STS first time!

Missy, I often wonder, how on earth do you type while on the elliptical??
That is cold for GA!!!
I agree it doesn't feel like a workout unless it's cardio & sweating!

Carolyn, you broke out in doms!:D
Too bad that price for UY included shipping! Keep going with Foundations in the meantime.

I think I will continue with my daily price-watching until the price is right. I am king of delayed gratification! Even though I am dying for UY, I have so much Cathe to keep me busy, not to mention a yet unshipped spin bike:D.

Good night, friends!
Good morning ladies!

Carolyn-- if I could not relax for 3 months....i would me a cranky

Betty-- a strong core is how i type on elliptical!! Let go of the handles and balance yourself!!! I am a multi

Off to do my cardio so we can hit the road....want to be home early I can watch a movie!
Hi Everyone. We have been getting alot of snow but not any big amounts. It seems like every other day we got 1/2 inch. By the time the next one comes , the old has melted. I will not complain about that. It is very cold. We are still packing and purging. Most of the stuff left is stuff my husband needs to do . He just doesn't realize how much there is to do. He is on forced overtime today.
Is anyone having a superbowl party today?
Today I am watching the last 2 or 3 episodes of season 1 of Downton Abbey.

Betty That is too bad that DD didn't give you a real reply. Hopefully one of us will come up with a place to get it for a great price. I know how dissapointed you are that your spin bike has not been shipped yet. Is you husband good at putting things together?

Missy Good Luck with your car search. I only buy Toyota so that is a no brainer for me. Have you been doing any xtrain dvd's lately? I only hear that you are on the ellip.

Carolyn Puxatawney is the ground hog in Pennsylvania who decides :rolleyes: if we are going to have 6 more weeks of winter. Puxatawney Phil. Did your men catch any fish yesterday? Do you clean and cook them? I hope you are soon able to do cardio like you want. 3 months sounds like a long time.

Collen I hope your surprise was nice yesterday.

I was thinking of sending an email to the UY website to see if we could get a discount. I believe there was 5 of interested. Is that correct?
Having a lazy day here, sitting by the fire and a big pot of spagetti sauce simmering on the stove. Light snow all day today.

I am sticking with the Xtrain 90 day rotation. This week had Supercuts, which I loved! It felt like my whole body got worked. Today was Ch-B-Sh with core 1. And Legs yesterday - I am still getting DOMS in my glutes from these leg workouts.

Colleen, happy belated birthday! Hope you and DH had a great time last night.

Jean, I am all caught up on Downton Abbey. So Lady Grantham's maid thought she had plans to replace her, so to get revenge she put a bar of soap on the floor next to the bathtub. As Lady Grantham was getting out of the tub she slipped on the soap and had a miscarriage. The maid found out later that Lady Grantham had been trying to find a new maid for her mother-in-law. Last week's episode was so sad. It really is a soap opera, but it's so good!

We are invited to a superbowl party, but it is about 30 minutes away and I have no interest. I think I will send DH and stay home where it is warm!
Good afternoon. Today has been crazy!!! Did my cardio this morning....then went to valdosta....went to look at a ford was okay untill we looked at top which has rust on i crossed it off my list....but at same lot....I fell in love with a big truck....yes...big is so sexy!!! It is a dark dark greenish color...has leather interior...extended cab....big does have 100,000 miles on it....but it is sexy!!!!

I keep trying to find something wrong with it....I keep asking Tim questions about it....but the answers are all good!

Will sleep on it for awhile....

If your wondering....why doesnt Missy get a car? Well I dont like cars....I am a country girl...gotta have a truck!!! Or possibly suv! Hehehe

Jean---- i have been doing cathe workouts....havent been able to stick to a rotation...but this week is my last crazy week...tuesday and thursday is my last early day...thank god!!! These early mornings were killing me!

Going to inlaws for back soon!!!
Hi girls,

I've finally started Downton Abbey, season 3. Just finished epis 1 & 2. Oh, I do love watching this! Their manner of speaking, their accents, the estate, the men's formalwear! Planning to go watch a slew more after my post! I have the dvd set so I could actually watch all the episodes before PBS airs them. If I have enough time this week, that is! Great that the Super Bowl will be on soon so that I can go lose myself in DA. We're staying at home, just us. We've got the fire going, I've made some veggies already, and my mom gave me some soup to warm up later. DS1 is making guac, and we'll just nibble.

Missy, that car has a lot of miles on it! I'm a Toyota gal too; have two of them.

Mary, good for you for sticking with the rotation! The 30-day is quite repetitive, I find, so I think this week I'm going to veer off and do discs 1 and 2 on their own (which are not on the rotation). I'll just stick on principle to the rotation. There's a lot of AOLIH, it seems. SuperCuts is not on the rotation, but I've added it in a couple of times. It is fun.
Sounds nice and cozy at home, and the spaghetti smells great!:D I hate football so a roomful of fans would be intolerable. All those men, shouting at plays, while drinking.:confused:

Jean, you can certainly try to email DD. Yes, there are 5 of us. See if you get a reply from a human. I couldn't find a telephone number but it'd be nice to appeal to a person.
O'Brien is a nasty woman. I hope she gets her comeuppance! As well as Thomas! Mary, you have a good memory about the soap/miscarriage epi. I watch things and can't remember exactly what happened.
DH is good at putting things together, and fixing, and many tinkering-related things...

Carolyn, ice fishing is so northern state, no offense.:D IDK if people can do it in MA. I'd be a wet blanket since I loathe the bitter cold, and I'd fear being on the ice, no matter how thick they think it is:confused:.

Have a fun evening!
Im back...

Yes it is alot...but for the motor in the is only about half done....they normally go in the high two hundred thousand. I am confused...i really want it...its sexy...but not sure...we already have 3 just not a car person....i thought about getting avsporty car...i have been looking for months...but I always find something wrong....tim said to me...why do you want a sporty car? You hate cars.... if its because you want to look already if you want another truck...go for it...its who you are. No mattwr what I drive....i will be now I have changed my looking to suv and trucks..... i can say I am very picky....expecially if I am making a monthly payment!!!

Off to finish watching a movie I started earlier.... be back soon!
Btw....i did our taxes last night....and yes...we owe...every year...we pay! We never get a tax refund! It is aweful....

Just needed to vent!

So....I will wait till the last day to mail my check! Lol
Good morning!

I am up and on the treadmill!!! Ready to tackle monday!!!

I slept on it...I am now off of the big truck...we dont need another gas gusler....we already have 2 big trucks. And my small truck is good on we are back to searching for an explorer. Tim is a Ford man....he has 2 fords....I have a chevy....which has been damn good.... and thats why we are keeping it....the reason for getting another is to kep the miles off my small it will last longer. Plus Tim may be transfering to another john deere store....which is about 40 miles from the house 1 way....and he would feel better if I was driving something a little newer.

Btw...we wil know more today....about Tim new offer... they are offering him "service manager" of a new store scheduled to open in march! He is now small engine it is a huge promotion...he is very excited!!!

As for diet and exercise...i have been good on the exercise...but diet not so much.... i have to be good this week! I was bad this weekend too!

Check in later....i am all warmed up...gotta increase speed! :)
Carolyn----LOL...LMAO..... There are been a few days this year...I told Tim if we didnt oen a home, we would have to consider moving to a warmer climate...LOL. Fingers crossed....he is actually really excited, he knows it will be a longer drive to and home from work. But e is okay with it. He just loves what he does. Actually the town, he may transfer to, is where 80% of his work comes from. So if he stays where he is, it will be much slower and he does not like to not be busy! He does best under pressure. We went yesterday and looked at the building they are going into...and it is huge. It is actually a old Toyota delearship building. :)

At work...and yes it it was in the low 30's this morning. My office is so has windows on 2 walls....and it is an old building, so the cold comes right thru. I always keep a heater runningin my office. At the moment, it is on my feet! :p

Have a wonderful Monday ladies!:)
Good morning Girls!!!

Sorry I was MIA this weekend. It was a great weekend. We went to my inlaws to celebrate my birthday and then DH took me out To dinner and a comedy show. DHs parents watched the kids.

We didn't get home until 2 PM yesterday. We made pizza last night and watched the game.

Saturday I did ride and today I did ballet body.

Carolyn, I hope your foot feels better soon. How is the knee feeling?

Missy, good luck with finding and explorer. We are GM loyal. Half of our building heat was off this morning so I am working from home. I refuse to go in tithe office and freeze.

Betty, thanks for trying with deep discount. I will probably take the plunge at some point.

Mary, great job with keeping up with the rotation.

hi Jean and Marie.
Good Monday ladies!

I did disc 1 Ch, Sh, B for the first time. I'm happy that the workout is mostly fresh new moves! And I can't believe I somehow managed to complete all the reach tap pushups! I added on Core #1. I like the banana oblique crunches but not much else.

Carolyn, I think Someone Up There has a wicked sense of humor and is testing you!:D For Cuda to crash into that very foot! You must have been howling with pain! And cursing! Feel ok now?
Hope you did your LI workout.
Your whoopie pies sound delish (what's that brand again?)! Don't feel bad; you've got company. Saturday I had 2 Ghirardelli fudgy brownies (I made them from a mix) that I brought to a friend's dinner. I really must talk to myself beforehand to control my dessert-eating. I should have thought through eating just one, and slowly chewed and savored each bite on the one.:confused: At least they were fairly small.
You must post a pic of Cuda.

Missy, you are so industrious to have finished your taxes already! Nice job!

Colleen, what a nice weekend you had!
Definitely take the plunge on UY when you need to.

Better go do some chores and cleaning!
Hi Ladies. Ultimate Yogi is offering 25% off for 2 weeks which would bring it to $81 and I assume s/h. I don't know how much they are charging for s/h. Do you Carolyn? If interested enter code love108.
I did send them an email to see if 5 of us could get it cheaper. I will let you know if I hear anything.
They charge $14 for shipping so deep discount is still cheaper. If they offered free shipping with the 25% off. I would cave.
Morning friends.

Deep discount has UY on sale for 87.81 with free shipping. I think I am going to take the plunge today. That's the best I've seen it lately.
Hi Everyone. I actually did a w/o today. :eek: I did burn sets chest,back and triceps. Then I did the 100 rep bicep curls. I didn't do shoulders because my injured one is hurting lately. Yesterday I was noticing all the definition I have gotten in the past 1 1/2 years and didn't want to lose it.
TBL was real good last night.
The Following is really getting good. This could go on for along time.

Carolyn Enjoy your last PT visit.

Colleen I can't wait to hear how you like UY.

Missy Good Luck to Tim on his job promotion. After working for 36 years , I don't know if I would rather work close to home or drive further for more money. I think when you are younger you don't mind have a further commute.


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