Strength in Numbers

Julie Great work on your ride in Barcelona and YB Yoga. That is great that you slept in until your alarm went off but it is hard to get up when you are in a deep sleep. Enjoy your long weekend.

This morning was P30 Lower Body + Lower Body Bonus. Then I got some meal prepping done.

Cheryl Great job on C&W, that is a fun one. Great job on P30 yoga and your housework too!

Julie Great job on your ride in Barcelona and YB! That is great that you slept until your alarm wen off, but it really is hard getting up out of a deep sleep like that. I hope you are enjoying your day off.

Cheryl Great job on P30 LB + LBB!

Yesterday I went for a bike ride. I was worried because it was in the lower 40's and cloudy when I started, but the sun came out and it warmed up pretty quickly so I was quite warm but the time I finished. This morning was RWH Chest, triceps, and shoulders and bonus abs 2. I'm also glad when the chest part of that one is done with all of those push up finishers. Rudolph and Valentino are here and doing well so far. Rudolph is pretty shy and hides under the couch, but I can pull him out and he'll sit on my lap. Valentino is super friendly and just purrs and wants to be pet non-stop. I'm not sure my cats even know that they are here yet :). Have a great day!

Pam Good job on your bike ride, nice that it warmed up for you. Good job too on RWH Chest, Triceps and shoulders and bonus abs 2. Those pushup finishers are tough. I am glad that your fosters are doing well and your cats don't know that they are here.

This morning was Step Sync. That is one of my favorite step workouts. Then I went to work. We only received 3 cats so it wasn't as busy as it usually is.

Cheryl Great job on Step Sync. It's nice that work wasn't so crazy busy for a change.

This morning was Imax 4. I got another kitten this morning and my cats know this one is here because they saw me bringing her in :). I'm keeping her separate from the other 2 for now and my cats are already sniffing under the door. I guess this will be the true test of whetherFritz's prozac is working :rolleyes:. Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Imax 4. I hope that Fritz's prozac works for him and he will get along with the new kittens.

Saturday I did P30 Upper Body + extended stretch. Then I went to work which was really quiet again. Sunday I took as my day off but we went for a walk with our friend and Zoey. This morning I did PHA 1 + bonus abs. I really need to work my abs more because I really failed on that ab work. It was a really nice day out here so I went for a walk and took Zoey with me. There were a lot of people out walking their dogs.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

I forgot to hit the Post reply yesterday. Whoops!

Cheryl Great job on P30 LB + LB Bonus! Meal prepping sure takes planning and time but it is worth it. Great job on SS! That is nice that is wasn't as busy as usual at work. Great job on P30 UB plus ES! Sounds like you had a nice relaxing Sunday with your walk. Great job on PHA1 plus bonus abs! Cathe's abs are always hard. Must have been a nice day if everyone was out with their dogs.

Pam Great job on your bike ride! Hmm ... it being colder just means you have to pedal faster right? Great job on RWH CST plus bonus abs 2! Yes Cathe might have lost her mind when doing that one with all the pushups! Oh that is cute about Rudolph hiding under the couch but hopefully he comes out of his shell soon. Great job on Imax 4! Hope all the kitties are doing well.

Friday I did a heavy weight workout and YB core work. After that DH and I ran some errands and then visited my parents for a few hours. Saturday I did a run in Tasmania and a few rounds of YB yoga and then some meal prepping and chores. Sunday was my lazy day and Monday morning I did RWH LI HiiT 1 plus a few rounds of YB yoga! This morning I did YB booty, total body, and core work! I am in week 8 of the booty and total body 16 week programs and week 6 of the 12 week core program. I am taking longer on the core by repeating weeks until I feel I "get" it.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on P30 UB + ES. How nice to get out for a walk with your friend and Zoey. Great job on PHA + Bonus abs too. I can't remember what the abs are like in that one which usually means I don't like them! :rolleyes: Glad you got to enjoy the nice day with Zoey.

Julie I hate when I forget to post my reply, but it's so nice that the workout manager saves it now. Usually it being colder just means that we whine more :p. Great job on your heavy weight workout and UB core work, your run in Tasmania, your YB round, LI Hiit 1 and more YB, YB Booty, TB, and core! Whew! That's a lot!! I did get my YB discs and tried the first one on Sunday. It seems strange that there are 4 workouts on the dvd, but it looks like they all are the same? At least the first 2 are. I decided to do the first 2 since they are 15 minutes and was surprised that the second one was exactly the same as the first. Is that what all of the discs are like?

So as I was telling Julie I did 2 rounds of Yoga Burn yoga on Sunday morning. I am definitely not very flexible so we"ll see if I can do something about that. Yesterday morning I went for a bike ride with my 2 friends. It's the first time the 3 of us have been able to ride together in more than a month so that was nice. This morning I did RWH Hiit circuit upper body and the abs from Lean legs and abs. I put the little squirt in with Rudolph and Valentino yesterday and she is running around like she owns the place. They don't know what to make of her yet, but Rudolph is coming out from under the couch to check her out so hopefully she will help to bring him out of his shell a bit. Have a great day!

Julie Bummer that you forgot to hit the post button but luckily you didn't lose it. Great work on your heavy weight workout and YB core work, your run in Tasmania and YB yoga, RWH LI HiiT 1 and YB Yoga and YB booty, total body and core work. There is nothing wrong with taking things slow on the core program. It is better to do that than to rush through it. Meal prepping sure does save time that is for sure.

Pam Good job on YB yoga, your bike ride with friends and RWH Hiit Circuit Upper Body and the abs from Lean Legs and Abs. I am sure the little squirt will help Rudolph come out of his shell. Sometimes they just need a more outgoing kitten around to help out.

This morning was Cardio Slam. That was a tough one for me this morning. Then I went and got groceries and then just relaxed most of the afternoon.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on 2 rounds of YB! Hmm ... that seems strange the first 2 workouts were the same. Did you get the Total Body Challenge one or the Booty Challenge? Either way all the workouts should be different. Some have some of the same exercises but different reps or sequenced differently. Great job on your bike ride and RWH CUB plus LLA abs! Oh that is cute about the kitties. Is her name Squirt or just what you call her?

Cheryl Great job on Cardio Slam! It's been a while since I have done that one but I remember it being sneakily challenging. It is nice that the system kept my post but it confused me at first why there was something in the reply box!

This morning I did a run in New Zealand and a couple of rounds of YB yoga. This yoga has quite a bit of pushups in it (for yoga not compared to Cathe). They are actually more like triceps pushups and some triangle pushups where you hands make a triangle. I did a total of 45 throughout the three rounds and all on my toes and they felt really good (not easy but good).

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on Cardio Slam. I have only done that one a couple of times and seem to remember it being challenging.

Julie The Yoga Burn that I got just says Premium Package. So in looking at it more, it looks like the 4 workouts on the video are each 45 minutes long and I just did the first 2 parts of the first workout on Sunday. The 45 minute workout is divided into 3 15 minute sections, but those 3 sections are all the same.. I don't know if that is true for the other workouts on the dvd or not. I haven't named the new kitten yet so I''m just calling her the little squirt for now :rolleyes:. DH thinks I should name her Natacha because that was the name of one of Rudolph Valentino's wives. I haven't decided if I like that or not. It's silly since they will all probably get renamed when they get adopted. Great job on your run in NZ and your YB round. Oh boy 45 pushups is a lot. That is awesome that you did them all on your toes and that they felt really good!! I don't think I've ever though that about push ups :).

This morning I did Cardio Leg Blast and another 15 minute segment of yoga. I like the 15 minutes of yoga, although I was a bit disappointed when I found out I'm supposed to be doing 45 minutes 3 times a week! It's still better than what I was doing so I have to look at it that way. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on your run in New Zealand and YB Yoga. That is great that you could do 45 pushups on your toes. I don't think I have ever felt really good about pushups.

Pam Great job on Cardio Leg Blast and YB yoga. 15 minutes is better than none, and you can always work up to doing 45 minutes 3 times per week.

This morning was RUUB. I kept up with Cathe with the weights except for the chest work and I sure couldn't do the pushups on my toes. My chest was feeling it after the flys. Then I got some housework done and went for a walk in the afternoon. It was another nice day and there were a lot of people out.

Pam It sounds like you got the Original Yoga Burn Fitness System for Women. It is set up so that each DVD is a Phase meant to last 4 weeks. Each Phase has 3 workouts that are technically :15 long but the DVD is set up to repeat the video 3 times through for :45. Each workout is meant to be done for the :45 one day a week. Each DVD also has bonus items like pose tutorials or extra yoga workouts. This is the program that I feel has helped me most with balance and pushups and flexibility. The other YB programs are not set up the same way as this program. And the cover does not have the instructor shown as it is a different model they choose for some reason. I like that it is only 15 so you can add it on and I think only doing 15 a day will help over time. Great job on CLB!

Cheryl Great job on RUUB! Love that you have been able to get out and walk in nice weather. The fresh air and sunshine is a great thing to get.

I should clarify that the 45 pushups were split up into 5 pushups, some yoga poses, 5 pushups, yoga poses and keep repeating. So that made it a lot more doable than Cathe cranking out 45 pushups back to back in 3-4 sets! This morning I did YB booty, total body, and core work. I am taking tomorrow off work and looking forward to hopefully sleeping in.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on RUUB and keeping up with Cathe on most of the weights! There is no way I can do the pushups on my toes in that one after all of the other chest work. It's great you got another nice day and took advantage of it with your walk.

Julie Thanks for the explanation about the yoga burn system, that helps. Did you ever do the phases as they recommend? I really like just 15 minutes of yoga so will probably stick to using that as an add on with other workouts. Even with the push ups split up, 45 on your toes is excellent! I hope your dogs let you sleep in!

This morning was P30 LI Hiit, P30 yoga and core bonus. That was the first time I have done the P30 yoga. It wasn't too bad, but at about 20 minutes I was checking the clock expecting to be done :). Have a great day!

Julie Even with the push ups split up like that doing 45 on yPam ur toes is still really good. Good work on YB Booty, total body and core work. Enjoy your day off and I hope you get to sleep in.

Pam Great job on P30 LI Hiit, P30 Yoga and core bonus. Yep I think I do the same thing at the 20 minute mark too.

This morning was P30 Mobility Basics. Then I got the rest of the housework done and in the afternoon we got some errands done.

Cheryl Great job on MB an getting your housework and errands done.

This morning was one of my regular go to's: Body Max 2 step and power circuits. It's supposed to be 69 degrees this afternoon so I'm thinking I need to get outside and enjoy it. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on BM2 step and power circuits. Yes definitely get outside and enjoy the nice weather.

This morning I took Zoey out for a walk before work so that was my workout. It was really nice out though it was below zero. Work was quiet again we only had 4 cats, I guess it isn't kitten season yet.

Cheryl Great job on getting out for a walk with Zoey in the cold. You are tougher than I am! Definitely not kitten season yet, but they will soon be popping up everywhere.

This morning was PHA 3 with ab stacker abs. I ended up not really getting out much yesterday because I painted a nightstand that I have been wanting to paint. I spent more time researching how to do it and getting the materials than it took to actually do it, but it turned out great. Now I have another piece that I want to paint too. have a great day!

Pam Great job on PHA 3 and ab stacker abs. I am glad that your nightstand turned out great. I am sure your other piece will turn out great too.

Yesterday I did Total Body Giant Sets and then went to work. Today I just walked down to the Farmers Market in the pouring rain. It was pretty quiet there. We got rain but if we were a bit higher up it would have been snow.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on P30 LI HiiT plus P30 Yoga plus core bonus! I have been doing the phases as recommended. So each workout from phase 1 once a week but repeated for 3 rounds that day but I have been doing the phases for 8 weeks instead of 4 because I figure I needed the extra time to get more flexible. I think doing just :15 as an add on is a great way to do it especially if you enjoy it. I can't imagine you won't gain flexibility that way. Great job on BM2 step + power circuits! Oh my that sounds lovely to be that warm. We are supposed to get 4-6 inches of snow today. Great job on PHA3 plus abs stackers! Glad the painting woked out!

Cheryl Great job on P30 Mobility Basics plus housework and errands! I bet Zoey loves when you take her for walks. Hmm... below zero but nice out sounds contradictory to me! Great job on TBGS! Wow you are dedicated to walk in the rain but at least it wasn't snow!

Friday I did a long run in New Zealand at around 50 minutes and then I did a few rounds of YB yoga and Saturday I did YB HiiT, Booty, Total Body, and Core and then did some cleaning. Sunday was my lazy day and this morning I did Total Body Giant Sets with the abs added on.

Have a great day!
Julie Good work on your run in New Zealand, YB Yoga, HiiT, Booty, Total Body and Core and TBGS.

This morning was XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulders. Then the sun came out in the afternoon so I went out for a walk. Now I am going to join my dragon boat team for a zoom meeting.

Have a great day.


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