Hi Everyone! Late workout night for me so I didn't get to report in until now but all I can say is man I have gotten quite out of shape and just got my butt whipped
Ok, in case you didn't already know, let me give you a little background before I "report in"....
Due to editing STS and the recent holiday season I have not been able to weight train nearly as often or steadily as I would like/need to. But I can say that I have continued to do my classes the whole time and they are a mixture of cardio and light weight training. That has at least been enough to maintain my stamina but wasn't enough to maintain my "sorely" missed muscle strength and endurance.
So knowing that, here is my report for Disc One Chest, Shoulders, and Biceps:
Oh, boy, I was so excited to do this workout. I
so needed this today

I got all set up in the filming studio, popped my disc in and actually got goosebumps seeing the finished product from the other side of the fence. I could finally relax and "enjoy" this without grooming the footage for mistakes, lol.
The warm up was fun for me because I was all happy and charged up, taking in the cast, seeing how we all moved, remembering how the guys would come join us for the stretch and then boom......PARTY'S OVER Gulp....suddenly I find myself on my hands and toes doing 1.5's for 8, (okay, not too bad), then another set of 1.5's for 8..(ok, getting tougher but I'm good)....and then I hear the word THIRTY! (What???? 30??? Well, ok, how hard can it be, I mean I obviously have done it before so I can do it....). Well I did it, but thank goodness the camera wasn't rollling this time....my word (I mean
my chest, shoulders and arms...). I was shaking and sweating by rep 20 and forget about after that....by rep 24 things got ugly...I sounded WAY TOO PERKY on video. How on earth is that possible? I'm going to have to have a talk with that woman
Okay, so I'm gettin through the exercises and loving these 30 second rests. Yes, I'm scrambling fast getting my stuff together, but knowing me (and hopefully you'll feel the same) I will appreciate this brief rest when the routine and format become a little more familiar to me again.
I did pretty well on most of the exercises feeling perfectly challenged...some harder than others due to weaknesses that have snuck up on me during my time off.
I'll review where my real challenges were and you tell me yours, ok?
1) Well I already mentioned the opening push up sequence....amazing if anyone sticks with the program after opening with that...LOL
2) 1st round of barbell curls....good challenge but I needed to go way slower toward the end (I just couldn't keep up with myself

) Which is fine and what I would expect any one of us to do...including me.
3) Rear fly into band pulls...ok, were the band pulls
really necessary? Ha, that simply was not nice!
4) Biceps inclined on the ball. Wow, that was deceiving. I'm thinking no biggie, but by rep 8 I was like, HELLO!
5) Incline front raise on the ball with dumbells. I'm actually not commenting on the difficulty of this one (though it was not easy) but rather pointing out that I really like how the ball sits right in the curve of the back so that you can push that weight up to shoulder height with perfect back support. It felt great, didn't it?
6) 3/4 dumbell curls, again, pretty deceiving. By the end I was working for it!!!
7) Alright now, who's idea was it to put those high end reps on the seated lateral raises? Oh, wait that would be me

. Ok, I meant to say whose idea was it to put the SUSPENDED HOLD at the top at the end of the last rep? Oh, shoot, me again

. Brenda, your face was priceless!
8) Straddle Push Ups....hahahahahahaha...4/4 slow, okay, I'm hanging with myself....16 singles...well after 8 (at an already way slower pace) the girl on the screen left the girl on the floor in the dust. It was ugly, be happy you weren't there.
9) Preacher curls on ball. I love this angle for the arm. It is awesome but I needed to slow down a bit.
10) Seated front press with barbell...the last few reps were KILLER!
11) Staggered push ups...I staggered all right...right to failure with a flattened nose to prove it. Crashed and burned by the last rep.
12) The difficulty of the wide grip barbell curls caught me off guard and I really needed to go S-L-O-W on the last 7 full range reps.
Overall I LOVED the change and variety in this workout. The 50 minutes flew by, honeslty they did. The workout left me feeling warm in all the right places and very accomplished too.
Today's "event" has made it quite apparent that "somebody" (formerly known as the whip cracker in red) needs to get back with the program. I'm on it! Are you with me?
When you finish the workout and get a chance to write, please let me know how you did. If you have any questions regarding this workout, feel free to post them here.
High Fives, Good Night and Sleep well!