Strong & Sensible

7119Headache fatigue and low fever100.4 has me sidelined yesterday and today. I assume I'm a mild symptoms (hopefully so far) covid case. No testing available unless you need ER. At work you need full PPE for positive and rule out patients, but no masks otherwise in non patient care, so sorry if I got you sick on Saturday and may your symptoms be mild and hopefully gain some immunity. Screen shot from my Oura ring. Temp has not fluctuated more than +-0.8 usually <0.4, since Dec when I got it. Anyway, I feel better today and I'll take tomorrow off. Overall I'm just really disappointed in the lack of tests available and the crapfest response and handling. Also people are terrified. I wish outcome of infection was better known but if you only test sickest people, your mortality rate looks much higher. I have much more on mind but I'll leave it there.
Lisa, I saw the dance workouts, they looked interesting. I've shared the app with some co workers. I've heard that if you book WDW thru travel agent it does take longer to get refund. FWIW it's always crowded. Early October might be nice? Hawaii sounds really good though!
Food wise I tried a meal delivery thing but timing is bad! But they have paleo, keto vegan organic etc.
Mary, yes, parks closed, gates down over parking lots, yellow tape at trail entrances.
Ronne, BELATED LOL at HP miserable camping!
Tracy, I'm glad your work from home is going well! Oh I received a new stitch fix. I like the items but dont need the 3/4 length sleeves- too hot here. The "keep it all" discount pushes me to keep it all but I dont need it. Definitely will decrease frequency of shipment.
Done ranting, hang in there and stay safe!
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Jody, awww, I’m so sorry. Hydrate, yourself, Tylenol, rest. I know you know you know that, I can’t help myself! I am keeping you in my prayers. Feel better quickly my friend. ❤️
Beautiful day today so we got in a good ride. Left early so trails weren’t too bad but on the way home it was lunchtime and the trails were filling up so I said let’s take the roads, there’s less traffic on there because cars are way down. Who’d have thought I’d be wanting to ride on the roads over trails!

So glad we are allowed to recreate outside, we have been asked to stay in your neighborhood. Too many people are heading to the mountains and that is where the outbreak is worse (though Denver is catching up!)

Jody, saw you got out for a walk, are you feeling better?
Short answer- I'm feeling better! Hi! I'm feeling better today and temp down as well. So Sun and Mon were fever and headache, Tues was temp at 100 less headache and today just a little fatigue. I did try a Peloton 30 min yoga but quit at 15 min from fatigue and went out for short walk instead (nice weather!)
Interesting that in public, Covid can spread from asymptomatic carriers unless you work in healthcare where magic is apparently a thing.

Mary, I am keeping up with sleep for immune boosts! Fluids, yes and would have used tylenol if really needed but opted for fever benefits. How's the hub holding up? You guys still playing Monopoly?
Work is busy but not with types of procedures that equal productivity and staffing. Maybe some big shifts in our system will come out of all of this?

Lisa, one of my podcasts said FL poised to be next peak area- possible peak in a few weeks. I agree, fewer cars on the road is very noticeable. I get lots of road noise on my patio and it sounds more like a weekend out there.

Speaking of patio I have some volunteer tomato plants that came up and I put in lettuces etc in my raised beds plus put some flowers in the border of my patio. Woodpeckers love the Birds of Paradise that are out there and it is pleasant to go out.

Re being busy at work, they are actually destaffing us because the kind of work we have now doesn't contribute to productivity and income.
Ronne and Tracy, you've fallen back to the previous pages but I'm sending happy vibes your ways ~~~~
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Oh Jody! I’m so glad you are feeling better! Do you have to stay home for 2 weeks? I’m so glad your state was finally “closed”. Keep taking it easy!

Not much here, did clean out my closet and dresser, I only have 2 pairs of jeans, and 78 pairs of leggings! . Lol. Today I’m going to try and figure out how to skim my bathroom walls, a learning experience!

Lisa, glad you are able to get out, that helps so much.

Ronne, how are you doing?

Tracey, how’s work going in the dining room? (I just picked a random room!)

DH is doing ok, they have to wear masks 24/7 at the station. He also is an EMS coordinator, he’s going to all the various fire stations to train on the virus and teaching them how to decontaminate their squads. He’s getting his workouts in, that helps his psyche!

I do have to say I miss going out to dinner.

Stay safe my friends! Mary
20 min yoga hip openers! I needed it after yesterday's ride. Tight glutes kept me awake at night. Ronne, you'd be so proud of me! It wasn't pretty but I did it and feel better! Peloton activity challenge has me doing something everyday.

Jody, I think FL will get bad too. I don't understand your biz enough to understand that you're not busy. Glad you're feeling better!
Mary, missed your post! Glad DH is doing better. We've been eating in since I started getting butcher box and staying extremely keto, so glad I got in the cooking groove before this hit! My leggings are all falling off of me, haha. I have to wash and dry them to shrink them up!

Hope everyone is staying healthy and staying sane!
Lisa, my department staffing and productivity is based on stuff we can charge for. While critical care vent and airway management require skill and time, they are not reimbursed accordingly.
I'm sure there's a better way to explain but overall, my takeaway is that our 3rd party payer physician driven health care system may need a reboot..
I'm happy for your keto success and weight loss. I cooked my first Sun Basket meal yesterday- I was quite pleased. It's relatively expensive and I've some concerns over packaging but overall I think it will be a good push for me.
Also Lisa, remarkable that you are motivated by Challenges. I am opposite for some reason, but lucky you that you can find motivation that way. I don't think I'm not competitive, but when it comes to Challenges I just think You aren't the boss of me!

Mary, I am scheduled back on Mon- so a week after. They are screening employees at door- if you've had a fever recently but not currently you wear a mask. This whole scenario seems like herding cats. Is DH getting any time off?

Tracy and Ronne how goes the work from home?
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Hi all

Busy work week so haven't had much time to post. Just wanted to pop in to say we're all fine though getting a bit bored with the restrictions. I'm just going out for a short walk now.
Glad to hear that you're feeling much better Jody, such a relief. Hope you continue to take care of yourself and don't work unless you're well enough.

Lots of hugs to all and I'll be back over the weekend with proper personals.
Hi everyone! Today did an Yvette workout and yesterday’s Cathe live. Had some time to kill.

Jody, always comes down to money unfortunately. I hope they are providing you with enough equipment. I signed up for emergency staffing for the surge they say is coming. Not looking forward to that, I hope it’s not nesessary.

Lisa, have you been able to see the baby at all? Traffic here is spooky, a normal drive that would take me 15 minutes, took me 6 the other day.

Hi Ronne and Tracey!

Jody, stay safe back at work! I’m thinking of you! Mary
Hi fit babes! So good to see you!!

Jody, for some reason, I knew you caught it right before I read your post about it. I am so sorry! I was really glad to read you are feeling better and hope you are getting enough rest. I think I understand what you said about work and money. It's always about the money isn't it? Nice you are getting volunteer tomato plants, I need to buy some! DH went to Home Depot today, had to wait in line to get in, even with his mask, and only came home with 2 8 foot boards. That is not going to help me grow tomato plants this year! Grrr. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers Jody!

Hi Ronne! I understand your boredom! We had rain all last weekend so getting outdoors for a change of pace wasn't an option. It's better this weekend and spring is supposed to arrive this coming week--yippee! Our March was actually colder than our January this year and that's unusual. I am looking forward to pulling weeds and clearing some space for a garden shed we want to get. I'm grateful for the social distancing my yard gives me! Since starting the Work, I've been taking advantage of the Range and Repair stretches on Saturdays. The instructor repeats that chairs destroy our bodies. After 30+ years of sitting at a desk, he is so right. I can't do some of the T-spine stretches and I was shocked. So I'm doing them more right now. Hugs to you!!

Hi Mary! Can you bribe your kids to help clean your house and do laundry? I hope you don't have to fill in on an emergency basis! And I hope DH can continue teaching and doing his workouts so he doesn't have to be in harm's way. You gave me a laugh with your 78 pairs of leggings and 2 pairs of jeans! If you sign up with Stitch Fix, they can send you some pants and you don't even have to leave your house! Years ago, I had a house where the texture on the walls was basically small bumps of plaster. It took a while, but I used a strong spatula and scraped it off the walls as best I could. Good luck to you on your project!!

Lisa, congratulations on those loose fitting leggings! Not many people can say they lost weight during a pandemic! There's the Quarantine 15, and quarantinis too! I've had the latter, but have tried to be consistent with healthy eating. It's the one thing I can control in this, right? I've been active too, and now Riley has taken up what Basil used to do--sprinting on our walks! I'm OK with them, it helps me lose those quarantinis I have. Our car traffic is light here too, but I haven't seen any bicyclists on the highway yet. Good for you taking on the Peloton challenges! I've been doing more stretching with the Work and happy I have the time to do it now. Glad you are well---hugs to you!!

I finished week 3 of the Work and was perfectly content to stop doing it and return to the office on April 6. I was pretty sure that wasn't going to happen though and I was right. On Thursday evening, the governor continued our restrictions until May 4th. (I read today that the peak in WA is expected to occur on April 17). I took some time off Friday morning to grocery shop (social distancing was respected there) but then had a pretty bad day after that mentally. I've been glued to my work computer too much and not getting up enough. I worked out during lunch but in the afternoon, I couldn't remember what day it was or what I needed to do. I felt a little better when one of our leaders mentioned he didn't know what day it was on a large conference call we had. I think I just didn't have enough time to come to terms with being quarantined for another month before I had to work the next day. I am much better now though! I got out an extra table and put a jigsaw puzzle on it so I can take some mental breaks and I am not pushing myself to have a really clean house or perfect yard. No one is coming over anyway!

Thank you for letting me rant! I really appreciate each and every one of you and I send you love and lots of hugs! Here's to your health!!! Tracy
Hi everyone

Tracy - glad to hear you're being kind to yourself. You really need to schedule in those breaks when working at home. The other morning I realised I hadn't moved from in front of my computer for 3 hours! I really try to get up and walk around the house or do a little job just to get away from the desk. There's nothing worse than sitting staring at the computer for hours. How are you finding the conference calls? We haven't had any problems so far. I was on a really big one on Friday with 50 plus attendees but it seemed to go OK. Well done on the workouts as well!

Lisa - yoga!! things must be bad :D Glad it did the trick though. It seems crazy that the trails are so busy round you. Our govt is threatening to stop people exercising outdoors if they don't start obeying the rules. It's a beautiful sunny weekend here and I really hope people aren't out in the parks and on the coast.

Mary - I suppose it's one positive out of all this, apparently air pollution levels are really down and the numbers of people dying from pollution-related conditions will drop this year. If one good thing comes out of this I really hope that we'll start to change the way we travel and perhaps work from home more where we can.

Jody - what's the testing situation like at work? Will you get tested? It looks like that's been something that we've been failing in here.

One exercise bonus for us has been that we've got free access to Les Mills online through DH. His gym is closed so they've given the members free access. He's not using it but DD and I are. It makes a nice change from Cathe. I'm doing a month programme with 3 workouts a week and then I'll add in whatever I feel like on top of that. They're all about 30-45 mins so easy to fit in. I did my first one yesterday, a step workout. It moved really fast but it made me feel like I was in a real class, i.e. always a movement behind and not being able to hear what the instructor said!!!
Hi ladies! I’ve been busy making masks for family and friends. Today I decided to cease all outdoor riding (thank goodness for peloton). With the crowds, thought about doing more roads but with Colorado being mentioned as the next hit spot, all it would take is one ill timed crash and I don’t want to need medical attention. There are a variety of things that could happen and sure they may not happen but I need to take all very sensible precautions. It’s getting scary here, and then reading about some peloton N.Y. road riders and I’m convinced I’ll only do small dog walks outside (and off trails because of too many people), with walking I can keep the distance better. So you all keep me accountable! It pains me to not be out on our trails!

I saw the kids yesterday (and GD) from a distance as I dropped off their masks. I made 12 yesterday, I have another 4 to make today. Some friends appreciate them so much, others like my BFf is a step behind but finally relented to needing one. We are all very nervous here.

Jody, how are you? Do you think it was Covid? So far no refund on airline tickets, I’m hoping as the travel date gets closer that if the airline cancels the flight then we should be able to demand refund. Right now they have only given fare credit and both parties on original travel must be on new travel and now bff and I can’t agree on travel before expiration date of end of yr. in other words, it’s a mess.

Tracy, funny I’ve had more people coming over in the last day, to pick up masks from 6 ft away of course. I understand what you mean by mentally prepared for another month of quarantine, I think normal life is over for quite a while (months), I get depressed about it, then sad at the deaths, then irritated at people not doing what we need to do, repeat. Sounds like and exercise! Vent away! Makes us all see something in in our vents.

Ronne, how cool to have a new workout series. Your words were sobering to me, more people need to take this more seriously!

Mary, funny you got Tracy’s work location right!

So, I did peloton this morning, the quote today is.....there is no motivational saying I can say better than what you tell yourself each day.
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Hi, quick drive by to say temp back up- I just can't get comfortable. I went for a walk yesterday and easy bike the day before. Testing situation is appalling but I did get one from a community organization. Lisa- nice job on those masks. Ronne, I did some of those workouts on DVD once. Tracy and Mary and all thanks for the positive vibes, I'll be back later. xoxo
Jody, you have to let yourself rest. I know it’s hard, you are use to moving all the time. Give your body time to heal, you will be able to bounce back quickly. I want you to get better! How long until you get the results? I am thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers? ❤️
Thank you so much, Mary xoxox results in 4 to 5 days. I really felt better and was supposed to go back to work Mon/yesterday. That is off the table for now. One of our Intensivists is out as well, I just learned. Interesting to note by the research virus genome they could tell that the virus was in community about a month before first tested cases. (or something like that- I can't find that statement on at the moment. Also I have found this guys lectures to be helpful in the past and now he has a series on Covid. MedCram

Mary, I thought of you on Sat when I dusted the popcorn ceiling. TTYL friends, stay well and safe.

ETA temp back into 99's today and feeling better. : D
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Jody, how are you feeling today? Even a low grade fever feels crummy. Take it easy! Let your white blood cells do their job! ❤️

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