Strength in Numbers

This morning I worked shoulders and then did the Step Tabata from To The Max. I woke up today thinking it was Friday so the last day of work for the week. Then I went to do my workout and realized it was shoulder day which is Thursday. What a let down! :(

Penguin I’m sorry you are not feeling good right now. That is the bummer about the weather being so up and down. At least for me anyway. Sounds like a rest week is in order with the way you are feeling. I have only ever done one Firm in my life and it was strictly cardio. Too dancey for me. I thought I wouldn’t do well left to my own without a DVD but I have an app on my phone that times my workouts so that motivates me to get through them.

Cheryl Great job on disc 14 legs! I’m glad I am not the only one that forgets what number I am or just plain can’t count. I hope Tango doesn’t start hiding on you. Cats and dogs are so smart. They catch on fast to it being that time to get something done they don’t want like medicine or a bath.

Have a wonderful day!
Long story short, our son and his new wife now has rules so that it makes it impossible for Joey and I to visit them. The rule is: No one will be spending the night at their house while visiting Vegas, they recommend hotels. It's so very different even to be able to talk to my son without Jannel there interrupting our conversations. I'm afraid this might be the last time we see Dan. We didn't leave on a bad note with them. However, things are just not right in our minds.

We decided to leave and we are now on our houseboat with no rules to follow or break.
Cleaning it is an all day event. The dust in it was literally 2" thick around the windows. But, it's getting there for us to live in for a week or so.

We are going to sell it, so if anyone wants it very very cheap, let us know. Just make any offer. Everything works except water system. Water system needs to be replaced. 1975 47 foot, sleeps 8 people on beds. We bought new motors a while back and never used them. If you do want it, it's in boat storage in Hanksville UT lot and we pay $1300.00 a year. You would have to resume that responsibility or move it. Some water damage needs fixing up but other than that for a 1975 house boat, it's in fairly good shape. The last 10 years we've been using it as a cabin and visiting the many parks around this area.

Penguin, I'm not a morning person either. Thanks for the link on knitting/crochet forum. Will check it out asap. Hope you aren't getting sick. Enjoy the TV and knitting.

, Great job on back and biceps. LOL, yep you need Cedie to count. LOL

Cheryl, Great job on disc 14 legs. I know what you are going thru when trying to help our fur buddies. I had to give our RIP kitty diabetic shots twice a day. However, it seems he knew I was trying to help, but there were days he didn't want any thing to do with me.

Julie, Great job on shoulders and then Step Tabata from TTM. Sorry about the mix up in days. I do that sometimes too. You are not alone.

Take care,

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Julie Good job on your shoulder work and the step tabata. Not nice to wake up thinking it is Friday and it isn't. I prefer when you wake on on Friday thinking it is Thursday, now that is a nice surprise. So far so good with Tango, we will see how he is tomorrow.

Janie Sorry to hear about the issues with your son and new wife. Was it like this before they got married? Hopefully she will not keep your son away from you. I don't understand people who act like this. I hope that you can sell your houseboat easily.

Well I tried to do a slide and glide this morning. It just wasn't happening, so fustrating that I can't do early morning workouts anymore. It will be Friday soon Julie. This was a short week for me but they still feel long for some reason.

Have a great day everyone.

Happy Friday ladies! I am so glad that it is Friday, I'm ready to go home! I'm not really looking forward to the 15 hour flight tonight, but it's a necessary evil. :confused: The class has gone really well but it sure is tiring. I've never had to teach a 5 day class by myself before, we usually get to have a second instructor so that part was a bummer. I've really been struggling with the time change this time too, last night of course I slept the best I've slept all week, just in time to go home. OK, sorry, enough whining and complaining from me. The positive stuff: everyone here is super super friendly no matter where you go, it is really cool. The service in the hotel is excellent too and the country is beautiful. I did a city tour on Sunday and saw the part of town that they refer to as 'the good, the bad, and the ugly' and it is the area where Nelson mandela was born and lived for a lot of his life. It really makes you count your blessings to have been so lucky to be born where we were born into the lifestyle that we have. There are tiny little houses that people put metal shacks up behind and they rent the metal shacks out to families. Some of the houses have as many as 10 of these shacks in their backyard (which is teeny tiny).
I only made it to the gym one more time this week. I was waking up at 2 am and unable to get back to sleep so didn't feel like going on Wednesday or Thursday as a result. I did go this morning and did 45 minutes on the bike. I put on my ipod and did my own little spin class. i was sweating like crazy, it was great :p My flight leaves tonight at 8:30 and I'll be home tomorrow morning around 10:30 if all goes as planned. The DH is getting home around 3 pm. He has had much more interesting experiences in India. Not sure when I will get back to my rotation or where I will pick up with it yet, probably Monday morning, but perhaps Sunday if I can sleep on Saturday.
Janie, that is so sad about the rules with you son and DIL. I can't understand personally being so strict about things, it seems like it would be really hard to relax and enjoy your life if you are always worrying about little things. Enjoy your time on your house boat. Catch up with you all soon!

This morning I worked quads and calves. I was able to up my weight on my squats, front squats, and leg press. Yea! Oh, and I can be happy today is Friday, finally!

Janie Is that the rules of the homeowners association where they live or your DIL’s rule? So sorry about your relationship with your son and daughter-in-law. I wonder if maybe she was just nervous and over compensating by talking too much. Any case, I hope it doesn’t ruin your relationship with your son. So if you are selling the houseboat is this your last year in UT?

Cheryl Have you gotten your results back regarding your enzyme levels? Just wondering if they have found anything to help with your energy levels. Sometimes those short weeks feel longer than full weeks. I’m glad Tango is still tolerating his meds.

Pam I can’t imagine having to adjust to that big of a time zone change. Of course, you would adjust right before having to come home though. I don’t blame you for not working out with the lack of sleep you were getting plus having to run a class 5 days straight probably took a lot out of you too. But good for you for getting in a 45 minute cycle ride. Have a safe flight and sleep well on it!

Have a wonderful day!
We find out today if Hubby gets to come home today or if They are going to extend his trip. :mad: I have a list of stuff I want to get done today so I better get busy.

Janie, My Sis and BIL are like that with my parents, rules about what they can do and what they can and can't talk about. Its very frusterating and it hurts my parents that they can't be themselves. My Sis told them if they break the rules they aren't welcome back. Weird.

Pam, have a safe flight. I'm sure you did a great job teaching.

Janie, send me a PM if you join so I can friend you.
Hi ladies, I am home hooray! The flight back to Atlanta was 16 hours because there were head winds on the way back. It was really bumpy most of the way too, they had the flight attendants sit down and put on their seat belts 3-4 times. It was funny though because the rocking kind've helped me go to sleep. I guess it is kind've like babies in cars :p I'm so glad to be home and can't wait to get back to a normal routine. Saturday night we were both exhausted and tried to stay awake until 8:00 but couldn't do it. Last night I stayed up til 10 so I was pretty proud of myself. The cats have been all over us since we got home! The last 4 hours of that flight seemed like they lasted forever!
Yesterday I didn't do a workout, just got caught up with laundry, grocery shopping, unpacking, etc. I decided to pick up my rotation from last Monday today, so this morning was Imax3, it was tough after having a light workout week last week, but I made it through. Cheryl, please let us know what is happening with you, I hope that all is well. Penguin, I'm so glad that your DH got to come home instead of having his trip extended! Julie, have you been enjoying doing your laundry at home?! Janie, I hope your weather has improved. Were you on the houseboat for the storm? I think that would be very scary! have a great Monday everyone!
Friday night, DH, the dogs, and I stayed at my parents’ house because Saturday was my dad’s birthday. Saturday morning I did MMA Boxing incl. the heavy bag bonus (without the heavy bag though) at their house. We were supposed to get together with my sister’s family at 11 for cake and ice cream but my niece who is still learning to drive, put the car in the ditch. Everyone is ok but my sister’s car might be totaled. After that, DH and I did our weekly shopping and then went home. Sunday morning I worked chest and triceps and did the firewalker tabata from CrossFire. This morning was hamstrings and glutes.

Penguin That was good news that your hubby got to come home instead of having to extend his trip. Hope you got all you wanted to get done last week and got to enjoy your lunch with your parents and time with your hubby!

Janie Uh oh! Hopefully, that storm was the first and last while you are down there.

Pam Great job on Imax 3! That is quite a workout after a light week. I’m glad you made it through. DH and I were flying home early from Florida once and when we were landing everyone started clapping. We had no idea what was going on. Turns out there had been some turbulence but DH and I were too asleep to notice. Maybe I need to get a bed that rocks me to sleep. Oh yes, I am still enjoying my laundry! I think I may be doing extra loads just for fun!

Have a wonderful day!
Hubby is out job hunting today and running the new-to-us car through inspection so he can get tags in our name. We also have to take sweet puppy to the vet today, she’s got a place on her neck that has lost fur and a bunch of bites on her legs and ‘puppy pits’. This is usually the day we try to have some fun, but it doesn’t sound like much fun.

This is the second time he’s tried to run the car though inspection and it runs fine there and back but {and when he drives it around toen}, but while he’s in line at the station the car is sputtering and smoking. He’s an aircraft mechanic with a background in car mechanics and he can’t understand what’s wrong. I get to catch up on my Bible study for Wed/Thurs and brush April so she looks nice for the vet.

Pam, glad you made it home safely! Lol, about babes in cars/airplanes. I'll tell Hubby, he sleeps on airplanes all the time. I figure its a good sign to the other passangers if the uniformed mechanic for the airline is sleeping during flights.

Julie, sorry to hear about family car! I bet Niece will never hear the end of that!

Janie, hope all is well with you.
Not sure if you all get this post (the internet here is of ify) but will be going home tomorrow and will catch up with you all in a couple of days. See you then.

Julie Good job on your quad and calf work and upping your weights. That is such a good feeling. Everything seems to be fine with me. I am tired but the doctor said that it is just that time of life for me. A lot of people at work feel the same as me though, tired all the time. I think it is the time of year as well since it is getting darker earlier now. Good job on MMA Boxing too. That is an easy one to bring over to someone else's house since you don't need much equipment. Well at least your niece is OK after ditching the car but I bet she may not be too popular with her mother right now.

Janie I hope the bad weather doesn't last long for you. Have a safe trip home. Post when you can.

Pam Welcome back. I hate bumpy flights and it must have been bad if the flight attendants had to strap themselves in. I find the trip home is always the longest because all you want to do is sleep in your own bed. Isn't it nice when the kitties want to curl up with you because you were missed. My tests came back normal so I guess everything is fine. I think the first time I went in for tests I was a bit dehydrated so that was why my kidney enzymes were elevated.

Penguin I hope April if OK. I hate having to take pets to the vet because it can be so stressful for them. Nothing ever goes wrong when you are at the mechanics it is always after that it will start acting up again.

Today I did Low Impact Challenge, Sunday was yoga and Saturday was STS disc 15 Back and Biceps. It has been really dry here but it made up for it yesterday. It rained so hard and it didn't let up. I guess we are back to our dreary weather for about the next 8 months :(.

Have a great day everyone.

Hubby's car passed on the third try, after he came home this afternoon we took April to the off-leash park, this is the first time we've been back to this park since she injured her {other} ACL almost 2 years ago. She was thrilled. After we got back I smashed my wedding ring agaist the edge of our bedroom doorway, bent one of the tines and lost an emerald {my band is special made for me with a row of emeralds in white gold}. It took poor Hubby an hour to find the stone, then we rushed out to a mall across town that has a fix-while-you-wait shop. I thought the ring was broken and we'd have to get it re-set, which of course we can't afford right now, but it was fixed free of charge! Remind me to send business their way! So another crisis ju jour!
Julie oh no, sorry to hear about your sister's car being totaled but so glad that no one was hurt. She must have put it in the ditch good if it is totaled, wow. I hope that your dad was able to have a nice birthday anyway. Great job on MMA Boxing, I do the heavy bag bonus without a heavy bag too. Great job on chest and triceps and the firewalker tabata. Also on hamstrings and glutes. Do you feel like you are seeing results from your heavy lifting? That's funny that you had a rough flight and neither of you even noticed! Some people clapped when we landed in Johannesburg too, but I think that was because they were so happy for the long flight to be over! hahahahaha you are too funny - doing extra loads just for fun!

Penguin I hope your DH is able to find a new job soon. Job hunting is certainly stressful. Oh dear, I hope April is ok, I have never heard of puppy pits before! It sounds like the car just didn't want to be inspected, how strange, I'm glad to hear that it passed on the third try though. Yes, I think it would be very comforting for passengers to see the airline mechanic sleeping on the plane. Maybe he should mess with people sometimes by suddenly looking worried or jumping up to look out the window at the engine...JK! That would freak people out a little too much I'm sure.

Janie Have a safe trip home. I bet you will be happy to be there after being away for so long. Looking forward to hearing from you once you are settled.

Cheryl Well it is nice that the kitties want to curl up with us because they missed us, but it would be nicer if they decided to do it while we are awake instead of asleep :rolleyes: They get competitive with each other too - if one gets on us then the other one has to get closer to your face. :rolleyes: I'm glad to hear that your tests came back normal. It isn't very fun to hear that it's an age thing though, is it?!
Great job on LIC, that was my workout this morning! Great job on yoga and STS disc 15 too!

Penguin Oh my, you must have been so upset about your wedding ring. I am so glad that your DH found the stone though and what a wonderful surprise that they didn't charge you to fix it!!! That is awesome.

So this morning for me was Low Impact Challenge (Original recipe as Julie would say). Always a fun one, it has one of my favorite ab sections too. I managed to pick up a little cold though, so in addition to being sleepy from the jet lag I am sleepy from the cold :confused: Both DH and I woke up around 3:30. he couldn't get back to sleep at all and I kept dozing and waking up until the alarm went off at 5:30. The joys of travel :rolleyes: have a great day everyone!

Morning guys! Its Tuesday so I'm doing laundry, finishing up my lesson for Bible study, cleaning the bathroom and hope to get in Cathe's Pyramid LB plus some cardio, as well as knitting. There's a new Knit Night tonight across town in a Newk's cafe this evening which I hope to attend.

Pam, I like your sense of humor. Well, human's have arm pits so April has puppy pits, we weren't sure what else to call them. ;) Thanks for the good wishes on the job hunt.
This morning I overslept but only by 15 minutes. I meant to just lay there for 5 minutes but I was apparently having too good of a time and stayed there longer. I did get to get the Low Impact Tabata from CrossFire and Yoga Relax in. So even though I could have been happy sleeping in another hour or so, I am glad I got up and worked out.

Penguin Aww! Poor April! I do hope she is ok. Glad the car finally got past inspection. That must be a relief. I love taking our puppies to the dog park but there really isn’t one near us (I think the closest one is 30 miles away). Sometimes we take them to the park in town because there is usually no one there but it is not completely fenced in so we have to be careful. I’m glad your ring worked out. That is really awesome that they fixed it for free too. Nice bonus! Hope you get everything done in your very busy day today!

Janie Safe travels! Can’t believe you are coming home already.

Cheryl Great job on disc 15, yoga, and Low Impact Challenge! That’s a stinky answer to your tiredness. The weather could certainly have something to do with it. Is there a lot of stress at work right now? That could also be causing it. My sister is trying not to be too mad at my niece for the car issue. It is her first accident and she doesn’t even have her driver’s license yet. I just hope it doesn’t cause my niece to not want to get back behind the wheel again.

Pam Great job on LIC (original style, hehe)! My sister’s car is quite old so I think that is why it will be totaled. The front end is really smashed up and it had actually rolled on its side so the driver’s side is all smashed/dented too. I definitely feel like I am gaining strength/muscle from all the heavy lifting. Unfortunately, the layer of fat has remained. I have started counting calories again (ugh!) and am seeing it come off slowly. Maybe if I can lose enough of the fat, I will see my hard earned muscles.

Have a wonderful day!
I did Cathe's Pyramid LB 'down' premix plus Firm Weighted Glove workout, which each time I do I complain that I wish they had made it longer, lol. Almost though with the laundry, need to go over lesson to see if I missed a question.

I decided to make lasagna tonight so I have a lot of peppers and onions to chop. Every few weeks I buy a few of each color red, green, and yellow sweet peppers, cube, then freeze them so I'm not chopping all the time. This is especially good for onions this time of year because they are extra pungent so you aren't crying each time you cook. I used to wear contacts so onion never bothered me but after my cateract surgery I just wear glasses and I see what all the crying about onions is about!

Julie, we have a walking track park a few miles from us so its extra time to drive but its huge, and April enjoys it so. She wasn't socialized much before we got her, so she doesn't try to play with the other dogs, badically ignores them, unless they are bigger than she is, then she will snap at them; she's such an instigator! So we have to be a little careful with her but she's never hurt another dog. She does love puppies and will race up to them and try to sniff/lick which of course terrifies them and their owners!
Penguin I hope you got all of your cleaning and Bible study lesson work done. It sounds like you had a busy day. I hope you were able to attend the knit night too. I have been knitting again recently but hadn't done any for a long time. I lost a good friend to breast cancer at the beginning of the year and she had been in the middle of knitting scarves for the girls in our girls night out group when she started getting so sick. She asked that pone of the other girls and I finish them, so that got me started knitting again. I forgot how much I enjoy it. Ahhhh, ok, I get the puppy pits now! cute! I hope she is doing well.

Julie Oh I can so relate to that wanting to get just another 5 minutes of sleep and it growing to more! Good job getting in those 15 mintues and LI tabata and yoga relax. I am so impressed that you are getting all of this yoga in! Great job! lad I got up and worked out. It's good that your sister is encouraging your niece to keep driving. When my sister was a teenager she got into a 4 car accident coming out of the church parking lot (her fault and all of the other cars were parked!) when she had her permit. She kept driving and then she backed into a tree. After that she didn't want to drive anymore and didn't end up getting her drivers license until she was in her 40's! I'm glad to hear that you are gaining strength and muscle and I bet you would be able to see the difference if you weren't looking at yourself every day;.

Penguin Great job on PLB premix and the Firm weighted glove workout. That's how I feel about a couple of Cathe's shorter workouts (like Athletic Step) - I always wish it was longer. Oh yum, I love lasagne. I guess it is getting to be that time of year. Our oldest will be home from school for fall break this weekend so maybe I'll make lasagne since it is his favorite. I found that out about contacts too....I cry like crazy when i am cutting onions and my step daughter doesn't cry at all. We just figured she wasn't as sensitive, then I read somewhere that people who wear contacts don't cry. It makes sense.

This morning for me was supposed to be Step Max (I think?) - one of the classics that I don't really care for, so I did To the Max instead. I toyed with doing the extreme pre-mix but decided to stick with the vanilla version. It was a great workout, I even almost threw in one of the extra tabatas at the end, but decided to be lazy and skip it :D My sore throat went away during the night sometime so I was very happy about that. It was screaming last night and I even got up around 1 am and took some ibuprofen because it was hurting so bad, but poof it is gone! That made me very happy! I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

This morning I really, really wanted to sleep in but I dragged my tired self out of bed and worked my back and biceps. I didn’t go up in weight any but did add a rep at the end of some of the sets.

Penguin Great job on PLB + Firm Weighted Glove workouts! I love the pyramid workouts. Well, you caught me, I love all the heavy weight workouts. That’s a good idea to chop up a bunch of peppers and onions at one time and freeze them. Aww! April loves puppies. How cute. Do you know if she was a momma before you had her? My Maggie had puppies when they found her as a stray. I don’t think I have seen her around an actual puppy but she took one of my niece’s little stuffed dogs and started grooming it once!

Pam Great job on TTM! I would sub out too. Other than Power Max and Step Fit, I am not a big fan of the older step videos. I’m glad your sore throat is gone. It is weird that you had one for that short of a time but hey at least it was a short lived soreness. It’s weird but this week I actually was looking forward to my yoga day. Oh wow! Waiting until 40 before getting a driver’s license! That accident must have really freaked your sister out. Hmm … maybe I should quit looking at myself in the mirror for a few weeks and see if I notice any changes. I’d probably have to wear a long sleeved muu muu (sp?) too just so I don’t peek at myself during the day.

Have great day!

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