Strength in Numbers

So I took the rest of the week off from working out I have been pretty tired lately so I figured I needed a break. It has been really smokey here as well. We are getting all the smoke from the wildfires burning in California, Oregon and Washington so we can't see anything and all you can smell is smoke. It looks very apocalyptic out there and it is hard to breath. I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on LITE SS LB and cleaning your carpets and housework! Some times the motivation or energy is not there. Great job on doing the extended stretch 2! Oh no, I imagine all that smoke in the air is affecting your workouts and energy levels. It sure is crazy what is going on right now. Some days I feel like we are living in an apocalyptic world. I hope things start to get better for you and everyone out West.

Sorry I was MIA for son long! I forgot to mention that I was going to take Thursday and Friday off work. We did get our sump pump fixed. Thursday I did a hike/run in Croatia and then a easy walk in Antarctica with penguins! After that I did some cleaning and grocery shopping. Friday I did a lower body Get Jacked workout and then did some more things around the house. Saturday I did a run in the Grand Canyon and then another easy walk with the penguins in Antarctica. The rest of the day was pretty lazy along with Sunday. This morning I did an upper body Get Jacked workout and an interval run in Iceland. It felt really tough for some reason.

Have a great day!
Good morning, I hope you are both doing well. Cheryl, that is terrible that you are getting some from all of those fires. They are just heartbreaking to see.We had a great week, it was good to get away for awhile and see the families. We had a really beautiful creek walk with Dougs brother in Erie. It is about2 1/2 miles and there is a little waterfall at the end. We saw my mom and she looks good but doesn't know who anybody is. We also got to see most of the nieces and nephews in both Pennsylvania and Michgan ad then we had two great hikes in the Smoky Mountains on the way home. The first day was a 9 mile hike and the second day an 8 mile hike. The second day wa really pretty because it was along a river the whole way and ended at a waterfall. We also saw a baby bear in the river right as we were starting our hike. This morning was LIS Total Body Trisets upper body split. It was good to do some weight work after all of the hiking. Now it's getting the laundry done and getting caught up oj everything. Have a great day!

Julie Glad that you got your sump pump fixed. Great work on your run in Croatia walks in Antarctica, your Get Jacked workouts and your run in the Grand Canyon.

Pam Glad that you had nice visits with your family. Sorry that your mom doesn't know who anyone is anymore. It can be tough to see that. Good job on your hikes and Total Body Trisets.

DH had an ultra sound and blood work that were early appointments so I didn't get my workout in again. When we got home I did get some cleaning done. The smoke is still really bad and you don't want to be outside at all. It is hard on the lungs.

Have a great day.

Pam I'm glad you had a great week and got to do so many things including seeing your mom. I am so sorry she is not knowing who anyone is. Your walks sound really cool and I would have loved to see a baby bear but might also wonder where the momma was? Great job on LIS TBT UB!

Cheryl Sounds like you had a busy day but got a lot of needed things accomplished. I have heard the air is getting really bad out west. We have had hazy skies because of the smoke in the West which is crazy to think it is traveling this far and how bad it must be out there.

This morning I did a lower body Get Jacked workout. We found out last week that we will be working from home through at least the remainder of the year unless we voluntarily want to go back into the office. I will not be volunteering to do that as even though I hate everything going on in the world today and it is not ideal for everyone, I am enjoying working from home very much.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Uh oh, is there something going on with your DH? Sorry if you posted it and I missed it, but I hope everything is ok. That is awful that you can't even go outside because of the smoke. I feel so bad for all of the people that are affected.

Julie Great job on your GJ lower body workout. That is nice that you will get to continue working from home through the end of the year. I hated it the first time I worked at home and loved it the second time!

This morning was supposed to be LI Total Body Trisets lower body split. Since that is so short I also did 30/30 which put my workout right at an hour. I was fried when I was finished though. I know my glutes are going to be feeling all of the Dixie cup stuff tomorrow! Have a great day!

Julie The smoke is certainly getting around. We did have a slight break from it this afternoon but otherwise we have one of the worst air qualities in the world. Great job on your Get Jacked workout. I think most people are enjoying working from home. I know my brother does and he doesn't want to get back to the office at all.

Pam No everything is fine with DH. His liver enzymes are a bit elevated so the doctor just wanted to get things checked out. Good work on Total Body Trisets Lower and 30/30.

This morning I did Step Sync. Even with the windows closed I could feel my throat start to bother me about half way though the workout. The smoke was still really thick today but we did get a little bit of a break and we saw some blue sky. I did take Zoey out for a short walk this afternoon but other than that I stayed inside.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on LI TBT LB plus adding on HiiT 30/30! I bet your legs were fried at the end of that. Hopefully your Glutes aren't feeling it too bad today.

Cheryl Great job on SS! I'm glad you were able to take Zoey for a short walk. If all this smoke is making trouble for humans, I can't imagine what the poor animals are going through. If I could I would work from home until I retire but that is at least 15 more years so I don't know that I will be that lucky to be able to do that.

This morning I did a Glute and arm focused Get Jacked workout. For some reason, this has felt like a long week and I can't believe it is only Wednesday. Feels like it should be at least Thursday.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Glad to hear that everything is fine with your DH. Great job on SS. That is crazy that the smoke was even bothering you with the windows closed. I hope that it wasn't too bad on your walk with Zoey.

Julie Great job on your glute and arm workout.

This morning was ICE Bootcamp circuit and Icy core 1. It was a nice less intense workout which I needed. My glutes are definitely talking to me after yesterdays workout. I am not quite failing the toilet test, but I'd give myself about a D :rolleyes:. Have a great day.

Julie I am sure that after COVID is over business will be looking at continuing allowing people to work from home. They wouldn't need as much office space and it is probably just as productive as people coming into the office to work. Good job on your glute and arm focused Get Jacked workout. Sorry that the week is dragging for you.

Pam Great work on ICE Bootcamp Circuit and Icy Core 1. Ouch a D on the toilet test you really did work you glutes yesterday.

This morning was S&S Bootcamp. It felt tough this morning. Then I got some housework done and errands in the afternoon. I needed to walk Zoey again, our friend is having a tough week and was going to be late getting home from work.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on ICE BCC + icy core 1! Oh a D for DOMS in your glutes! :D Hopefully you will be able to get your grade up soon.

Cheryl Great job on S&S BC! That one is a sneaky tough one I think. I really hope my company comes around to that way of thinking because I totally agree that they could save money on office space and maintenance and increase employee engagement.

This morning I did a run in Croatia after a rough night's sleep. DH was snoring and the dogs stole my covers. I should have just gotten up and moved to the couch. We are supposed to be getting a whole house generator installed today. I am hoping everything goes good with it. They said if it goes smoothly we would only be without power for about 3 hours. It is a pretty cool day so we won't need the A/C.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on S&S BC! I remember that one being tough the last time I did it. Its nice that you were able to help your friend and take Zoey for another walk.

Julie Great job your run in Croatia. It is tough getting up to workout after a lousy sleep. I hope that the generator installation when well and you weren't without power for too long.

My glutes are still not happy with me today although they are a little better than yesterday. I was supposed to go for a bike ride this morning, but we are getting rain from hurricane Sally so it was cardio kicks instead. I needed something fun to help take my mind off my glutes! Then I ran some errands and met my friends for lunch. Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your run in Croatia after a rough night. I hope everything went well with having your generator installed.

Pam Well at least your glutes are doing better than a D today. Great work on Cardio Kicks.

This morning I did segments 1 and 2 of Stretch Max. I really needed some stretching today as I was feeling really stiff. Then I finished up the housework. It is still really smokey here and I am really tired of the smoky haze. It is suppose to rain tomorrow and Saturday so I am hoping that it will clear up the air.

Have a great day.

Pam Oh bummer about the rain and missing a bike ride but yea for Cardio Kicks! Those were some powerful DOMS you were having.

Cheryl Great job on SM 1 & 2! I hope you can get some clear air soon. This has to be mentally and physically draining.

Our generator got installed and the power was only out for about 90 minutes so not too bad. It's crazy but I am actually excited for our first power outage to see it work. Dumb I know. This morning I did a lower body Get Jacked workout. Going to work a half day and then get the grocery shopping done.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job listening to your body and stretching when you needed it! I hope that the rain clears up the smoke. That has to be really depressing.

Julie Great job on your lower body GJ workout. I'm glad that the generator installation went smoothly, I can understand wanting a power outage now to see how it works :). Do you get a lot of power outages?

This morning I did Hiit Circuit upper body with abs mixed in. I was finally able to do full Childs pose in my stretches after my ridiculous DOMS. Those Dixie cups get me every time! Have a great day!

Julie Great job on Get Jacked Lower Body. Fingers crossed for a power outage for you :D to see if your generator works.

Pam Good work on Hiit Circuit Upper body with abs mixed in. Good to hear that your DOMS is getting better.

So I haven't done a workout since Thursday. Friday morning I had a early morning appointment at my hairdressers. Then I just got a few things done around the house before I needed to go into work. I started at 4pm on Friday because I was helping out another shelter that had a large scale animal intake happening. We seized a lot of cats from a property in the central part of our province and they were arriving at this other shelter around 5pm. This was my first time doing intake for something like this so I was a bit stressed because I wasn't sure on what to expect. It wasn't as bad as I had envisioned but all the cats were in pretty rough shape. We received 28 of them that we needed to examine and get into kennels and separated between pregnant cats and kittens, female cats and male cats. Most of them were pretty friendly but there were several who were really scared. The examinations went pretty quickly and we got out of there around 10pm. Then I went back on Saturday to help out for the day. We got one addition during the night. One of the pregnant cats had a kitten. Only one which is unusual but does happen. This cat was put into foster so I got to put her and her little kitten in a carrier so take to the foster. It was so little, this is the first time I saw a kitten that was less than a day old. It has been an experience working in this type of environment. I am going back again for tomorrow and Tuesday. Because I need to get there early and it is a bit of a drive I am not sure if I will be able to get a workout in before I go. I am usually so tired when I get home that I am not sure if I can do one in the evening. I am on my feet all day on concrete and I only sit down when I have lunch so I am really exhausted at the end of the day.

Have a great day

Pam Great job on RWH CUB w/abs mixed in! Oh man, who would have thought child's pose would ever be hard to do. We don't get a ton of power outages but with me working from home till the end of the year, I thought it would be a good idea.

Cheryl Oh what a long day with that big intake. That is a lot of cats. I hope they can find good homes soon. That would be so neat to see a newborn kitten. I can imagine it is tiring doing the work that you are doing.

Saturday I did a run in the Grand Canyon and then walked with some penguins in Antarctica. Then I did some things around the house. Sunday was my lazy day and this morning I did an upper body Get Jacked workout and a run in Iceland.

Have a great day!
Julie Good job on your run in the Grand Canyon, your walk with the penguins, your Get Jacked workout and run in Iceland.

This morning I didn't have a lot of time to do a workout so I just did Stretch Max segment 3. Then I went and worked with the cats that we got in. I am back there again tomorrow so I am not sure if I will wake up in time to do a workout.

Have a great day.

Cheryl You are doing great getting your stretching in! Hope you can get some good rest with all the hard work you are doing right now.

Farmers started harvesting late last week and my allergies have been kicking up. That and combined with little sleep last night I decided to sleep in and start work late this morning. I did do a lower body Get Jacked workout and now I am getting ready to have an all day virtual leadership meeting. Oh the joy!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Wow, you have had a really busy few days. Those hoarding cases are no fun at all, but those cats are lucky that they were rescued!! It is too unusual for a cat to have only 1 kitten. What fun to get to see it though. It sounds like you are going to be pretty busy for awhile. I hope you are able to get some relaxation time in. Being on concrete all day is so hard on the feet and legs!

Julie Great job on your run in the Grand Canyon and walk with penguins in Antarctica. I bet that was fun! I think penguins are so cute. Great job on your upper body GJ workout and your run in Iceland too.

Cheryl Great job on SM!

Julie There is something in the air here right now too with allergies. Sorry that you got a lousy sleep but great job on your lower body GJ workout! An all day meeting is bad enough but an all day virtual meeting sounds pretty close to torture :eek: I hope you survive ok!

Saturday I went on a 30 mile bike ride with my friends. It was chilly in the morning when we started! We went from summer to fall overnight. Sunday was my rest day and then yesterday we did a 20 mile ride. It was a little warmer, but still cool when we started. This morning was intensity series Bootcamp. It was really hard for me today but I made it through. Then I had a virtual wish discovery meeting with a 3 year old who has leukemia. That poor mom has her hands full! She is a single mom with 3 year old twins and an 11 year old. The 3 year olds were running around and jumping on the furniture and going crazy for the whole call. I was exhausted from just our 45 minute call! Have a great day!


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