Strength in Numbers

Julie Great job on LITE Strong Body Stacked Sets Upper Body and YB Yoga. Wow you have a lot of snow, ours is pretty much gone now.

We were almost on the same page this morning Julie. I did LITE Strong Body Stacked Sets Lower Body. Then I got groceries and went for a walk in the afternoon. In a few minutes I will be doing our makeup session for the paddle simulation that we missed on Saturday.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on LITE SBSS LB! Oh that is great they did a makeup session for the paddle simulation.

This morning I did a run in New Zealand. It was up a mountain and it was rough doing jogging up 12-18% inclines. I had to back the speed down a little a few times. After that I barely had enough energy to make it through YB core but I did it. Now I am sitting here with an allergy flare up sneezing like crazy and hoping my Claritin kicks in soon.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on YR. That is great that it has warmed up, even though it is raining.

Julie Great job on SSSSUB and Yoga! Oh wow, it sounds like you have a crazy amount of snow. I hope you don't get too much more!

Yesterday I forgot to post but I did High Step Challenge and then spent the day running errands. It was our first day without rain in a week and everywhere I went people were talking about how happy they were to see the sun. It looks like it's going to be raining again tomorrow though :rolleyes:. I can't remember ever having so much rain! This morning I got my inspiration from Julie and did X62. I wasn't as ambitious to do the whole thing. Have a great day!

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Julie Great work on your run in New Zealand and YB core. That is a tough run at those inclines. Bummer about your allergies, I hope they clear up soon.

Pam Good job on High Step Challenge and X62. You wouldn't like living here because sometimes we can get rain everyday for a good month or so before we get a break.

This morning I did PRS #2. Then we had some errands to do in the afternoon. I have another dryland training session tonight that starts soon.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on HSC! You sound like you are as tired of the rain as I am of the snow. Great job on X62! I almost skipped one of the sections but decided to push through that day, not sure what got into me.

Cheryl Great job on PRS#2 and your dryland training! It seemed the Claritin didn't really kick in till almost bedtime so I took some benadryl and that seemed to do the trick. Just can't take benadryl during the day or I will fall asleep.

This morning I did a bike ride in Barcelona and then a couple of rounds of YB yoga. We got more snow last night and are supposed to get more today. Maybe 2 inches total but I think we have had enough for this year. So far though they are calling for warmer temps this weekend. We have been in the single digits and negatives for over a week now and they say we should get to the 20s or 30s this weekend. I don't know that I have ever been so happy to hear that! I am taking Friday off work so talk to you Monday.

Have a great weekend!
Julie It looks like our posts crossed yesterday. Great job on your run in NZ, that is a crazy incline! Great job getting core work in after that too! I hope your Claritin kicked in for you!

Cheryl Oh I can't imagine a whole month of rain, that sounds depressing. Great job on PRS 2 nd your drylands training!

Julie Great job on your bike rid in Barcelona and yoga rounds. Yay for the warmer weather coming! I hate cold weather so much.

This morning was PHA 2 + 6 pack abs + extended stretch. We had 2 nice days and today its cold and rainy again. Yuck. have a great day!

Good morning, This morning was Intensity and a round of yoga. I had bee thinking I hadn't done any intense cardio this week and about 5 minutes into Intensity remembered that X62 day :oops:. It was painful, but I got it done. Have a great day.

Julie Benadryl does me in even if I take it in the evening. I seems to do me in for the next day too. Good job on your bike ride in Barcelona and YB yoga. I hope the temperatures get warmer for you. I am done with winter and I am so looking forward to spring.

Pam Great work on PHA 2 + 6 pack abs + extended stretch and Intensity and yoga.

Thursday I didn't get a chance to get a workout in. DH has been dealing with feeling so cold that he can't warm himself up. He had bloodwork done on Wednesday so Thursday we needed to speak with the doctor since the bloodwork didn't show anything. He is now scheduled for an ultrasound next month to see if there is something going on with the circulation in his legs and arms. Because of COVID there aren't many places doing this type of ultrasound right now so we will need to drive into Vancouver during morning rush hour to get to the hospital there. Hopefully the traffic won't be too bad since most people are still working from home. Friday I did Rev'd up Rumble and 6 pack abs. Then I went to work. It was really quiet since we didn't get our transfer this week. The weather up north where we get our cats and kittens from is bad so the truck didn't make it down. Hopefully next week we will get something. This morning I did our paddle simulation and now I thought I would post before going to work since I had some time.

Have a great day.

Cheryl I hope they are able to figure out what is going on with your DH. Driving into Vancouver during rush hour doesn't sound like much fun, but like you said, hopefully it isn't as bad as normal with so many people working from home. Great job on RUR+ 6 pack abs and your paddle simulation.

Saturday I took as my rest day because we got up and went to cars and coffee at the Carolina Exotic Car Club. A guy who adopted one of my kittens last year is a member and invited us. It was quite the place. There were all kinds of very cool cars there and the club was amazing too. Sunday we were going to go for a bike ride but it was too cold so I did Power Max instead. I also spent 3 hours cleaning the kitten room. These guys are messy little buggers! Rudolph and Valentino left for a trial adoption and it has been going well so far and Natacha was officially adoptedThis morning was P30 Lower body and Mobility basics. My lower back has been pretty tight so hopefully the mobility will help it some. ! Have a great day!

Pam Great job on PHA 2 plus 6 pack abs plus ES and Intensity plus yoga! That sounds like a cool outing to see cool cars. Great job on Power Max! That is great news about the kitties. Fingers crossed the trial goes well. Great job on P30 LB plus Mobility Basics. I hope your back is feeling better.

Cheryl Great job on RUUR plus 6 pack abs! I hope DH can get some good news on what is going on. That sounds awful. Great job on your paddle simulation!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday but this whole weekend was awful. It still seems surreal and like a nightmare that I can't wake up from. Thursday, DH and I went grocery shopping and when we came home we let Benny and Layla outside. They went potty and then played for a few minutes. DH let them back in and something must have scared Layla because she started running into the living room, appeared to have lost her footing and collapsed. DH tried to pick her up but she was just limp. We left Gunner and Benny out with all the groceries on the floor and did about 90 mph to get to the closest vet that was 20 miles away. They tried to save her but she didn't make it. They told us it was probably a heart attack and that she was probably gone before we even left the house. We drove her 2 hours to the U of I vet clinic so they can do a necropsy because I have to know what happened. It is going to take 2-4 weeks to get the results. DH and I have been struggling all weekend. We ended up taking the boys to the vet to get their heart checks on Friday and our vet sent us to the U of I to get Benny's checked because he didn't like the way it looked to him. Luckily they could get him in that afternoon and they said it looked good but they did recommend we change the food we give them as we had been feeding a grain free diet which may be linked to heart problems. I did do some yoga and running over the last few days but spent most of the time with the boys and DH. Our house seems so quite. Layla was such a happy dog always wanting to play and smiling. I miss her so much.

Have a good day!
Pam The exotic car club sounds like fun. Great job on Power Max and P30 Lower Body and Mobility Basics. Kittens are messy but they make up for it by being so darn cute. That is great that Natacha was adopted out and I hope all goes well for Rudolph and Valentino.

Julie I am so sorry that this happened to your and DH. {{{Hugs}}} to both of you. That is an awful thing to have to go through. Hopefully the necropsy will let you know what happened to her. Spending time with your boys is more important than doing a workout. Take care.

Sunday was quite a lazy day for me. Monday I did FS Boxing Bootcamp + Legs and Glutes. Then I got all the housework done. After dinner I had my dryland training and then after that we had a zoom call with people from my dragon boat team. Today I did ICE Low Impact Sweat 1 + bonus abs 1. Then DH had dental appointment. After that we did a couple of errands.

Cheryl Great job on FS Boxing Bootcamp + L&G and ICE LIS 1 plus bonus abs 1! That was good you could have a zoom call with your team. I am sure you are all itching to get together soon. Hopefully your DH's dental appointment went well. Thank you for the hugs! It definitely helped spending time with my boys; now I have to try to get back to some type of normalcy.

This morning I did a run in Tahiti and a couple of rounds of YB yoga! I made it through my first day of work without Layla. I work from the couch and she always laid right next to me while I worked. This morning Benny decided to lay be me so I wouldn't be alone.

Have a great day!
Julie OMG, What a nightmare you had! I am soooo sorry to hear about Layla and I hope that the necropsy tells you what happened. I had a necropsy done last year and they had the initial results back in a day but it took longer for the full report. Big hugs to you guys. I can't even imagine how hard it was losing her so unexpectedly and so soon after losing Sheba :(. Spending time with the boys and the DH was probably what you all needed.

Cheryl I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your lazy Sunday. Great job on FS boxing Bootcamp + L&G, getting your housework done and your dryland training. Great job on LIS + BA too!

Julie Great job on your run in Tahiti and yoga. How sweet that Benny laid by you when you were working so you wouldn't be alone. They are so good about sensing moods and knowing what you need sometimes.

I forgot to post yesterday but I did Kick, punch, Crunch, then did some running around and washed my car because it was so nice out. This morning was P30 HI Hiit and Upper body. I'm meeting some friends for lunch and then have a lasagna deliver this afternoon. I made it yesterday and just have to bake it before I go. Have a great day.

Pam Great job on KPC and P30 Hi Hiit and Upper Body. Nice that you got good weather to wash your car.

Today was FS Mixed Impact Cardio and Pull Day. Then I got groceries. Tonight I have my dryland training session.

Pam Great job on KPC and P30 Hi HiiT and UB! DH got our cars washed over the weekend because it was nice out and it was good to get the salt off the cars.

Cheryl Great job on FS MIC plus Pull Day!

This morning I did YB booty, total body and core! We are supposed to have nice weather and in fact almost all the snow we got a few weeks ago has melted, exposing a muddy mess in our backyard. I am taking tomorrow off work and next week is a busy week at work for me.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Good job on YB booty, total body and core. That is great that most of your snow is gone now. Spring is on its way.

This morning was Step Sync. We did get some snow last night but it is almost gone now.

Cheryl Great job on FS MIC + Pull day!

Julie Great job on YB B, TB + C! I hope you have a good day off and a nice relaxing weekend.

Cheryl Great job on SS. I'm glad your snow is almost gone.

We had another beautiful day so DH and I went for a bike ride this morning and then went out for lunch and sat outside. It's supposed to rain all weekend so we are trying to enjoy it while we can. Have a great day!

Happy Friday ladies. This morning I did To the Max Extreme. It definitely kicked my butt! It has been a long time since I have done that one and it seemed harder than I remembered it :rolleyes:. Have a great day!

I hope you are both having a great weekend. It was supposed to rain here all weekend, but it has turned out beautiful and is supposed to be 75 today! Yesterday I took as a rest day. I went and gave Rudolph and Valentino their last vaccines before they get officially adopted :). This morning was Step Sync and a round of yoga. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on your bike ride, TTM Extreme, Step Sync and yoga. That is great that you are getting such nice weather and are taking advantage of it.

It was a very busy weekend. Friday I did FS Shred Cardio and Push Day. It was a very busy day at work. We got 2 kittens and 3 cats. One of the kittens was not eating and he also had bad diarrhea and was throwing up. We did get him into the vet later that night but everything came back fine. On Saturday I did my paddling simulation and then had another crazy day at work. Our kitten still wasn't doing well so in discussions with our animal health my manager took him into emergency so I was on my own for the rest of the afternoon. He did have an overnight stay and did get back to the shelter later tonight. They did get him eating again and he isn't throwing up anymore but he still has diarrhea. Hopefully that will clear up soon. I need to go to work tomorrow to help out my assistant manager since she will be on a zoom training call most of the day.

Have a great day.


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