Hi Ladies. Sorry I have been MIA but I have been busy with my moving stuff. My Mother is doing fine. Sorry to worry you Carolyn.
We got approved for our construction loan . I have been trying to go over everything that I told the builder I want to make sure it is what I really want. Plus I have been doing more purging. I have not worked out in over a week . I am really in moving mode.
Speaking of food , my husband is very easy to feed. The only thing he doesn't like is lima beans. He will eat anything I put on his plate. I am very lucky in that way.
Our weather has been crazy. Yesterday and today have been around 70 degrees. Now it is pouring down rain and it is going to get cold tomorrow.
TBL was real good this week.
Is anyone watching "The Following" with Kevin Bacon? OMG that show is so good.
You guys have got me wanting UY also. I watched the video on the website and it looks really good. If you find a good discount , let me know.
Marie How exciting that B rolled over. I bet you were so excited.

I am so envious that you are working out so hard everyday and working those different shifts and raising a baby. I just can't push myself that hard. But good for you. Keep up the good work. I love your new avatar. B is such a cute little baby.
Carolyn I hope your daughter feels better soon. I am glad you are enjoying the yoga. I am quite surprised to hear that you are liking it as much as you are. You are really making me want it.
Missy Congrats on the calf definition. As much as you do the ellip , I would think they are looking good.
Betty Even you are seeing more leg definition. That is great. I wish I could do legs more and eat less crap.
Hi Colleen . How is Cuddles? She makes me smile every time I see her pic come up on my computer.
Hi Mary. I am glad to hear you are keeping up with Xtrain. I am jealous.
Well I will try to keep up to date and hopefully bring myself to w/o.