You probably didn’t see any post saying outright that we amputated. It’s been emotional, and in one comment on a post, I did divulge amputation, and the response back was NNNNNNOOOOOOO. that hurt for some reason. So I’ve kept quiet and only let a couple of friends who kept privately checking in on me know. The first week after amputation was really hard! I stayed strong, not crying because Suki needed positive vibes to heal. After the 2 week, when talking to my sister, I had to bawl my eyes out over every emotion I had for the last 2 weeks. Like HOW COULD I DO THIS TO SUKI! It’s how I felt, I had to reconcile it in my mind. Anyway, at Suki’s 2 week checkup, she got the compression shirt removed (thank goodness she hated that thing), she was so scared at the vet, worse than normal, but when she heard positive sounds from the words being said, she relaxed. We left shirtless and she was like a changed dog. Then since it was warm we too a very short bike ride as we commit to getting her out on adventures…they may be shorter since she may not be able to sit upright very long (cushioned with a pillow), and can’t walk far, but we will drive to different places and live this life Suki’s been blessed with. She loved it! Sniffing the air. Each day has gotten better and today we finally (after snow) had another bike outing (shorter than what we used to do, but hey, we’re older too). She is loving life, seems much more at peace and getting around really good. Thanks for asking. So all my close contacts now know and maybe one day I’ll actually have a public post, I’m just shielding us from people who needlessly react in a negative way! One step (or is it hop) at a time!
Tracy, I’d like to know about DH and his back too!