Oh, to have a little girl I could send to dance classes, dress up, shop with! Oh well, not in the cards!
Colleen, I think it's great that you signed Dylan up for karate! A nephew of mine did that, and another nephew did kung fu. They both seem to have inner strength, self-confidence, and focus. My kids would spaz if I ever suggested those activities! We never did boy scouts and my son is SO resistant to everything too! Argh!
Carolyn, is Luke in 6th grade already? How was cross country? It's early for a meet, but then you guys started school earlier. My son just had his very first practice today! I want to hear all about it--I really enjoyed going to the meets. Track in the spring is so chaotic. So many events, and whatever your child's in, he/she spends about a minute or two on it. My son is so frustrating. This is the only activity he'll consent to, and now he says he doesn't want to do it in high school next yr.
We'll see about that.
I'm going to have to look into the Larabars! Just five ingredients is fantastic! I'll have to check Costco.
Missy, your patient really appreciates your time dealing with the insurance company, especially at such an awful time. We do too. Insurance companies seem to rule; it should be the other way around!
I was so hungry today. The supposed 400+ cals I burned with CSS! Kept eating all day. Ate it all back, surely!
Mer, like Colleen says, just check in with us, and don't worry about the rest.
Hi to everyone else!