Julie Great job on CCC! I do think that is Cathe's toughtest workout, mainly because of that 4th round. I think it needs a scrambled version where you do that round 2nd to get it over with. I agree with you that Low Max would be better without all of the break down. It gets kind've monotonous. Oh yea, Kohl's sucks you in with that Kohl's cash, don't they?! I never feel quite so guilty shopping there though because I always come out feeling like I got a bargain.
Eunice I'll be counting down your 5 months with you, that is not long at all! Oh boy, that is kind've a bummer that you will return from winter to winter here though. When will you know where you will be living when you come back, or will you be returning to California? Poor Rachel at camp in the freezing weather, I hope she doesn't come home a Popsicle too! Good for you not feeling self conscious with all of those grunting men in the gym. I always thought it was pretty funny all of the noises that they make when they are working out. Of course I make some of those noises now too, but only when I am at home working out alone
I don't think I would do that in a gym. It's good that DH is just teasing you about the baby, that is pretty fun.
Oh 4 months is not very long to be dating, especially when they are so young. I'm with Julie, I am a fan of living together first. I don't feel like you really know someone until you live with them. Of course, it's not my daughter, so who knows what I would think then
Uh oh, the apple cobbler and ice cream sounds really good. I made some vanilla ice cream last weekend. It is so good and creamy. I tried not to eat too much of it. I was bad with my eating over the weekend so have been trying to be good this week....
Hi Janie, Marta and Cheryl!
This morning for me was High Reps. I didn't like that one very much at first but it is growing on me. One of the things that I didn't like was that Cathe doesn't say how much weight she is using. Then this morning I noticed that they put it up on the screen before each set of exercises
DUH! It got me good. I was mad though because I had to quit early on the bicep curls with the band, only to discover that there were only 2 more reps left. If I had known that I would've stuck them out. Oh well....I could've added 2 more at the end, but I didn't! Have a great day everyone!!
Eunice I'll be counting down your 5 months with you, that is not long at all! Oh boy, that is kind've a bummer that you will return from winter to winter here though. When will you know where you will be living when you come back, or will you be returning to California? Poor Rachel at camp in the freezing weather, I hope she doesn't come home a Popsicle too! Good for you not feeling self conscious with all of those grunting men in the gym. I always thought it was pretty funny all of the noises that they make when they are working out. Of course I make some of those noises now too, but only when I am at home working out alone
Oh 4 months is not very long to be dating, especially when they are so young. I'm with Julie, I am a fan of living together first. I don't feel like you really know someone until you live with them. Of course, it's not my daughter, so who knows what I would think then
Uh oh, the apple cobbler and ice cream sounds really good. I made some vanilla ice cream last weekend. It is so good and creamy. I tried not to eat too much of it. I was bad with my eating over the weekend so have been trying to be good this week....
Hi Janie, Marta and Cheryl!
This morning for me was High Reps. I didn't like that one very much at first but it is growing on me. One of the things that I didn't like was that Cathe doesn't say how much weight she is using. Then this morning I noticed that they put it up on the screen before each set of exercises