Cheryl I have been noticing our traffic has picked up quite a bit too. I bet you're glad to not have to do that drive anymore!
Julie Great job on your run and hike in the Swiss Alps, your final GL workout, hike and clean max! That is awesome that you got more done than you planned, it's usually the opposite for me! Great job on your 10k in Ontario and hike up Dundas Peak!
Saturday was Revved up Rumble and the the rest of the day was pretty lazy. A friend and her daughters came by for a swim in the afternoon and to visit the kittens. I think three of my friends are interested in adopting one of this new group. Sunday was my rest day and it was mainly another lazy day. This morning was ICE Boot Camp Circuit plus the Blizzard Blast. I did finally name the kittens. The little ones are the Top Gun gang: Goose, Maverick, and Charlie. The bigger ones are the quarterbacks: Cam, Brady, Fitz, Brees, and Landry. I've been having to give them dewormer and they HATE it and are very dramatic about it. They clamp their little mouths closed and let it run out the sides! I'm glad it's only for 3 days and 2 of them are done! Have a great day,