was excited to read Cathe's xtrain comment too, I'm really looking forward to it.

Carolyn, I hope Dylan is feeling better and I cannot believe your neighbor lets Cuda into their house. I don't know anybody who would do that! And have fun with your siblings.

Missy, good for you on the 3 races, its great to have goals to work towards.

I agree on the germs and sick kids. One of my kids caught a cold right after school started, and then it travelled through the other 2. It was too early to miss school so that had to tough it out, but I felt so bad for them.

Ok, off to volleyball game (oh, and coach moved my daughter up to Varsity at the last minute, just in time for team photo). Happy Friday!
Mary, that is great news for your daughter! Nice job keeping on with STS.

You too, Carolyn, and enjoy your family time this weekend. Thanks for the offer on HST (it's old, at 2004--just sayin';)). I'll work on doing a 4th day of workouts consistently first. Can't get to all her stuff. I could get it on eBay or DOTD, if it ever comes up.

Colleen, I feel for you girl. I hate making small talk (can't, really) and find it so tedious. KPC--go for it!
Hello Friends! I have been crazy since I got home yesterday. Last night I rushed home, changed clothes and went out to dinner, then went to lowes and then to the pet store for cat food. This morning I woke up at 6:30, cooked breakfast, did some laundry, went to town to get groceries, came home and have been doing yard chores. I just bout my fall Mums, so excited!!! I am now on my way to exercise next!!! I am starting STS tomorrow!!! Yeah!!!! I am actually really looking forward to it!!! I also have to do barn chores tomorrw and get hay!!! Looks like my day is planned already!!!

Oh Jean....I am so sorry about your BIL. I have you and your family in my prayers!!! Enjoy the beast!!! Also, I live 15 miles from my office. I do live in the woods though. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to work. It is a nice ride. And it is a nice ride home each day, to destress before arriving home.

Carolyn---What are you going to do about that neighbor? I would be so pissed!!! I mean, I would go crazy!!!

Mary---Congrats to your daughter!!! I bet she is so excited about varsity!!!

Colleen---Hope you are having a nice time at the car show!!!

Hello to everyone else!!!

Off to exercise!!!

Oh by the way....Tim and I just bought a laptop for the house. So now, I have no excuse to check in. Alot of the evenings I never get back to the forum because he is on the now, I have to check in!!! Yeah!!!:D

Be back later!
Hey everyone,
After very early showers, the day dawned gorgeous! Breezy and low 70s--so very refreshing!

Jean, keep naming your movies, and I'll use that as a guide for what to watch next. I started Fifty Shades today. Not very impressed by the amateurish writing.:( I mean, I could write like that. Tell me it gets better.

You must be a glutton for punishment to do BB after so many rounds of STS.:D Incidentally, I saw what Cathe wrote on XTrain. I can't wait for it!

When's the funeral for your b-i-l?

Missy, congrats on signing up for the K runs. You're impressive! Tim's starting STS tomorrow too, I hope? You are like the tasmanian devil. Give me some of that energy! I'm so excited for your new laptop!

Carolyn, you'll have to teach the neighbor a thing or two about letting Cuda in! So clueless!

I've done absolutely nothing today!:eek:
Good Morning!!!! And Happy Sunday!

Just a quick hello, off to do my cardio!!!

This afternoon Tim and I start STS!!! YEAH!!!!!! :eek:

Have a lovely day!!!!
Good Afternoon! I went outside this morning to plant all my fall mums, and do some landscaping.... I cme inside at 12:30...OMG I thought Tim and I would have got this done in like an hour???? But it was more like 2 1/2 hrs. But we had fun!!! Now the outside looks beautiful!!! I just love fall!!!! Came in cooked lunch, and now we are heading to town to buy horse grain and the to the hay farm for 20 bales of hay!!! Chores, chores, chores!

Later tonight we are starting STS. I am so excited for soe reason. I really want my muscles to pop this round!!!! I just love definition. I think it looks so sexy one a women!!!!

Carolyn---Girl,, you are too funny!!!! I thought you were going to say you crawled under the stall!!! But, McGuvyer is right!!! Your are to cute!!! I can actually picture you freaking out in the stall!!! hehehe :cool::D

Be back later!

Marie---Where are you???? Like jean said, we are worried about you!!! You better check in!!!
Hey everyone!

I'm here. Sorry for not checking in this weekend. It went by so quickly!

Fri night Tony had a show. They did great! Breckin was jammin out :) He loves when daddy sings.

Sat I walked with a friend and we messed around with some trial pregnancy pictures. We are dong the real session on Fri. I'll post some of the practice ones. I think baby bellies are so cute so I wanted some of my bare belly :)

Today I had a friend's baby shower. She lives over an hour away so I spent alot of time in the car.

Other than that I cleaned, went for some good walks and slept in every day...felt great!

Jean- I am so sorry to hear about your BIL. May he rest in peace. These times are so hard for family and friends---thinking of you all! Glad you started BB---it sounds intense :) My last day of work is the 11th. My due date is the 10th so we will see how that works haha! I may not make it!

Carolyn- Sounds like you had a fun weekend with your family. You bathroom story had me laughing. I would have freaked too! Glad you got your MRI just to get to that Dr appt.

Colleen- Glad you survived the car show. I hate small talk as well. I would have probably hid in the bathroom or been texting for most of it ;)

Betty- Glad you got your topper L) Are you a Cathlete yet?! I'm jealous your library has Cathe DVD's....that's very cool for you!

Missy- Glad you signed for some 5k's. Those are always motivating and so fun! How did Tim like STS?

Mary- I'm so happy your daughter got moved to varsity! She must be very excited!
Oh and just mentioning because it bugs me...

My dancer pose is off. I should be holding the inside of my foot. That will be changed for the real session!
Another drive by check in...

I managed to get up and do Disk 4 today. I missed last week's second cardio and Disk 3, and never made it up over the weekend, so I just decided to cut my losses and move on. Also, I'm headed to Minnesota for a girls weekend on Thursday, so I'm just going to do Disk 4, 5 and 6 on M, T and W. I know I'm not supposed to do that, but oh well. It's been hot here, my kids were sick, I had some house repairs and my daughter had a birthday party on Saturday, so I feel like just getting the workout in today was success.

Betty, I didn't even think about the library having workouts. Cool! The LAPD sometime has electronic books that you can download (they expire in 3 weeks), maybe they do the same thing with videos. I'll have to check!

Marie, your photos are AWESOME! Look at that grace! I love the "watermelon" shot too. That made me giggle.

Missy, congrats on your laptop purchase (color me jelly), and how wonderful to have an STS workout buddy. I sure wish I did!

Carolyn, Collen, Jean, Mary and Si, have a fabulous Monday!
Hi All,

I was wondering if I could join your check-in? I just started STS this morning and thought it would be great to have some accountability on the forums.


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