Hi fit babes! Before I write further, I just want to say that you are in my thoughts and prayers Mary and I really hope that no one you know and love was anywhere near that nightclub in Dayton last night. My heart is just sick over it.
I will bring things back to my lighter side now....
Jody, I thought about the Daytona RT for a couple of seconds but didn't think anyone here planned to attend ever again! Is it sold out now? I'm glad your mom is OK and I hope there are no more trips to the hospital anytime soon! I LOLed about your VR comments and especially your Sims game! My friend and I stayed in Hood River, then drove to trailheads to hike. We only hiked a few miles because it was darn hot, we were limited on where we could go due to a huge fire from 2 years ago and we got distracted by wineries! Which DVD is 30/30 Hiit on? I'm not sure I have that one and I'd love to have a new favorite! I haven't attended anymore festivals lately, we're too tired or there's too much work to do.

Your friend is quite the adventurer going to Burning Man! I've never felt like dry camping in the desert in the Summer, I'm kind of a princess that way! I'm very glad to hear that DD's cat returned home, I've been through that myself and it was such a relief when he came home.
Hi Mary! There was just one shot in the croquet game that used the stability ball. That's why I had to get a photo! With the wildlife in your area, I would worry about little Boo also! I just found out that there's now a mama bear and her cub in the area. That raises the scariness factor up for me! Our next door neighbors have chickens, turkeys and geese. They make quite a ruckus at times. We don't really care for them. We had a full day of misty rain this past week so the grass and weeds have continued to flourish. Grr. You know, I don't think I could jump into an ice bath no matter how hot I am. I LOLed about you packing for DD's friends.
Hi Lisa! We are hot here today, that's why I'm visiting! Those photos and that video of your highway is something else!! I'm glad you are finding other routes around it but I do hope it can be fixed. I liked the duet you and your brother wrote! I popped onto FB to see your quilts and they are absolutely beautiful Lisa! I sure wish I had your talent!! That's pretty cool that AA will pick up cyclists in CO. I don't know if they do that in WA. Like you, I can't live without AC! I gave up an indoor fireplace to get it when we built our house.
Hi Ronne! I'm glad you had such a wonderful time in NY! I laughed about your baseball game attendance--baseball is fun whether you know the game or not. Nice deal on that t-shirt too--I will try that sometime! I watched the NYC fireworks on tv and they were spectacular. How wonderful you got to see them there!
Not a lot going on here! Have been working out and following rotations to keep it interesting. Passed my one year probation at work so I can relax a bit about that. Or do what my friend suggested--start calling out sick! Had my friend I went to Hood River with and her DH over yesterday. We did a short hike to a beach on the sound, hung out at the harbor and then had dinner at a restaurant outside. It could not have been a more perfect day and it was just beautiful outside. Please don't slap me for saying this, but I hated the summers in CA because they were so hot. But I absolutely love the summers in the NW. I'm grateful for where I live.
Have a great week and stay cool fit babes!! Tracy