Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on XT CBS and your walk! Do you know yet whether you will be able to do any practicing or races this year? Maybe it is still too early since it isn't even February yet.

This morning I did a run in Tahiti and then a couple of rounds of YB yoga! Sheba has not been doing well. The last couple of weeks she has been really lethargic and over the weekend she stopped eating. We had her in the vet last week for them to run some tests and now in addition to her Cushing's she has low thyroid and is on medicine for that. She just started her thyroid meds last night so she is still really tired but she did eat this morning. I had to hand feed her but she ate!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on TBGS. Wow on walking to the Farmers Market in the pouring rain! I'm glad It wasn't snow though.

Julie Great job on your long run in NZ, Yoga, YB Hiit, booty, TB, core, and TBGS! Did you get your 4-6 inches of snow?

Cheryl Great job on XTrain CBS and your walk in the sun!

Yesterday was P30 HI Hiit and the Pyramid bonus and this morning was Great Glutes and some Yoga Burn yoga. I got a new set of Yoga burn dvds that were offered for free if you pay shipping. I was assuming they were going to be broken into 15 minutes segments like the other ones so plugged that in after GG. At 22 minutes when she was still going strong I decided it was enough for me. I'll have to do that one on it's own sometime. I got 5 new kittens on Sunday. They are adorable but so messy! I can't believe how much such tiny things can poop :rolleyes:. And they manage to get it all over themselves so I'm getting lots of kitty bathing done. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on P30 Hi HiiT plus Pyramid bonus and Great Glutes and Yoga Burn yoga!! The free set is usually the Kickstart (sometimes called Restorative) and is the first month in her set of 6 monthly DVD packages. They are all 25-30 minutes long. You actually only had about 3 minutes left on that one if it was the one with the pigeon pose. It seems the smaller the animal the more the poop. Our smallest dog puts the others to shame in that area!

We didn't end up getting the snow; only a little ice and a light dusting. Sheba is doing better in eating on her own. She is still pretty lethargic but it might take a while for the thyroid meds to help with that. This morning I did Turbo Barre! I was only going to do an express premix but decided to do the whole thing and it went by fast and was quite the burner.

Have a great day!
Julie Yep, it was the pigeon pose one. That's funny that I was almost done. I guess I should have just stuck it out, but I was thinking it was probably 45 minutes. Aw poor Sheba, hopefully she gets her energy and appetite back soon. Great hob on TB and doing the whole thing instead of an express premix. I haven't done that one in ages!

This morning I did Step Blast and the abs from SJP. I was intending to do a premix that combines some of SB and SJP, but the premix I selected started with all 3 of the combos from SB so I decided to just go ahead and do the step blast challenge too.. Have a great day!

Julie There may not be any races this year but if there is it won't be until later in the year. We are hoping that we can get out on the water in the spring. We have our fingers crossed for that. Great job on your run in Tahiti and YB Yoga. Oh no poor Sheba I hope she gets better soon.

Pam Good work on P30 HI Hiit and Pyrmid Bonus, Great Glutes and YB Yoga. Too funny about the kittens pooping so much. Well it is better than no poop at all :p

Julie Glad that you didn't get any snow. That is great that Sheba is eating on her own. It will probably take time for the meds to kick in. Great work on Turbo Barre.

Pam Great job on Step Blast and the abs from SJP.

Yesterday morning I did AOLIH. Then I went and got groceries, it was nice and quiet there. Late in the afternoon DH had a dentist appointment but by the time we got home and had some sort of dinner I didn't get a chance to post. This morning was XTrain Legs, then I just relaxed for the rest of the day.

Pam Great job on SB plus SJP abs! That first "restorative" practice is really tough for me. It almost scared me away because my hips are so tight I could barely get into some of those poses.

Cheryl Great job on AOLIH! Hope DH's appointment went well. I remember he isn't a fan of the dentist. Great job on XTrain Legs! Fingers crossed for you to be able to get in the boat on the water in the Spring.

This morning I did a bike ride in Barcelona and then did a few rounds of YB yoga. I'm taking tomorrow off work and looking for a long weekend since next week I already know is going to be crazy busy with meetings.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on AOLIH and XTrain legs. It is nice to shop when it's quiet. I hope you are able to get on the water in the spring!

Julie Great job on your bike ride in Barcelona and your YB rounds. I hope you enjoy your long weekend and get rested up for your crazy week ahead.

This morning I slept late. Since my DH retired he isn't setting an alarm anymore so we are sleeping later. I
not sure if that is good or bad, but it felt nice :). I did P30 Hi Hiit and Upper body. I really like the weight workouts in this series, they are quick and efficient. Have a great day!

Julie Yes DH's appointment went well. You have a good memory he isn't a fan of dentists but he didn't have a choice since his teeth and gums were giving him issues. Good work on your bike ride in Barcelona and YB Yoga. Enjoy your long weekend and relax.

Pam It is nice to sleep in but it really throws off my day. Great job on P30 Hi Hiit and Upper Body.

This morning I did P30 Yoga. Then I got some meal prepping done and then we got some errands done and went for a short walk.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on P30 Yoga, your meal prepping, errands and walk!

Yesterday I did P30 LI Hiit, lower body, and abs. Then I went with another lasagna mama and delivered lunch to 2 fire stations and come home and worked on my furniture painting. This morning I did cardio fusion and it completely kicked my butt. Then I did some errands. Every place was crazy busy because we have a chance of winter weather in the forecast tomorrow. If I had remembered that I would have saved the errands for another day, but they are done. Have a great day.

Happy Sunday! No winter weather here thankfully, but it is cold and rainy. I woke up with a kink in my back so I did P30 extended stretch and 30 minutes of yoga burn. I had a really hard time with the balance poses but did the best I could. Have a great day!

Pam Good job on P30 Hiit Lower Body and Cardio Fusion. I bet the fire stations appreciated the lasagna that you made for them. Glad that you didn't get any winter weather. I hope that P30 Extended Stretch and Yoga Burn help with your kink in your back.

So I slept in long on both Friday and Saturday that I didn't have time to do a workout before I needed to leave for work. Today I didn't do much either. Though when I was putting up the hummingbird feeder today the bench that I was standing on broke and down I went. I fell back on my butt and I was lucky that I didn't break my phone when I landed that was in my back pocket. I might have a bruised butt though. We got some bad news on our dragon boat captain. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer in December. We are hoping that everything goes well for her.

Pam Great job on P30 HI HiiT and UB! I'm looking forward to no alarm some day. Although my dad has been retired for years and still sets an alarm. Great job on P30 LI HiiT, LB, and abs! I bet the firemen really loved getting those lasagnas. Great job on Cardio Fusion! I haven't done that one in eons. Good to hear you didn't get any bad weather. Great job on P30 ES and YB yoga! Stick with it and you will nail those balance poses after a while.

Cheryl Great job on P30 yoga and your meal prepping and errands! I'm glad there wasn't any damage to your phone or you from your fall. I bet that was scary. Oh I am so sorry about your dragon boat captain's cancer news. Hopefully they caught it early and can get it taken care of.

Friday I did a heavy weight workout and then did YB core! After that I did some meal prepping and chores. Saturday was a run in Tasmania and a couple of rounds of YB yoga. I was pretty lazy the rest of Saturday and all day Sunday. This morning I did ICE LIS 1 and a couple of rounds of YB yoga. I started Phase 3 today. I made it through the 3 rounds but I can definitely tell I have room for improvement.

Have a great day!
Julie Great work on your heavy weight workout andYB core, your run in Tasmania and YB Yoga, ICE LIS 1 and YB Yoga. I am sure that at the end of phase 3 your flexibility will be much better.

This morning was P30 Lower Body + Bonus Stretch. Then I did a bit of cleaning and DH had a dental appointment in the afternoon. We did go out for a walk after his appointment around a man made lake in the area. It was pouring rain but that was OK. There were lots of ducks out and we also saw a heron and a couple of otters playing in the water. Tonight I have my first dry land training session for dragon boating. It will be an upper body workout. I will be doing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the next 12 weeks. Hopefully we will get on the water by then.

Cheryl Great job on P30 LB plus Bonus Stretch! I bet your DH can't wait to be done with the dentist. Your walk sounds lovely even with the rain. That sounds so exciting to be doing some dragon boat training.

This morning I did YB booty, total body, and core! I did not get good sleep last night. About 90 minutes before my alarm went off, I was basically getting pushed off the bed, so I grabbed a blanket and pillow and laid down on the dog bed. Not 5 minutes later I was swarmed by 3 dogs wanting to get in the dog bed with me. I guess I should take that to mean they love me!

Have a great day!
Cheryl I love it when I sleep in. Usually I wake up before I really wanted to. Yikes, I'm glad that you didn't hurt yourself or your phone when your bench broke. Those butt bruises are no fun though, I hope it feels better soon. So sorry to hear about your dragon boat captain. I hope that it is treatable and she does well with the treatment.

Julie Great job on your heavy weight workout, YB Core, meal prepping, run in Tasmania, YB yoga, LIS 1 and YB yoga. That is awesome that you made it through the 3 rounds. I am definitely finding that I have a LOT of room for improvement with yoga.

Cheryl Great job on P30 LB + stretch and your cleaning. How is it going for your DH with the dental work? You are amazing going for walks in the pouring rain. Do you have rain pants? It sounds like it was a fun walk though with all of the wild life. Fingers crossed that you will be on the water within 12 weeks!

Julie Great job on YB B, TB, and Core! That is pretty funny about the dogs pushing you off your bed and then wanting to be in their bed with you. Obvious sign that they love you. I ended up buying the yoga burn booty challenge because they had a special deal to get it for $25. I don't think it has shipped yet though.

Looks like I forgot to post yesterday! I did Imax 2 and the core work from Cardio and weights. Then I made lasagna sauce to make a lasagna for one of our neighbors. Their son had a band inserted into his chest over Christmas to expand his rib cage because it was too small and close to his heart. He had to have emergency surgery on Thursday because the band shifted and he was also having an allergic reaction to the metal in it. He's doing better now and was supposed to go home yesterday but he has lost a lot of weight since the first surgery. This morning was Intensity Series Boot camp (Terminator climbers..ugh!) and 15 minutes of yoga. I did the one with the warrior 3 lunges again. I still have a LONG way to go to get those even close to how she does them. My leg isn't very far off the ground and I have a hard time keeping my balance while moving my arms.
Julie Too funny about your dogs. I would take it to mean that they love you. Great job on YB Booty and core with a bad nights sleep.

Pam The dental is going well with DH. He hasn't gone for so long that he needs about another 5 visits to get everything fixed. I do have rain pants but I usually only wear them when I am dragon boating. Scary about your neighbors son. I am glad that he is doing better now. Good work on Imax 2 the core work from Cardio and Weights, Intensity Boot Cam and your yoga. I agree with your description on the Terminator Climbers.

This morning was P30 LI HiiT and the Pyramid HiiT. Then I went and got groceries and then did some baking when I got home.

Pam Great job on Imax 2 and C&W core! This is going to show my level of cooking skills but is lasagna sauce different than spaghetti sauce? Oh my, that is crazy about his rib cage and everything he is going through. Great job on Intensity BC and Yoga! The balance poses are hard. Did you order through the website? If so, they should send you digital links once the DVDs ship so you could preview the workouts. The DVDs include 16 workouts on 4 discs but the digital links are only provided for the first 12 workouts.

Cheryl Great job on P30 LI and Pyramid HiiTs. Hopefully you baked up something super yummy!

This morning I did a run in New Zealand and 2 rounds of YB yoga. The run was hard. Not physically but mentally because it was 30 minutes steady state at the same pace and pretty much a flat incline. I kept counting down like "now I only have 27 minutes left and in 90 seconds I will have 25 1/2 minutes left." I made it through it though. I wanted to do 3 rounds of YB yoga but I was running late and didn't get the last :15 round done.

Have a great day!
Julie I did get some granola and muffins made that are yummy. Good job on your run in New Zealand and YB Yoga. Sometimes running on a flat surface can be a bit boring. Having some inclines does make it more interesting.

This morning our friend called as he didn't have time to walk Zoey before he left for work. He forgot that he had an early meeting. So instead of doing my stretching that I had planned I walked Zoey instead. Then I got all the housework done and in the afternoon I went for another walk with DH. It was a really nice day and we wanted to take advantage of it. Then tonight I had another dry land training session which was total body. They are quite easy but it is nice to get together with the other dragon boaters.

Cheryl You are such a great neighbor to walk Zoey instead of stretching as you had planned. That's great you were able to get a walk in with DH in nice weather and get together with your team for a total body workout.

This morning I did Yoga Burn booty, total body and core plus added on the 1 round of yoga that I didn't get to complete yesterday on. I am going grocery shopping this afternoon and we are supposed to get snow during that time so not looking forward to the drive. I am also taking tomorrow off and hopefully getting some things done around the house.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Good job on Yoga Burn booty, total body and core plus yoga. I hope it doesn't snow until you get home. Enjoy your day off.

This morning I did Step Sync. Then it was a relaxing day though we did go out for a walk in the afternoon in the pouring rain. We are trying to get out for a walk on a daily basis no matter what the weather is doing.


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