Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on SS! We still have a little snow that is hanging on for dear life but hopefully it will continue to get more like Spring weather. Great job on FS Shred Cardio & Push Day and your padding simulation. Oh no, poor kitty. I hope he gets better soon.

Pam Great job on your bike ride with DH and TTM Extreme! Oh wow, you had a beautiful weekend with that weather. We were in the 40s and 50s so that wasn't too bad. I'm still counting down till Spring. 20 days! Great job on SS and a round of yoga!

Friday I did a run in New Zealand a couple of rounds of YB yoga. After that DH and I did some cleaning and ran errands. Saturday I did YB booty, total body, and core work. After that, my dad and I took a trip to Central Iowa to pick up the newest addition to our house. Her name is Ruby and she is our first boxer that has so much white in her. It was a long drive and we didn't get home till after dark. We introduced her to Benny and Gunner and it went pretty good. Sunday was the real test though since it was all day and they didn't do too bad getting along. She has the runs though and I am not sure if it is because she is nervous or because the foster who had her said she ate a bunny the night before we got her. Hopefully she doesn't have worms or anything. Anyway, this morning I did STS D17 Legs and YB core. Benny is at the vet getting his teeth cleaned and one removed and Gunner is with DH in his semi so I am here alone with Ruby who seems happier sunning herself near our sliding glass door then being with me.

Have a great day!


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Cheryl Great job on FS SC+PD! Oh that poor kitty, it sounds so much like what happened with my little guy Asher. They never did figure out what was going on with him, but he did get better and is a super cute and playful little guy. Hopefully your kitty will be doing much better soon.

Julie I am so ready for spring. We have had an unbelievable amount of rain here this winter. Great job on your run in NZ and yoga, YB B, TB, and core. Oh congratulations on Ruby, what a cutie she is. Hopefully she will be over her diarrhea soon too. I'm glad to hear that things are going well with her and the boys so far too. She will definitely help to heal your hearts. Pyrantel is a good de-wormer that you can buy at Amazon for dogs and cats. I give it to all of the kittens that I take in. It doesn't treat tape worms, but it treats hook and round worms if that is the problem. Great job on STS D17 and YB core! Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your run in New Zealand and YB yoga and STS D17 Legs and YB core. Ruby is so cute, her diarrhea could be from stress and it will go away. Glad that she is getting along pretty well with the other two boys.

This morning I did FlexTrain. Then I went to work. It was a crazy busy day especially since Bubbles still is having diarrhea issues and isn't eating. I needed to take him to the vet again to be checked out. Hopefully everything is fine and he will get better. I was supposed to do dryland training tonight but by the time I got home and still needed to eat I just didn't have the time or energy to do it.

Pam Thanks for the tip on the dewormer.

Cheryl Great job on FlexTrain! Poor Bubbles (what a cute name); hopefully the vet can figure out what is going on.

This morning I did P30 UB and a couple rounds of YB yoga! Ruby has decided to be my coworker so far this morning laying next to me. I wonder how long it will last since DH and both boys are home today!

Have great day!
Cheryl Great job on Flex Train. Sorry you had such a crazy day at work and to hear that Bubbles is still struggling. I hope that he is feeling better soon.

Julie Great job on P30 UB + yoga. How cute that you have a new coworker. how is she settling in?

Today my DH and I went for a bike ride. It was a tough ride because we rode on the gravel trail. My 5 kittens went in for spay neuter today, but now they have to stay overnight because they got too busy to finish all of the surgeries. Poor little guys, I feel so bad for them, Have a great day.

Julie Good work on P30 UB and YB Yoga. That is so cute that Ruby is your coworker. Hopefully it will continue that way for you.

Pam Great job on your bike ride. Bummer that the kittens had to stay overnight. It will just be more snuggles with them when you get them home.

This morning I was so tired I could barely get out of bed so no workout today. DH did have an ultrasound and dentist appointment today so that kept us busy.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on your bike ride with DH! I haven't ridden a bike much lately but I remember not liking hitting gravel as I was worried about wiping out. Oh poor kitties!

Cheryl Sounds like you needed the rest. I have never heard of an ultrasound done at the dentist before.

This morning I did a hike in Tasmania and YB core! It was nice having an easier day on the treadmill. Ruby and the boys continue to be doing well together. Benny and Ruby actually played a little in the backyard and Gunner and Ruby enjoy chasing the laser light together.

Have a great day!
Cheryl I hope everything is ok with your DH. Why did he have to have an ultrasound? Hopefully he will be done with the dental work soon!

Julie Great job on your hike in Tasmania and YB Core! It's great that Ruby and the boys are doing so well together and starting to play!

Last night I was so tired that I went to bed at 8:45! I got a good sleep though and got up and did the step and power circuits from Body Max and Upper body and core from Body Max 2. Now I figure I'll give the kitten room a good cleaning while I'm waiting to go pick them up. Have a great day!

Julie The ultrasound was at a different place. I just looked back at my post and it wasn't clear. He had two appointments yesterday. One for the ultrasound and another one for the dentist. Great job on your hike in Tasmania and YB core. That is wonderful that Ruby is getting along well with Benny and Gunner.

Pam He needed the ultra sound for his liver and gallbladder. He does have some gallstones so they just want to monitor them to make sure nothing changes. He just has two more dental appointments and then he is all done. You were tired to fall asleep that early. That is good that you got a good nights sleep. Good work on the step and power circuits from BM and Upper body and core from BM2.

This morning was Stacked Sets Lower then I went and got groceries. It was really nice here today and felt like spring so I went for a walk in the afternoon.

Have a great day.

Pam Great BM Step & Power Circuits + BM2 UB and core! Sounds like you needed the sleep if you went to bed early and got good sleep. Hopefully the kitties keep the room clean!

Cheryl Great job on SS LB! We had wonderful almost Spring like weather yesterday. Could actually go outside with just a sweatshirt or light jacket and be comfortable for quite a while.

This morning I did a bike ride in Barcelona and a couple of rounds of YB yoga. I really, really wanted to sleep in and either skip my workout or just start work late but I decided to get up and get it done since I am taking tomorrow off and can hopefully sleep in.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Good for you in getting up and doing your bike ride in Barcelona and YB yoga. Enjoy your weekend.

This morning I did AOLIH. Then I got the housework done and then made some muffins and got my lunch organized for tomorrow.

Have a great day.

Cheryl I bet your DH is really ready to bet done with those dental appointments! Great job on SSL and your walk!

Julie Great job on your bike ride in Barcelona and yoga. Good for you getting up and getting it done when you weren't feeling like it. I hope you got to sleep in this morning.

Cheryl Great job on AOLIH and housework!

Yesterday was a gorgeous day so my friend and I went on a bike ride. Luckily we went in the morning because it got really windy in the afternoon. I sent the afternoon going through my closet and getting rid of stuff. This morning was Cardio Kicks and bonus stability ball abs from Butts and Guts. Julie, I always think of you when I do CK! Have a great day!

The first thing I saw when I got to this page was Ruby's adorable face. She is so cute! Anyhow, I took yesterday as a rest day and did some running around and some yard work. This morning was Tabatacise and some yoga. I am still not liking yoga, but am able to handle it in 15 minute increments :). Have a great day!

Pam Yes DH will be very happy to have all of the dental appointments done. Good work on your bike ride, Cardio Kicks, Tabatacise and yoga. It feels good to go through closets and get rid of stuff.

Friday I did Stacked Sets Upper Body. Work was really busy. We got two new cats and they were really scared. They would hiss at you when you walked into the room. They just need some behavior modifications so they know humans aren't that bad. Saturday morning I did our paddle simulation over zoom. Then work was another crazy busy day. There was a lot of laundry that needed to be done and I did about 7 loads of it. Today I took as a day off and I really just had a lazy day.

Cheryl Great job on AOLIH! Yum, what kind of muffins? Great job on SS UB! Oh poor kitties. I hope they start to trust again. Great job on your paddle simulation! That is a lot of laundry! Glad you got to have a lazy day.

Pam Great job on your bike ride! Glad you got it in before it got windy. It feels awesome to get closets cleaned out. Great job on CK and I love that one at the end! Maybe we should make it a habit to post a cute pic in the first post on each page! Great job on Tabatacise and sticking with the 15 minutes of yoga! Are you noticing any changes from the yoga?

Thursday we got a call from the vet with the results of Layla's necropsy. She died from Dilated Cardiomyopathy which may be linked with grain free foods. It kills me to think that her food could have contributed to this but I also know that DCM can occur in dogs that eat food with grain in it and try to remind myself that I did my best for her. Friday I did a heavy weight workout and YB core! After that I did a bunch of meal prepping and then took Ruby to the vet for a checkup. Everything looks good except she had a slight ear infection so they put medicine in which is great since now we don't have to. Saturday I did a run in Tahiti and a couple of rounds of YB yoga! After that I did some things around the house but pretty much was lazy the rest of the day and Sunday. This morning I did ICE LIS 1 plus a couple rounds of YB yoga!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on SSUB. Poor scared kitties, I always feel so bad for them. It's the best feeling though when they start trusting people. Great job on your paddle simulation and mountain of laundry!

Julie I love the idea of having a cute pic in the first post of each page :). You gave Layla a great life and that is what you should remember since there is no way of knowing what caused her DCM. She was happy and loved. Great job on your heavy weight workout and YB core! That is nice that the vet put the medicine in Ruby's ear. I always hate it when they just give it to me to do. Great job on your run in Tahiti, yoga, LIS 1 and more yoga. I haven't really noticed any changes from my yoga, I'm thinking I am probably not doing it enough to be making a difference.

This morning I did Flex Train, I hadn't done that one in forever. Gabby has a meet and greet tonight. I really liked the young lady when I talked to her on the phone, so hopefully it will go well. She has a young cat that she is looking for a buddy for and Gabby would be perfect for that. There are lots of applications in for Asher and Kara already too, so it's looking like they will be adopted quickly. I'm not surprised because they are so cute! Have a great day.

Julie They were pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and they are good. You can't blame yourself for what happened to Layla since you don't know what was the actual cause. You gave her the best life possible and I know she had a happy life with you and DH. Great job on your heavy weight workout and YB Core, your run in Tahiti and ICE LIS 1 and YB yoga. That is nice that the vet put the ear drops in. It isn't always so easy to do.

Pam Good work on Flex Train. I hope everything went well with Gabby's meet and greet.

This morning I was really tired and dehydrated. I guess I didn't drink enough water the last several days. So I didn't do a workout in the morning but in the afternoon I was doing better so I took Zoey out for a walk. It really felt like spring today. Now I am going to go to my workout room and do dryland training on zoom.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on FT! That is great about the kitties, hopefully all works out for them. Have you tried the booty one yet? The first couple of workouts (she calls each workout by "week") are a little easy but it really picks up around week 5 or 6.

Cheryl Oh yum pumpkin chocolate chip sounds so good right now! Great job on getting in a walk in the afternoon. I hate the feeling of being dehydrated. We have had spring like weather too in the low 60s yesterday and the high 60s today. I am hoping it stays this nice but we always seem to get one last winter storm before Spring really kicks in.

This morning I did YB booty, total body, and core! Ruby decided that when I sat down to work, that she needed me to play with her and kept dropping her toy on my keyboard.

Have a great day!
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Cheryl Tired and dehydrated is not good! I'm glad you were feeling better by the afternoon though and got a walk in with Zoey and your dry land training.

Julie I haven't tried any of the booty workouts yet. I figured I'd stick to the more basic ones for awhile. Great job on YB B, TB, and core! That must have been hard to keep working when Ruby was being so adorable! That shows some real will power :)

I started Cathe's March rotation yesterday and today was supposed to be Kick Max, but I don't like that one so I did Disc 32 Plyo legs instead and a round of yoga. This was the one with the crazy Eagle pose. The first time I did that one I was able to keep my balance, but not this time. I had to put a toe down part way through on both sides. The couple who came to meet Gabby loved her and took her home with them last night. I was happy to see that all of the kittens were really sociable with them. They haven't been around too many strangers thanks to Covid, but they were crawling all over them :) . Have a great day!

Julie Great job on YB Booty, total body and core. Too cute about Ruby. I am sure you would have rather with her than working.

Pam Good work on STS Disc 32 Plyo Legs and yoga. The eagle pose is a hard one. That is great that the kittens were crawling all over them and that they took Gabby home.

This morning I did a booty workout. My booty is still feeling that workout. Then I went and got groceries and then got all the housework done.

Have a great day.


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