Hi fit babes! I'm definitely overdue for a check-in, I apologize! I have been on the compooter at work so much that when I get home, it's the last thing I want to look at. I think my next strategy is to post here on a break at work. I just have to make sure I take a break!

I'm going back to late April so please bear with me.
Lisa--I did hear about the big wreck that had your freeway closed for 2 days. Maybe because I'm closer to CO I heard about it? I would have cried too if it happened here. I purposely did not take any photos of my shaved doggies. I did not want to memorialize it! I am glad therapy with your sis was productive and what you said about saying no makes perfect sense to me. That was sweet of your boys to take you out for Mother's Day and I am happy for you that they are successful in their careers! I would love to have no time for chores--I wanna be a teenager again too! I completely understand that you fell out of love with Cathe--you have to do what works for you, right? I LOLed about DH not passing a drug test to drive a school bus, I wouldn't pass one either!

OMG! Congratulations on your lower BP and saying no to sis! That's awesome!!! I understand about Suki demanding a walk or a ride, Basil does that everyday with us. I have to say that's pretty nuts that debris isn't going to get cleared up until mid July and you will still have snow there! I'm so sorry Suki has such anxiety, it is a trait with her breed. My pups have no fear but I didn't know that about them until they were put to the test. Fireworks are still going off now and then and Riley barks but that's about it.
Hi Jody--congratulations on DD's graduation!! I'm glad it went so well when the info you had sounded like it wouldn't! So...some juvy gators startled you on your ride? I would have freaked out, just like I did in mid May when we saw a black bear 50 ft away while we were walking our dogs. I didn't scream or anything, but told the neighbors nearest the bear (so they would keep their dog inside) and proceeded to turn around and walk home as fast as I could. What did the neighbor do? He and his family rushed outside to take photos! DH told me that we basically co-exist peacefully with them but a rest area was closed last year when they found one sleeping in a tree there. The bear is still around, he was seen sleeping in our next door neighbor's tree yesterday afternoon!

I did order the new workouts, I am a Cathe vidiot after all! Hmmm, I don't have anything from Aldi's center aisle because I don't know what Aldi's is. I kept up on GoT
and ended up watching it when everyone else did so I wouldn't get any spoilers. All in all, I was really disappointed in the last season. It was clear to me the original author had nothing to do with it. What did you think? Good going on your weight loss! I am doing OK on the eating but have been less than stellar on the drinking. I know that will get better but I just don't have it in me right now.

I wanna be Ernestine Shephard when I grow up! Not necessarily body building, but clean eating and healthy living. Good for her, what an inspiration she is! And puleeze, you are not the low brow of the check-in, I'm going to see "Menopause the Musical" in August! I haven't attempted LM in years. I may not ever again because it is from the Hardcore series and that series is tough!! Awesome job on your triathalon Jody!

I wanna come visit and snorkel with you! I really miss those days of pjs till noon drinking coffee....
Mary, that's interesting our sense of thirst changes over time. I swear I am just as thirsty as I have been for years! I laughed when you said the scariest wildlife you have is possum. If you skipped what I wrote to Jody, please read about our neighborhood bear That I wrote about.

Like you, I can't give up Cathe either, she keeps me motivated. Wow! Snowed in? That would make me anxious too! After that happened 3 times in one winter in Indiana, my friend's parents packed up and moved back to WA state where's it's safe!

You are not a downer Mary, far from it! I thought things would be a bit easier now in my life too but they really aren't. I really hope your carpenter ant issue is resolved! We get one or 2 of those buggers flying into the house in the summer and I make sure they have no chance of doing any damage. I'm so sorry DH got hit in the new car!! I'm glad he is OK and you finally got it repaired. I think you've had enough to deal with recently! Did you see Godzilla or nap through it? It didn't get great reviews so napping through it would have been a good choice,

My heart just broke for you about the bunny family. I would have dealt with it the same way you did. Hugs to you!! When you said a few months ago that you have to plan your trips for graduations next year, you weren't kidding! I'm shocked at the hotel prices you found! Congratulations on DS's internship with NASA--that is fantastic!!
Hi Ronne! How was New York? I too haven't been there (and I admit it made me happy when I learned that Mary and Jody haven't been there either!) I wish DD the best in her exam scores!! Thank you for explaining your government system regarding your PM, I didn't know either. I LOLed with DD going away to Uni will turn you into an obese alcoholic--but that's not true! You just lost weight without trying! That's awesome! I can't do that. Are you OK with DD on her first trip without you? I'm glad summer has reached you, it hasn't come here yet! We did have a hot streak in <ay and another one in June, then we cooled down. I'm OK with the cool down, it's more comfortable to do yard max and 'tis the season for that!
My trip to wine country and hiking area with my friend was awesome! We didn't hike a whole lot because it was unusually warm so we walked flatter trails. The city we stayed in (Hood River OR) is really quaint and we enjoyed all it had to offer. That means I ate and drank too much and it was all delicious! It has some decent shopping too. I've done a lot of yard max maintenance and we've done more landscaping this year and it's looking really nice. DH told me he's taking August off from yard max and that's fine with me! I have been working out, and was doing Cathe's May rotation most recently. I did Cardio Party and then the Calorie Crusher afterwards. The Calorie Crusher is a short IMAX!

Beware. Work is going fine and I seem to be incredibly busy most of the time. I love it but often come home exhausted. I hope that gets better as I grow into the job (it will be a year August 1st!) because I would be disappointed if my age is what is making me tired!
Other than that, DH and I have a few fun things planned for the summer but no trips. Next week is a pirate festival which is local--unusual for us--and we're looking forward to that. We went to a Victorian festival in early June out of town and that was really fun. We played a wild game of croquet there and I'll post a pic if I can below.
Have an awesome week fit babes and hope it's not too warm for any of you!! Tracy