I"m on week 2, and did disc4 last night. Those pushups are wicked! I have never been able to do very many pushups on my toes. (always wondered if my heavy mid section had something to do with it!) After the first set I had to go to my knees, then later in the workout to table top position. It really bugs me that I can't do pushups! I skipped through the last set, I just couldn't do any more, my arms and shoulders were wiped out. Aside from all the pushups I really like how Meso 1 is created, it goes by so dang fast I don't realize how hard I"ve worked until the next day. I was so bummed about not being able to do all the pushups this week and last week because I felt I was cheating my chest work BUT Tuesday of this week and last week my chest is sore in places it has NEVER been sore before! So that tells me I am hitting the chest muscles. Did I say I like how Meso1 is put together? Its great to move from one exercise to another, I can forget (for a moment) how fatigued the previous muscle is!! No dread factor (except for those dang pushups) I"m determined to add at least one/two pushups each time I do this workout!
I finally started the 3 month STS Rotation on Sunday. (WOO HOO!!) My goal is to workout Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.

On Sunday I did disc 1, What a great workout. My husband previewed it before I did and he stated he felt sorry for me. :confused: I now realize why - there are so many push-ups and he knows that I can’t stand them.:mad: However, I did do as many regular push-ups as possible then I had to drop to my knees to finish them. :D

After my workout, I hopped in the shower and my arms were shaking while washing my hair. That shaky feeling seemed to disappear within about 30 minutes. During the evening, I thought I would probably not experience DOMS, I thought with all the 1RM testing, I wouldn’t be sore.

Well guess what? Yep, yesterday I woke up with DOMS and stretching was my best friend all day. :D

I really enjoyed the length of Disc 1. The workout was over before I knew it. I also liked having the workout card. It helped along the way with weight selection and set up.

This evening when I get home I will be doing disc 2. I am still slightly sore but I think I will be able to manage. I think I am really going to love this program and will see some great results. WOO HOO!!
This is my breakdown from yesterdays workout:

281 Push Ups - Standard
346 Push Up Wide
281 Push Ups - Standard 30 Reps
**dropped to my knees for the last eight
621 Alternating Seated Overhead Shoulder Press (dumbbell) 17#'s
*stopped short a few reps because I was losing good form
178 Barbell Curl 23#'s
326 Incline Chest Flys (dumbbell) 20#'s
679 Seated Rear Delts (dumbbell) 10#'s
627 Bonus Band Pulls
203 Incline Curl Alternating & Rotate at Top (dumbbell) 11#'s
**Could have gone heavier
306 Decline Pushups
641 Incline Front Raise on Stability Ball (dumbbell) 9#'s
254 Standing Quarter Stop Curls Both Arms (dumbbell) 16#'s
344 Prone Pushups on Stability Ball
**Form was not good on these - something to work on. Wonder if there is a alternative move??
677 Seated Lateral Raise Both Arms High Ends (dumbbell) 10#'s
238 Seated Concentration Curls 1.5's (dumbbell) 11#'s
**Should have gone heavier
363 Straddle Pushups
687 Side Leaning Lateral Raise (dumbbell) 10#'s
*Should have gone lighter
239 Seated Curls Alternating + Both Arms (dumbbell) 15#'s
297 Chest Flys (Flat Bench) (dumbbell) 22#'s
678 Seated Overhead Press (dumbbell) 16#'s
**Had to stop a couple of reps before the end
224 Preacher Curl on Stability Ball One Arm (dumbbell) 11#'s
**Should have gone heavier
301 Core Pushups - boot camp style
674 Seated Front Press Double Arms 1.5\'s (barbell) 17#'s
**Almost died.
234 Reverse Dumbbell Curl 15#'s
362 Staggered Pushups
**did these on the knees
645 Incline Rear Raise on Stability Ball (dumbbell) 8#'s
181 Barbell Curl Wide Grip 22#'s

Please no more pushups!

Oh - and where I used the dumbells - the weights I have listed are the weight I had in each hand.

I am sore this morning - but in weird places. My abs feel bruised from the ab workout last night. Also, the side of me (under my arms, outside chest area) is super sore. Weird.
Good news! While I am sleeping, the Fat Fairy is visiting me and hauling off wads of fat! I looked smaller when I saw myself in the mirror this weekend before my bubble bath and decided to check my measurements and see if my imagination was playing tricks on me. It appears that STS is shocking the stubborn fat off my body! I have already lost 2 inches in my waist, 2 inches in my abdomen, 2 inches in my hips, and an inch in each thigh after 2 weeks of Mesocycle 1, Week 1 (with only 3 days a week of cardio)! I am getting stronger every week too.

Here is a word of encouragement for everyone who is starting this amazing journey this week. Commit wholeheartedly to this journey. Focus on these STS workouts and give your all to each one. You can do anything for an hour 3 times a week! Do what you want on cardio days, but rock STS! It works wonders!

Congratulations on see fast results. Woo Hoo!! I need a visit from the Fat Fairy too. I better try and get to bed a bit early tonight. I heard that it is important to get enough sleep so that the body can recover.

Thanks for the encouragement!!
I did Disc 1 yesterday a.m and this is the first time in years! that I am this sore--but pleasantly so. Yes i have been lifting too light and this is helping me to get past this. I had to pause a few times for equipment changes even tho I had the w/o card handy and set everything up. I could do my targeted weight and reps for most exercises but found that as the w/o progressed I had to lower some of the weights but did complete the reps. I did all the pushups but mostly on my knees with feet raised. Hardest for me was the one arm preacher curl (I never like these) and I had to lower also on the concerntraion curls. By the last exercise--the wide barbell curl--I was fried and had to lower the weight.
Overall I loved the w/o. It did move a bit too fast and I had equipment strewn all over the place. I did have to slo down some reps and I did have to pause sometimes between exercises only to sort out the equipment. Thanks Cathe for a challenge and a well thought out program. I think you have pushed me out of my comfort zone.
I did Disc One yesterday evening and PHEW!!! I won't even try to pretend I kept up with the push-ups. I was transferring to the table-top ones by the end of the reps!

I loved the whole workout. As others have said, the time literally FLEW by. I could not believe it when I reached the last exercise.

I have to better prepare myself for Disc Two. I forgot to print out my workout card:)o) so had to run upstairs and write the weights down from the Workout Manager into my STS Guide:eek:!!

I know shoulders are a week muscle group for me but boy did this workout prove it! I will say I was able to go to all of 6 pounds (as opposed to the 5 the WM recommended) for the side leaning lateral raise:rolleyes:.

I LOVED Brenda's expression on the high-end lateral raises. I also loved when Jai was trying to smile but it came across as a grimace when she was squeezing out the last reps of an exercise.

The production of this dvd (and series) are GREAT! I love the background. It is amazing what can be done these days.

Thanks Cathe for putting out another great product...and working out with us!

Did I mention thoughs pushups were tough??? It deserved an encore:p


Just one more push up!

Love your MEEZ.
This is my breakdown from yesterdays workout:

I am sore this morning - but in weird places. My abs feel bruised from the ab workout last night. Also, the side of me (under my arms, outside chest area) is super sore. Weird.

Glad I am not the only one feeling it under the arms/outside chest area but mine also goes down my rib cage??

Not sure what we did to hit these areas, maybe it was all the stabilizing the core in the pushups?

Great to hear from you Nora. You are amazing...Let me get this right...You did an Interval treadmill workout, STS disc One, ABS...and you are able to write about it??? I'll have what your having :D

Sounds like the program is providing the perfect challenge for you too. Do what you can and the rest will follow.

This morning when I rolled over I felt a tightness through my entire upper body. It was an "oh yeah, that's right, I did STS" moment.

Yes, tomorrow is Disc 2. I glanced ahead at the pull ups and am upping my Wheaties today, ha.

Hi Cathe,

I did STS Disc 1 with you and started it today. Wow! It definitely is a butt kicker. I'm glad that I've been doing 4DS heavy weight segments and all of Gymstyles, and Pure Strength to get me stronger so I could do this. I've told you before I have MS. Thanks to your DVD's I've regained strength in both my upper and lower body, which is awesome.:D I really was so excited to get STS and I'm so glad I made the investment in my health and continued mobility to get it.

Ok, I have to confess my upperbody isn't nearly as strong as yours. I have trouble doing more than maybe five pushups from my toes on a good day.:p I usually do them with bent knees. Oh man were there alot of pushups today or what? Phew! Those were killer. I kept telling myself this is like spinach its good for you, so just do it, so I did- some of them I did have to modify cause there were a lot of variations on pushups. I do have to say that I did like the staggered pushups, never saw those before. I really felt those in my arms more so than the others. I did find that even with my 1RM being on the STS card I did have to go down on the weights for Lateral raises. I'm just not as strong in the upperbody, but STS is going to help me change that.;) Preacher curls on the stability ball are always a challenge. They sneak up on you making you think after the first few reps its easy then as you go on your thinking oh no make it stop. LOL!! I found the core pushups bootcamp style were really tough on me and I felt those in the triceps. I have tendonitis in one of my elbows and those really hurt with that.

One thing I wanted to say is that this workout was fun and I appreciated with the intensity of it that we did only 1 set of everything, thank goodness!;) This workout did move rather quickly and almost felt like circuit style workout minus the cardio. Its good that way because you get us to get in and hit it hard and move on quickly to the next thing before we can really think about how hard it was. LOL!! I guess that's what the T in STS stands for Tough love.

I have done a couple of the Ab circuits workouts so far and I love those. I'm sort of an Ab obsessed. I'm desperate to achieve great looking abs after having two kids and two C-sections I just know there's got to be hope outside of an expensive plastic surgeon. :D My kids are 14 and 12 now so I can't say that its from just having a baby. LOL!! I was a bit of a glutton for a tough workout today so I did some Treadmill Cardio walking and jogging, sprinting intervals- 2.55 miles worth, then I did STS disc 1 with you, and then STS Ab Circuit- No equipment abs, it was awesome!! There's one thing I can say you can never go wrong with a great workout with Cathe and it will be for real tough but fun workout. You always have perfect form as does your crew and there is always a sense of fun while doing the workout. In my teens and early twenties I hated working out and avoided it. In my late twenties on up I've worked out because I wanted to look better. Now, in my early forties I workout to feel great and keep up my mobility, and fitness. I do still want to lose weight and get a lean cut figure too, but its just not the first thing I focus on in my fitness priorities list. I'm trying to eat cleaner and substitute good healthy things for the bad or illegal stuff. So, that's a good positive step forward.

I really love STS so far and I am excited with the prospects on making big changes that will come from doing the STS work. It will be challenging but fun journey that we are making with you and its going to be great! Thank you for making STS, it rocks and so do you Cathe!

Next mountain for us climb STS week 1 Disc 2 and may the force be with us!:D


Way to go Tammy. Is that you in that picture? Nice!!! :)

Hi all!!
Am also struggling to type OUCH! I thought I was the only one up late! just finished, WHoo! I'll have nightmares of pushups:DLOL Loved it, loved it. I too had topause a few times trying to set up. But I'll get that rhythm eventually. Sometimes it came in handy though.;). Its great to have company,and knowing I won't be the only one growning picking up a pencil tomorrow. HEHE.

Did I mention thoughs pushups were tough??? It deserved an encore:p


Just one more push up!
Quick check-in

I did Disc 1 yesterday with my husband. Those opening push-ups were enough to make anybody wonder if they were really up for this program!

We got through the whole thing. I have to say that it got easier to follow as I got accustomed to the pace. The Workout Card really helps because I could get my equipment together and see what was coming next (and how many)!

I actually copied my workout card into Word and made the font size 16 points. Otherwise, I would have been unable to read it during the workout (reading glasses on, reading glasses off).

I was able to do a kickboxing video today for cardio. Hubby slept in and took a day off. I think he's going to be seriously beaten up by Cathe and STS! :D
Thanks for checking in Chiara! No problem on the language barrier...DOMS is a universal language :D

Hi Cathe I complete succesfully disc 1 (also disc 26). obviously I wasn't able to do all the push up but I'm close to the glory!!!!! I love the set and the atmosfere that you and the crew create every time. I'm can't explain all in the details becouse the linguage (I'm italian) but you are the best and I so happy to have all your dvds.
I am out of shape and stressed out. So as a gift to myself I am committing to this program. I haven't done all the testing yet but wanted to get started anyway, so I did yesterday without a workout card. I did knee pushups and struggled through everything but I finished it. Very sore today I am going to run the track at the gym today for cardio and try to do some more 1rm testing.
I think the 1RM testing was VERY accurate. Although I admit I WAS wondering especially on the exercises that I BARELY could eek out that last rep....what do I do when we go to 70% ???? Will I really be able to do that weight ????:eek:


As I was struggling away, I was wondering the exact same thing. How am I going to go heavier? I am guessing because there will be less reps.
How fun to read your check in Becky! Wow, can you imagine if you really could do 15 pounds on the lateral fly's? Those high ends were so not fair ;). High Five on completing those push ups. Sounds like your ready to upgrade to doing them with the weighted vest on :eek: J/K of course (well for now that is! ) Great that you are getting all your questions on the WM answered. We try to stay on top of that as best as we can because we realize there is a learning curve to all the new technology. See you tomorrow :)

I started STS with everyone who started yesterday , and I was BLOWN AWAY ! I LOVED it ! (where's the icon with hearts all around it ??)

I think the 1RM testing was VERY accurate. Although I admit I WAS wondering especially on the exercises that I BARELY could eek out that last rep....what do I do when we go to 70% ???? Will I really be able to do that weight ????:eek:
and SOMEHOW I ended up with one that was WAYYYYYY off ! It had me down as doing side lateral raises on the ball (one at a time) with 15 pounds !!!!!:eek::eek: WHAT ?? I ended up guessing and doing it with 6 and I maybe could have done 8 , but NO WAY 15 !!! I'm not sure what happened there, but everything else was right on the money.

I had to do quite a few of the pushups on my knees, but honestly was surprised at how many I did on my toes. Also I LOVE the accountability of recording everything and checking in (with CATHE, no less !). I started to fast forward through the bootcamp abs, just thinking there was NO WAY I could do one more pushup at that point, and then I thought that I had to at least TRY and do a couple, and I ended up doing them all !!! I shocked myself !!

There was so much to love . I did the extended stretch and think I will ALWAYS add that on . I loved the feel of the workout, I love how it pushed me, but I felt the "fun factor" too. It wasn't all serious business. Cathe I loved that you showed when you were really feeling the last reps on biceps and a few of the others ! I knew I wasn't alone !:) The music is motivating, the set is great..... I'm very excited about the program and doing this rotation right now !!
I have had a few problems along the way (with the workout manager, calander, 1 RM testing ) and I have gotten SO MUCH help . I post a question and right away I have responses with the answers I needed. Cathe "friends" are the best !!!:D
Cathe TV is a great idea and I will definitely be checking that weekly for tips and suggestions.

I am a little disappointed that today isn't disc 2 ! But I will enjoy my cardio and look forward to Wednesday .;)

Hiya Cathe!!!

I completed Disc 1 last night, and I loved it!! I had to really drop down to my knees on almost all of the push-ups, but most other exercises and weights were just challenging enough. There were a few of the curls when I kept thinking: "Gosh, this is just 60%!?! Getting closer to my 1RM will be tough!" - LOL.

There were a few times when I had to slow my pace a bit, but I loved the diversity of the workout. The time just flew by!! I am looking forward to being able to do all of the push-ups one day :) Maybe later on in the program, I'll make it there. I saved the ab work for today, as my client showed up just as I finished the last set of 21 bicep curls. I think that my new "love/hate" exercise are those bonus shoulder band pulls - OWWWEEEE ;-) I had to use the purple resistance band, as I'd given my green one to a client to use for stretching at home. I almost cried - LOL!!!

Edited to say: I do have some DOMS in my biceps and a tad bit in my shoulders today :) I'm contemplating whether or not I'll do IMAX2 or my planned kettlebell workout along with the abs section today. I'm leaning towards the latter...but I love this series and all of the technology that goes along with it.

GREAT JOB on the series, and THANKS for doing this check-in!! I'm looking forward to Disc #2 tomorrow.

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Not at all Rhonda. Go for it in the order that you love!!!!

Hi everyone,

I did Disc 1 yesterday morning and I am feeling it today in the chest and a little in the bis.

The push ups always get me. If I am on my toes, I can only get about half way down. Hopefully one day I can get all the way down. If I go to my knees I can get all the way down. So that will take some work. by the end of the push ups I had to be careful with the hand placement as sometimes it will hurt my shoulder.

All in all, I enjoyed the workout and I will be doing Disc 3 on Wednesday instead of Disc 2 as I like to put in more rest between upper body workouts and I also want to do plyo legs on Saturday so this way I will be "rested" in the lower body for that.

I enjoy and upper, lower, upper rotation better than upper, upper, lower. I don't think it will make a difference, will it Cathe??

Glad to be on board with everyone.

Hi Cahte,

I decited to do the 6 month rotaiton, what are the benefits vs. one or the other? I do love STS! Hight fives!
I am out of shape and stressed out. So as a gift to myself I am committing to this program. I haven't done all the testing yet but wanted to get started anyway, so I did yesterday without a workout card. I did knee pushups and struggled through everything but I finished it. Very sore today I am going to run the track at the gym today for cardio and try to do some more 1rm testing.

I did most of my 1RM but there a few that I didn't get done. I printed the workout card and then as I was doing them, I wrote down the amount of weight I used beside the exercise. It would be a good idea for you to print out the card and record the weight that you use. Then next time you won't be guessing what you use, at least until to complete the 1RM - if you decided to.
I'm not starting STS until May, but I'm going to be following your Check-ins.

Freakin hilarious, that's all I have to say. I'm sooo scared for STS, but wish I was doing it along with you.

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