Strength in Numbers

Julie Oh I would love a new kitchen sink too, but I don't think it's possible unless we happen to find one that is the exact same size and h=shape as the one we have now or change the countertops too. Great job on your GJ workout. That is so awesome that you had such great workout when you weren't feeling it at all! It must have made you so happy!

This morning was LITE pyramid pump lower body. I would have to say that is one of Cathe's easiest lower boy workouts. She does have to fry the calves at the end though of course! Have a great day.

Pam Great job on LITE PPLB! It is nice she gave us an easy lower body to do every once in awhile. Most of her lower body is killer. I would love new countertops too but that is definitely not in the budget for awhile. I have a fake butcher block look now and it is pretty beat up. I really want a nice quartz or granite countertop some day.

This morning I did a run in Bosnia. It was supposed to be a recovery run according to the trainer but some of the inclines were pretty tough. After that I did Stretch Max 3 and I needed it.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your run in Bosnia and SM. I think some people have a different idea of what recovery is!

This morning for me was Tabatacise and Xtrain core 2. I was really out of gas by the end of Tabata 5, but there was no way I was stopping without doing the last step segment at that point. It was one of those days were even my knees were sweating! Have a great day.

Julie Great work on your run in Italy and hike in Zion, your Get Jacked Upper Body workout and interval run in Italy. That is frustrating about your fan but glad that you got one that worked. We have one above our bed too and I am glad that it is quiet. The clicking noise would drive me crazy. You guys are doing a lot of renos but I bet it feels good to get new things. So nice to have a new cooktop too.

Pam Good job on Step Works and ME abs, Pyramid Pump Upper Body and Six Pack Abs 1. It is a good feeling to have an upper body workout without any push ups. We have only been in a restaurant a couple of times since COVID and it is a bit depressing that they are only half full.

Julie Good for you to get up and workout when you weren't feeling it and having a great workout as well.

Pam Good job on LITE Pyramid Pump Lower Body.

Julie Great job on your run in Bosnia and Stretch Max 3. Incline runs don't sound much like a recovery to me.

Pam Great job on Tabatacise and Xtrain Core 2. Oh my you know you are working when your knees are sweating.

So I haven't worked out this week. It has been so hot here I haven't been feeling that well. I never do well when it gets so hot out and I can't sleep because I can't stop sweating and everything is hot. It is cooling down now so hopefully I will get a good nights sleep tonight and have some energy to do a workout tomorrow.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Tabatacise plus core 2! Oh boy, that is sweaty if your knees were sweating. Good for you for sticking with it through the last step segment. I always think that last one is especially hard.

Cheryl I'm sorry it has been so hot and you haven't been getting good sleep. Hopefully you got good sleep last night if it cooled down some. We really didn't plan to do as much this year as we are doing but it just worked out. I love my new cooktop. My old one had raised burners and this one is nice and flat which is so much easier to clean.

This morning I did a Get Jacked Upper Body workout! Gonna try to get done with work early so I can get my grocery shopping done. I also need to stop by Costco to return some things. I bought some hand sanitizer and it got recalled. Lovely!

Have a great day!
Julie The flat cooktops are so much easier to clean and they look much nicer. Great job on your Get Jacked Upper Body workout. I hope you got off work early to you could get to Costco. Sometimes the lineup to return things there is longer than the line to get in.

This morning I did yoga. I did get a better nights sleep since it had cooled down a bit. Then we took our friend to get his eyes lasered again. He had it done about 10 years ago but needed a touch up. I am going to take Zoey out for her evening walk in a bit to help him out.

Have a great day.

Cheryl So glad you got a better night's sleep and great job on yoga! I ended up having to work a little later than I wanted to so I skipped Costco. I need to find a time when I can be one of the first in the door right at opening because yes the lines are atrocious.

I decided to sleep in this morning. Well after I got up at 2 because DH was leaving for work and then again at 4:30 to feed the dogs. I ended up sleeping pretty late so I didn't get a workout in before having to get online for work. I am going to log off soon though and do a workout.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl It's the worst when you can't sleep because of the heat. I hope you have cooled down and are able to sleep better.

Julie Great job on your GJ upper body workout.

Cheryl I'm glad you were able to get a better sleep. Great job on yoga.

Julie Good for you for sleeping in, although with all of those disruptions it doesn't sound like it was very restful! I hope you were able to get your workout in later

Yesterday I did a 27 mile bike ride. It was cooler and even felt a little cool when I first started, which was so nice. This morning I found out that a cyclist was beaten to death on the trail I rode on about an hour after I passed through that spot! Now DH says I am not allowed to ride on that trail again. He was always telling me it isn't a good spot to ride alone and I guess he was right. yikes! This morning was Afterburn double Trouble premix and the abs from Turbo Barre. Now I have the laundry and some errands to do. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on your 27 mile bike ride! Oh no! I am so glad you have not had any issues on that trail and glad you will not be going on it again. That sounds really scary. Great job on AB DT plus TB abs!

Friday I did get a lower body Get Jacked workout in and then did things around the house. Saturday I did a run in Italy and then a walk in Mt. Zion and then it was picking pears from my tree. I only got about a third of them picked because that was all that was ready and I could reach. It was actually a really nice day out so DH and I grilled. Sunday was my lazy day and this morning I did an upper body Get Jacked workout and then an interval run in Iceland.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your lower boy GJ workout, your run in Italy, and your walk in Mt Zion. DO you have to use a ladder to pick the pears, or do you just pick what you can reach from the ground? Great job on your upper body GJ workout and interval run in Iceland!

Saturday I didn't do a workout, but we did go and ski. We both skiied great which is unusual, so we were happy.. Then we went out for a late lunch. We didn't finish lunch until about 4:30 so that ended up being lunch and dinner. Sunday morning was Total Body Giant Sets and then I got to go and grant my first with with Make. Wish. It was really fun! He was supposed to go to LA for a shopping spree, but because of Covid he ended up with a virtual shopping spree. So we got inflatable palm trees and a red carpet and a bunch of balloons and got him a UCLA hat and sunglasses to walk the rec carpet. He got a Samsung Galaxy tablet to do his shopping and a gift card for $4,000. He seemed like he was pretty much in shock. This morning my friends and I did a 21 mile bike ride. It was the first time the 3 of us alll rode together since my friend broke her elbow. Have a great day!

Julie Nice that you got to sleep in after so many interruptions.

Pam Great job on your 27 mile bike ride. That is scary about the cyclist that was beaten to death. That is good that you aren't allowed on that trail again. Good work on Afterburn double trouble premix and the abs from Turbo Barre.

Julie Good job on your Get Jacked workouts, your run in Italy and walk in Mt Zion and interval run in Iceland.

Pam Nice that you both skied great. Good work on TBGS and your 21 mile bike ride. What a great wish for him. Even though he couldn't go to LA I bet he will have fun doing the virtual shopping.

So I decided to take a break working out over the weekend. But today I was back at it with FS Kickboxing and Legs and Glutes. I went for a walk with some of my dragon boat crew tonight as well. It is much cooler here so that makes sleeping so much nicer.

Have a great day.

Pam That's awesome you both had a great skiing session. Great job on TBGS! How wonderful to be involved in the Make a Wish like that. It's sad that it wasn't what they were hoping for but it still sounds like you all did a great job getting it done and making it memorable. Great job on your 21 mile bike ride! Hopefully her elbow is all better now. I only picked the pears I could reach from the ground. I do have one of those fruit picker poles but I only have so much room in my fridge for what I picked so far. We had a ton this year for some reason.

Cheryl So glad you took some time off over the weekend! Great job on getting back at it at FS Kickboxing L&G and your walk with your dragon boat crew!

This morning I did a lower body Get Jacked workout. My hip is still bothering me and normally I have been able to do weights with no problem but this morning it was hurting so I had to lighten up the weights and reps but I wanted to do something.

Have a great day!
Cheryl I hope you enjoyed your workout break over the weekend. Great job on FS kicks + L&G and your walk with your dragon boat team! It's nice that it has cooled off so you can get better sleep.

Julie Great job on your lower boy GJ workout. I'm sorry to hear that your hip is still bothering you though. It sounds like you are being smart about it by going lighter.

This morning was RWH CUB premix with abs mixed in. I hadn't done that one in awhile and it went by quickly. Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your Get Jacked workout. Bummer that your hip was bothering you but it was probably good to lighten up on the weights and reps.

Pam Good work on RWH CUB premix with abs.

This morning was Step Blast for me. Then it was grocery shopping and then in the afternoon we started doing some cleaning. We got rid of a lot of stuff but there is still a lot to go. At least it was a start.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on RWH CUB w/abs mixed in premix!

Cheryl Great job on SB! It feels so good to get rid of stuff and clean out things.

I got awful sleep last night. 3 of the 4 dogs were sleeping practically on top of me and about 30 minutes before my alarm went off, one of them pushed me off the bed so I figured that was my cue to get up. I did a run in Bosnia. It wasn't a great run and I had to walk a few times but I made it through it. Now I am ready for a nap.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on Step Blast, that is such a fun one. It eels great getting rid of stuff, doesn't it?!

Julie Oh no, that is terrible that you got pushed out of bed I can't believe you got up and worked out though! Great job on your run in Bosnia after your terrible night. Hopefully tonight will be better.

This morning I doubled up Cardio Party and Hiit circuit lower body. They are both pretty short and I was thinking it wouldn't be bad by boy was I glad when I was finished. It was all I could do to finish the last round of CLB! Have a great day!

Julie I couldn't imagine having 3 large dogs sleeping on top of me and then to top it off have one of them push me off the bed. Great job in getting up and doing a run in Bosnia.

Pam Great work in doing Cardio Party and Hiit Circuit Lower Body. I bet you were glad when you were done and I bet your legs were fried.

This morning I did Stretch Max 1 and 3. I am trying to incorporate more stretching and yoga into my week. Then I got the housework done and then did some meal prepping. We sat outside for a bit and you can feel that fall is just around the corner. The air is much cooler and I am really enjoying that.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on your doubled up CP & HCLB! HCLB is pretty tough on its own. Good for you for tackling both.

Cheryl Great job on SM 1&3! I really need to start doing that more too. I'm a broken record saying that and maybe I just have to hit rock bottom to make it happen.

This morning I tried to get up and do an upper body Get Jacked workout but I had a neck ache and a headache so I went back to bed. I didn't get great sleep but oh well. I am taking tomorrow off work to try to get some things done around the house and maybe run some errands. Hopefully I can get good sleep tonight.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Gret job on Stretch max 1&3. Like Julie I am a broken record saying I need to do more stretching. Maybe someday. I am sooo not ready for summer to be over, but fall is just around the corner.

Julie Oh a neck ache and back ache doesn't sound good. You were smart to skip the workout and go back to bed. I hope they are feeling better soon and you get a good sleep tonight.

This morning when I got up my lower back was hurting so I decided to just do some stretching. After taking care of cats and kittens it was feeling fine though, so I did Athletic Training. It feels fine now so I guess it was just something that needed to work itself out. Have a great day.

Julie You were smart to take the day off when you had a neck ache and headache. I hope you sleep better this weekend. Enjoy your day off.

Pam Good job on your stretching and Athletic Training.

Yesterday morning I did FS Mixed Impact Cardio and Pull Day. Because my manager is on vacation I went into work to help my assistant manager out. This morning I slept in so I didn't have time to do a workout before I need to go back to work.

Have a great weekend.


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