Strength in Numbers

Pam Great job on RWH CST! I am always amazed at how strong Cathe is with upper body. Right now Facebook is getting me with an ad for Kaisa Mobility programs. I am very tempted but then think I should probably get through Yoga Burn first.

Cheryl Great job on AS and meal prepping! It is so nice to get meal prepping done and know you got good meals just waiting for you.

My calf was feeling better but still not 100% so I put a compression sleeve on and did my Yoga Burn workouts for booty, total body, and core. I got done in 45 minutes since each one is only 15 minutes so decided to do the booty one again but this time add a band or weight for some of the moves. Hoping for some booty DOMS tomorrow.

I am taking tomorrow off work! Have a great weekend!
Julie Great job on your Yoga Burn for booty, total body and core. Fingers crossed for some booty DOMS for you tomorrow :). Enjoy your long weekend.

This morning was Flex Train. Then it was off to look after our seized cats. About 6 of them are being moved to other shelters to help us out with them. It looks like this could go on for months since it looks like we will be going to court.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Gret job on AS and your meal prepping. You are so good about that!

Julie reat job on your YB workouts! Hope you get the booty DOMS that you are hoping for. Enjoy your long weekend!

Cheryl Great job on Flex train. Those poor cats being stuck in limbo for so long :(

Yetserday I did a 24+ mile bike ride. It was an absolutely gorgeous day out. I was at 24.26 or something like that when I got back to my car so I decided I should just ride a little farther to get a full 25 miles in. That turned out to be a bad decision! The area I was riding in is a wooded boardwalk through a marshy area. I was coming around a turn and hit a patch of moss on the wood and it was like I hit ice and just went down. My water bottle went flying and the visor part of my helmet when flying off but I wasn't hurt too badly. just a big bump on my knee and hip and road burn on my elbow and knee. A guy behind me stopped to help me and couldn't even stand on the spot it was so slippery. I was glad I didn't have far to go to get back to my car though. I took it easy for the afternoon but did do a little swimming. This morning was supposed to be LIHI legs. I was thinking it was mainly weights like the other LIHI workouts I did this week, so I did Plyo Hiit 2 first. Boy was that a mistake since LIHI legs has so much cardio in it. I think my body probably thinks I'm trying to kill it. Then I did day 3 of power abs because I forgot about doing them yesterday. They weren't too bad, but they have a cardio component as well so I was fried. Day 2 was really really hard so I was glad this one wa a little easier. Have a great day.

Pam Great job on your 24+ mile bike ride. Yikes that is scary about wiping out on the moss. I am glad that you are OK and not too badly injured. Good work on Plyo Hiit 2 and LIHI Legs and day 3 of power abs. Haha your body probably does think you are trying to kill it with everything that you have done to it.

This morning I did yoga. I really needed it I am so stiff. Then I went to work. It was a busy day and time went by fast.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on yoga, I hope it helped with the stiffness!

This morning for me was Hiit Circuit lower body and day 4 of Pearce power abs. There are sure some different moves in it. Today had thee wall walkers where you are supposed to walk your feet up the wall and then all your hand in until your nose touches the wall. I couldn't walk my hands in at all :rolleyes:. My DH was finally able to help me move the rest of the furniture out of the bedroom that I was getting ready to paint so I got started on the painting. I got all of the brush work done so tomorrow I will be able to do the roller on the walls. It's looking promising that it will only need one coat, fingers crossed! Have a great day!

Cheryl Great job on FlexTrain! That sounds good that some of the cats will be moving so your shelter can get some help. Great job on yoga and getting some of the stiffness out!

Pam Great job on your 25 mile bike ride but oh my what a way to end it! I am glad you were not too hurt and there was someone there to help you out. Good for you for taking it easy the rest of the day and getting some swimming in which I bet was nice water therapy. Oh my RWH Plyo 2 followed by LIHI Legs, great job on getting through both of those and then adding on Power Abs! I imagine your body is wondering what you are doing to it. Great job on HCLB and Power Abs! That move sounds scary enough just being inverted let alone trying to touch your nose to the wall. Hope you got your painting done!

Friday I did a run in Australia around the Sydney Opera House and then did Yoga Burn yoga. This one had a lot of balance poses and made me realize how much I need to keep going with yoga. After that I did some things around the house and took Sheba to get some acupuncture. Saturday I did Yoga Burn Booty, total body, and core and then did an interval walk in Bora Bora. Oh how I want to go there now! Then it was lots of meal prepping. Sunday was my lazy day but I decided to add on two 15 minute stretches from yoga burn. This morning I did Strong Body Stacked Sets Lower Body plus Abs 1 and the Extended Stretch! I have decided I am going to alternate the YB non-yoga workouts one week and do Cathe workouts the next with keeping YB yoga in both weeks for a while.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your run in Sydney and YB. I am terrible at balance poses! Great job on YBB, TB, and core and your interval walk in Bora Bora. I think if I had that treadmill my travel bucket list would be huge! Great job on doing some stretching on your rest day and on SBSSLB+Abs and extended stretch! That's a mouthful! Are you enjoying the Yoga burn workouts?

Yesterday was my rets day but I did day 5 of power abs. It was another tough one that felt more like a cardio workout. It took me almost as long to recover as it did to do the workout! I got my painting finished yesterday and am so happy because it doesn't need a second coat :D so today I'll put the room back together. This morning was Xtrain Chest, back, and shoulders. I got a tracking number from Cathe over the weekend!! The date on it is the 21st so I guess that is when it will be shipping. I can't wait! Have a great day!

Pam Oh yes, there are so many places I want to go and see since seeing them in the treadmill runs. Yes, I am enjoying the YB workouts. I think it helps that they are only 15 minutes long so I can talk myself into doing at least 1 round but usually end up doing 2-3 rounds. Great job on Power Abs on your rest day! So exciting to only have to do the one coat. I got a shipping notice too and am getting excited.

This morning I did LITE Strong Body Stacked Sets Upper Body. I was actually able to go heavier than Cathe on the biceps. I know it is because she lightened up because it is an intermediate workout but it made me feel awesome! After that I did 3 rounds of Yoga Burn Original yoga. It had a lot of time spent in down dog and my arms were tired from the UB workout.

Have a great day!
Julie Wow, great job on SBSSUB and 3 rounds of YB! I'm sure it was challenging doing all of those down dogs after an upper body workout. That is awesome that you were Abe to go heavier than Cathe on biceps! You should be proud of yourself!

This morning was XTrain bis and tris and the first day of the second week of Power abs. I was thinking it wouldn't be too bad because the first day wasn't too hard, but I looked at the calendar and saw that this week starts with the second workout, which is the hardest if the 5. I got through it but it wasn't pretty. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on XTrain Bis & Tris and Power Abs! If you are finding this program tough, I know I wouldn't be able to hang in there with my weak core.

This morning I did a run in New Zealand through a valley near the volcano. It was really interesting and looked almost prehistoric. After that I did week 2 of Yoga Burn Trim Core.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your run in NZ, it sounds like really interesting scenery! Great job on YBTC too!

This morning was Tabatacise and Power abs day 3. I like day 3 the best so I was happy to have it on a day that I did Tabatacise. I was as red as a tomato when I was done! Have a great day!

Sorry that I have been MIA. I worked both Friday and Saturday and Monday too. I have been so tired the past several days that today was the first day that I have worked out. I did LITE Metabolic Blast. Monday I helped get the rest of the cats ready for transfer to other shelters so we only have one of the cats left. He isn't doing too well so that is why we still have him.

You guys are doing really well with your workouts and I am hoping to get back into the swing of things soon.

Pam Great job on Tabatacise and Power Abs! I always try to remind myself the red as a tomato in the face is good blood flow for the complexion!

Cheryl You have been working really hard at the shelter with all those cats. Great job on doing LITE MB and whatever you can during this rough time. I hope the one cat that is sick gets better soon.

So last night was another fun night with the neighbors. Apparently the guy living there was married with a pregnant wife living in another town and was shacking up with his girlfriend next door to us. They got into a fight so the guy decided to hook his law mower and 4 wheeler up to his pickup using chains (not a trailer) and try to leave town like a redneck train. Well he got stuck in our other neighbors yard and that neighbor called the police because he now has ruts in his yard. The guy finally got unstuck and started to leave just as the cops showed up. The girlfriend tried to run from the house next door but got caught. Ended up with 5 police cars out here again for all that. And our dogs got so worked up that they pulled the curtain rod out of the wall again! Luckily all this only caused me to get to bed about an hour late so I was still able to get up and workout. I did a bike ride in Barcelona using my spin bike and the iFit app and then did 3 rounds of Yoga Burn yoga.

I am taking tomorrow off work. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Julie I have to admit that you sure are having some excitement next door. Wow that sounds like a scene in a movie. I bet you will be thrilled to see the last of them though. Great job in getting up with less sleep and doing a bike ride in Barcelona and your 3 rounds of Yoga Burn. Enjoy your long weekend.

This morning was Step Sync. That is one I really like.

Have a great day.

Cheryl You have been working so much! Hopefully you will be getting some relief soon. I hope that the kitty who isn't doing well gets better :(. Great job getting Metabolic blast in!

Julie Wow, that is some crazy stuff happening next door to you. The guy tried to pull his lawn mower and 4 wheeler behind his truck on chains?! :D I have to say it would be kind've funny to see, but not right next door. Hopefully he is gone for good. Great job on getting up and getting in your bike ride in Barcelona and 3 rounds of yoga burn the next morning!

Cheryl Great job on Step Sync! That is a fun one!

Looks like I have been MIA :rolleyes: Thursday my friend and I went for a 22 mile bike ride. My bike was making a terrible noise when we started, so we went back and I rode her husbands bike instead. He has a really old bike that weighs a ton and has really fat tires, so it was really hard! I definitely got my workout in. Friday was XTrain disc 5 legs. My legs were feeling the bike ride from the day before so they got a double whammy and then I did Pearce power abs. We have been having just beautiful weather (until today - it's raining), so I got more pool time Friday and Saturday. Saturday was my rest day and my Perfect 30 workouts arrived! Of course I had to try one this morning. I did the high impact Hiit+Pyramid Hiit+extended stretch and Pearce power abs. The main workout was tough, it's another one with a lot of burpee variations. I was doubting my decision to add on the Pyramid hiit bonus, but I took a break and then did it. It isn't nearly as intense as the main workout so that was good. People have been posting pictures on the Facebook page of the amazing results that they are getting with Pearce power abs, but I'm 2 weeks in and see absolutely no difference in my abs so far. Maybe the last two weeks will bring the magic :p. I'm kinda doubtful though. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on your 22 mile bike ride and your great workout on that old bike, XTrain Legs all of your pool time and Perfect 30 high impact Hiit+Pyramid Hiit+extended stretch and Pearce Power Abs. Keep at the ab work you never know you may get the results they are getting.

So Thursday night I downloaded the new workouts and Friday morning I did Low Impact hiit. It was a fun workout but during my workout I noticed that Tango was having problems peeing again. So I called our vet but they were totally booked so I had to drive him out to the emergency vet. So I waited there for a bit until they called. He had to stay there all day because he needed an ultra sound and an EKG plus some blood work and a urinalysis. It worked out because I had to go to work and it was close to the emergency vet. It was a very long day as I was late getting to work and then waiting for Tango to be ready to go home that night. Saturday I was really tired and didn't do a workout but I did need to go to work again. The vet called me with the results of his tests and there is nothing amiss except that he is a bit anemic. So I had to go to get some supplements for him to take. He seems to be doing better today so I hope it keeps on getting better. He is stressed for some reason and that is why he is having trouble peeing. This morning I did Perfect 30 Mobility Basics. That is a good workout and I see where I need work. Then I got some housework done and raked a lot of leaves.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on SS! Yes, we will be excited to know for sure that they are all gone. Great job on P30 LIH! Oh poor Tango! I bet you were physically and emotionally exhausted by Saturday after that day. Too bad he can't tell you what is stressing him. Poor guy! Great job on P30 MB! I am excited and scared to try the mobility and yoga workouts as I know I will need to work on those.

Pam Great job on your 22 mile bike ride! Guess you got a strength workout in and extra cardio with that bike. Great job on pushing through XTrain Legs with tired legs from the bike ride! How fun to be able to enjoy the pool at the end of October. Great job on P30 HIH plus Bonus Pyramid HiiT and Power Abs! That's good to know about all the burpees. Even if there is no visible appearance I bet you are getting stronger.

Friday I did my own strength workout and then Yoga Burn Core workout 2. Then it was cleaning day! Saturday I did a run in Australia and a walk in Bora Bora and then did a couple rounds of Yoga Burn yoga. This yoga had eagle pose in it which is really tough for me balance wise and just getting into that twisted position legs and arms. Then I did some food prepping and DH and I put a video doorbell up. Even though the neighbors are leaving, I still feel better being able to pull up a camera and see what is going on in that direction in case we get new neighbors that are crazy too! Sunday was my lazy day but I did go to my sister's and visited with my niece who came in from AZ and my parents for a few hours. We got home late so I slept in a little this morning but did get up and did a Yoga Burn HiiT workout and a couple of rounds of yoga.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on LIH. Poor Tango! I'm glad that they didn't and anything wrong with him, but that is frustrating to not have a goo explanation for what is wrong. It's good that the supplements seem to be helping though I hope that continues. My cat Fritz just started on Prozac last week because he is such an anxious cat. He was starting to pee all over the place and it *seems* like it is helping. I hope so because we were at our wits end. you just have been completely exhausted after that day. Great job on MB. I just read a review of that one, it sounds like a good one! Great job on the housework and raking too!

Julie Great job on your strength workout and YB Core, cleaning, your run Australia, walk in Bora Bora and your YB rounds! Hopefully your new neighbors will be normal, but it will be nice having the video doorbell anyway. Great job on YB Hiit and your yoga rounds!

This morning I did Perfect 30 upper and lower. She goes really heavy for a lot of the moves. I like it because for the most part it is one set o only 10-12 reps with a heavier weight than I normally use. Of course she has pushups in there, but only 1 set of 10 so it isn't so bad. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on P30 UB & LB! Oh I like only 1 set of 10 pushups. Are the reps mostly straight sets or are there pulses and low ends? I always have to mentally prepare myself for those.

This morning I did Yoga Burn booty, total body, and core work. We started Sheba on an anxiety medication Sunday night because she was getting really worked up and inpatient 2 hours before feeding time. Yesterday after what was only her third dose she was acting really strange like she was stoned. She would just sway while she was standing and knocked her food bowl off the elevated holder. She stood with her chops in the water bowl for a few seconds but never took a drink. So we called the vet thinking maybe they put her on too high of a dose but they said she was on the lowest dose so we should take her off it. This morning she looked a little more stable on her feet but hopefully it continues to get out of her system and she gets back to normal for her even if it means her being anxious early for food.

Have a great day!
Julie The reps in P30 were all straight sets which I liked. Great job on UB Booty, TB, and core! Oh poor Sheba, that must have been scary. I hope she is back to herself soon. It definitely would be better for her o be a little anxious about her food than acting like a zombie!

This morning I did P30 mobility basics and LI Hiit and power abs. The LI felt kind've like high impact a lot of the time :rolleyes:. Of course now I'm disappointed because I've done all of the workouts except the core one already. It seems like this always happens because I can't want to try them all. Have a great day!


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