Pam Yes, that's what I just wanted to think it works for me

Wow! it looks like you are going to be pretty busy this coming month, if it is all fun is all good! isn't? 30 people in one house OMG! that just remind me of the movie grown ups, have you seen that one? I mean is just the thought of getting a lot of people in one house, not that you guys are going to be getting wild or anything like that... just funny!! I know it does has lots of push ups but I'm getting better, my legs are ok, not that crazy sore still I can feel it deep on my muscle but nothing like walking like a crab
You are having a good time and that's good, your dinner sounds yummy but I haven't have that food before so I don't know how that taste like. WOW!!!! finally you got to sleep in

that is so awesome I think you did sooooooo good not being worry about working out today, enjoy your vacation!
Julie Awesome job doing Gym Style chest/triceps you are doing so good going heavy and taking a little bit of a longer rest that sounds good... Cannot believe that you got stock not being able to back up, I'm glad you did had space to move the other way, I hope is nothing expensive oh boy! when is not one thing is other or two at the same time, that is just crazy.
I'm doing STS I forgot the name of the way to do it, one week meso 1 next week doing meso 2 then go back to meso 1 and so on, for cardio I'm doing what ever it feels right that day, or whatever you or Pam did

I hardly go to the forums so that's why I did missed it what she say. Actually that what you are saying I've hear it before too, working out legs till failure causes to increase the hormones that we as female don't have and it does help to build the upper body, I told about it to DH and he is not that convinced any ways you are doing it and who knows maybe it does really help then I'll go and do legs twice per week. I'm sure you will survive

Cheryl Thinking of you in this special day! hopefully you enjoy it. I guess your own present was having a good sleep, and that is awesome since some times is hard to have good nights. I hope it keeps that way for you.
You don't have to catch up with every one for now just post when ever you can, good job doing all of your workouts and doing your school. Looks like you had being pretty busy with your garden too, you must had have done a lot if you sleep through the noise and all the craziness across your house, good for you!
JanieGood job doing Cardio super sets express + step I'm glad that you liked it , well know you know which one is the perfect workout for you. I think still bruised because I don't have those desirable DOMS but deep, deep on my butt is pretty sore, not like last week but a nice sensation.
I'm so proud of my Rachel, poor baby when she finished the run she started to cry because her toe was in pain

but she did sooooo good she got in 8th place she ran 3k I'm not sure if she did it for the regionals or not but if not she is an "emergency" runner.
Today I did Athletic Training I wanted to see what was with the Athletic Step Extreme premix and ay ay ay! very hard one we repeated the beginning of the workout twice so the final product was doing it 8 times

and the squat/shoulder press twice hard on my butt and legs again

I guess secretly I'm looking for a good set of DOMS, we'll see tomorrow I know my quads are sore now. Doing it this way we don't do biceps and back triceps I did add the biceps not the back/triceps because tomorrow it'll be their turn.
Well have a good day everyone.