Strength in Numbers

We got to sleep early so of course I woke up an hour early, I stayed in bed for a while but eventually just got up. Bible study this morning, then laundry and knitting for the rest of the evening, Usually I"m exhausted on Thur afternoons so I don't plan to do much. We took April to the vet and he thinks its either a fungus or allergies so we have to shove pills down her throat twice a day, hiding them in treats doesn't work with her, then give her a bath once a week. She's okay about it but she's double coated and pratically waterproof so baths are never fun. I never did yesterdays workout so I'm hoping I can get it in today.

Julie, Maggie grooming a stuffed dog is an adorable story! As far as we know she didn't have puppies but I guess she could have, I never thought of it before.

Pam, that's very sweet of you and your friend to take on the knitting for your other friend. Hubby and I watch a lot of TV or movies at night so knitting gives me something to do.
Julie Good for you getting up and working out when you just wanted to sleep. Great job adding some extra reps in there too! Yep, I don't really like any of the step workouts on the classics disc. There is no way I can get myself motivated to do one of those. My sore throat did last a little longer than just the one evening. I had a small one for a few days, but that night it was really bad. I guess it was building to it's crescendo! Wow, that is cool that you have started to look forward to yoga. I wonder if I will ever get to that point. Given that I never do it at all right now, I certainly won't get there anytime soon :rolleyes: OK, now I'm picturing you walking around all day in big log sleeved muu muus! You are too funny!

Penguin I hate it when I want to sleep in and can't, it just doesn't seem right does it! Oh poor April having to have pills stuffed down her throat. Is this going to be an ongoing thing, or is he trying to see if it helps? It is so hard to give an animal medicine. I always feel so mean! I hope that you are able to get your workout in today. I like to knit when I'm watching TV too, it's the only way I can stay awake!

Janie I hope that your trip home went smoothly, looking forward to hearing from you!

Cheryl I hope things are going well for you this week.

Yesterday we left work early to go watch Carl's XC meet. It was a big deal meet - the conference meet with all schools in his conference. We were so excited because he was under 17 minutes for his 5k which was his goal, but then we went to talk to him after the race and he was all upset. It turns out that the top 15 finishers get 'all conference' and he came in 16th :( He was quite bummed. We asked him what all conference means and he didn't really know, other than their picture is posted on the wall at school. That by itself is enough motivation, especially for a high school junior. Poor kid. Last night I was just exhausted, I think the combination of the cold and the jet lag just wore me down. I could barely get through dinner and just went right to bed without even doing the dishes. Hopefully after that big sleep last night I will do better tonight. This morning was supposed to be power hour but I don't have it on DVD and didn't feel like going and finding my computer and lugging it upstairs and setting it up so I did Muscle Max instead. I figure that was close enough. I can tell already that I am going to have some sore biceps tomorrow, they have a nice little burn going right now. I'm happy that the week is almost over! I am ready for a weekend at home. Have a great day ladies!

This morning I worked shoulders and then did the plyo & firewalker tabatas from CrossFire. I think I am going to need to lower my weight for my overhead press. I have noticed the last two weeks that when I set my weight down on the 3rd and 4th sets of my overhead press that I have a sharp, shooting, almost burning pain across my left shoulder. It goes away after a while so it is not sore all day long just right after I finish my set. It was a bummer this morning because I finished my first set and felt really good, set 2 was pretty good but after set 3, I knew my shoulder was just not liking the heavy weight. Of course, I had to try set 4 at the same weight because I am that ignorant when it comes to listening to my body. :eek:

Penguin I love going to bed early but not waking up earlier than I intend. Of course, that is what happens. Poor April! I’m not sure what I would rather it be: the fungus or allergies. Allergies seem like a lifelong battle possibly. It’s funny how some dogs are with treats. I throw Maggie’s pills in her food bowl and sometimes she eats them and other times she eats around them. Then I have to decide whether I want to shove it down her throat or just take the easy way out and put it in a folded piece of cheese.

Pam Great job on subbing MM for PH! Yep, close enough. I wouldn’t want to mess with getting my computer and setting that up early in the morning either. If you were able to make it through MM this morning, you must have gotten some decent sleep last night with being exhausted. Yeah, you probably won’t be looking forward to yoga until you start doing it. I think what helps me, is I really feel Yoga Relax is more a stretch workout than yoga. That’s a bummer about Carl being 16th. But if he is only a junior he has a whole year to train and make it his senior year.

Have a great day!
Aprils been very good about taking her pills. Dad has started calling her "Fungus" however:p. Hubby tried to hide the first pill in cheese but as usual she ate the cheese ans spit out the pill. I've stopped trying and just shove them down, then give her a treat. I ment to workout today but ended up taking a nap instead. Hubby agreed to lend a 'transmission jack' to a friend of his and asked my help carrying it to the car from the garage {30-40 ft} So we carried it halfway then he stopped to open the gate and I wanted to see if I could pick it up {I was expecting something bigger, actually} so I carried it the rest of the way alone! We he got to the friend's house, he commented on how big it was Hubby informed him that I had carried it to the car alone. He looked suitibly impressed, lol.

Odd Jobs day tomorrow. April will get her bath, sigh, and laundry.

Julie, April takes a glucosimine pill twice a day but we can add that to her food and most of the time she eats it. I have to remember to check and make her eat her 'treat', lol, she's not fooled.:rolleyes: I hope your shoulder is feeling better.

Pam, we only have pills for a month, {lol, did I type only?} so hopefully it clears up before then. Sorry to hear about the disapointing result of the race. I'm looking forward to the weekend also.
Julie Great job on shoulders and the double tabatas! Oh no, your pain in your shoulder does not sound good at all, I think you definitely need to lower your wieght for those overhead presses! I'm glad it doesn't last, but still.......I know what you mean about listening to your body though, I know we have all been guilty of telling our body to shut up and suck it up when we shouldn't. It just comes with the territory! I did get a much better sleep on Wednesday night. Last night not so good though :( And apparently I was keeping DH awake too because he told me this morning that I kept waking myself up because I couldn't breath through my nose and every time I opened my mouth the breath it woke me up. That and the darn cats just won't leave us alone. I wish I could figure out how to keep them from crawling all over us at night like that. We could shut them out, but then they would scratch at the door! I don't like stretching very much either so not sure I will ever look forward to yoga. I am always counting down for the stretch to be finished at the end of the workout. Gee, then I wonder why I'm so inflexible! :rolleyes:

Penguin Oh no, your poor little Fungus! That is funny. I'm glad to hear that she has been good about taking her pills though. They sure can be tricky about eating around them, can't they?! How nice to get a nap in yesterday, that sounds heavenly! I love your story about the transmission jack, especially that he was so proud that you could carry it! :D THat is great! I hope the bath isn't too traumatic for April (or you!) today! I hope her skin problems clear up quickly and you can stop forcing those pills down her throat!

This morning for me was Hiit Pyramid. It is my least favorite of the Hiits (I think because of all of those 1/4 turn jumps) so I really had to pump myself up to get up and do it. It was a huge struggle with my stuffed up nose and the lack of sleep, but I made it through, then I went back to bed for 30 minutes :D It's all about balance, right?! All I can say is TGIF! Have a great Friday ladies!

This morning I worked quads and calves. Yesterday I totally forgot what day of the week it was. I was in a meeting and telling people that we needed to remind someone that the deadline for the project was Thursday afternoon. So I said we need to make sure we get to them before the end of the day. And everyone was looking at me like I was stupid and finally someone said today is Thursday afternoon, shouldn’t we have reminded them earlier. I was thinking it was Tuesday. I lost 2 days of my life. How does that happen especially since I live for the weekend! Oh well, it is Friday now. I won’t forget that.

Penguin That is awesome that you wowed your hubby and his friend with your strength. I love seeing my husband’s shock when I tell him how much I am lifting or pick up something heavy. Aw, poor April with her nickname. Good thing dog’s don’t know any better. April is pretty impressive to be able to eat the cheese without the pill. Smart girl!

Pam Great job on getting in DWP despite the bad night’s sleep, stuffy nose, and the fact that it is not your favorite. I like DWP but do not like those ¼ turn jumps. I love that you went back to bed for 30 minutes after that. When I get out of the shower after my workout in the morning, I see my pjs hanging on the door hook and think of how much I would love to get back into them and crawl into bed. I can’t sleep with my mouth open either. Have you tried breathe right strips? I’m not sure they would help but I am thinking of getting some to try because my nose is stuffy from the changing weather. I don’t have any suggestions on keeping the cats away but I understand about them disturbing your sleep. I’m hoping if DH and I get a King size bed, maybe the dogs would stop lying so close to us. I doubt it but when I can afford a new mattress, I’m getting a King!

Have a great day!
Got to the beach house the day before yesterday and the internet wasn't cooperating. Today we are here in Shelton. Sure missed our homes and it's soooooooo good to be back.

I have Tennis Elbow!:mad::( Will have to stop all upper body workouts for 6-8 weeks, more like 8 weeks. Taking that time off will work or not, and if it doesn't will have to do something else that will be more invasive. This is not good at all. The bright side, I can get my lower body looking good. I hope:rolleyes:.

Here is my latest zentangle:


Joey loves the melody called "Stardust", so I made something special just for him. Can you see the special effect? Also there is one line from the actual Stardust song in this piece of art. It's in the longest line there.

Penquin, Poor April. I know about trying to give pills to animals. Not nice. Wow! Carrying that transmission jack is very impressive. You are getting stronger girl. Congrats! Very proud of you.

Pam, Great job on Hiit Pyramid. Can't believe you doing it while being sick. Very impressive. Take care though K? Glad you rested afterwards.

Julie, Great job on quads and calves. You are too funny. That's how I am everyday! No, don't be hard on yourself. I'm sure they also have days like that. ;)

Not sure what I'll do yet tomorrow, but it will be good, thank God for Cathe.
Take care ladies.

This morning I did the Cardio Blast premix and abs from BodyMax 2! It was fun. I like the music in that one. Now DH and I are getting ready to run errands and do CleanMax! Maggie needs to be brushed and have her nails grinded too. She is not going to be happy with me.

Janie So glad you are back home too! That really stinks about your elbow but hopefully resting it will help. I love that zentangle. I don't know that song "Stardust" but I think it is really cool what you did with the music notes.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Didn't do much today, just trying to acclimate still. Will try again tomorrow.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone![/QUOTE]

Julie, Great job on this morning's CB prem and abs fro BM2. OOOOO cleanmax too. LOL After Maggie's nail grinding she will look sooooo good. Thank you for your support on my zentangle.;)

Went to a play tonight. We left at intermission. It was a Shakespeare play, but they did such a bad job. It is our last time there, from now on we will watch plays near our beach house. A better stage and done by students.

Hello ladies!!!!!!
As you all know we are back, we got back 21 days ago:confused: I cannot believe that the time goes pretty fast when you are doing absolutely NOTHING, Don't think that I have forgotten about you guys its being really hard on me this time, we are still living "nowhere" till tomorrow, 2 weeks ago we went to Texas to visit family and Astrid, we didn't have a car so we bought a Dodge truck 4 doors new:p poor husband of mine... Well, I have so much to tell you guys I don't know where to begin from.
We got to LAX Sunday the 30th, NO BODY went to pick us up from the airport so we have to ride the bus to rent a car before picking up Sam, we got the biggest SUV Taho to get Sam, the Box cage and the luggage, FUNNNN!! yeah alight, it was hard to swap to drive to the other side coming from Australia and driving in LA airport, busy town...
Then it took us for ever to find the place where to get Sam, finally we find the place but we needed to get a signature, pay a fee, well the thing that the time to get him was getting longer and longer, my poor Sam was sooooooooo sad, :(:( he was shaking soooooo bad, that I said that we will never ever would ship him to another place ever, and we would never ever would leave him alone, so as you guys can picture he was my kid for a while, he wasn't hungry for 7 - 10 days, he wouldn't eat by him self, we would feed him by hand and just a little, on the way to texas I bought him a beef patty:p he was happy playing with Rusty my in-laws dog, after a few days he was eating by him self:D now he just got use to be whit us every where we go, secret.... I didn't wanted a Truck, but I told DH I don't care but we need to get a big car so Sam can travel with us everywhere he can.:D
So we went to TX and he went with us, didn't care that it was bran new truck he travel inside the truck:p of course the road was like a roller coaster that he got sick and trowed up the first day:confused::p after that he did excellent and on our way back he did too, we were lucky that the Quinta Hotel is pet friendly so there is where we stayed, as today we are still in the hotel on base and they do have pet friendly rooms, my boy is so spoiled we even go to the dog park.
Well, now with the healthy me, that is another story:eek: I had have being eating HORRIBLE, fast food, all kind of food, deserts, even donuts :eek::eek: HORRIBLE not even bother to workout since I don't think is worth it with all the food we had. BUT tomorrow, hopefully tomorrow I get to start to workout, tomorrow we have to enroll the girls to school then get the house, OF Base, a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, furnished house, month to month till we get the house on base, its being really tough this time, I'm so tired of traveling, soooooooo tired, I can wait to settle down, have a place, have a life again.
Sorry it took me so long to log in and come to say "I'm still alive girls" really sorry.
I hope from now on I get to come more often, we have Wi-Fi at the hotel but I'm not sure about the house, at least maybe not right away, but I will come more often.
(I'm so tired still, we just back from TX today, that I'm not going back to read what I just wrote, so I hope there is not to many mistakes)
I Forgot to mention my plans, I got a new heart rate monitor, a present from DH company from AU, a pink really cute, I like it a lot, anyways I'm going to use it to the MAX I was thinking that I should start easy again, so I think I'm going to do a lot of cardio, treadmill, I don't have any of my stuff yet, I did mail my step and videos but I'm not sure when I'm going to receive that "fast" shipment so before I start even thinking about gaining muscle I have to loose some of this new layer I gain, funny, I didn't gain weight at all, I weighted my self the last day we were at TX and I was 136 pounds, really weird, DH say that I lost muscle and I gain fat, so I'm going to try to loose fat before lifting weights.
What you guys are doing? what rotation? I can't wait to start!!!!!!
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Julie Great job on quads and calves. That is so funny about you getting your days mixed up, I know how that can be. It's nice though that you thought it was Tuesday and it was actually Thursday, it is usually just the opposite when that happens to me! Luckily the issue with my nose only lasted one night so I didn't need to look into breath right strips. That will be something to keep in mind though for the next time. If you try them let me know how they work! You are dreaming thinking that a king sized bed will help keep your dogs off you :p No matter how much room there is they seem to take up most of it, no matter how small they are. I'm not sure how that works!

JanieWelcome home, I know you must be so happy. No more rules!!! :D Sorry to hear that the internet wasn't cooperating though. Oh no! Tennis elbow! That sounds awful. Do take care of it and just think about how great your legs and glutes are going to be looking!
Your new zentangle is very cool. I love how you worked an actual line from the song in. Very cool!

julie Great job on the cardio blast premix and abs from BM2 and clean max on Saturday. I guess you definitely are increasing your cardio again!

Janie Oh, sorry to hear that the play was no good, what a disappointment. It sounds like your plan to stick to pays near your beach house is a good one!

Eunice WELCOME BACK!!! We've missed you around here. Boy, it sounds like you have had quite the month, I hope you are able to get settled into a new house soon. I have been keeping up with you a little bit on FB and was so happy that you got to Texas to see Astrid. Poor Sam :( Our Shamrock was like that when we brought him back from California. When they brought him off the plane his eyes were all glassy and he was just totally freaked out. He looked at us and didn't even know who we were at first. It really freaked us out and we said the same thing - never putting him on an airplane again. He recovered a lot more quickly though, you must have been so sad for Same. i'm glad to hear that he is doing better now and playing with the other dog helped him. I have faith that you will get rid of the extra layer and get back into shape and into the groove once you get settled. It's hard to be living in temporary places for so long without your stuff. I am doing the July rotation that you had picked out as one of our choices (was it 2010?) I didn't get through the whole rock bottoms because I had my trip to London in there. I went to S Africa in the middle of this rotation, but I just started where I left off with it when I got back. I'm on the last week now so will have to pick a new rotation. We have another mini vacation coming up the first week in November though, so I may wait until we get back to start a new rotation.

Sorry I didn't post over the weekend, it didn't seem like I was all that busy, but it went by so fast. I decided to take Saturday as my day off instead of Sunday because it was nice just hanging out having coffee and tea with my DH on Saturday morning and then we cooked breakfast. After breakfast he had a golf lesson and I went and got a pedicure and then did some running around. Saturday afternoon I got the house decorated for Halloween. I didn't do too much, but wanted to have a few little Halloweeny things out. Yesterday morning was the original Bootcamp. I hadn't done that one in awhile and it was my favorite for a long time, so it was nice to do it again. This morning was PCCC :D I was dreading it a little but it was pretty good. I even for a VERY brief moment considering repeating round 4 when it came up again, but luckily that moment of insanity passed quickly! I think I need to be doing more ab work though, the butterfly crunches were the hardest they have ever been for me and I had to do the modified version for the last few:mad: I did break down last week though and ordered volumes 1-4 of horizontal conditioning because so many people have been raving about the huge different they have seen in their core with those so I'll be trying to work them into my next rotation. Now I'd best get some work done. Have a great Monday ladies!

Yesterday I decided to start STS. Well, sort of. I am starting with Meso 2. I dread all the pushups in Meso 1 and figure life is too short to do workouts you dread. Anyway, I did Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps and my whole upper body felt like jello at the end. I expected more DOMS than I have this morning but oh well. This morning I did the Low Impact Tabata from CrossFire and then Yoga Relax.

Janie Well that is a bummer you paid for a play and spent time going to see it and it wasn’t good. Hopefully sticking to familiar places will bring better plays in the future.

Eunice WELCOME BACK! What an adventure and a bummer that you have to live in a hotel and then a rental house before finally having your own home on the base. Sam is a lucky puppy to be spoiled by you like that. His flight must have been scary but at least he got to see you guys right away. Stop in when you can. We’ve missed you!

Pam Great job on Bootcamp (original-style) and PCCC! I bet that moment of wanting to repeat round 4 was indeed very brief, followed by a stifled laugh maybe? I did end up buying some breathe right strips over the weekend and used them Saturday night and Sunday night. I actually left them on when I got up and kept them on during my workout. So far, I definitely can tell it has helped me breathe better at night but I am not sure on the workouts whether they help me breathe better. I mainly am keeping them on during that time because the box recommends taking them off in the shower. Yeah, I probably am dreaming thinking a king-size bed will keep the dogs off me at night. Ozzie has yet to learn that his legs bend at the joints when he is lying down.

Have a great day!
Did my own thing on the spin bike and on the step for 25 min. Next time will be longer, it's a start.

, Welcome Back! We've missed you soooooo much! Time does go fast when you are relocating, moving and getting it all together. Just so glad you are here in the states and safe. You sure didn't have it easy did you? You poor things. OMG! Poor Sam, the trip took a toll on him for sure. Please give him lots of hugs and pets for me. I bet Sam loves being with you guys so often. He's a lucky boy to have parents like yourselves. Don't worry so much about eating not quite right. You'll get back to normal once your lives are normal. Give it a bit of time. You don't have to be sorry about not posting right away. We love you and miss you, but I think you needed that time to yourself. It's OK, just glad you are here now. How nice that you got a heart monitor, it will come in handy. Starting easy is the best way to get back into it. Good idea on your part. Cardio on the treadmill sounds like a good start until your things can get to you. I've gained 5 pounds and need to lose it ASAP. Before it gets any worse. I'm so glad you are back!:D

Pam, Great job on your rest day and getting the house ready for Holloween. So glad you decided to do that. Great job on BC, it's one of my favorites too. Also great job on this morning's PCCC and ab especially the butterfly crunches. Please tell me how you like vol 1-4 on Horizontal Conditioning. I want those sooooo badly!

Julie, Great job on STS yesterday on Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. I bet you did feel like jello. That's a good thing. LOL Also on this morning's LIT from CF and yoga relax. Good for you!

Take care ladies,

Julie Great job on starting STS with meso 2 instead of meso 1. You'rer right that it is no good if you are dreading doing your workouts. Those pushups in meso 1 are just miserable! Good for you feeling like jello, that is surprising that you didn't have much in the way of DOMS after that. Great job on LI Tabata and YR too! You're right, that moment of thinking about doing round 4 again was VERY fleeting! Then I started wondering if perhaps I had lost my mind! :p That is great that thte breathe right strips are helping you breath better at night! It would be really cool if you said you could definitely tell a difference in your workout too, but the sleep part is more important!

Janie Great job on your home grown spin and step workouts! Keep it up! I definitely will give you the report on the HC workouts when i get to them. I am hoping that the one intro one that I got is not really representative of the longer workouts. We shall see!

Cheryl Are you still out there? I hope you are doing well!

This morning was Circuit Max, another oldie but goodie. This is another one that I used to do all the time but haven't done in a long time so it was a lot of fun. I looked ahead to tomorrow and saw that one of the step classics is on the calendar, so of course I'm already thinking about what I'll sub in instead :) I hope everyone has a great day.

This morning was disc 14, legs! Wowee! I love how fast the trisets go but I hate the calf work at the end. I was tempted to skip it but didn’t. I was also a good girl and did the extended stretch; although, in hindsight that put me behind schedule and I was running late and had to rush to catch my van ride in to work.

Janie Great way to start back after some time off! I bet you will lose those 5 pounds faster than you think since you will shock your body with adding more activity now that you are home.

Pam Great job on CM! Yep and oldie but a goodie and it is a lot higher intensity than I think most people think. I was actually thinking that when I do my next round of STS, I might use the 30 day X-Train rotation in place of Meso 1. I’m taking a leap of faith that X-Train will have far fewer pushups than Meso 1. This morning as I was huffing and puffing with the leg trisets, I did feel like I could take in air easier through my nose. Sometimes when my workouts get intense, my nose almost closes up and I didn’t notice it today. Decisions, decisions, what will you choose for tomorrow? Maybe Imax 2 with the Jeannie hops?

Cheryl & Penguin I hope we didn’t lose you!

Have a great day!
Hi everyone,

I am still here. I don't know where the time goes in the evenings it is hard to get to post. I have been fighting a cold but still trying to workout but mornings don't seem to be working for me so I have to do it right after I get home from work. There is now snow on the mountains (they look so pretty) so I know winter isn't that far away. Welcome back Eunice, sounds like you have been really busy. Poor Sam I bet he was glad to get off the airplane and out of the crate. Everyone is doing well with the workouts, it is too hard to reply to everything that I missed.

Hopefully I will get a chance to post tomorrow too. Looking forward to the new workouts they look like they will be hard.

Sorry I went MIA. I didn't exercise again last week, I was really sore from Tues workout and it lasted all week, then we had a 3-day weekend, because Hubby surprised me by taking a day off {rare for him!], so I wanted to spend time with him, maybe encourage him to do it again! On the furry front April is doing much better and Hubby figured out if we throw the pill in the back of her throat, then stuff a piece off a slice of lunchmeat inside her mouth she gulps both down, which has made pill-time much easier.

I did KCM's LBody Training workout 1 yesterday. Planning UB for today.
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Culie Great job on disc 14, I bet you'll be failing the toilet test tomorrow! cathe really knows how to fry those calves, doesn't she?! Good for you doing the extended stretch too, you are making me feel guilty with all of the stretching and yoga! That sounds like a good idea using the 30 day cross train rotation instead of meso 1. Hmmm...maybe an idea for me this winter. I sure hope X-Train has fewer pushups! That sounds great that those breath right strips are working so well for you! I just may need to try them.
You are so funny, I did keep thinking about how much I wanted to do 128 jeannie hops this morning but went with crossfire instead. Maybe I'll just get up from my desk during the day and do some jeannie hops for fun :p;) or maybe I'll just stick a pencil in my eye instead......:D

Cheryl Glad to see that you are still out there. I saw that you had some workouts posted on FB so I figured that was a good sign! I know what you mean about the evenings going by quickly and if you are having to get your workouts in then too it makes it even tougher. I usually get home, start on dinner, eat dinner, clean up and if I'm lucky have some time to relax a little before bed. Oh man, I am NOT ready for snow yet, I hate seeing the snow storms on the news! I'm just hoping for another mild winter!

Penguin No problem with going MIA, we all do it sometimes. It is so nice that your DH surprised you by taking a day off! I hope you enjoyed the 3 day weekend immensely! It's great that you are able to give April her pills more easily now and even better that she is doing much better. I hope that the one month worth of pills does the trick! Great job on KCM LB workout!

This morning Step Jam was on the calendar so after mulling what to do instead I decided on Crossfire and did the Crossfire+abs premix. I was so proud of myself that for the first time ever I was able to do all 16 of the first set of straddle pushups without modifying! I only made it through 8 of the second set, but I was happy with it overall. I keep going back and forth on whether this or TTM is harder. I think that TTM Extreme premix is harder, but for just the normal workouts I find CF harder. I think it's that band tabata and the straddle pushups that do it for me. Have a great day ladies!

This morning I was so very tired and did not want to get up but I dragged myself out of bed after snoozing for about 10 minutes after the alarm went off. I managed to eek my way through disc 15, back and biceps. Oh and I was worried I might not get DOMS from disc 14. HAHAHA! That was funny to worry about it because I have some nice deep glute and hamstring DOMS. The kind that hurt when you sit.

Cheryl Glad to see you are still doing well! I’m looking forward to the new workouts too. I read somewhere Cathe will have a 30 day and a 90 day rotation for these and I am thinking I may substitute the 30 day rotation for Meso 1 of STS since I am hoping that X-Train will have 1000 fewer pushups than Meso 1.

Penguin Well that was sweet of DH to surprise you and take the day off to spend with you. So glad April is doing better and that pill time is easier. I had to shove a pill down Maggie’s throat last night and she gave me the stink eye afterwards. But you know dogs, they forget and forgive so quickly. Great job on KCM’s Lower Body Training! I have a KCM step and plyo workout (can’t remember the name) that I like.

Pam Great job on CrossFire + abs! Yea on the pushups. I think the last time I did CrossFire I got 12 or 13 on each set so I can’t quite go as fast as Cathe to get to 16. I’m still passing the toilet test but I can’t say it is easy getting down there. At work, we have a public bathroom with 5 stalls and I can’t imagine what the other women are thinking when they hear me whimper as I try to sit on the toilet. Oh don’t feel guilty about not stretching. At least my intent is to not make you feel guilty. I just have been trying really hard to fit more stretching in. I haven’t noticed too much of a difference yet but I am hoping too soon. Ok, now get up from your desk and give me some Jeannie hops! Just kidding!

Have a wonderful day!

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