Strength in Numbers

Pam Great job on starting Cathe's March rotation with D32 plyo legs plus a round of yoga! That is quite the sub for Kick Max. The balance poses are tough and I imagine having done plyo legs before might have impacted your balance. That is great news for Gabby and the kittens being good with strangers.

Cheryl Great job on your booty workout! Gotta love those booty workouts that stick with you.

This morning I did a run in New Zealand that had quite a bit of incline jogging but also had went by fast because it was constantly changing the incline which for some reason makes the run go by faster. After that I did a couple rounds of yoga.

Have a great day!
This morning I did YB booty, total body, and core! This morning Benny decided that he needed to sit in my work spot so I am now in a different spot and not as comfortable. Good thing he is cute and sweet so can get away with anything.

I am taking tomorrow off work and hoping to get a ton done around the housework.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on your booty workout. Gotta love when you are still feeling it later in the day. That usually means you are really In for it the next day! :)

Julie Great job on your run in NZ. Even thought the incline changes make the run harder, I think it goes by faster too because it's not as monotonous. Great job on YB B, TB, and Core. So cute that Benny decided he needed to sit in your work spot. He was probably hoping you would sit there with him.

Yesterday DH and I went for a bike ride. We have been having the most beautiful weather this week so it was great it get outside. And just as fast as Gabby was adopted she was returned. :rolleyes:. I told them to keep her in a separate room for awhile and introduce her to their cat slowly, but they didn't do that and apparently their cat was not happy about the new addition, They definitely didn't get it enough time, but I'd rather have them come back quickly if they are going to come back to lessen the stress on them as much as possible.This morning was AOLIH and Stacked Sets UB and six pack abs. Then I went and made cookies with some friends. They are taking them to a local church that makes bag lunches for homeless people every week and like to include cookies in the bag. Have a great day.

Julie Great job on your run in New Zealand and yoga and YB booty, total body and core. . The incline changes would make it go by faster instead of just one level run. So cute about Benny sitting in your spot. Enjoy your weekend.

Pam Good job on your bike ride, AOLIH, Stacked Sets UB and six pack abs. Cats need to be introduced slowly and I guess they didn't listen to you. Bringing them back quickly is better so they don't get too stressed out.

Wednesday I didn't get a morning workout in. DH had an ultra sound appointment at Vancouver General Hospital so we needed to leave at 7am to get there in time. The traffic was great which made driving there so much easier. We will see if anything showed up with his circulation in is lower body. In the afternoon I took Zoey out for a walk. It was so nice out. We went to the park and the herons were back at their nesting area getting the nests ready for a new sets of babies. Then when we were walking past the hospital we saw a deer walking across the lawn. Then in the evening I had my dragon boat dry land training. This morning I was really tired and DH had an early morning dental appointment. So I really didn't do much today but I did get the cats outside for some fresh air since it was another nice day.

Cheryl It's nice that you have an easy drive to the hospital and hopefully the ultrasound will tell them what is going on with your DH. How fun to see the herons getting their nests ready for the new babies. They are such beautiful birds. Great job on your dry land training and letting the cats enjoy the beautiful weather.

This morning was Circuit Blast and I repeated the first two rounds to make it a little longer and did a round of yoga. The yoga did feel a little better this time so maybe it's helping. Have a great day.

Pam Great work on Circuit Blast and yoga.

Friday morning I was really tired so I just did Mobility Basics, I have been really dragging my butt this week. Work was busy, but not as crazy has it has been. Saturday morning I did my paddle simulation and then it was work again.

Pam Great job on your bike ride with DH! That is a bummer about Gabby and so sad they didn't give it time to work out. I am sure it is for the best though. Great job on AOLIH and SS UB plus Abs! That is an awesome thing to do to make cookies for homeless lunches. Great job on CB Extreme and a round of yoga! That is great you felt better this time and I bet it is making a difference.

Cheryl I hope DH's ultrasound helps him get some answers. Sounds like you are getting some nice weather. Great job on getting in Mobility Basics and your dryland training. Hopefully you can find some more energy this week.

Friday I did a run in New Zealand and a couple of rounds of yoga and then did some cleaning. Saturday I did YB booty, total body, and core and then ran some errands and took a short walk with DH. It was cold but not bad. Sunday was my lazy day and this morning I did STS M2D20 Legs and YB core! We are getting a wintry mix today with high winds. I am ready for Spring!!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on MB and your paddle simulation. I hope that your energy picks up.

Julie Great job on your run in NZ, Yoga, and cleaning, YB B, TB +C, STS M2D20 + core. Whew. I got tired just typing all of that! A wintry mix with high winds sounds awful. Spring is so close now though :D

Saturday I took as my rest day. A family came over to meet kittens and adopted Ragan And Kara. They already sent me a picture of the two of them cuddled up together. Yesterday was RWH Hiit Circuit lower body and bonus abs 2. Then a couple came over to meet Gabby and adopted her. They seem to be a great fit for her and have already sent me some pictures of her cuddling and playing. Then I went and picked up 3 cats that people adopted in November but returned because they aren't getting along with their dog. One of them went to another foster and the other two are staying here, at least for now. They are very sweet but still a little scared here. This morning was Super Cuts Extreme. I had not done that premix before, but it makes it exactly an hour. You repeat most of the exercises twice, but luckily not the sit up/push up combo! Have a great day.

Julie Good work on your run in New Zealand, yoga, YB booty, total body and core and STS D20 Legs and YB core. I hope your wintery weather doesn't stick around for too long and you get back to warmer weather.

Pam Great job on RWH Hiit Circuit Lower Body and bonus abs 2 and Super Cuts Extreme. That is great that Ragan and Kara found a good home and Gabby too this time. Poor kitties it will take time for them to get adjusted to their new environment.

Sunday I took as a rest day. After the stupid time change I was feeling pretty tired. Today I did P30 Lower Body and the extended stretch. In the afternoon I took Zoey out for a bit of a hike. Now I just finished my dry land training. I am pooped now and I am ready for bed.

Have a great day.

Pam That is so awesome about Ragan and Kara and Gabby! Great job on RWH CLB plus bonus abs! Poor kitties having to be put back in foster. Hopefully they will get adopted soon too. Great job on Super Cuts Extreme!

Cheryl Great job on P30 LB and ES plus your hike with Zoey and dry land training! I say it every year and will say it until it goes away but I hate the time change too. This year was a little better with being able to work from home but I am still tired and ready for the clocks to be left alone.

This morning I did LITE Pyramid Pump Upper Body and a couple of rounds of YB yoga! I'm finding it hard to get motivated with Benny laying his head on my lap this morning.

Have a great day!
Julie A lot of people are ready for the clocks to be left alone. Maybe one day....
Great job on LITE Pyramid Pump Upper Body and YB yoga. I am sure that laying in bed with Benny is a lot more enjoyable than getting up to workout.

This morning I was really tired again. I tried to do 4DS Low Impact Step but I really didn't have the energy. I did go for a walk though in the afternoon with Zoey. I am taking advantage of the nice weather that we are having right now.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on doing what you could on 4DS LIS with little energy! I would be taking advantage of the nice weather too if we had it.

This morning was rough getting out of bed because I got to bed a little late last night but I did a run in New Zealand that had lots of incline/decline changes. It was a tough 45 minute run but I only held onto the handles for a couple of the inclines and for less than a minute each time. After that I did a YB core workout.

Have a great day!
Cheryl I keep hoping they will do away with the time change, They keep teasing us about it but then nothing happens. Great job on P30 LB + ES, your dry land training and getting out for a walk!

Julie Great job on PPUB and yoga. I would rather cuddle with a dog than work any day!

Cheryl Good for you making an effort with 4DS but knowing when to stop. It's so nice that you are getting out and enjoying the nice weather.

Julie Great job on your run in NZ and core.

Looks like I forgot to post yesterday but I did KPC. Then I made a lasagna that I am delivering today for the YMCA food shuttle. Our local lasagna love volunteers teamed up with them this week and we are providing 40 lasagnas. Then I went and picked up a mom cat with 4 2 week old kittens! I have a full house right now but these guys were outside and it was really weighing on my mind. Another foster is going to take the 2 that I picked up on Sunday though. They are so sweet so I'm hoping they will get adopted soon. This morning I did Pyramid Upper Body with a LOT of modification during the pikes. This was the third day in a row with abs, I'm not sure what Cathe was thinking. Happy St Paddy's day!

Julie Great job on your run in New Zealand and YB core.

Pam I hear ya with the teasing with doing away with the time change and then nothing happens. Great job on KPC and PUB. You sure do have a full house with all of those kitties.

This morning I did yoga. I am really stiff so it felt good to do it. Then I did some meal prepping and I went for another walk in the afternoon. We even sat outside in the sun because it was so nice out.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on KPC! That is a lot of lasagnas! I'm glad you were able to get those kittens so they didn't have to stay outside and that another foster can take your other 2. Great job on PUB! That is a lot of core work but also pike work back to back with KPC and PUB.

Cheryl Great job on yoga! Oh that sounds like a wonderful way to spend some of the day in the sun!

This morning I did a ride in Barcelona and then a couple of rounds of YB yoga! I have to drop my car off at the mechanic today for some repairs. They are going to have it overnight so I'll get some type of loaner. Hopefully it is a nice one. I am also taking tomorrow off work and looking forward to hopefully sleeping in a little.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl[ Great job on yoga and your walk! Isn't its heavenly to sit outside and enjoy the sun?! So glad you got to do that.

Julie Great job on your ride in Barcelona and yoga! I hope they give you a nice loaner and you get to sleep in tomorrow.

This morning was Hiit 30/30 and yoga. We are supposed to get some ugly storms this afternoon and evening so I'm going to get my errands run before they hit. My poor mama cat was so scared, when I went in the room yesterday she was all curled up inside the trash can :(. I took the trash can out of there and have been spending time with her on my lap petting her. I think she is starting to trust me as she was purring last night and not trembling. The kittens are so tiny. They aren't really able to move around much yet, but that will come soon! Have a great day.

Julie Great job on your ride in Barcelona and YB yoga. I hope you get a nice loaner car and that you can sleep in a little tomorrow.

Pam It is so nice to sit in the sun, it has been so long since we were able to do that. Good work on Hiit 30/30 and yoga. I hope you got your errands done before the storms hit. Poor cat she must be really scared if she hid in the trash can. That was great that you could spend some time with her so she will feel safer. It will probably be a few more weeks before the kittens are moving around more and then you won't be able to keep up with them.

This morning I did P30 Low Impact Hiit. Then I got some housework done and did some errands in the afternoon.

Have a great day.

Cheryl[ The kittens are so funny. They can't even really walk yet, but they have started playing with each other wile they are just kind've rolling around :D. Great job on LIH, your housework and errands!

This morning was Pyramid Lower Body. Those leg presses always get me, but they got me especially hard today. I was glad to be finished with them. Then I had some running around to do to get some things to deliver a virtual shopping spree wish this afternoon. She was so cute and so excited about everything. Mama cat is doing so great. All it took was giving her a can of cat food and now she comes out to see me when I go in and rubs around my legs and purrs. There is no way this cat is going back to live outside! Have a great day!

Pam That is too funny about how the kittens are playing with each other. Great job on PLB. The leg presses are hard in that one. That is great that mama cat is doing well.

This morning was P30 Upper Body. For some reason it felt really hard today.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on HiiT 30/30 and yoga! Glad you got your errands done before the storms hit. Oh, that poor mama cat, I glad she is coming around. Great job on PLB and all those leg presses! The mama cat sounds super sweet.

Cheryl Great job on P30 LIH and your housework and errands and then on P30 UB! Some days are harder than others which is frustrating to me. If only I had the same energy and strength every day.

Friday I did a heavy weight workout and YB core! After that I did some meal prepping. Saturday I did a run in Australia and YB yoga and then DH and I ran some errands. We took the dogs to PetSmart and Benny had the biggest smile on his face while we were in there. Sunday was my lazy day and this morning I did a Yoga Burn HiiT workout from her YouTube channel and then did a couple rounds of yoga. The mechanic has had my car since Thursday morning but are supposed to be done today. I am hoping DH can pick up the car since the loaner they gave me had a sticky steering wheel.

Have a great day!

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