Strength in Numbers

Pam Great job on Body Max 2 in its entirety! That sure is a long one and you definitely need the time and energy to get through it. That is awesome you made it through without modifying too! Yes, DH keeps saying he is going to start "Monday" but "Monday" doesn't seem to ever come for him because something always gets in the way. He wants there to be nothing going on so he can focus on that but I try to tell him that you can't wait for the perfect time to start because that will never happen.

Cheryl I hate when they give a big time frame and then come at the end of that time frame or even late. Of course, I don't say anything to them because I know they don't do it on purpose. Drying in less time also means less energy used. Win-win!

This morning I did a run in Croatia and then a stretchy yoga for 15 minutes. I really need to figure out what to do about my hip hurting. Smart thing would be to stop working out and focus on stretching but I am not that smart and just keep pushing through. Our floor did get done last night and it looks awesome! Now hopefully the painters can get their part done by the end of the week.

Have a great day!
Cheryl That is so frustrating when you are waiting for something like that and they come late! I always feel like I'm in limbo waiting. I'm glad that you are loving your new dryer though!

This morning was Cardio Slam. I forgot that is the one that the time is marked wrong on the DVD, so I was thinking I would have to repeat one of the sections to make it a little longer. I was happy when I realized it is 10 minutes longer than it says on the DVD so I didn't have to add anything. Brady, Goose, and Charlie are in for their spay/neuter surgeries. They are gorgeous kittens so I expect they will be adopted quickly. There were already applications for Brady and Goose an hour after I put them on the website last night. Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Cardio Slam! I love the name Goose for a kitty! So cute. Hoping they get adopted quickly!

This morning I did an upper body Get Jacked workout and then had time to do 15 minutes of stretchy yoga from Yoga Burn. It felt nice. The painter came yesterday and got the wallpaper down and a lot of prep work and started this morning at 7 and is already painting primer. So hoping it gets done soon!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your GJ workout and yoga! You and Cheryl are putting me to shame with your yoga. I hope your house work is done soon. It is so hard when everything is torn up like that, but I bet the end results will be fantastic!

This morning for me was S&S PHA plus bonus abs. I like that one, but not as much as PHA 2 and 3. Someone is coming to meet Brady and Goose on Saturday morning. They have had a lot of applications and I know they will be adopted quickly. I'm hoping some of the people might all in love with some of their siblings too. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on S&S PHA plus bonus abs! I agree 2 & 3 are better. 3 is maybe my favorite because of the use of the step platform in the lower body exercises.

This morning I did a run in Italy and a walk through Grafton Ghost Town in Springdale, UT. The painter finished up last night and the carpenter is supposed to come today to do the trim and then we can start cleaning and moving things back. So excited but it is going to be a tiring weekend!

Have a great weekend!
Julie Great job on your run in Croatia and your yoga. Maybe you need to go to physio for your hip to see what the issue may be. Glad that your floors look great.

Pam Good work on Cardio Slam. Kittens get adopted so quickly.

Julie Good work on your Get Jacked workout and yo.ur yoga. Wow 7am is early but at least they have the day to get it done.

Pam Great job on PHA and bonus abs. I agree that 2 and 3 are the best. Sometimes it isn't hard to get people to adopt 2 kittens. They always like to have a buddy for them.

Julie Good job on your run in Italy and walk through Grafton Ghost Town. So exciting that it is almost done.

Sorry for being MIA again :oops:. So Wednesday I did Step Sync and Thursday was LITE Stacked Sets Lower + 6 pack abs 1. I finally got to go out and visit with my mom. It was a very stressful drive out there though because there was so much road work going on. I left about 15 minutes earlier than I normally do and I was 15 minutes late getting there to visit. I was so stressed out I was shaking because I was afraid that I would be so late that I would miss the visit all together. We were given 45 minutes but because I was late it was shortened to 30 minutes though they were nice and gave us an extra 5 minutes. There was someone coming in after so they couldn't give us any more time. It was just crazy out there with all the road work going on. But at least I got to visit with her face to face though 6 feet apart which was the first time since March. This morning I was really tired so I only did segment 3 of Stretch Max. Then I went to work and it was another busy day.

Have a great weekend.

Julie PHA 3 is my favorite of the PHAs too. Great job on your run in Italy and your walk through Grafton Ghost Town. How is your hip doing? That is awesome that your work is about done and you get to put your house back together. I hope you don't spend the whole weekend working though.

Cheryl Great job on Step Sync and SSL+6 pak abs! Wow, what a terrible stressful way to have your first visit with your mom in such a long time. I'm glad that you were able to get there and spend some time with her, that would have been really terrible to have gone through all of that and then miss the visit too. I bet she was happy to see you in person though. Great job on Stretch Max too!

Yesterday I took as my rest day, but we did get to the lake for a ski. I still wasn't skiing great, but it was a lot better than the last 2 times have been so I was happy. This morning I did Drill Max which I love, but it always kicks my butt! Someone was supposed to come meet Brady and Goose yesterday, but she canceled because she decided to adopt a cat from a shelter that she said was shy and not as adoptable. These guys have so many applications so I'm not worried about them getting adopted. They are both beautiful and friendly. Have a great day!

Cheryl No worries on being MIA! Great job on SS and LITE SS LB plus 6 pack abs 1! I am so happy you got to see your mom but I am sorry about the stressful drive and that impacting the time you could spend with her. Oh often will you be able to see her? Great job on SM 3!

Pam So glad you got a ski session in! Great job on DM! Oh no, poor Brady and Goose but she still did a good thing adopting from a shelter.

DH and I spent most of the weekend working on the house. I cleaned all the kitchen cabinets and closets and bookcases and DH washed the walls, windows, and fans because they were caked in dust from all the work. Sunday we spent some time bringing things back into the kitchen from our makeshift kitchen in our spare bedroom and laundry room and then we put together the vanity for the bathroom but didn't finish. The trim guy is supposed to come out and finish today as he didn't get the closets and hall completely done on Friday. He does the cutting outside so that will help keep the dust out. I decided to take this week off from working out. I am going to try to do some stretching every day but my low back is really hurting and I think I just need to be careful with it right now.

Have a great day!
Pam Glad that you skiing is getting better and great job on Drill Max. That was great that she adopted a more shy cat and it looks like you won't have problem adopting out Brady and Goose.

Julie I am not sure how often I will get to see her. They want everyone to get a chance to have an appointment to see their family. Hopefully sometime in August I can get back out there and leave earlier so it isn't a stressful drive. Wow you guys got a lot of cleaning done. Good idea to take a break from working out to rest your back. The stretching will probably help it.

So Saturday I did LITE Stacked Sets Upper and then it was work which was really busy. Sunday I took as a day off but I did go to the farmers market to pick up a few things. This morning I was really tired because it is so hot out and it just zaps my energy. So I did LITE Cardio Party and that was tough enough for me this morning. Tonight I will go walking with some of my dragon boat team.

Have a great day.

Julie Wow, you had a busy weekend! It sounds like it was really productive but exhausting! How is the house looking? Are you happy with the way everything is turning out? Do you feel like you have a new house? it sounds like you are being very smart to take a week off from working out and concentrating on stretching I know how hard that can be to do!

I finished my rotation and haven't picked a new one yet. I did Lite Body weight+bands+calorie crush+six pack abs which all came in right at an hour. I had never done that one before since I'm not usually a big fan of a lot of band work, but it was a good change. Some of the calorie crush was really awkward because you have a fire walker loop around your ankles the whole time. Brady ended up getting adopted yesterday to the nicest young couple and they were so excited because they had been looking for a siamese for over a year. They have a 2 year old siamese female so it should work out really well. Jack and Izzy were also picked up on Saturday so I am happy to be down 3 kittens. That still leaves me with 9 though :oops:. It sounds like Goose has some really good applications so I expect he will be adopted soon. Have a great day!

Cheryl That makes sense they need to make sure everyone gets a chance to see their loved ones. Great job on LITE SS UB and LITE Cardio Party! I'm so glad Cathe came out with the LITE and ICE workouts to help on those days of less energy.

Pam Great job on LITE BW & Bands plus CC & 6 pack abs! I don't remember the CC. Yea, so glad for the 3 adoptions going through! Wow, you had 12 at one time. You are amazing!

Yesterday, DH and I tried to put the toilet in the bathroom ourselves unsuccessfully but we did get a good start on the vanity. We are not the most handy people so we were pretty impressed with what we could do on the vanity. The dining room, living room, and kitchen are all done now and we had the movers come and move our furniture back so I am no longer working from a folding chair anymore! I didn't do any structured stretching yesterday or this morning but I have been trying to get some in through out the day. I attached some before and after pictures of the dining room, kitchen, and living room.

1 Dining Room.jpg2 Kitchen.jpg3 Living Room.jpg
Cheryl It looks like our posts crossed yesterday! Great job on SSU and Cardio Party. I have been enjoying mixing in some of the LITE and ICE workouts lately.

Julie I bet you are so happy to be getting your house put back together! The floors look amazing! GI love that one of the dogs is in the picture too. Great job on working stretching in throughout the day. I often have a plan to do that but rarely follow through on that plan :rolleyes:.

This morning I decided to give Intensity another try and was able to do the whole thing. I finished my entire glass of water before the workout was over which I almost never do. I was happy to get through it. Today I have a massage in hopes that it will help my foot, but I think it's close to getting better on it's own. Have a great day!

Pam Yeah, it is hard to take pictures without dogs when you have 4 of them and they were curious what was going on. Great job on Intensity and finishing it! At least you stayed hydrated with drinking your full glass of water. Oh a massage sounds wonderful. Enjoy!

I had intentions of getting up early to do yoga this morning but I was so tired. DH and I did some more work on getting things back to normal in the house and we are watching our neighbors dog and having to go over and feed her later than I am typically up. I am going to force myself to do it over my lunch hour today. Yesterday I got to work from my normal work from home environment and with just 1 day I can already tell a major difference from sitting on that card table folding chair with a tv tray.

Have a great day!
Pam Great work on Lite Body Weight and Bands+calorie crush+6 pack abs. I like that one though I can't remember the calorie crush. That is great that your kittens are being adopted. Wow 9 kittens is a lot but I am sure they will go quickly.

Julie My DH isn't handy either so it is nice that we have a friend that is and can help us out when needed. The floors look fantastic and I bet you are very happy to have that done. One day we will get to getting ours done too.

Pam Great job on Intensity. I have to drink my water before during and after my workouts. I normally down at least 500ml during the workout and sometimes more. I hope your foot massage helps make your foot better faster.

Julie You are very busy right now so not getting up early is probably better for you and getting more sleep. Stretching during your lunch hour would feel really good. That is wonderful that you can already tell a difference in your work set up.

Yesterday I did XTrain Bis and Tris. Then I went and got groceries and when I came back I got all the housework done. This morning I did some Pilates and now I am having a relaxing afternoon.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on XTrain Bis & Tris and your housework. That always feels good to get done with (for a little while before it is time to do it all over again). Great job on Pilates! I hope you enjoyed your relaxing afternoon. We are so happy to have our floors done. Now we just need to get the bathroom redone.

I did do a 30 minute stretch and relax yoga session from Yoga for Stress Relief during my lunch yesterday. I slept in again today and it felt wonderful again. Although I say slept in but I still got up at 4:30. :rolleyes: I am taking off early today and all day tomorrow and DH and I are going to tackle trying to get the bathroom done and our boxes unpacked.

Have a great weekend!
Julie It sounds like you needed the sleep more than the yoga and I'm sure it felt great to sleep in a little. Hopefully between the yoga and stretching and getting back to your normal work set you your back will be feeling back to normal soon!

Cheryl Great job on XTraing Bis and Tris, Getting all of your housework done, ,and pilates! It sounds like you earned that relaxing afternoon!

Julie Great job getting a stretch and yoga session in during your lunch hour, That is funny that 4:30 is sleeping in! Don't work too hard!

Yesterday my friend and I went for a 20 mile bike ride and then went out for lunch. We sat outside and it was really nice. It was a little cooler than it has been the last couple of weeks. This morning was Lite Strong body stacked sets upper, pyramid lower and six pack abs 2. Now I need to get moving because my vet is coming for a check up for my 2 cats in 10 minutes. Goose gets picked up today and I have 3 people to call who may be interested in some of the other kittens. Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your 30 minute stretch and relax yoga session. Sleeping in is always wonderful even if it is just until 4:30. Enjoy your weekend, don't work too hard.

Pam Great work on your 20 mile bike ride and Lite Strong Body Stacked Sets upper, pyramid lower and six pack abs 2. That would be great to get the other kittens adopted out this weekend too.

Thursday I did XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulders. Then we had some errands to do. It has been really hot here and I felt drained when I woke up this morning so I didn't have the energy to do a workout. I did go to work and it was another busy day. It is a long weekend here so I don't know how easy it will be to get our kittens adopted out since there will be a lot of people away.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on Xtrain CBS. I hope work isn't too slow over the weekend.

Friday I did Rhythmic step and Saturday morning my friend and I went on another 20 mike bike ride. She is recovering from knee surgery so is working her mileage back up, 2o miles was plenty in the heat and humidity though. Fitz and Brees had a meet and greet on Friday and are being adopted. They had their neuter surgery today so she will be getting them tomorrow. Another young woman is adopting Landry and Maverick from their pictures alone. They have their neuter surgery on Wednesday so then we will make plans for her to pick them up. That will take me down to 4 kittens and I have someone I need to call who is interested in Olivia. Sunday was my rest day and I was pretty lazy reading and swimming most of the day. This morning I did PHA 3 + ab stackers. I went to the grocery store this afternoon and was so surprised by how much stuff they were out of. When I was checking out the cashier asked me if I was ready for the big storm. We are under a tropical storm warning so that is why they were out of so much. He said they have been crazy. I wasn't even thinking about it, just doing my normal shopping. Hopefully it won't be too bad. Have a great day!

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Pam Great job on your 20 mile bike ride! How nice to be able to stop an enjoy lunch too. Great job on LITE SBSS UB and LITE PLB plus 6 pack abs 2! Great job on RS and your 20 mile bike ride! How exciting for Fitz and Brees. Are they going to the same home? Wow and Landry and Maverick getting adopted too! Plus another in the hopper. Things are really moving right now for the rescue. Glad you got some lazy time in relaxing by the pool. Great job on PHA 3 plus ab stackers! Those are some of my favorites. I hope everything went ok for you with the hurricane that hit.

Cheryl Great job on XT CBS! The heat and humidity are such energy zappers. Hopefully next weekend will be better for adoptions. I imagine summer can be hard with people traveling.

Sorry for being MIA yesterday. It was a BUSY day at work. Nonstop from when I logged on at 5:30 till I logged off at 3 and today has been nonstop again until now when I finally got a break. Friday and Saturday DH and I finished up the bathroom but need to have a plumber come out for the sink. It is set up and functional but has a slow drip occasionally that we can't seem to fix. Sunday was my lazy day and I really needed it. Yesterday I got back to getting up early and did a Get Jacked workout and an interval run in Portugal and this morning was another Get Jacked workout for lower body and I have a feeling my glutes and quads will be talking to me tomorrow.

Have a great day!
Pam Good job on Rhythmic Step and your 20 mile bike ride. You had a great weekend with adoptions hopefully it will keep up for the other 4 that you have. Great work on PHA 3 + ab stackers. I hope you don't get hit too hard by the storm.

Julie Wow did you ever have a busy day at work. I hope that meant that it went by really fast for you. Doing plumbing can be tricky. I hope the plumber can fix for you quickly. Great work on your Get Jacked workout for lower body.4

So Saturday I was still tired so I decided to take the rest of the weekend off from working out. Saturday at work was really busy and we did two adoptions. Sunday I had to work again to take my assistant manager's shift so she could have a day off. It was busy again and we had two more adoptions but our phone lines were down. I think we had a power outage and when that happens it affects our phones. I put in a ticket to IT but I guess they were out enjoying the weather because they never got back to me. It was nice that I didn't have to deal with a phone ringing off the hook. Monday I did LITE Pyramid Upper Body and then I went into work again for a two hour shift. It was a holiday here so we were closed but I did have 3 kittens that I needed to look after. Today I did LITE Lower Body + 6 pack abs 2. Then it was grocery shopping and organizing some cupboards.

Have a great day.


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