Strength in Numbers

Pam Good for you for doing stretching when your back was hurting and waiting to feel better. Great job on AT!

Cheryl Great job on FS MIC + Pull Day!

Friday I was feeling better so I did a lower body Get Jacked workout and then did some cleaning and grocery shopping. Saturday I was doing a run in the Grand Canyon and halfway through the workout it stopped and reset itself. I decided not to redo it but instead stopped it and did a walk in Mt. Zion and then more cleaning and errands. Sunday was my lazy day. This week is my recovery week between Get Jacked phases. I decided to sleep in to kick it off.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on FS MIC + pull day! Is work busy for you? Our adoptions have really slowed down in the last couple of weeks.

Julie I'm glad you were feeling better on Friday, Great job on GJ. That is frustrating that the treadmill reset itself halfway through your workout. Good job on the run that you got it before that happened and your walk in Mt Zion, Sleeping in sounds like a great way to start a recovery week!

Saturday I didn't do a workout but we did ski. Sunday morning I went on a 23 mile bike ride with my friends and this morning was ICE Circuit upper boy and bonus abs 2. I got a new kitten yesterday but I haven't named him yet. He's about 8 weeks old. I've got him separated from the other 2 for now because he has a bit if an upper respiratory infection and based on the size of his belly likely has worms. So I'm treating him for those before letting him meet the others. He's super sweet though. Have a great day!

Julie Great work on your Get Jacked workout and your run in the Grand Canyon. That would be frustrating to have it reset itself halfway through. Good idea to finish it off with a walk in Mt. Zion. Sleeping in is a great way to kick off your recovery week.

Pam Our adoptions have slowed down too. For us it seems like a lot of people are on vacation so it takes longer as we have to go through more applications to get one where the people aren't going anywhere. Good job on your ski and your 23 mile bike ride and ICE Circuit Upper Body and bonus abs 2. Yes wise move to keep your new kitten segregated until he gets over is upper respiratory infection and worms.

So I didn't workout all weekend. I did do PHA 3 this morning though. Then got a bit of cleaning done. Tonight I am going for a walk with some of my dragon boat crew. We won't be able to do this much longer though as it will start to get dark earlier.

Have a great day.

Pam So glad you got some skiing in. Great job on your 23 mile bike ride and ICE CUB plus bonus abs 2! Hopefully he can get well and join the other kitties soon.

Cheryl Sometimes we just need some time off because of other priorities or to reset ourselves. Great job on PHA 3 and cleaning! I am hating that the days are getting shorter. I know it happens every year but I still don't like it.

This morning I got up and did an interval run in Iceland. The landscape was bleh and boring but the intervals made it go by fast. I actually ran at 7 mph for 1 minute intervals with 1 minute walking. It was tough but since it was quick that made it bearable.

Have a great day!
Cheryl It can be nice to have those weekends without workouts. Great job on PHA 3 and cleaning. It's so sad to think that the days are getting shorter :-(. This summer was so strange with Covid so I feel like we got cheated out of a summer.

Julie Great job on your interval run in Iceland, it sounds like a really tough one!

This morning I doubled up AOLIH and ICE CLB. They are both short so that was just over an hour altogether. Enzo is doing great, he is so sweet, but he still has a huge belly. I'm hoping that is the worms and it will be normal once that treatment is finished. Have a great day.

Julie Great job on your run in Iceland. Too bad the landscape was bleh but at least the intervals went by fast.

Pam Great job on AOLIH and ICE CLB. That is great that Enzo is doing well. Hopefully the large belly is just worms and that it will be normal once the treatment is finished.

So I was going to workout this morning but Tango had other plans for me. I noticed that he wasn't peeing or pooping. He would go into the littler box but nothing would happen. So I called the vet and took him in. They kept him for the whole day. It seems to be brought on by stress as he was checked and he doesn't have any crystals in his urine. So we will need to transition him onto some new food and we have some Feliway in the diffuser form (it helps with stress)to see if that helps. Then I needed to get groceries for us and my mom
and do a few more errands. So the day is done. I am hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

Pam Great job on AOLIH and ICE CLB! I hope Enzo's belly gets rid of those worms. Poor guy!

Cheryl Oh no! Poor Tango! What do you think could be causing his stress? Hopefully the Feliway helps him.

This morning I slept in again. This has been a crazy busy week for me. Yesterday I had 9 meetings and I have 9 again today. Ugh!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Oh no, poor Tango. I hope th new food and the Feliway help. I tried the Feliway diffusers for Frti but they didn't help him unfortunately. He just had to go on prescription food because he did have crystals in his urine. I hope your day is better today!

Julie Yuck, a day full of meeting is no fun at all. Good for you for getting a longer sleep in.

This morning was Cardio supersets. I did the premix with step since the regular workout is so short. It went by pretty fast. One of our volunteers found a kitten in the middle of a busy road yesterday, so we ended up pairing her up with Enzo and sending them to a different foster. She's going to keep an eye on his belly and take him to the vet if it doesn't get smaller in a few days. Have a great day!

Julie I am not sure what is causing his stress. We are not sure if him and Willow got into a fight when we weren't home or what it is. 9 meetings is crazy, no wonder why you slept in.

Pam Sometimes the Feliway works and sometimes it doesn't. I am hoping that it will work with Tango. At least Tango didn't have any crystals but I am hoping the new food will help. Great job on Cardio Supersets with the step premix. Scary for the kitten to be in the middle of a busy road. It is a good thing that your volunteer found her.

This morning was Lite Cardio Party. Then I went to work because we got a transfer of 4 kittens. They are so cute and two of them are polydactyl.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Cardio Supersets plus step! I remember the first time I did that one and the lateral pushup walks about killed me. I bet you will miss little Enzo but sounds like he will have a friend in his new home.

Cheryl Great job on LITE CP! Does them being polydactyl affect their ability to do anything? I will say their paws are adorable but I will feel bad if it causes them issues. I hope Tango is feeling better.

I made it through my rough patch for the week. Today will be much better as I only have 6 meetings and I am actually taking off in the middle of the day between them to get my grocery shopping done. I did get up early and do a run in Croatia. It was actually a mix of running and hiking and I was sweating like crazy when I was done.

Have a great day!
Cheryl I hope the Feliway works for Tango too. I did notice a difference with Spanky when I used a calming collar on him. Great job on Cardio party. Oh I love polydactyl kittens and cats. Those mitts are just the cutest thing!

Julie I'm glad you are through your rough patch for the week and you get a little break in the middle of the day today. Great job on your run in Croatia!

This morning I had to drop Miracle off at the vet for her spay surgery, so I took my bike with me and went for a 30 mile ride after. It was beautiful when I started but hot when I finished. I was glad that I was out there early. It was 100 degrees when I was coming home from picking her up! Have a great day!

Julie Being polydactyl doesn't affect their ability to do anything. It just makes their paws so cute. Yes Tango is doing a lot better, thank you. Glad that you made it through your rough patch at work though 6 meetings is still a lot. Great job on your run in Croatia.

Pam The mitts are cute aren't they. Good job on your 30 mile bike ride. Wow 100 degrees is hot.

I didn't sleep well last night so I decided to just do LITE extended stretch #2 and Step Boss floor stretch. Then I got some housework done and then brought groceries out to my mom.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on taking your bike with you to get a whopping 30 mile bike ride in especially in that heat!

Cheryl Great job on doing the ext and floor stretches when you didn't get good sleep. So glad to hear about Tango.

This morning I slept in a little and then redid the run that I tried to do last week in the Grand Canyon that stopped halfway through. I made it the full 45 minutes this time which was about 3.9 miles of running. I think that is the longest I have done. I am so looking forward to having a long weekend off.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on extended stretch and SB floor stretch after getting a lousy sleep.

Julie Great job on your run in the Grand Canyon. 45 minutes is a long time to run!

This morning was supposed to be Muscle Max, but the disc kept freeing so I gave up and did Power Hour. I haven't done that one in awhile and it went by quickly. We decide that we are going to get out of town next week because my DH is going stir crazy from working at home for so long. We are going to do a quick visit to his family in Pennsylvania, then mine in Michigan and then stop somewhere in the mountains for a couple of days of hiking on our way back. It will be good to get out of town. Have a great day.

Happy Saturday! This morning was Imax 4 with a double blast after each round. I did it on 6" instead of the 8" step that they use. It was a good level of intensity. This afternoon we have a cookout and Kentucky Derby party and then are hitting the road north in the morning, Have a great day.

Pam Great job on PH subbing for MM when the disc was giving you problems and on Imax 4 with the double blast after each round! Have a wonderful trip!

I decided to take the weekend off from working out. I did do some things around the house, picked more pears, and gave the dogs baths. Monday I started Phase 3 of Get Jacked with an upper body workout and then did an interval run in Iceland. It was along the coastline and was much more beautiful scenery than the last one. This morning I did a lower body Get Jacked workout.

Have a great day!
Julie Nice that you got to sleep in a bit. Good work on your run in the Grand Canyon. You are definitely getting better at running if you are able to keep it up for 45 minutes.

Pam That sucks that your MM dvd kept on freezing. Good job though on Power Hour and Imax 4 with a double blast after each round. I need to do it on the 6" step too and it is still a good workout. Enjoy your mini vacation.

Julie Sometimes it is nice to take the weekend off from working out. Great job on your Get Jacked workouts and your interval run in Iceland.

So it was a crazy busy weekend for me. I didn't workout Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Friday I had to be at work early to take a couple of kittens to the vet for the their spay and neuter and then get back to the shelter in time for a someone to come and change over our phone and alarm system. Saturday I came in and our alarm system was going off. My co-worker got in before me and the system wouldn't recognize the password so it was a bit stressful Finally we got it turned off with the help of a tech person he called. Then one of our kittens wasn't doing too well. She vomited and wasn't eating so she was losing weight. Because it was the long weekend all the vets were either fully booked or closed. So I had to drive her to the emergency vet which was a bit of a drive. I waited around for almost 4 hours and she still hadn't been seen by them so I left and my assistant manager went back in the evening to get her. She is doing better now and is eating again. Sunday I worked as well and it was busy again. I also had to work for a couple of hours on Monday just to feed the animals. I did LITE Stacked Sets Upper on Monday too. Then we went over to my brother's place to have dinner and see my mom. She was allowed out to visit which was nice. We really hadn't seen her for 6 months.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Sounds like you did have a crazy weekend! Poor kitty but I am glad she is eating now. Great job on LITE SS UB! So happy you got to see your mom and she got to leave to visit you.

This morning I did a Get Jacked workout! Last night our sump pump pipe sprung a leak. DH thought he fixed it but it was leaking again this morning so now I am hopeful a plumber can come out soon and fix it since we have been having rainy weather.

Have a great day!
Julie Good work on your Get Jacked workout. Bummer about your sump pump, hopefully a plumber can get it fixed soon.

This morning was LITE Stacked Sets Lower. Then I cleaned carpets and got the housework done. It has been hot here I guess it is the last blast of summer.

Have a great day.

Today I was so tired. I tried to do LITE Cardio Party but I just couldn't get into it. So I just did the extended stretch #2. Then I had a pretty lazy day.


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