Cathe Friedrich
Go ahead and pick on me Jilly
...yes, I'm feeling it...and lovin it 
Sure, take a wider stance on the straddles push ups. It gives you better balance AND still totally fires the inner chest, tri's and shoulders.
Stay strong and smile big
Sure, take a wider stance on the straddles push ups. It gives you better balance AND still totally fires the inner chest, tri's and shoulders.
Stay strong and smile big
I really enjoyed reading your post, Cathe - you are so funny!!!
Is it wrong for me to feel better that you, too, struggled with this workout??
Disc 1 is so tough for me! I have to admit that body weight exercises are typically very, very tough for me. And all those pushups - yowza!!! But I can't help but get stronger, right??
And I am so glad I did my 1RM tests. I was ready to pick up a weight which I thought would be challenging, but when I checked my workout card, I found I was about to lift a dumbbell 15 lbs lighter than I should have!!!
I have a question - I find it much easier to do the straddle pushups if I keep my feet very wide and far apart. Is this an okay modification? Or do you suggest keeping my feet a bit closer together and dropping to my knees (which I need to do circa rep 2!)?
By the way, I love, love, love STS. I have never, ever experienced a fun factor with weight workouts the way I have with STS. Thank you so very much for all your hard work!!