STS first time!

My wind isn't too bad at all. Hardly noticeable.
I hope DD gets better fast. When my kids get sick, I get so stressed worrying about the worst...

Missy, are you guys all right where you are?

Good night!
Good Morning Girls,

The wind here has last and the rain, kept me up for most of the night. It was crazy. Temps have really dropped as well.

I am all in for UY. Thanks for checking with Deep Discount, Betty!
I woke up this morning with DOMS in my shoulders from Yoga yesterday. Carolyn, more DOMs than I have ever gotten with HC. Of course I think HC gave me the ability to hold the planks and poses longer!

I hope you daughter is feeling better today. That’s how my cold was really bad sore throat for a few days, then the cough hit in. I’m feeling so much better this week.

Jean I have glad you Mom is OK. Cuddles’ is doing well. She does in next week for your yearly checkup. How is Bentley feeling?

My husband will generally eat anything I put in front of him. I’ve learned to just keep quiet about what it is. If he knows forget it.

We don’t watch the following or The Biggest Loser. I will watch some of TBL, but HD is not into the show. Our problem is we don’t watch much live TV and we can only record so many shows… We typically watch, Revenge, The Good Wife, How I Met Your Mother, NCIS, and a bunch of other sitcoms. I keep hearing so much about Downton Abbey, I guess I’ll have to check that one out. Oh we also like The Amazing Race. I used to watch Grey Anatomy, but I haven’t watched it this season.

This morning I got up late thanks to the weather keeping me up, so I was able to get in Cycle Max express. I did 10 miles.
Ok, I sent an email in the Deep Discount website just now.
The price dropped to $89.49 today!:eek:
I have doms from Scarecrows and CLB.
More doms than HC?? That is sooo exciting!
We watch Amazing Race and Survivor! This Old House, Glee, Touch (soon!)

Errands. On a windy but 60 degree day. I'll take it!
Hello girls....the weather was terrible. Thw wind gusts sounded like the world was ending. We are fine. We lost power last night around 7pm....we did not get power back till around 11:30..... so this morning was rush...rush...rush! I did get my workout in...but had to be to work an hour early too...

Will catch up later...this is the fitst moment I had to check in.
Way to go, Carolyn!!! High five! Wait till your glutes kill! Oh, but maybe you didn't do the dixie cup lunges. That's ok! I find AB very advanced!:eek:
I have been popping many supplements lately too, esp garlic and zinc to ward off colds:eek:.

Missy, I keep meaning to ask you: how's the heavy bag? I just peeked at the HB section of Hard Strikes. Funny thing is, I borrowed one of these thingies from my nephew when MMA was out. I never filled it with anything so it would move when I use it, of course. Since I don't have any space for such a contraption, I returned it.

Colleen, all our programs are watched recorded too.

Not surprisingly, I haven't heard from Deep Discount yet. I will give them till tomorrow and call to inquire the same thing.

The temps have dropped, cold gusty winds are blowing, but at least it's sunny. Mid-40s, but it's better than teens.
Good morning!!!

Carolyn, glad you are doing better. Sometimes i guess it take the injury of something else to lose focus on the original. I am trilled for you that you knee is doing great. Yes, please ease into it.

My knee has been doing really well. Not 100% but soooo much better. It felt good after spinning. I am just shy about doing a cathe cardio. Although I have been craving it.

Today was a ballet body workout. Guess what else today is??? My birthday. Not sure if i shared that or not.

Bbl. I'm working today and have a 9:30 meeting....
Absolutely busy today! Got up and busted through my workout....and off to work I went. Was at work by 7:15 thursday is my last early day....thank god!!!

Will try to catch up tonight!!!

Happy birthday Colleen!! Hope you have a lovely day!!! Eat some cake for us!!!
Today, I did Super Cuts (Carolyn, have you tried this? It might be modifiable), 100RC Hip Thrusts, and Ab Circuits Yoga (funny how I avoid Core 1 & 2 now). With the hip thrusts, I was totally comfy with a mat on my step and a mat under my dumbbell. I only used 15#:eek:. Next time it'll be 20#! My neck was getting uncomfortable! I did all 100 in 2 bursts of 50. Hey, it's form that matters, right!:D

The skies are a faded blue, with gusty cold winds which I can feel through my jeans inside the house!

Carolyn, did your Uptempo squeak for a long time? The uppers are not flexible like other Asics. As one reviewer said, I wonder if these sneakers are knockoffs?? I also wonder if they're why my knees just feel pain-y after my workouts.
How are your doms and your wrist? I'm trying to picture how you would hold your tablet that it causes you carpal tunnel...

There is absolutely no activity on my spin bike order tracking!:confused:

Nope, no response from Deep Discount yet.
Thank you Carolyn and Betty for the birthday wishes!

No ultimate yogi, but I got the go ahead or order it. So just going I was to see DD gets back to you Betty.

I wanted a ballet bar for my new workouts. I had cathe's turbo bar but it moves too much when I do ballet body and I don't have a chair hat works well. So I had a bar in my workout room this morning waiting for me!!

No real plans tonight. Just hanging out with the kids. DH does have mystery plans for tomorrow.
Happy Friday ladies. It is ice cold around here today. The winds are gusting to 35 mph and yesterday they were 50 mph. I can't wait for warmer weather. I dropped Bentley off at the groomer this morning and I am just waiting to pick him up.

Happy Birthday Colleen. It sounds like you have gotten some nice gifts today already. How nice to have a surprise to look forward to tomorrow. Enjoy your birthday weekend. :D

Betty You did quite the w/o today. You may only w/o 3 days but you make them count.

I did Low Imapct Circuit for the first time yesterday. Wow was that a fun workout. Great step combos! Today was CSS plus the bonus step.

Tonight Tony and I are going on a date. His friend is in community theater so we are going to his show. Should be fun! Aunty and Uncle are watching B.

Carolyn- Way to go on AB :)

Betty- Thanks for checking on the DD. Can't wait to hear what they say.

Colleen- Happy Birthday :) Those roses sound beautiful!

Jean- It's ice cold here too. Yuck! Is it summer yet?!

Hi Missy and Mary!
Hmm, I couldn't find a telephone number for DD!:confused: I searched all over the site! Odd. Straight online experience?
I will hear back via email, I'm sure. Eventually.

Colleen, your hubby is sooo sweet. Your roses do sound amazing--so very unique! Enjoy your surprise tomorrow!
I rarely get surprises. I am hard to please too.:confused: Or maybe the giver just has to be thoughtful about the gift.:confused:

Marie, LIC is the one that Cathe's wearing a green top and black pants? That's a fun one! 73 mins!
Have fun on date night!

Carolyn, I got the Asics from Amazon. Maybe you got the genuine pair and I got knockoffs!:confused: I probably could return it...
Well, I got a reply from Deep Discount. I think it was a canned answer done by a robot.:confused: Basically, it spewed the entire text already listed on the Pricing Information link! There was no name of anyone!

If anyone wants to try something else, feel free. Other ideas?
Happy Groundhog Day! What is the verdict? Colleen, you're in PA. What did Punxatawney (?sp) Phil say?
I think since it's sunny, there will be 6 more weeks of winter.
Why do I even care?? It's always 6 more weeks of winter, regardless!:confused:

Where. is. everyone.?? Over 12 hrs with nary a post by a single person.:confused:
Good evening! I have been crazy busy! Woke up and it was 26 degrees...brrrrr.....i went to a zumba class today....a friend was in want to take her class.....then went grocery shopping...ate lunxh with Tim...then we immediately left and went looking at cars again....did not find anything....came home and grilled new york strip steaks and made a hashbrown cassorole with corn on cob....yum yum!!!

Tomorrow...we are going to another town....45 minutes from here... to window shop a few cars we found online..... the search is still ongoing... if I am making a pmt....I must be 100% happy....havent found that yet! We did agree to keep my truck as a back up that is wonderful news....

I am glad you girls are enjoying yoga....I have never gotten into yoga....i think it is because I always want to sweat and get a cardio burn on with my workouts???? I know its mental!! Lol

I am on the elliptical right now watching fridays y&r.... :)

Have a wonderful evening!!!
Carolyn---- just finished an hour on elliptical..... i was relaxing on elliptical watching y& to shower...then put on jammies and then i will snuggle into recliner with my heated throw!!!! The question is....what am I going to watch?

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