Strength in Numbers

Julie Movers make things seem so easy don't they and it helps when they are young and strong. Great job on your run in Croatia and your yoga. Having to go somewhere that is super packed wouldn't be fun. At least it was virtual.

Pam Yes I did enjoy my afternoon nap. Good work on Intensity step portion and then doing the bootcamp. The higher intensity Hiit would probably have been too much for your foot.

This morning was PHA 2. That one goes by really fast for me. Then DH had a dermatologist appointment and then I took Zoey out for a short walk.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on PHA 2. I really love that one.

Yesterday morning was ICE MTB and icy core 1. Then yesterday was paperwork and laundry and reviewing my moms taxes before sending them in. This morning was Rockout Knockout. it seems like a lot of the workouts in this rotation were also in the last one I did. Today I have some more housework to do but am hoping to get a little pool time in later since the sun is finally out. Have a great day!

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Pam Great work on ICE MTB and icy core 1 and Rockout Knockout. I hope you got some pool time.

Thursday I did some workout that I forgot Friday I did FS Low Impact Cardio and Metabolic Conditioning. Work was really busy too. Saturday I was so tired that I slept in and didn't have any energy for a workout. Work was super busy again today.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on your mystery workout and FS LIC and MC! You have been really busy at work lately, I hope that means you are getting lots of adoptions!

Yesterday was supposed to be ME, but I had just done that one so I did PHA2 + 6 pack abs + extended stretch 2. We went to the lake yesterday afternoon for the first time in so long, but my dumb foot kept me from being able to ski very well. I kept falling and getting frustrated so I gave up. I hope it improves soon! After that Carl and his girlfriend came over and we swam a bit and then did sushi take out. This morning was my rest day. I cleaned out my fridge which was long overdue and then the people who are taking Pirate on a trial came and picked him up. They were so excited and I have a feeling it's going to be permanent :) . Have a great day!

Pam We are getting lots of kittens so yes we are getting a lot of adoptions. Great work on PHA2 + 6 pack abs + extended stretch. How frustrating with your foot and not being able to ski. I need to clean out our fridge too. Fingers crossed that this is Pirate's furever home.

This morning I did yoga and then had a pretty lazy day.

Pam Glad you played it safe and modified Intensity to just the regular step and bootcamp portions! Better safe than sorry. Great job on ICE MTB and icy core 1! I bet you feel good to get the taxes submitted. Great job on RK! I hope you got some pool time in. Great job on subbing in PHA 2 + abs & extended stretch! Bummer you couldn’t get skiing in with your foot acting up. Yumm! Sushi sounds wonderful. I wish we had sushi places nearby although DH would not try it. Oh fingers crossed for Pirate it is permanent.

Cheryl I am glad that the packed places are virtual but sometimes I still feel claustrophobic and find myself swerving on the treadmill to avoid people. Great job on PHA2 and your walk with Zoey! Great job on your mystery workout on Thursday and FS LIC + MC! Good for you for sleeping in when you were low on energy. Busy days can help they day go fast but they are also draining. Great job on yoga!

Sorry for being MIA! Thursday our internet was out when I woke up and didn't get fixed until about 4 in the afternoon. I did get a Get Jacked workout in. Friday I did a run in the packed city of Rome and then a hike in Mt. Zion. After that I intended to post but got caught up in work trying to catch up from being out one day. Saturday I did a Get Jacked workout and then DH and I ran errands. Sunday was my lazy day and this morning I did an interval run in Italy. Our floors are moving along but probably won't be done until the end of the week.

Have a great day!
So this is my deload week in between Phase 1 and Phase 2 of Get Jacked. I am really needing stretching out as something is going on with my left hip. I did a gentle walk in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt and then did 2 short yoga workouts from Yoga Burn. I enjoyed them and will try to do them again more this week.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on doing yoga. You and Julie just might guilt me into doing some!

Julie No worries about being MIA, it happens to all of us Great job on GJ and your run in Rome and hike in Mt Zion. I can't imagine running in Rome with how crowded it usually is there! Great job o mGJ and your interval run in Italy. Are you able to see what the floors are going to look like yet? Great job on ou walk I Egypt and Yoga workouts. I have heard good things about yoga burn.

Yesterday was CCC and I was able to do most of it without modification. The hardest thing with my foot is lateral movement so no side shuffles and I think there were 2 other things that I had to change. It still kicked my butt like always! This morning was Circuit Blast. I added in a round of cardio only at the end because it's so short and it was still under an hour. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on your Get Jacked workouts your run in Rome and hike in Mt Zion and your interval run in Italy. I bet your floors will look really nice when they are done. Great job on your walk in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt and your yoga workouts. There are times for me now that I really need to do more yoga and less of the cardio.

Pam Great work on CCC and Circuit Blast. Good for you in modifying to make it work for you.

Monday I did Cardio Supersets and then we went out for lunch with our friend as it was his birthday on Sunday. This was the first time we had been in a restaurant since COVID. It was fine but really quiet since they can only have about 50% capacity. Then last night I went for a walk with some of my dragon boat team. It was a trail that is just a 5 minute drive from us so it was nice and close. This morning I did RWH Circuit Lower Body. Then I got groceries and then walked Zoey. I walked her to the park and then made a mistake of taking her around where the ice cream shop was. She sat down and was not moving until I got her a doggie ice cream cone. So I bought it for her. It is just vanilla ice cream with kibble in it and a dog biscuit put on top of the ice cream. She loved it and had it eaten in no time. On the way home she decided that she wanted to go down the trail to the fish hatchery. Again she just sat down and wouldn't move until I took her down there. She is a crazy dog, we also have a doggie bakery in the area too and I made sure we didn't go near there or she would sit down in front of the store till I took her in there too. She does makes the walks interesting though.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on CCC! That is awesome you did most of it without modification. That is one tough workout and with your foot acting up too. Great job on CB plus extra cardio! They have several rows of tile laid last night so I snuck in there and took a look. It is a little difficult to get a full picture because they have spacers all over the tile to keep them in place while the mortar hardens but I think it is going to look nice.

Cheryl Great job on CS! I haven't done that one in forever but remember the lateral crawl pushups killing me every time. So glad you got to go out to a restaurant and go for a walk with your dragon boating teammates. Great job on RWH CLB! That is so cute about Zoey not leaving until she got her ice cream! She walked off those calories, she deserved them! Oh she is a smart dog for sure!

This morning I did a run in Croatia and actually did a little stretching afterwards on my own. Granted it was only a few minutes but that is progress for me. I usually get off the treadmill, take my shoes off, and jump right in the shower.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on CSS. My DH was dying to go out to a restaurant the other night, but the places that we picked are still doing take out only so we got take out. I was to a restaurant and sat outside, but haven't dined in yet since Covid. That is nice that you got to go for a walk with your dragon boat team. bGreat job on RWH CLB and your walk with Zoey. That is so funny, she really has a mind of her own, doesn't she? I think I would have gotten her the ice cream cone too :).

Julie Great job on your run in Croatia and stretching! A few minutes is better than nothing. You should be proud of yourself!

This morning for me was AOLIH + core 1. I repeated the step segment to make it an hour. Today is bath day for the kittens. I hate it because they get so upset and have to sit with the shampoo on for 10 minutes before you can rinse them. I feel so mean and they look so pathetic! Have a great day!

Pam Great job on AOLIH plus core 1 plus extra step! Poor kitties. We were having to give Sheba a medicated bath that she had to sit with the soap on for about 8 minutes and she had the saddest look on her face.

I decided to take yesterday off from working out and working so it was quite the lazy day for me. With us having our floors redone, I am working from a folding chair in front of a tv tray and it is not very ergonomic and I really needed to take a rest from that. This morning I did do a run in Italy and a walk in Zion. It is supposed to be a super hot weekend with heat index over 100. I think it will be a lazy weekend too.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Great job on your run in Croatia and your stretching. Any stretching you do even for a few minutes has benefits.

Pam Good work on AOLIH + Core 1. Oh poor kittens they really hate to get wet and to have to sit with shampoo on probably makes it even worse for them. Too bad you can't tell them that it is for their own good. I bet they looked at you with really sad eyes.

Julie You need a lazy day every once in a while. Your set up doesn't sound ergonomic at all. Good job on your run in Italy and walk in Zion. Wow you will get some hot weather. Enjoy your lazy weekend.

Sorry that I was MIA but I didn't get a chance to sit in front of the computer. So Wednesday was RWH Circuit Upper Body, Thursday I didn't have a lot of energy so I did some stretching. Today I did some yoga and core work. It was a busy day at work and it went by fast.

Have a great day.

Julie Good for you for having a lay day, we all need those once in awhile. Siting in a folding chair with a TV tray all day doesn't sound comfortable at all! I Hope your floors are done soon! Great job on your run In Italy and walk in Zion! Don't melt this weekend!

Cheryl It's not the sad eyes that are the worst, it's the crying and shivering that gets me. And today s bath day again :oops:. Great job on RWH CUB, stretching, yoga, and core! You are getting consistent with your yoga!

Looks like I have been MIA too! Thursday was Total Body Giant Sets, Friday I went on a 22 mile bike ride. It was so hot and I was so hungry when I was done I was wishing I had gatorade or something instead of water in my bottle! Someone came over in the afternoon to meet kittens. I think she is going to adopt 2, but she is trying to decide which two. This morning was High Reps. it's not really one of my favorites, but it went by fast and the core work was killer. Have a great day!

Cheryl No worries on being MIA! Sometimes we just don't have enough time in the day. Great job on RWH CUB and your stretching and yoga and core work.

Pam We all have those MIA moments. Great job on TBGS and your 22 mile bike ride! Something with electrolytes is definitely needed after a hot or sweaty workout. I found something called Liquid IV at Costco that are packets you add to water. The flavor is a little weird at first but it really has helped me when I have days I have felt dehydrated. I hope the adoption works out. Great job on HR!

I took the whole weekend off from working out. I think it helped my hip which I discovered is really my psoas muscle probably from my poor work set up. This morning I started phase 2 of Get Jacked and did an interval run in Italy. I think I will have another week of working from a tv tray. They are finishing up laying the tile today and then have to grout tomorrow plus the painters still need to come in and do their job.

Have a great day!
Julie It sounds like your hip needed the rest. I hope it does ok with another week in the folding chair. Great job on GJ and your interval run in Italy. You have really become quite the runner!

Today was supposed to be Plyo Hiit 2 and bonus ab 2, but I'm not ready for jumping up and down on the step yet I subbed in some segments from Mindys intensity overload. It is similar to 10-10-10 in that it is a series of 10 minute high intensity workouts. I did 5 segments, one of which was core. It was not bad, but not one that I got too excited about. Have a great day.

Pam Oh the crying is tough to hear. I hope it goes better today. Great job on TBGS your 22 mile bike ride and High Reps. When it is so hot water just doesn't cut it and it is probably good to have a snack as well.

Julie Good for you in taking the weekend off and resting your hip. I hope your hip can take another week of the TV tray but maybe getting up every hour and walking around would help. Good work on phase 2 of Get Jacked and your interval run in Italy.

Pam Good job on Mindy's intensity overload.

Saturday I did a yoga/Pilates workout and then went to work. It was another busy day but they sure do go by fast. Sunday I took it as a day off and went to the Farmer's Market in the morning. At 12:30 high performance cars from an organization called The Driven Project came to our complex escorted by the Vancouver Police Department motorcycle squad. We have a couple of kids in our complex who are dealing with some major illnesses so they take them on rides in the cars. It was pretty cool to see. I have some pictures on my phone and a video and I will see if I can get them over to my laptop and I will share some of them. This morning was ICE To the Mat Legs and Glutes then I got some groceries. I think I forgot to tell you that our dryer stopped working so we are getting a new one tomorrow so we had to clean up the basement to make some room for them to remove our old one and put in the new one. Unfortunately all the stuff had to go into my workout room so I won't be able to use it tomorrow morning but hopefully I get just do some yoga in the living room.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on subbing in Mindy's Intensity Overload! That is good of you to modify and sub in something that would be better for your foot. I'm not sure I am really a runner. DH wanted to buy the treadmill and he hasn't really used it and I feel I need to so that we get our money's worth.

Cheryl Great job on your yoga/pilates workout! Oh that sounds like a really nice thing to do for the kids. Great job on ICE TTML&G! A new dryer is exciting. I definitely need to do better about getting up every hour and walking or just doing some stretching.

This morning I did a Get Jacked workout. I was really tired and my low back is sore so I went lighter than I wanted but I feel that was safest.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Luckily the baths are only twice a week an not eery day, but I still dread it every time. great job on your yoga/pilates workout. I saw the video on FB of the cars from the Driven Project. That was very cool. I bet the kids were really excited about it! Great job on ICE TTM L&G. That is always a bummer when you have an unexpected major expense like that, but hopefully the new dryer will be nice.

Julie I understand wanting to feel like you are getting your moneys worth on the treadmill. Those things are so expensive. It's too but your DH isn't using it :(. Great job on your GJ workout and going lighter to protect your back.

This morning was the entire Boy max 2! I wasn't sure about doing the whole thing, but I had the time so why not. It went by really quickly and I didn't have to modify anything so Was happy about that. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your Get Jacked workout. Smart to go lighter when you are tired so you don't injure yourself.

Pam Good work on BM2. That is great that you didn't need to modify anything either.

So I didn't get a workout in today. Our dryer was to be delivered between 11am and 3pm but they didn't come until 4pm. There were a lot of things I couldn't have got done if I knew they weren't going to come until that late but I knew if I started vacuuming they would come and I wouldn't hear them over the noise. So I pretty much vegged out all day. Now I am finishing up the laundry. Wow a new dryer is so nice and the clothes dry a lot faster too.

Have a great day.


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