STS first time!

Carolyn- i stopped the proges. Cream..... the massive issues I was having have went completely away...i think it was weight related. I did mention that to my dr at my annual visit....she agreed. She said that overweight women have more issues than healthy women. She said the added fat causes peaks in hormones...and that can cause the problems! So now my periods are way better....i normally have some cramps on the first heavy day....and then thats it.... now thy have pasted and I feel great!!!

Gotta bake tim's back in a few!

Oh...I have ate like a pig this weekend too.... gotta be extra good this week!!!
Carolyn, did you get your yoga in?
I know what you mean about the long underwear making clothes tighter! I felt that all this week! It was so uncomfortable around the front of the stomach!:confused:

Missy, hope you enjoy your kicking back on the recliner and watching movies! You had a long week.

I feel for you gals on the excruciating cramps!:confused: Did you say you want to try the IUD?

Not much going on....

ETA: I should mention that ever since I've been bitten by the UY bug, I've been perusing the Video Fitness forums, and boy, are there waaaay too many! Like out of control discussing everything and anything. Talk about a time-suck. I like the size of Cathe's forums.
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Good evening!!! The recliner sucjed me in....I watched 2 movies....yes I was lazy after I got my chores done!!! And it felt good!!!

I stringes attached and swimming pool.

I am ready for bed.... my eyes can barely stay open!!!

As for forums....I only have time for 1..... I used to look around on others....but I always had to leave something decided not to fool with others!!!

Good back soon!
LowMax this morning. Such a great lower body workout :)

Worked and then was going to see my friend at the hospital. She had a boy. His name is Lincoln, so cute and original. She did it all natural.....amazing! With no tearing! Anyways, the roads were super bad today. We got a bunch of snow and it was icy so we decided it would be best to meet up on Wed. I'm so excited to meet the lil guy! I was nervous enough to drive myself let alone to have B with me was not a good idea.

Glad I'm to the only one who had an oink fest. I ate 3, yes 3, bowls of Special K Chocolately Delight. And no, we are not talking the 1/2 cup serving. They were big bowls. I couldn't stop! Thinking TTM or CF tomorrow will take care of that mistake. God only knows I will have the glycogen stores for it!

Missy- Glad you had a relaxing evening!

Betty- I feel ya on VF. I haven't checked it out but I only have time for this forum. Love my Cathlete buddies :)

Carolyn- Thanks so much for the compliment. I do love my working out. Don't speak too soon about yoga. People say they stay in such good shape from it. I'm sure you will too. Interested to hear how like you all the UY workouts. I'm still back and forth on buying it.

Hi to everyone else :)

Off to bed for me....
Good morning my friends!!! I am up and on the treadmill!!! Getting my morning cardio.... 1 hour this morning....since I ate like a mad women yesterday....thought I would get in an extra 30 minutes this morning!!!

I havent weighed in 10 days.... Now I dont even think about it....well as much...occasionally I will think....wonder where I am at? But then I look in mirror...and I look the same! So....I am getting to where a number doesnt matter... i just am focusing on muscle def.

Okay...hope everyone has a fantastic monday!

Check back later!
Good Morning Girls!!
Yesterday was a rest day. Saturday DH and I decided that we would take the kids skiing on Sunday since we didn’t go last weekend. So we had an early start on Sunday. We were up at 6:00 and at the Ski resort by 8:30. We had a nice time, DH skied, DD took a lesson and DS and I just hung out in the lodge and played games. DD didn’t do too well with her lesson. She is so attached to us that she has a hard time in these types of situations where she does not know anyone. So next time we go DD and I are going to take a private lesson together. That way she gets the attention she needs to learn and I’m there with her. We were out of the resort by noon, and then we stopped for lunch on the way home.

This morning was Ballet Body. It’s crazy, but I’ve gotten some nice leg definition over the last 3 weeks of doing these workouts. I also noticed some nice arms definition as well. I’m very excited.

Betty, I don’t really have a stretch routine. I just do what feels best. Lots of yoga moves. Leah has a few good stretch segments that I like to do.
Missy, great job on not weighing yourself, I’m very proud of you. Yesterday sounded like a great day.

Carolyn, from my research the foundations is just that the foundations of Yoga and that the UY set will give you variety and strength training.
I will go out to VF and just read up on workouts, but I don’t post there. Not time, but I just like to read every so often on other types of workouts.
Marie, great job on getting back into the swing of things at work, working out and B getting on a schedule for you. I know the morning workouts can be hard, but for me I love to get it out of the way, plus it gets me going in the morning.

Jean, I hope your Mom is OK.

Mary, I agree that hardest part is getting out of bed. Once I’m out I’m ready to go!
Happy Monday, everyone!
Today I did Hard Strikes again with Burn Sets Tris. Subbed Core #1 with Med Ball Ab Circuits.

Colleen, that's so awesome that you're seeing arm & leg definition! Not to mention it's helping you heal your knee.
What are the best stretches for the knee? The straight-leg, bend over one?
Your ski day sounded fun, a little of something for everyone. My kids would be like that too, attached to us, and not finding it easy to mix with others. Your plan for next time sounds even more fun, especially as you'll get to do it too.

Missy, that was a bummer that there wasn't anything for you at TJMaxx!
High five on keeping a safe distance from the scale. I know it's hard for you.

Marie, that's another adorable avatar!
I can't imagine weather so much more colder than what we experienced last week:confused:. I can't take it.
Great idea to stay in with B. Congrats to your girlfriend!

I know it's hard for all of us Cathe fiends, but to start up yoga may mean to drop cardio!:eek: I would have to wrap my head around that if I were to do the UY. But at some point the ole body may be ready for me to do that.

Carolyn, the 2nd half of Hard Strikes is UB with weights; the 1st part is too much jumping.
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Hi Ladies. I got home yesterday. I just don't have much to say. My Mother got home on Wed from the hospital. They put her on a new med and she didn't look too good. Then Fri night she was having a reaction to the new med and off to the hospital she went. They didn't admit her. Just did some tests and sent her home. She looked back to normal on Sat and Sun when she didn't have that new med in her. So hopefully she will be fine for now.

I haven't done any w/o's lately. Today I am trying to do some cleaning. This place is filthy. I'm glad to see everyone is working out.

What Are the Health Benefits of Tart Cherries? |

Here is an article on the benefits of tart cherries. Colleen K always put it in her water when she exercised. It helps with muscle soreness and sleeping. I went to GNC this weekend and bought some Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate. Carolyn you may want to try this. It is natural and may help your sleeping and possibly your knee. I am just taking it for overall benefits.

Good evening!!! In the recliner watching biggest loser. I so wish I could workout with these trainers....just once...i feel like all of us could blow there minds with our endurance levels. left knee hurts tonight!!! Oh no....i better be careful with it till it feels normal hurts on the outside....maybe muscular????
TTM this morning! Felt real nice to burn off my cereal binge the night before.

We had a playdate this morning. Oh and OMG I can't believe I almost forgot to mention it. B rolled over for the first time last night! I was such a proud mama. I cried....oh the hormones! So anyways, this baby we had a playdate with today rolled over for the first time today. So exciting!

At work now and just watching the clock tick. All the patients are in bed. Charting is done. I'm ready to leave...half hour left.

Missy- Nice job not checking the scale. I'm proud of you! Hope your knee feels better. And speaking knee has been hurting lately too. I keep ignoring it but I need to take it easy. I just hate taking rest days!

Carolyn- I'll have to check out VF, but I agree I have enough friends here :) Can you still do Ride with your knee and foot?! That outta burn some major calories.

Jean- Sorry to hear about your mom. Glad she is off the med now. They have such bad side effects sometimes.

Betty- Nice workout! I feel ya on UY...less cardio freaks me out. That is the reason I haven't bought the program yet.

Colleen- Sounds like your family had quite the day. Good idea to take a private lesson with DD next time. I bet she'll like that!
Good Morning Ladies,

Carolyn, I forgot to answer your question about spinning. If following a video, I pretty much do what the instructor does, but just watch the tension and I can’t do jumps (hover and sitting). It’s too hard on my knee the up and down so quickly. If I’m doing my own routine, I mainly do seated, but will do standing every so often to stretch out my legs and give my butt a rest. I always have to at least some tension on the fly wheel; my knee doesn’t like it without any.

Betty, I do all sorts of stretching. Anything to open up the hamstrings and quads are good for the knees. I like downdog and pigeon pose.
This morning I did 15 miles on the spin bike.

Marie, congrats on B turning over! How wonderful and exciting.
Missy, take care of that knee.

Hi Jean, good luck on getting your cleaning done.
Hi Mary.
Good Morning ladies! Got up bright and early. Had to leave the house an hour early today. I was awake and on the treadmill at 5:45....I burned so calories this morning. When I was done..... I was drenched.

Marie---I know what you mean....I am not sure I know what rest days are. I just like to workout. I have a hard time not exercising. Last night I did an hour on the elliptical then watched BL while resting my knee....does that count? hehehe

When I got up this knee was I worked it hard on the treadmill...not it is alittle sore, but not too bad. bothers me....Only after hard workouts....must be muscular??? I will keep a check on it. Dont want to injury it!:D

I am at work....after all the men left...I had this bitch come in....and demand to be seen. that makes me more angry than you know. Why come in the door with an attitude? I havent told you no yet? What is wrong with people? I wanted to tell her to take her ass home and call for an appointment. But I took a deep breath and was nice. But, I will remember her name for next time I have to deal with her....I do not forget! Oh, you want morning appts...oh Im sorry all I have is afternoons. hahahaha :p I will get even! that I have vented.

Colleen---way to go on the spinning workout this morning! That is awesome! You must have buns of butt would be crying!

Carolyn----I hope you foot feels better today!

You gals--I have NO problem with more rest days than exercise days!:eek:. I don't feel the high you get, but I feel good after (and virtuous!).

Missy, did you look for spin bikes? I ordered my NordicTrack!:eek::eek: One big reason is to have everyone use it while we watch Big L!:D
Why do some people normally have a chip on their shoulders?? Some are downright nasty, but others are naturally prickly or contrary!:confused: Nice job not stooping to her level.

Colleen and Carolyn, I have a hard time understanding how spin doesn't hurt the knees because mine used to ache riding outdoors:confused:. So did my butt & tailbone!:confused:

Marie, that's SO exciting that Breckin rolled over! I can't believe it's that time already! Time's flying! Your friend's baby doing it the same time is doubly nice!

Jean, I've bought a couple of tiny cherry juice bottles in the past and have taken it like ColleenK, as a splash in my water. Good job adding that to your diet!

We got a coating of snow/sleet last evening, and no sun today. I hate this cold gloominess! But at least it's in the 30s.
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Betty---I did look at the spin bikes....and they did nothing for me..... except hurt my butt! So right now, I am putting that into the maybe??? Plus spring is almost I will be hitting the pavement not sure if I want to spin.

As for BL....I sure hope the white team can hold on....Oh...did you see previews for next week....the weigh in is going to be crazy! Go white team...GO!
Carolyn, I'm so sorry you're going through all this agony between your knee and foot! I don't know what to tell you on the consult either, so I'm no help. Sorry! Talk it over with DH? Or one of the advisors at the center?
Doing anything on the discs never feel right to me; I could be injuring myself for all I know.:confused:
My bike will take approx 2 wks! I never made it to test it out.:eek: If it doesn't work for me, there are 3 guys to use it:eek:! We will take turns spinning on it watching our (too many) recorded shows. It'll be our treadmill/elliptical substitute. Anything's better than just sitting for hours on end (pun!).

Colleen, thanks for reminding me about the pigeon pose and downdog--I love those two.
What you said today on your spinning, that sounds like it would definitely apply to me.

Marie, you reminded me of something when you said meds have bad side effects. On Netflix I watched these 2 documentaries, Food Matters and Hungry for Change. Think you gals would find these very enlightening; they're about what we eat, the US food system, supplements, disease, etc. (Btw, they are borrowable from my library too.) Approx 1.5 hrs each.

Jean and Mary, hello!
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Didn't you see your own pun? Step in the right direction?? Get it??:D

DS2 stayed home with a sore throat today.:(

Am cooking...

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