Hi everybody,
Not much going on here. Had a family lunch yesterday, then went to 2 sets of TJM & Marshalls with my sis. Girl time. I bought a sports bra too, Carolyn!

A diff color of the one I picked up last month. I normally never do that but it's so flattering, and that's a rarity. On clearance too, but not as cheap as last time though.
Nice job on CF, Carolyn! Back with a vengeance! There you go. A little at a time and before you know it, you're there.
Hope DH had a relaxing few days off with the family.
Missy, I borrowed a book by one of the authors in Food Matters, David Wolfe, Superfoods. Talk about getting your nutrients through foods.
I'm not going to get HC. The production quality is a turnoff to me, too many to buy, too many Cathes I'll not have time to get to, UY, going to check out BB, on and on...

I totally hear you on the conflict of eating chicken, beef, eggs, milk, cheese, etc. Just keep on doing what you believe is right for you and Tim.
I'm ecstatic to hear Tim stopped the soda! Kudos to him!
I spun today in the daytime. Much more preferred. Did 8 mi (but in 2 blocks because I didn't want to sweat too too much

). I know I need to do CM. I don't know why I'm hesitating except for the fact that I can't imagine doing it 50 minutes or whatever straight!

Carolyn, maybe you can spin a shorter amount of time. I haven't felt it in my feet because I'm doing a short time?
On OP, at the risk of repeating myself and putting everyone to
zzzzz, I showed my whiter teeth and smaller bags under my eyes to my sister yesterday. She can definitely see it.

The texture of my hair has definitely improved! The proof is in the pudding. She started last night.
No snow here. Just endless cloudiness and 40s. I'll take it.