Happy March, my friends!
This morning I did SuperCuts, the premix which omits the pushups/situps, +Core 2, + 100 RC Hip Thrusts. I ended up doing the SC stretch segment a second time after the hip thrusts. As some have said, Core 2 is killer. How does Cathe and crew push through those without stopping!? I can't. Ridiculous!
Jean, that's gorgeous. Keep those pics coming! How fabulous those guys came early and are working hard! Your dream house adventure is sure moving fast! (pun

DH just now declared
no more remodelings because he doesn't want the property taxes to go up!

Great. Just great.
I guess I mean both the bike and my constant clock-watching. Doing the bike for 7 miles last night sure tires one out for the next day. I don't necessarily love the idea of working up such a sweat at night, but when I'm on, I feel compelled to, knowing I need to work up to CM and Ride. I may just ride at night to get a move on, but not aerobically so much. We'll have to see. DH rides with a T, long sleeve, vest, and jeans on! I ride with sports bra and short shorts and sweat like crazy.
Carolyn, I imagine you're zooming on snow somewhere up north. So glad for you guys to get away as a family!
Did DS get into the desired team?
Whaaaat? No UY! But but but.... You're my partner in holding out till rock-bottom!
Missy, I see your new avatar! Nice! Hope you're enjoying your day off. I agree with Carolyn. You're young so you can bounce back easily and can't feel the aches and pains from overtraining yet. But save yourself. What did you do with all that time before you started exercising at all?
Mary, I hear you about feeling hit by a truck. I don't know how you work full-time, have such busy active kids, and work out daily. High five. Take those rest days! Too bad you couldn't fall back asleep! I'd have no problem that early!

How exciting for the yoga class! You missed that from your old firm.
What schools are you going to tour?
Today's OP revelation

--I definitely feel as if my knees are more cushioned. Couldn't comment on it yesterday since I didn't do cardio, but today they are definitely in less pain when I'm working out! I also think that the bags under my eyes are less pronounced! That has caused me much consternation over the years

. I'll keep you posted on this observation. In addition, and I noticed this yesterday, my hairbrush is combing through the back of my wet hair easily! I didn't expect this so I can't be dreaming it, but normally when drying my hair, it feels like I'm dragging a rake through hay.

Here are a couple of things to read up on it:
Oil Pulling For A Brighter Smile and Better Health by Bruce Fife
Oil Pulling For Detoxing? No, But Helps With Gum Disease & Immunity -- Natural Health Newsletter
And yes, just 20 minutes is optimal. You can do it while getting ready in the morning. It goes by fast, though I do admit to clock-watching.
How great you and Missy pre-ordered; I'll wait till the end of March.