Pam Today was soooooo cold again, I guess (DH would say) is winter
and that made me so lazy too.

thanks for the complement! you are so sweet! I'm older than DH for 6 years
but he keeps me young
Stacy loved lasagna she is the one eating it 3 times this time I had it only once
I went to check the Cathletes group and I saw the post, I want to go and see the commercial or something but I don't think I would get it. I'm glad you have others that you like. I was thinking the same about mixing meso 3 and meso 2 hopefully I can survive that. Wow! busy weekend of yours! sounds like fun though a concert at the beach with a nice weather sounds like a good one.
I like the name of the step workout you did, Down & Dirty sounds like a tough one. The core workout sounds good too, those planks ay ay ay!! Good for you! Good job doing PUB and core first, Have fun doing 40/20
Julie That is way to early Julie, what are you doing up so early and how do you survive doing your workouts!!!! well you are amazing girl! I don't have squat rack to do meso 3 leg but I would love to, your plan sounds like a good plan doing plyo and squat rack, yes! definitely you need to take it easy with cardio.
Janie Your walk for the forest sound lovely, but the part of the sweaty!
Lol just kidding! that's how we all like to be at the end of a good workout. Thanks for the suggestion I have at least take a peak at the July rotation.
Cheryl Yes, times is moving so fast now, DH did start feeling paper for the flight tickets, TMO or the movers, soon we have to start selling the car then preparing Sam to go to the US, fast, fast!!! Sorry you didn't get to workout, but you had a little time with your neighbors, that's nice... if it was me even during a good weather I'm inside my house
Sounds like a fun job a marshal for your brother is going to be soon huh?
Last night I had the bad night ever! (so, so) DH was turning, tossing, moving, that I couldn't sleep right away, so of course I had to help him

to get tired, sorry girls!!!! well, anyways it was a so, so night so today it was pretty hard to move around the house I was dragging to get the girls ready for school, that bad I was thinking about going back to sleep
But NOT I took Sam for a short walk, then I did disc 23 legs, I thought if I don't get in the zone I would had to stop and do it another day, but I did so another one bite the dust!!! + the weather was freezing today! OMG what a day!
Have a good one!
I like the name of the step workout you did, Down & Dirty sounds like a tough one. The core workout sounds good too, those planks ay ay ay!! Good for you! Good job doing PUB and core first, Have fun doing 40/20
Julie That is way to early Julie, what are you doing up so early and how do you survive doing your workouts!!!! well you are amazing girl! I don't have squat rack to do meso 3 leg but I would love to, your plan sounds like a good plan doing plyo and squat rack, yes! definitely you need to take it easy with cardio.
Janie Your walk for the forest sound lovely, but the part of the sweaty!
Cheryl Yes, times is moving so fast now, DH did start feeling paper for the flight tickets, TMO or the movers, soon we have to start selling the car then preparing Sam to go to the US, fast, fast!!! Sorry you didn't get to workout, but you had a little time with your neighbors, that's nice... if it was me even during a good weather I'm inside my house
Last night I had the bad night ever! (so, so) DH was turning, tossing, moving, that I couldn't sleep right away, so of course I had to help him
Have a good one!