Strength in Numbers

Morning. Laundry and other fun things to do today. I still need to move the fabric from Hubby's office to my sewing room, and since I've been slacking again I really need to exercise. I picked the last rose from my bushes yesterday and there are still a few climatis hanging on dispite the cold and frost of last night.

Cheryl, its more like a harness but it wraps around the middle of the dog like a girdle, its fine until she pulls then it cinches around her waist, like a slipknot. I tried to google it but couldn't find an image. We've never tried a harness on April we thought she'd see it as a greater opportunity to pull like a horse harness, but this works better than the Halti.
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Julie Great job on disc 16 and disc 17. I think it was a good idea to do yoga the day after your leg workout. Those leg workouts in STS are such killers! I think I still have a ways to go to work off the weekend, I didn't mention the chocolate souffle on Saturday night :rolleyes: You should do the massage, it is so wonderful. That's the third professional massage I have had and every time I have thought it would be nice to have them more often. Our kids do help with cleaning up after dinner and they clean their rooms, but that is pretty much the extent of it most of the time. They will clean the bathroom or do other cleaning when I ask them too, but they usually are off doing other things these days. Oh good point about XTrain coming soon, I don't want to be in the middle of STS when it arrives. Maybe I'll just throw some STS workouts in during other workouts while I'm waiting for it. I figure the fact that the presale closes today is a good sign!

Penguin Wow, sounds like your hubby had a busy day. I'm sorry that it was frustrating for him on the job search front, I hope that something turns up for him soon. It's good that he got some good leads. I love your story about re-wrapping the CD player and putting it under the tree! I told the friend that we went to Pinehurst with that if the guys had waited just a little bit longer to do this trip that we could have used it for Christmas again this year.....Oh, your pizza sounds soooo good! I wouldn't be into the veggie one, but the BBQ chicken and mexican sound really really good!
I have not seen the leashes that you are talking about, but I'm glad to hear that you found a good solution to make walk time easier. I always hate when they pull on the ones around their necks and it makes them cough from choking! Your little girl outfit is so cute. I took a peek at your other projects too, wow, really nice work! I especially like some of the shawls.

Cheryl Yep, I'm the same way - doing a lot of workouts that are more cardio. I do think I will wait on starting an STS rotation though until I see what the XTrain workouts are all about. Sorry to hear that you weren't able to get to yoga on Sunday :( Great job on disc 21 though and getting some of that heavy upper body work in. I heard about that earthquake, glad to hear that you didn't get any damage from it. I know they were afraid of a tsunami hitting Hawaii, but I guess that never happened.

Julie and Cheryl, did you have any effects from Sandy? That was quite the storm. We have some friends in the Bronx who live on the water and they finally evacuated when their garage door crashed in. They said that waded across the street to their neighbors in chest deep water. Very scary! This morning I did All Step. My legs and glutes were so sore from AB yesterday that I wanted to do something to loosen them up but also wanted to do some upper body and abs. I ended up doing All Step. Not as much upper body as I had thought (shoulders only), but not too bad. I was mad though because right after I was done I discovered that my Horizontal Conditioning workouts had arrived yesterday. If I had realized that I would have done one of those instead! I ordered vols 1-4 + Bootcamp and she threw in an additional one. I will probably do one of those for my workout tomorrow. Janie and Eunice I hope you are both doing well!

This morning I woke up with a kink in my neck that seemed to be shooting pain down to my shoulder and hip. Weird thing is it seemed to go away after doing the Low Impact Tabata from To The Max. Miracle of exercise I guess. I also did Yoga Relax.

Penguin I have not seen that infomercial but it sounds interesting. Maggie is not a good walker. Ozzie has one of those easy walk harnesses that the leash attaches to the chest area. He does very well on that but Maggie just wants to do what she wants. She's just a tad spoiled. That is really cute baby dress. I love the shrug and the colors. I’ll be keeping your DH’s job hunt in prayers and hope he finds something good soon. I know once he does it will take a load of your minds.

Cheryl Great job on the housework even though you missed yoga. I bet you feel good having the housework done though. Great job on disc 21 too. I read about the earthquake and thought of you. I would think an earthquake of that magnitude would do some damage in a big city like Vancouver. Hopefully you won’t have to worry about that happening. Although I know earthquakes are unpredictable so there is really no preparation that you can do beforehand.

Pam Great job on All Step! I can’t remember if I like that one or Step & Intervals better from CTX. That would be very scary to be wading across the street to get to someplace drier. I couldn’t imagine. So far nothing here but I think we are a little too far west to see anything. I think they are saying OH might get some though. How long are the Horizontal Conditioning workouts? If they are short and good, let me know and I might get them as my add on abs. Just warn me ahead of time if they have any bike maneuvers in there. YUCK! I’m so excited that XTrain seems to be coming along nicely. I hope the storm didn’t slow them down (that didn’t sound selfish did it :eek:). I was thinking (or is it hoping) we were on schedule to get them by Christmas with the way they are going.

Have a great day!
Back to post another one! Prayer shawl I finished last night for another woman in our Bible study who has cancer; she's a Childrens Leader. Ravelry: patchworkpenguin's Alice's Rosy Glen

Julie, thank you for your prayers! Hopefully now that the first interviews are over he will feel more confident. He is getting some good advice and help. This is stressing me when I let it, I just have to be patient and supportive.

Pam, thanks for the compliments on the other projects! Are you on Rav or can you access other projects? What frusterated me about April is that she is very obedient in all other aspects {well, there's sleeping on the couch but I can live with that} but once we put a leash on her she's rebellious! She even obeys better at the off leash park!
Went shopping yesterday and accomplished a lot even got our flu shot. Yea! Rode a little on the spinning bike. I need to get my groove back. Hoping for a good workout tonight.

My prayers are with those on the East coast.

Pam, Great job on AS. Good choice for the effects of AB yesterday. Yea, your Horizontal DVD came in. I can't wait to hear all about them.

Julie, Exercises are little miracles. So glad the kink went away. Great job on LIT from TTM and yoga relax.

Penquin, Great job on finishing your Prayer shawl. Would love to see photos of you unique work please.

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I did a workout! I did Lauren's 1st Kettlebell Conditioning workout. I had a note on it that I didn't like it so this was my second time through, and I still don't like it. Also, there's no stretch, so I had to stretch out on my own, but half the time I do that anyway regardless of the workout. But at least I did something!:D

Thanks for the kind comments on my projects. I started another shawl, I wanted to try the pattern, so I don't have anyone in mind yet.

We are having 'remade leftovers' tonight; I made chicken rice soup Fridayand overestimated how much rice so it came out like oatmeal, so i thought I'd try to make rice cakes {think crab cakes} out of it. I saw something similar on a cooking show.
Penguin The laundry and other fun things to do never end. It seems like you just did it and you have to do it again. I haven't seen that type of harness before but I am glad that it is working for April so it is easier to walk her. Your knitting projects are so nice. I like your shawl. Good job on your kettlebell workout. Too bad it wasn't one that you liked but at least you got moving and got a workout in.

Pam No the tsunami never did happen in Hawaii. There were warnings for part of our coast too but that never happened either. There was another earthquake last night closer to Alaska. We won't have any effects from Sandy as we are too far away from it. I think the farthest east it will get in Canada is Toronto. Your poor friends in the Bronx. I saw pictures of NY on the news, pretty scary stuff. How about you? You are a lot closer to this than I am, did you get hit really hard? I heard that there are over 8 million people without power. Good job on All Step. Bummer that you didn't realize that you had received your horizontal conditioning DVDs. Something to look forward to for tomorrow.

Julie Ouch not nice to wake up with a kink in your neck and shooting pain. I guess all you needed was some exercise to loosen things up. We keep on being reminded that we are due for "The Big One". With all the earthquakes around us lately it makes you think. We need to get our propane tank filled up just in case so we can still cook on the BBQ if needed.

Janie Shopping is so much fun as long as it is not for groceries. I really don't like grocery shopping. Enjoy your workout tonight.

Well DH wanted to go get a camera that he wanted from a Craig's List add today. So by the time we got home it was too late to do a workout. The traffic was horrible because it was dark and raining hard. Since tomorrow is Halloween I won't be able to workout after work either so I really need to try to get the energy up for a morning workout. I will see how it goes. I don't know if I will get a chance to post tomorrow since I will be giving out candy to the little ghosts and goblins. We could get up to 200 kids so it will be a bit busy.

Happy Halloween.

Yea! I did High Reps lower body (and it's abs). Whew. By the time I was done, my legs were shaking and had to sit down for awhile. Watched the Ellen Degenerous Mark Twain Awards. What a humorous wonderful and kind person. Love her. After that, my legs were still like rubber. Wow.

Haven't been myself lately. Our son decided to take us out of his life. I'm sure it's because he realizes we don't really care for his wife he chose. She has influenced him right out of our lives. (When he talks, it doesn't sound like Dan but rather him talking but Janell's words coming out of his mouth.) When we went to Vegas to help out it was good until he couldn't take the last straw. After we left Vegas, his sister called him and told him that the other siblings was going to take Joe (and me) to HI in July for his 75th birthday next year. They rented a house for 11 people, but he and Janelle would have to make other arrangements if they decided to come join in. Not a good move on her part, but that was the last straw that broke the camels back, so many little things were bothering him. I've been so stressed and sad and not caring about myself sense then. I'm back now and trying to live with his choice. I've emailed him (don't know if he threw it out or not) to let him know that I'm always there for him and love him forever, and if he should want to talk, I'll be there for him. So terribly sad. Joe is having a hard time of it too. Joe and I didn't ever say we didn't like her no way no how we would do that to him. Our actions may have been misconstrued. We gave them so so many gifts, but all of them weren't wrapped and of course I love making things so many of the gifts were home made not bought. We welcomed her into the family and I told her that I loved her. I was sincere in trying to welcome her. And we didn't give her flowers or a card (he was very upset with that). So sad. I hope someday he will come back to us. OK, I vented..., enough said. sighhhhh, tears:(

Penquin, Yea! I'm so glad you did Lauren's 1st Kettlebell Conditioning workout. Good for you, even when you didn't like it. I'm glad you stretched, I think also that is very important. I'm sure by the time you finish the Prayer shawl that you will have someone in mind. They will be very lucky to get that special gift from you. You are so sweet to do that. Yummm Those crab cakes sounds delicious.

Cheryl, Good luck on the morning workout. It's hard I know. You go girl! Wow, that is a lot of kids. Enjoy tomorrow and the ghouls. Happy Halloween to you too.

Take care everyone,

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We are having a heat wave, its up to 45* already this morning! I thought I would have a hard time getting out of bed this morning but I even got up early, to start the bread, feed the dog, stuff pills down her because she's gotten better at resisting! Bible study this morning, then my parents are taking me to lunch today. After Bible stuy tomorrow we are having our monthly Fellowship lunchean. I'ms so confused because today is Oct then tomorrow is Nov!

Janie, I'm so sorry on how this has turned out. Hang in there. Hopefully, things will be better in the future for the relationships! Hugs and prayers for you.

Cheryl, we decided to skip Halloween this year, hopefully we can have a peaceful night. Not many kids come to the house and we really don't need the candy around anyway
Julie I have had a kink in my neck since Monday morning, maybe it's something to do with the weather change! I'm glad to here that your went away, I hope it stayed away. Mine hasn't yet, but it is better than it was. i couldn't sleep Monday night because every time I moved my head it hurt so badly. Great job on LI Tabata and YR!
I really like All Step, it was my first Cathe so I think I have a soft spot for it. I really like the step routine in it though. i was wondering about you because they were talking about 20-25 foot waves on Lake Michigan. Most of the Horizontal Conditioning workouts are 45 minutes, but I think the Bootcamp one is an hour. I am trying to figure out how to use them as add ons so that I can do it 3x/week, but 45 minutes is long for an add on. So far no bike maneuvers, but I have only done one! I agree, I hope the storm didn't slow things down with XTrain! New Jersey got hit hard though :(

Penguin When I clicked the first project link that you posted I got the main screen to sign up for Rav, so did and then found you and all of your projects. The direct links didn't seem to work for me......? I think it's funny how dogs get so excited about being on the leash, it's like a big treat for them and for some reason their manners just go out the door!
Great job on the Kettlebell conditioning workout, but what a bummer that you didn't like it. I hate it when i invest in a workout and then don't like it.
Your remade leftovers sound very interesting, you'll have to fell us how they turned out. I love risotto cakes. I made shrimp and grits the other day and had a lot of grits left over so saved them to make grit cakes...we'll see if that actually happens how they actually are.

Cheryl wow, too many natural disasters right now. Earthquakes are so scary! Duh, I knew you were too far west for Sandy, I meant to ask if Julie or Penguin were getting any effects! Sorry about that. We really didn't get much of anything. It was windier than usual but not bad and then we got some rain on Monday. Now we are dry and still again. I hope you were able to get up to do your workout this morning. You sure get a lot of kids for halloween. I expect we will have a lot more than last year because it is not supposed to rain this year, but probably more like about 50 or so.

Janie Great job on High Reps, I'm so happy that you were able to get a great workout in. OH big {{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}} to you, I'm so sorry to hear about the situation with Dan. My sister has a similar situation with her son. When he got married his wife has gradually cut him off from almost all of his family. My sister can't even call and talk to him and there is no good reason for it at all. So sad. Hopefully he will come around. You did what you can do and let him know that you are there for him so you should not beat yourself up. It sounds like they have some pretty strict expectations - why did he think you should give her flowers and a card??? Gifts that you make yourself are much more special IMHO.....Hang in there!

Penguin Woo hoo, congrats on the heat wave. It was only 30 something when I got up this morning - VERY cold! It's supposed to be 60 or so today though. It sounds like you have quite the bust day ahead of you, I hope you have a great day!

This morning I did Horizontal conditioning volume 2. I was going to do Vol 1 but it requires a body bar and I don't have one. I could just use my barbell with no weights and that's probably what I'll do when I try that one. They are each about 45 minutes long and it was tough. Most of the core exercises I had to quite early. It was a lot of variations on planks using the step and gliding disks. She breaks up the core work with some leg work every so often but wow, I'm hoping for some good core DOMS after that. I did the firewalker tabata from Crossfire afterwards to get a little cardio in. It isnt cardio at all, but I was sweating when I was done because I was working really hard. My hands are still hurting though from all of the planks with hands on the step. I had to go get a towel to put on top of the step to help with that. I'm thinking I will wear my lifting gloves next time and see if that helps. I'll try to describe a couple of the moves: One was like the dragging planks that Cathe does. You start behind the step in a plank with your feet on the disks, then walk your hands up onto the step, then over the top and then back. I could only do about 4 of those and she does 8. Then there was one where you start at the end of the step in a plank on your elbows and you walk up onto the step into a straight arm plank and back down. Then she starts adding some leg work to that with the disks. whew. I definitely liked it better than the intro disk that I got. Now let's just see if I get any results! Happy Halloween everyone!

This morning I did disc 18, back and biceps. I don't know why but I really love the horizontal 1-arm rows. I don't necessarily feel it working my back but I think it hits my rear delts pretty good.

Penguin Awesome job for getting Lauren’s Kettlebell workout in! That is good that you gave it a second try. Stinks that you still don’t like it but that happens. You are very good about stretching even on your own. I am making a point to try to get better at stretching. I skip it usually. Well that is create to reuse the rice soup for rice cakes. I love crab cakes so it sounds intriguing. Enjoy your extra time for getting up early!

Janie Great job on getting some spinning in and then High Reps lower + abs! I bet your legs were jelly rubber after that! Spinning is definitely something you have to work up to. I’m so sorry you are having such a hard time with your son. {{{{HUGS}}}} My brother had a falling out with my mom because his wife had a certain idea of how her in-laws should be and how high her status in our family should be. It took a while but they both eventually came around and have made peace with us. It was hard for the longest time though especially given they lived 15 miles away from my parents. Also, I’m with Pam on the flowers and cards issue. That doesn’t make sense. She is supposed to impress you by bringing you the flowers and cards not the other way around. At least that is how I have traditionally seen it done. Hang in there. I am sure it will get better. Time heals all wounds.

Cheryl Wow! 200 kids is a lot! Of course, I live in a town of 400 people total so to get that many seems impossible to me. I think we get around 20-40 kids depending on the weather. Tonight is supposed to be chilly but not rainy so we may get closer to 40. Hope you had the energy to get that morning workout in.

Pam I’m sorry about the kink in your neck not going away. Especially when it interferes with sleep. It’s hard enough to get good sleep when you don’t have pains but when you do it is even worse. 45 minutes is too long for an add-on. Even if the 45 minutes includes a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute stretch that you could skip that is still 35 minutes of add-on. I was hoping for more like 15 minutes (20 max). I live about 150 miles south of Lake Michigan so we wouldn’t have any problems from the high waves. Great job on HC 2! Those planks on the step sound hard. Do keep us updated on the others.

Have a great day!
DOM's HEAVEN Big Time!!!! I've never had them like this before. Wow! I decided not to workout tonight and really concentrate on my cardio workout tomorrow. No Matter What! Whew! I failed the toiled seat test.:confused: YEA!

Couldn't help myself and bought Vol. 4 of Horizontal Conditioning. Looks like working with the stability ball is unique and different and challenging. I can't wait to get it! The next one will be Vol. 1 then 2...3...Boot Camp. Yea! Getting ready for Jan. for sure. With that and Cathe's new workouts coming out, how can I fail?

Thank you everyone for your heart warm sentiments. I'll be more positive because of it.

Penquin, Sounds like you had a very busy and productive day. A heat wave? You are so lucky!

Pam, (About Dan) I'll hang in there, thank you so much for caring. Sounds like HC is a fantastic step towards getting even more in shape. I new from the start I would want these workouts. I'm working on that.:) Great job on HC Vol. 2. I'm sure you will get your requested DOM's. Whew! I can't believe after that you did firewalker tabata from CF. I'm glad I bought a step cover from Cathe, looks like I'll be using that a lot. Watched the dragging blanks on You Tube, wow, looks intense and fun. Sounds like workouts to grow into or perhaps constantly challenge you. Pretty sure you will get results. How can you not?

Julie, Great job on disc 18 back and biceps. I too love the horizontal 1 arm row. Very different and have to lower my weight to keep up with that one.
I hope too that soon things will be better with Dan. The thing is Joey doesn't have a lot of time left. Maybe 20 years, that's not long. He may regret what he is doing.

Did everyone have a nice and exciting Halloween? Booooooooooo!

Take care ladies see you all tomorrow,

Julie Great job on disc 18! I love both kinds of 1 arm rows, I feel them, but not sure if I feel them in the right places or not! :rolleyes: That kink in my neck was terrible yesterday - every time I tried to stand up it really strained it :mad: I can still feel it today but it is a LOT better than it was so I'm hopeful it will be completely gone soon. Yep, 45 minutes is much too long for an addon. I'm trying to figure out how to get the HC workouts in 3x/week and still get in heavy weights and good cardio...I think something is going to have to give! PM me your address and I will send you the HC Getting Stronger DVD if you want. It has 3 20 minutes workouts on it. I didn't like it too much, but it does give you a taste for the workouts and would be better for an addon.

Janie Hooray! Congrats on your big time DOMS! Isn't it so funny that we like to get them?! How's that toilet test coming along today? C- or so?? :p Yea, we'll be doing horizontal conditioning together. I got Vols 1-4+boot camp and she sent one of the monthly club workouts too. I will be trying Vol 3 tomorrow. Boot Camp sounds kind've scary......:confused: I do have some good DOMS today. Not terribly intense, but enough to know that I really worked my core and all over. I didnt know that there was such a thing as a step cover, I think I will have to look into that. Sounds like something for the Christmas wish list!

This morning I did the Gauntlet from the Terminator DVD. The upper body work was lighter than I wanted but since I'm gone to be gone next week I figure that it doesn't make a lot of sense to try to go heavy this week. It was a great sweatfest though. I got to do the 128 jeannie hops AND the terminator climbers, lucky me :D Two days of work and then it's vacation for me, yea! Happy Thursday everyone!

I got to bed late because of trick or treating. Ours runs from 6-8 so I didn’t get to sleep until about 8:30 which is an hour later than I like to be asleep. Anyway, this morning I was so tired. I really, really, really wanted to stay in bed and sleep but I dragged myself out of bed (8 minutes after the alarm went off). I did the Double Trouble Premix from Afterburn. I love, love, love doing Afterburn this way. You do each interval the first time through once then repeat the sequence doing each interval’s second time. It feels like it goes by so much faster than the regular workout, plus I don’t dread having to do two rounds of spiderman climbers quite as much (but I still dread them).

Janie YEA! I know I’m crazy for being excited about your DOMS but I love leg DOMS especially when they make me walk funny and fail the toilet test. I think I need psychological help! Enjoy your cardio workout. May it be especially sweaty and fun!

Pam Great job on the Gauntlet! That one is a nice little treat to give you both Jeannie hops and terminator climbers. Oh good, I’m not the only one that sometimes does a strength move and feels it but am not sure I felt it in the right spot. That kink sounds horrible. Is DH giving you mini neck massages to loosen it? Maybe you need another full body massage? Thank you for the DVD! I’ll PM you my address after I post this.

Have a great day!

Ok, so these are not the best pictures but here are Maggie and Ozzie all dressed up (and not too happy about it) for Halloween. Maggie was a princess and Ozzie was a bat.


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  • OzzieBat.jpg
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Today was Lower Body Blast. Decided I needed both cardio and lower workout. Whew! Most was with body weight, but used some weight for different exercises. Want to master first my entire weight, go slow and really get my lower body strong.

Pam, My toilet test today was better than yesterday. Still sore though. LOL Don't know when I can separately get the HC, but eventually, will get them. How do you like it so far? How lucky for you to get one of the monthly club workouts too. Hope you get the step cover. Not sure what you call it, but it will work really well for things like horizontal hip thrusts and HC workouts. Great job on the Gauntlet from the Terminator DVD. Good going on the sweatfest. Love that kind of workout. Were the 128 Jeannie hops and terminator climbers hard? They sound hard, and if I remember them, they are hard. Hmmm, I just answered my own question. LOL:D

Julie, Good for you dragging out of that so warm and comfortable bed and did Double Trouble Prem from AB. I think I'll try that one once I can use my full body. Sounds like a great way to exercise. If you need psychological help for wanting DOM's then you better include me in on that too. LOL:D My workout was just what you said it would be, sweaty and fun.

Love how Maggie and Ozzie look all dressed up for Halloween. Adorable! They are sooo cute!

Take care everyone,

Today was busy, but Bible study and luncheon went well. I came home and napped for a while then off to Knit Night. We had a new person join us, which was nice! I'm for bed!

Julie, great costumes! I keep threatening to get April a skirt but Hubby has a fit, all in fun however.
Julie Great job dragging yourself up when you were so tired and doing the Double Trouble Premix from AB. I like the sound of that, I think I need to do that version the next time I do AB. it sounds like it would definitely make it go by faster. I always dread the second set of the jack push ups on the discs so that way would make them a little more bearable. I'm happy to report that my kink is almost completely gone now. DH was giving me little massages, but that hurt a lot too. I do think it helped to make it go away though. I like the way you think though, I just might need another full body massage :D;) Ozzie and Maggie are so cute in their halloween customes, but you could definitely tell they were not excited about them. Especially Maggie, I had to laugh when I saw her face!

Janie Great job on LBB, that is a great one for cardio + lower body! Glad to hear your DOMS are improving, I guess it's time to kick them up again! If you do order more HC workouts, do a google search for coupons. There was a 10% off one that I found when I ordered mine. Not sure how long it will be good, but it was VFROCKS.I found some others but they had expired. What I can tell you so far is that it is TOUGH. It's totally different than Cathe but man, I was huffing and puffing through both of them. You don't do very many reps of any of the exercises, but they seem to be really effective. I was toast after volume 3 this morning. I was looking for the step cover yesterday but couldn't find it. I will keep searching! Oh yes, the jeannie hops and terminator climbers were hard. Especially the terminator climbers. I get tired of doing the jeannie hops more than anything because there are so many of them!

Penguin I'm glad to hear that Bible study and the luncheon went well. What a treat coming home and taking a nap! How often do you have knit night?

This morning I did volume 3 of horizontal conditioning and all I can say is wow. I had planned to do Hiit 30/30 too to get some cardio in but then i noticed that volume 3 is 52 minutes and I didn't want to take that much time so I just did the HC. I was totally spent afterwards so I think that was the right decision. Man oh man! These things are hard! I didn't have to do as many modifications this time, I just kept trying to push through and not be so wimpy! I already have DOMs (they may be left over from Wednesday though :confused:) AND, I have rug burns on both of my elbows! I am definitely going to have to get the mat out next time. I did use a towel on top of my step so that helped to protect my hands and elbows there. So happy it's Friday, have a great day!

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This morning I worked my legs. Heavy deadlifts, squats, and lunges! Will DOMS be in my future for tomorrow? Maybe!

Janie Great job on LBB! That is a good plan to start with just bodyweight and add weight slowly. That will help you keep good form, prevent injuries, and progress when your body is ready.

Penguin Sounds like your busy day got you all ready for a good night’s sleep, hopefully. I had to take the tutu off Maggie early because she kept tripping on it (she has short little legs) plus it was getting glitter everywhere!

Pam Great job on HC3! Do you find you get a cardio effect from it? Sounds like maybe you do. I think the mat Janie is talking about is here. It really adds comfort to using the step as a bench. Do give the Double Trouble premix a try. It is also a few minutes shorter than the regular workout so that is a nice bonus. That was nice of DH to try to help get the kink out and I am glad it is almost gone now. My poor dogs put up with so much from me. I think they do it for the food and treats!

Have a wonderful FRIDAY!!!
This is the day I get to sleep late but here I am wide awake! I have laundry, exercise, April’s Spa Day, and knitting planned for today.

Julie, I can't really imagine a dog would enjoy wearing a skirt anyway. I can imagine April's reaction!

Pam, the 'other' knitter teaches at a local Uni so she can only go every other week. There's another Knit Night on Tuesday's a different location, which is where I first met the new woman a few weeks back, so I may start going there when the teacher can't make it.
Tonight was 30/30. Sweat-fest workout!

Here is my latest artwork, using again one of my nieces photos. It's called "New Beginnings".

Pam, I would love to order all of them at once, but I'm trying to not make it so obvious to Joey. You know what I mean. A little at a time. This ain't Cather (he's alright with her). LOL. Thank you for the code. I love tough workouts it gives room to grow. I can't wait to get the rest of them. Great job on HC vol. 3. You go girl! You are already growing into them if you are using less modifications. Good for you! Oh no, rug burns are not good. Buy Cathe's Mini Mat. It works very well.

Julie, Great job on heavy deadlifts, squats and lunges. I think DOM's will be in your future. LOL:D

Penquin, Did you get to do all your tasks you wanted today?

Take care ladies,

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