Hi fit babes!
Thank you Jody! There is a referral bonus of $50 going on for a limited time (I don't know how limited) but it's usually $25, I would get it and you would get it if you buy something. If you are interested, feel free to message me on FB or here and I can give you the code. I think that's how it works!

How is your mom doing? Hope you are not bored or too crazy busy at work!
Have you been to Vegas before Mary? It's so much fun--lots to see! If you can, try to see Cirque del Soleil's "O" if you plan to see a show. Incredible acrobatics and "O" is done with water. I think there's 6 Cirque shows going in Vegas all the time. The last time we went, we didn't gamble at all. We watched some people play the tables though. Your kids' graduations will be here before you know it! My boss has twins graduating from college this year--one in Boston, the other in CA! I don't think I'll see her the months of May and June.
Hi Ronne! I'm glad you get holiday time this year, that is great! I was able to take time off with my new job even though I was on probation. That was because I was already a permanent state employee. OK! I was a little confused about that but I was happy I could take vacations! Yes, Stitch Fix is like a veg box but for clothes. But you can tell them what you like and don't like and what you want and don't want, etc. There's a better chance you'll like what they send the more info you give. Glad you are able to exercise with all of the newness of your job! And I'm jealous you got home in 15 minutes today!
Hi Lisa! Hope you have had decent outdoor riding weather! We have a new policy are work--infants in the workplace! We had one come in today. She is 2 months old and so cute! I think she'll be working with her dad in the office at least once a week. Just seeing her made any stress I had melt away.
My friend who does Beach Body has talked me into doing "The Work" with her. It for sure is going to kill me because people apparently curse up a storm in these workouts. Hence, they will only be done at home, when I feel like it! I'll let you know how many times I die.

I'm not even sure when we're starting it actually!
Take care sweet babes! Tracy