Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on Cardio Party and extended stretch!

Julie Great job on your long run in NZ. 45 minutes is a very long run in my opinion! Great job doing are after that too.

Yesterday was a beautiful day and I felt like getting outside, so I went to a state park that is about a 30 minute drive from here and did a 5 mile hike. It as hot, I was wishing I had worn shorts. This morning was Chiseled upper body and icy core 2. My legs were feeling the hike so I was happy to have an upper body workout. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on your run in New Zealand and YB core.

Pam It is always great to get outside to do something. Great work on your hike and Chiseled Upper Body and Icy Core 2.

Today I just to Zoey out for a long walk and then tonight I had my dryland training session.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on your 5 mile hike! That is great you were able to get out with the good weather. Maybe you should look into those pants that have zippers at short level for hikes. Great job on CUB plus icy core 2!

Cheryl Great job on your long walk with Zoey and dryland training session! Sometimes unstructured activities are the best workouts.

This morning I did a ride in Barcelona and a couple of rounds of yoga! After that DH had a dentist appointment in town at 7 so I dropped him off and then did the grocery shopping while he got his teeth cleaned. It worked out well and saved me from having to drive all that way on my own later.

I am taking tomorrow off work (surprise)! Hoping for some decent weather for the weekend since we barely hit 40 today.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Good job on your ride in Barcelona and yoga. Enjoy your (surprise) day off from work.

Well my DH also had a dentist appointment this morning so I didn't get a chance to get a workout in. He finally has had all of the dental procedures done except for his cleanings. He is so very happy to have it done so he is able to smile again. After his dental we did some errands so we didn't get home until late afternoon. I am hoping to get back into a normal routine now. It has been a long time since I have felt any type of routine.

Cheryl Great job on your dry land training and your walk with Zoey.

Julie Great job on your ride in Barcelona and yoga rounds. That's nice that you and DH were able to combine your activities. I hope you enjoy your long weekend and you get some decent weather. It got cold here too, that needs to stop!

Cheryl I'm sure it's quite a relief for your DH having all of that dental work done. It feels so unsettling to be out a routine!

Yesterday I did Hiit Pyramid and a round of yoga. Then I went with my DH to Virginia so he could pick up a car that they are going to turn into a new race car :rolleyes:. It was a 3 hour drive each way, so by the time we drove up there, had lunch, went and drove the car, it was 6pm before I got home. I got 4 new kittens on Tuesday and my mom and babies went to a new foster, so when I got home I vaccuumed and mopped the kitten room and cleaned out all of the litter boxes so that I could move the new kittens in there. I was pooped! This morning was ICE Chisled lower body blast + blizzard blast and icy core 1. If I have ever done that workout before I don't remember it at all. I went heavier on a lot of the weights since she uses really light weights in that one, but it was good. Have a great day!

Pam Yes it is so nice to have all of that dental work done. Great work on Hiit Pyramid, yoga, ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast + Blizzard Blast and Icy Core 1. That was a long day going to Virginia and back. That would have been a lot of work to clean out the kitten room. I bet it was nice getting some more kittens though.

This morning I did yoga and some stretching. It was a holiday here today so I didn't have to go into work. I will go in tomorrow and Sunday though. I did get some vacuuming done though I was very careful because I didn't want my back going out again.

Have a great day.

Cheryl That is great that your DH is done with his dental's and hopefully he doesn't have to have any major work done for a long time. Great job on your yoga and stretching!

Pam Great job on HiiT Pyramid and a round of yoga! Sounds like you had a tiring couple of days with getting the car and the kitten room cleaned. Great job on CLB + BB + icy core 1! I am thinking about you during this difficult time.

Friday I did a heavy weight workout and a YB core! After that I did some meal prepping for the weekend and week and then helped my mom with her taxes. Saturday I did a jog/hike in Australia and a couple of rounds of YB yoga. After that I did some organizing and cleaning and then DH and I sat on the deck for a few hours in the afternoon because we were in the upper 60s! Sunday was my lazy day and this morning I did a couple of rounds of YB yoga and a hike in the Swiss Alps!

Have a great day!
Julie I hope he doesn't need any major work done for a long time too. Great job on your heavy weight workout and YB core, your jog/hike in Australia and YB yoga and your hike in the Swiss Alps and YB yoga. That is nice that you are getting warmer temperatures so you can sit out on the deck. I need to get some organizing and cleaning done too.

Saturday I did my paddle simulation. Then I went to work. We only got 3 cats so it was a pretty easy day. Sunday I took as a day off but I did need to go into work. It was so quiet that is was a kind of long day. This morning I did LITE Body Weight and Bands and tonight I just finished my dry land training.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on your paddle simulation! I hate when work days seem long. Great job on LITE BW & Bands and your dry land training!

This morning I did YB booty, total body, and core work. This has been a tough week already and we are only beginning day 2. Yesterday and today I have back to back meetings. Yuck!

Have a great day!
This morning I did a run in Croatia and a couple of rounds of yoga. I think I am going to try to grocery shopping this afternoon to get it done and out of the way. Lately I have been dreading going shopping. I think because of the long drive. I hate driving since I haven't been having to do it for over year much!

Have a great day!
Julie Great work on YB Booty, total body and core work, your run in Croatia and yoga. Back to back meetings are not fun. I hope your week speeds up for you. That makes it harder when you have a long drive to go shopping. You don't want to forget anything do you.

Yesterday I did Step Sync and then got outside for a bit since it was nice out. Today I did PHA 3 and then I got all of the housework done. Now I am going to go and do my dryland training.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on SS! It has been getting and staying nice out here too. I am so excited for the nicer weather. Great job on PHA3 and all the housework and dryland training.

This morning I did YB booty, total body, and core work! Luckily DH was able to drive me to the grocery store. It is about 30 miles away to get to decent grocery stores. We have one about 10 miles away but they are more emergency type shopping. The produce section is awful. I am taking tomorrow off work and need to take Ruby to the vet. She has been scratching at her underarm a lot so need to see if she has allergies.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Good work on YB Booty, total body and core work. Oh wow 30 miles is a long way to go and get groceries even 10 miles away is far. We are lucky in that we have 2 good grocery stores that we can walk to but the one I like to go to because it is cheaper is only a couple of miles away. Enjoy your day off of work. I hope everything goes well with Ruby.

This morning I did Rev'd up Rumble. Then I had to go into work for a couple of hours to help examine our new baby rats. My manager was not feeling well so she couldn't come into work. At least she doesn't have covid but does have a bad cold. Baby rats are so squirmy that it is too hard for one person to do it on their own, so I helped my assistant manager with it. They are so cute and at 4 weeks old they are used to being handled by humans which made it just a little bit easier.

Have a great day.

Hi ladies,

Sorry for being MIA for so long. I think you both probably saw that my mom passed away on Friday Aprile 2nd, the day before my 60th Birthday. So it's been a bit of a week. DH did a pretty good job of making my Birthday fun though. We went for a 38 mile bike ride with Eric, and then he and Blythe has us over for snacks and drinks after the ride. Ashley had organized a zoom call that evening and I thought it was going to be just her and Carl, but she had gotten a whole bunch of family and friends on to sing happy Birthday and there were 40-50 people on the call. It was such a surprise and so sweet. That night we went out for a nice dinner. We didn't want to drive to Michigan and couldn't get any flights on Sunday because it was Easter, so we flew up on Monday and helped my brother and sister take care of things there. Wednesday was a small ceremony to inter her ashes with the immediate family, and then we all went out to a place that my parents used to like to go for dinner. I flew home on Thursday and left Friday for a girls weekend at the beach for my Birthday. It was a nice relaxing time but I was happy to get home yesterday. I did do a workout last Monday morning, but I have no recollection of what it was. Friday I did Imax 2 and this morning was LIHI Legs+core 2 and a round of yoga. We are getting beautiful weather so will probably start skiing soon. Have a great day!

Pam No worries about being MIA, we knew the reason why. So sorry to hear about your mom. That was nice that your DH made your birthday fun for you. What a nice surprise to have 50 people on a zoom call for your birthday. Great work on whatever you did last Monday, Imax 2 and LIHI Legs and core 2 and yoga. It must be warm where you are if you can start skiing.

Friday morning I did yoga and then I went to work. My manager was sick so I was by myself. It was a pretty slow day though. Saturday I did my paddle simulation and then it was another slow day at work. Sunday I went for a walk in the morning and then our friend changed our tires for us since it has warmed up a lot here. Today I took Zoey out for a walk in the morning since our friend slept in a didn't have time to take her out before her went to work. After I came back and did some stretching. Then I went and got groceries and then I took Zoey out again for a longer walk. We are getting nice weather here so I want to get out as much as I can. Tonight was my dryland training and now I am pooped. I can't wait until I can go to bed.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on RUR! Oh my goodness. I bet the baby rats are adorable! Great job on yoga and paddle simulation! Slow days when you are alone are probably nice but might not help the day go by quickly. You and your neighbors work so awesome together helping each other out. I would want to be out as much as possible too if it was nice out. We are back in the 50s again which isn't bad but I prefer 70s.

Pam No worries on being MIA, as Cheryl said, we knew why. I am glad that you were able to find time to celebrate your birthday with your family and friends. That was a great idea to go to your parents favorite restaurant after the ceremony to remember them. Great job on your mystery workout, Imax 2, LIHI Legs plus core 2 and yoga!

Friday I did a run in Croatia and a couple of rounds of YB yoga! After that I took Ruby to the vet and he prescribed Apoquel for her allergies. I think it might be helping a little so hopefully more time on it will help more. Saturday I did YB booty, total body, and core and then did some chores around the house. Sunday was my lazy day and it was a nice rainy day to really help the laziness sit in! Monday morning I did Supersets from Body Blast and it was a blast from the past plus YB core! This morning I did a run in Croatia and a couple of rounds of YB yoga!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your runs in Croatia and YB yoga, YB booty, total body and core, Supersets and YB core. I have to give Tango Reactine for his allergies. It does help him out.

This morning I did ICE Chiseled Upper Body. I did have a work meeting today too. So I really didn't get much accomplished today, I was pretty lazy.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on ICE CUB! It is nice to have lazy days. Is the Reactine a pill? Ruby is really good about just eating the pill when I throw it in her bowl but it is an expensive pill.

This morning I did Cardio Supersets and YB core work! I was pretty tired when I woke up. Yesterday when I woke up I thought it was Wednesday so at least today when I woke up it really was Wednesday.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Get job on yoga and your paddle simulation. Slow days are good sometimes but they can make the day drag. So nice of you helping your neighbor out with Zoey. Great job on stretching and drylands training.

JulieGreat job on your runs in Croatia and yoga rounds. Hopefully the medicine helps Ruby with her allergies. Great job on YB B, TB, Core and chores! Also on Supersets, that is definitely a blast from the past.

Cheryl Great job on CUB. I hope you enjoyed having a lazy day.

Julie Great job on CSS and YB core on the real Wednesday. You have been so good about keeping up with your core work!

Yesterday I went for a bike ride with my friend in the morning and in the afternoon washed my car and did some chores. This morning was P30 LI Hiit, Upper Body, core, and extended stretch. My legs are pretty tight after leg work and then a long bike ride, so the stretch felt great. Have a great day.

Julie Yes the Reactine is a pill. Tango isn't so good about taking it so I have to make sure that he swallows it. Good work on Cardio Supersets and YB core. I hate it when you think it is a day further along in the week than it really is.

Pam Great job on your bike ride and P30 LI Hiit, upper body and core and extended stretch.

So this morning DH had a colonoscopy. I took him to the hospital and waited there while he had it done. That took up the whole morning and then when we got back I cleaned the bathrooms. This afternoon I had my covid vaccination and now I am going to go and do my dryland training.

Have a great day.


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