STS first time!

Sweet dreams, Carolyn! I wish you many hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Missy, though I agree with Carolyn, this pic of you is very flattering too. The color of the top is perfect with your skin. Perhaps you can do a full-length version of that?

Good night, all!
I need help....what picture should I attach to my story????

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This one? Or Pink bikini or Black bikini?

Thanks for your input? :)

This picture this picture!! :D You look fabulous! You're arms look so defined and your waist is tiny in that tank! :eek:

I think I may do Crossfire today and AT tomorrow or Thursday. I am so in love with CF and TTM! I would totally do them all the time if my body could take that much intensity! :eek:
I vote for the pink bikini, though you look fabulous in both of them!

I did CSS today. It was the first time I'd done that workout (even though I have the entire LI series, I didn't have a good sliding surface before) and I added the bonus step.
Good Morning ladies. I have been trying to post all morning but keep getting interupted by patients and employees. Let me try this again.....

Thanks for all of the opinions. I am torn because I love the pink bikini shot, but I also love the muscles pic. Maybe I can post both?????

Merdith---I just love CSS. Alot of my favorite exercise are on that on. Prisioner squats, puddle jumpers, squat kicks, etc. It is just an alltime favorite for me!!!!

Colleen and Carolyn---I absolutely love TTM and Crossfire too!!! I think I may do TTM tonight. I haven't done it in a while. It's final, I will do it tonight!!!

Okay, at work and more people bothering me. Be back soon!!!
Good Afternoon!

Carolyn---Have they called about the MRI?

Just ate my afternoon with some peanut butter. YUM YUM!!!

I have not done TTM is probably a month or so. So, I know it is going to kick my butt tonight. I am kind of scared!!!! hehehe!!!
Day 5 of 7 almost complete :) Tomorrow and the next day are PM so hopefully I'll get a workout in. I have been walking on my lunch breaks though. Yesterday I got home and did YogaMax----just the premix but hey at least it was something. I'm really trying to focus on breathing exercises for labor. Let's hope they help haha!

Today after work I have my 35 weeks appt :) I get tested for Group B Strep and also get my first vaginal check. This meant I had to actually shave last night---never easy now-a-days.

Tomorrow I'm 36 weeks :)

So we have a name picked out---we have for awhile now but haven't told too many people in case we change our minds but we are positive now. His name will be Breckin Vincent. Vincent is my grandpa's name :)

Jean- I'm so sorry to hear about your BIL. That must be so hard on your sister. It's really hard when people get dementia that early in life. I'm excited for you for your new house. Can't wait to hear more details.

Meredith- Way to start STS again. Goot love those pushups haha :/

Missy- Can't wait to read your success story. As far as the pictures go good luck with that decision. If you can post both I say do that because the one shows great definition in your arms. The pink bikini one is amazing too. I like how that one shows your legs and abs.

Carolyn- Nice job starting STS again. I hope Cuda feels better soon- poor puppy! Keep us posted on the MRI.

Colleen- Did you end up doing CF? Can't wait to have more Cathe choices available :) The place is coming along great! I'll have to take some pictures of it tonight with my ipad and post them. The nursery is looking so cute! Can't wait for my little man to be using it.

Betty- I always forget about the B&G premixes. I agree----it's a long one.

Carolyn & Colleen- You ladies have me wanting to check out VF. Not sure I want to get addicted to another forum though ;)
Whew. It's slow at work today! :confused: I have the music from Crossfire in my head right now. lol I just love that one part when Cathe goes to do that running man move where she says something like "we're not gonna slow down, except now we're getting down" and she says it in that gravelly funky voice. Hehehehe I just love some of her Cathe-isms! :D

Marie- VF is a dangerous and enabling place to visit! :eek: Pretty soon you'll have more workout videos than you can possibly ever do in a lifetime! Not that I would know anything about that...:eek: ;)
Hey gals!

On impulse this morning I did YR. Wanted to do an extra workout, but didn't want to be bothered sweating up a storm:eek:. I've got no DOMS or anything from yesterday's B&G. Must be the tip-top shape I'm in.:D

Carolyn, I watched a clip of HC BC and it looks cool. I've said this before, but at least Cathe does some of the same moves, so that I don't have to buy it:D. Congrats on your new acquisition!

Don't do it. Don't get hooked on VF!:D Marie, you too! This forum is enough for me. I cannot afford the time elsewhere, and am on the computer too much already. And I'm too loyal to Cathe and you guys.

Might just have to do CSS tomorrow. With the step portion.

Carolyn, my quads were on fire too when I did TTM on Friday.

Anyone have HSCh? That looks really fun and appealing to me. As soon as I get my topper!

Did you guys read on another thread that Altus has discontinued the Turbo Tower but that Cathe is going to put out a redesigned one? Neat! I don't need it though.

Marie, between working and working out, baby Breckin Vincent (love the name) is going to walk out! Enjoy your 35th week appt! If he's early, you could be going into labor in two weeks! Yikes! Looking forward to your pics.
Lol! Walk out! I love it :)

My appt went well except for I haven't gained any weight since last week. I'm at a total of 15 pounds. Dr told me no more cardio except for walking. I feel like that's all I have been doing lately anyways. Lifting is still ok at least :) Breckin's heart rate was 140 and he is measuring just fine so I'm happy. No thinning of the cervix yet and no dilation so he isn't coming out for awhile yet.

Alright time to post some pictures. Hopefully I can figure out ow to do this from my iPad.......

We have a glider that is in the living room right now that will go where you see the swing and car seat.


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How do you like that 70's style pink tile?! ;) We still need to get a rug for this room....thinking fluffy and white.

That's it :) And then of course you already saw my workout area :)

Off to eat dinner. Have a good night everyone!


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Marie---Your house is so beautiful!!! And clean!!!!!

You should be proud!!!

15 pounds isn't much. Just think alot of those is that healthy baby boy!!! You will bounce back in no time!!! :)
Thanks Missy! Tony and I just spent 5 hours cleaning the other day. I figured it was a good time to take pics ;)
I can't keep up with this forum and working out and life! I did Disk 2 today. What I am really noticing this week is how much my core is killing me! Also, I could hear Si telling me that I should have eaten something before I worked out because I was STARVING during the middle of it. :) My son woke up just after the warm-up, so I had my workout buddy with me for most of the workout.

Marie, I love the bridge artwork too. The whole place looks beautiful! I have a friend just behind you in her pregnancy and she's only gained 15 pounds too. I am so jealous! I was more like 50 pounds per kid!

Have a great day!
Hey everyone!
I did CSS with the step add-on. I am fried, in a good way. Mentally, I was sort of 'done' by the time the step portion started; and it was hard!

Did LIS come out nearly a year ago? Where did the time go?

Marie, your place looks fantastic! I love the wood floors, the baby's room (love the rug!), and the see-through built-ins between your kitchen and LR. So clean, and no clutter--got to love that too!

I think you need to eat more!:D

Carolyn, did you hear back from the doc's office yet?

Does anyone go apple-picking in the fall? I love it! That and caramel apples with nuts (read: flab-enhancer!)!
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Glad you all like my place! Thanks :) We are really loving it!!!

I was lazy this morning...slept in and then made some phone calls to insurance to see what my coverage was.....worked on Breckin's baby book and some other random things around the house.

My workout today was a simple thigh and glute workout. My friend gave me a bunch of Core Fusion DVD workouts years ago and I never did them since I'm such a Cathe freak and just assumed they were too easy. Well it was but that is good for this state. It was a 40 min weights....think easy Turbo Barre with lots of stretching. Perfect for me right now.

Well I better start getting ready for work ugh!!! I really am not feeling it today. I'm on day 6 of 7. I hope it is slow so I can be lazy but of course then the day drags.

Post lots for me ;)
Hello friends! I have been so crazy today, this is my first time on today!!!

I had to run office errands, and I have been on the phone for the past 2 hours fighting with Humana Insurance Company. I have a patient that needs to see a specialist, due to cancer. But, his insurance will not cover. This is horrible. I have been fighting and fighting, get a different answer with ever rep I talk to. They are all clueless. I am pissed!!!

I needed a break, so while on hold waiting on a superviser I thought I would say hi!

Tonight I am doing Afterburn!!! Can't wait. I have lots of stress to work out today!!!

Be back!!!
Well, I'm sitting here while lydia is in her ballet class typing on my wee blackberry. So hard to do! :eek: busy day today at work and then after we went and signed dylan up for karate! We met with the instructor for a good hour and half. I really hope he takes to it! I'm crossing my fingers that it will develop self-confidence and focus. I hope I hope I hope! He has been so resistant to activities up to this point. :( Did any of you guys have your kids in boy scouts? We were thinking of that, too.

Today was Athletic Training! I swear, no matter how fit I get that first part on the step slays me!!! I'm like "go to a happy place! This part is short. It'll be over soon!!" Lol

Crap, I can't see the other posts on my phone for personals. Let's see if I can remember...

Marie I agree with betty, eat up girl!! Lol I gained 40 lbs with dylan and 35 lbs with lydia :eek: of course, I wasn't working out back then :eek:
Meredith- I know it's tough keeping up with the check-in! Just post what you're doing when you can and don't worry about personals. We just love hearing from you!
Uh- okay I can'( remember anything else :eek:. This typing on the blackberry is for the birds!! :eek:
Oh, to have a little girl I could send to dance classes, dress up, shop with! Oh well, not in the cards!

Colleen, I think it's great that you signed Dylan up for karate! A nephew of mine did that, and another nephew did kung fu. They both seem to have inner strength, self-confidence, and focus. My kids would spaz if I ever suggested those activities! We never did boy scouts and my son is SO resistant to everything too! Argh!

Carolyn, is Luke in 6th grade already? How was cross country? It's early for a meet, but then you guys started school earlier. My son just had his very first practice today! I want to hear all about it--I really enjoyed going to the meets. Track in the spring is so chaotic. So many events, and whatever your child's in, he/she spends about a minute or two on it. My son is so frustrating. This is the only activity he'll consent to, and now he says he doesn't want to do it in high school next yr.:mad: We'll see about that.

I'm going to have to look into the Larabars! Just five ingredients is fantastic! I'll have to check Costco.

Missy, your patient really appreciates your time dealing with the insurance company, especially at such an awful time. We do too. Insurance companies seem to rule; it should be the other way around!:mad:

I was so hungry today. The supposed 400+ cals I burned with CSS! Kept eating all day. Ate it all back, surely!:eek:

Mer, like Colleen says, just check in with us, and don't worry about the rest.

Hi to everyone else!

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