Strength in Numbers

Cheryl I'm sure Spanky would be happy to be a foster fail, but my other cats would be happy for him to find a new home :) Wow, raking and carrying those heavy boats around was a workout, so I'd say you did get a workout in, just not a dvd. Great job on C&W and 30/30.

Julie Great job on Revamp OP+AC. That is great that you were feeling strong. I agree it would be nice to understand why some days we are strong and others so weak!

Cheryl Great job on Twist, you must be doing some heavy weights if you are at 4-6 reps. So sorry about your neighbors father. Wow, good for you putting up the Christmas lights. I'm surprised about how many people I know that already have their trees up and are fully decorated.

Julie It sounds so funny that you 'slept in' until 4 am. It sounds like a good compromise sleeping a little later and then doing Stretch Max. Great job. I hope that your moms surgery goes well on Monday and you have a great Thanksgiving!

Yesterday morning I did SJP and then had a bunch of cleaning and running around to do. This morning was RWH Hiit circuit upper body. I'm still feeling way too winded when I do my workouts, it's driving me crazy. Now I'm getting some cooking and packing done because we are headed to DC to see Ashley for Thanksgiving, Have a great day!

Julie 4am is still plenty early to get up. Great job on Stretch Max 3.

Pam I think this is way too early to get the tree up and decorated. Great job on SJP and RWH Hiit Circuit Upper Body. Enjoy your Thanksgiving long weekend.

Wednesday morning I did yoga and then went to the SPCA. We had a lot of animals this time. We had 9 kittens, 6 cats, 1 rat, 1 gerbil, 1 bunny and 2 degus. It took a long time to get things done. In the afternoon we looked after Zoey for a while. My mom also got two offers on her house, one was really low but the other one was for her listing price. The only catch is we have to have her moved out by December 29th. I think my December will be busy helping my mom pack up.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

Cheryl Great job on yoga. Oh that is great news that your mom already got an offer on her house. You sure are going to be busy though. Has she gotten a room at the new place for then, or what will she do in the meantime?

We had a really nice Thanksgiving. It as a lot different than our normal, but really fun. Friday we went into DC on the metro for the day and toured the capital building, the library of congress, and the air and space museum. We were a bit worried on Saturday because when we were leaving the car wouldn't start. Luckily it did finally start, but we were afraid to turn to turn it off after that. We left it running while we got gas and luckily we got home fine. It's been fine ever since, but we're thinking it's time to look for a new one. It has over 300,00 miles on it! Yesterday we had an adoption event. I expected it to be busy but we only had 1 adoption. I was so surprised. Hopefully it will pick up for the next one. I didn't do any workouts until this morning when I did Xtrain Cardio leg blast and core 2. Now I have a mountain of laundry to do. Have a great day!

Pam No my mom doesn't have a room yet but she will be able to use their guest room for the month. Hopefully something will open up for her by then. Glad that you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. 300,000 miles is a lot, it is probably time for a new one. I guess everyone was busy with Thanksgiving and Christmas instead of adopting. Hopefully the next one will be busier. Great work on XTrain Cardio Leg Blast and core 2.

So Friday I did XTrain Legs and Saturday was MMA Boxing. Then we went out to my mom's to discuss our game plan to pack up the house. Sunday I didn't feel like working out so I took the day off and just lazed around. Today was FS Low Impact Cardio and Metabolic Conditioning. Then I was phoning around to several moving companies for my mom. We have a couple of people coming out for quotes on Thursday and Friday.

Have a great day.

Sorry for the late update. I did Revamp Thursday and Friday last week and then nothing over the weekend. I did do Revamp again yesterday and today. I was supposed to go with my mom to her surgery on Monday but we got a huge snowstorm that prevented me from being able to make it to the hospital before her surgery. Her surgery lasted 6 hours and then she had a few hours of recovery. She wasn't with it enough for me to go up there yesterday but I am going there after work today. So far they only had to remove less than 50% of her tongue and she is in a lot of pain but is able to eat applesauce and drink some clear fluids. She will be in the hospital the next couple of days possibly until Friday or Saturday depending on how well she does with the pain and being able to swallow on her own.

Pam Great job on SJP and RWH UBC! I completely understand the frustrating feeling of being out of breath from workouts when you want to be doing better. You will get it back! So glad you had a great time in DC. Wow 300,000 miles is a lot of miles on a car! I would say you probably got your moneys worth on that one. Great job on CLB plus core 2! Hopefully the adoption events will start to generate more adoptions with Christmas coming.

Cheryl Great job on yoga! Are those the 2 degus from earlier this year or new ones? Poor guys if they are still there. Although I know you take good care of them but I am sure they would like a forever home. That is great news about your mom's house but I know it will make December extra stressful for you and her. Great job on XTrain Legs, MMA Boxing, and FS LIC plus MC.

Have a great day!
Julie Great work on Revamp. Wow 50% of her tongue seems like a lot. Do they need to remove any more? I bet she is in a lot of pain but at least she can eat and drink a little bit. Bummer that the snowstorm prevented you from being at the hospital. Yes they are the same two degus from earlier in the year. They are the cutest things but very messy and they don't do well in sunlight. They like things more on the darker side. Yes December will be a stressful month. We are going to get movers in which will help but me and DH are going to be there a lot to help her pack. My brother has impeccable timing since he is leaving on a cruise on the 8th of December and won't get back until the 22nd.

This morning I went to Twist. It was a power class with a strength move followed by a power move. Such as heavy squats followed by box jumps. Then we had a circuit at the end with battle ropes, bosu, slats and med ball slams. I was pooped after that one.

Have a great day.

Last night I went and visited my mom and got to bed 2 hours late so no workout for me even though my body probably needed the yoga, I really needed the sleep. They ended up only needing to remove about 30% of her tongue and all of the lymph nodes on the right side of her jawline. She was actually talking pretty good last night. A little slurry like she had knocked back a few too many drinks but not as bad as I thought. Her doctor did come in and told her she needs to get up and walk around more and take in more fluids or he would have to put a feeding tube in her. My sister is staying with her at the hospital this week so hopefully she can get her motivated to do that.

Cheryl Great job on Twist! Oh that sounds like LIHI Legs or Meso 3 Legs fun! I would love to use battle ropes or medicine balls. They sound like fun. Although maybe I wouldn't say that after actually trying them because they also look like work. What bad timing for your brother to be gone but I am sure he would help if he could. Hope things go quick for you to get things packed up.

Have a great day!
Cheryl That is nice that they have a guest room that your mom can use until hers is available. Great job on XTrain legs and MMA Boxing, and FS LIC+MC. I bet it will be hard for you and your mom figuring out what she should keep and what she should get rid of. My mom had to get rid of so much stuff since she was moving out of a large home into a small apartment.

Julie Great job on Revamp Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday! That is too bad that you weren't able to make it to the hospital for her surgery. Six hours is a really long surgery! Glad she is doing better and hopefully the pain won't be for too much longer.

Cheryl Great job on Twist. It sounds like it was a really tough workout!

Julie I imagine your mom will have to eat only soft foods for awhile. It would be strange getting used to part of your tongue being gone. Hopefully they don't have to put her on a feeding tube!

I completely forgot to post yesterday, but I did RUUB, then house work and yard work. Our leaves are starting to come down so I blew the yard and scooped out the pool. I also got 3 new foster kittens on Sunday, so I spent some time playing with them. This morning was ploy hiit 2 and bonus abs 2. That was the toughest cardio I've done since getting this stupid cold and it was tough. I survived, but was glad when we got to the last combo. Have a great day!

Julie It would be strange to try to talk with some of your tongue removed. A feeding tube would motivate me to get up and walk and drink more fluids. That is nice that your sister can stay with her in the hospital. I like the battle ropes but they are hard. It is a total body workout and you really do feel it after you are done. Bad timing for us but good timing for him so he misses all the hard work. I think we will need to save him something to do for when he gets back.

Pam My mom is going through stuff now and shredding and tossing things but there will still be a lot of stuff to go through. Good work on RUUB, house and yard work. Our leaves have been down for over a month now. Great job on Plyo Hiit 2 and bonus abs 2. That is a tough workout.

This morning I didn't get a chance to workout. I went out for a walk early with our friend that owns Zoey so I know the commands they want to use and how to train her when out walking. Then I went to the SPCA. We only had two cats, a rat, a bunny a gerbil and our 2 degus. My partner and myself are known as the degus cage cleaning experts. We have got it down to a science. Later in the afternoon I took Zoey out for a walk. It was dark and raining pretty good so she wasn't too interested in walking just heading back inside where it was nice and warm. So my mom's house is now officially sold. The subjects came off this morning. We have to have everything out of the house a month today.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Revamp Bench Press day! Yesterday my sister said my mom was now off clear liquids and able to eat creamier soups like tomato and pureed broccoli cheese so no feeding tube so far but I guess she had a bad night with pain and they had to give her quite a bit of pain medication during the night. I imagine it does hurt more when you are concentrating on sleeping.

Pam Great job on RUUB and your house and yard work! Oh wow, your leaves come down really late in the year. I think ours have been down for a month now. Oh fun playing with the new kitties. What are their names? Great job on RWH Plyo HiiT 2 plus abs 2! That one is tough let alone coming back from being sick. Glad you survived!

Cheryl Sounds like you got two walks in plus all the cleaning at the ASPCA for your workout. That’s funny you are an expert in cleaning the degu cage. I don’t blame Zoey on wanting to get back inside to the warmth. Yea! So glad it is officially sold and that is one thing off the list. I know you have a lot ahead of you but you seem so organized I am sure it will get done easy peasy.

Have a great day!
Julie Great work on Revamp Bench Press day. I would think that you would have quite a bit of pain with having some of your tongue cut out. That is great that your mom can eat more creamier foods. I am not sure as to how organized we are but we will see how things go.

This morning I went to Twist and then we went out to my mom's. We had a moving company come over to provide a quote for the move. We have another company coming tomorrow for another quote and then we will see which one we will go with.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Revamp Deadlift day! Heavy deadlifts really kill my hands. I am trying really hard to not use my versa grips and instead build my forearm and hand strength but I know I am not lifting as heavy as the rest of my body could handle because it feels like the bar is ripping my skin off my hands. Oh well, Phase 1 of Revamp is complete and I will be starting Phase 2 next week!

Cheryl Great job on Twist! One more thing you will be able to check off the list once you decide on the moving company.

Have a great weekend!
Julie I am the same as you that I can lift heavier than what my hands can hold onto. Great that you completed phase 1 of Revamp and can start on phase 2.

We had to be at my mom's early this morning for the next moving company coming for a quote so I didn't get a chance to get a workout in. We now have quotes from a couple of companies so we will see which one my mom wants to go with. We took her to a storage place so she could get a locker too to store her things, since she won't have a place for a while yet.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl That is nice that you will be able to help train Zoey when you walk her. It seems like you have her quite a bit! Funny that you are the degu cage cleaning experts! It sounds like you are going to have a really busy month, The holidays aren't the best time to be having to move, but I know you'll be happy when you get it done.

Julie Great job on Revamp bench press. It sounds like your mom is coming along in her recovery, hopefully the pain won't last too much longer. The new kittens are Chase, Bella, and Bonita. They came to me already named this time. Chase and Bella are really really playful and Bonita just wants to sit in my lap all the time. It seems like there is one like that in every group.

Cheryl Great job on Twist. That's too bad that your mom will have to move things to storage for awhile, but hopefully it won't be for too long.

Julie Great job on Revamp deadlift day. Oh my, ripping the skin off your hands, that doesn't sound good at all. You are one tough chick going through that. I get those versa grips on a fast a I can!

I didn't realize that I had been MIA for so long. I'm running a raffle fundraiser for Meow House so I've been spending a lot of time on that in the mornings and forgetting to post! Thursday we went for a 24 mile bike ride. It was so cold! Friday I did Body Max step and power circuits, and Saturday we went for another bike ride. What a difference two days made, we were hot and sweaty when we finished. Sunday was my rest day and this morning I did Crossfire+core. It was tough, but I struggled through. Have a great day!

Saturday I did yoga and it felt so nice. Then I went to my mom's to help her with some of her recovery and do stuff around the house for her. Sunday I started Phase 2 of Revamp. Then I was lazy the rest of the day. This morning I did the 2nd workout for Revamp. Phase 2 is 4 total body workouts a week. I had to start on Sunday because I am staying with my mom Monday and Tuesday while my sister is out of town. I will not be able to workout Tuesday and will probably not be able to post until Wednesday.

Cheryl Hope you got the moving company decided on. That's good that you have so many options near you to help make the move more organized like storage lockers. Hopefully she won't have to use the locker for long though.

Pam No worries on being MIA! Those kitties need all your help and we can wait. Great job on your 24 mile bike ride especially in the cold. Great job on BM step and power circuits and your Saturday bike ride in the heat! Yep we are having yo-yo weather too. We had a reported 20 tornadoes touch down on Saturday which is crazy since we historically do not get tornadoes past September maybe. Great job on CF plus core! Good for you for struggling through it. I go back and forth on whether to use the Versa Gripps. Part of me says do it and another part says no you need to build forearm strength.

Have a great day!
Pam Don't worry about being MIA a fundraiser would take a lot of time to organize. Great job on your two bike rides Body Max step and power circuits and today's Crossfire and core. Sounds like you are really getting some changes in temperature from cold to hot.

Julie Good work on yoga and your Revamp workouts. Nice that you can stay with your mom for a couple of days while she recovers.

So Saturday I was really tired so no workout. Sunday I did AOLIH and then went out to my mom's to help pack up some things. She has decided on the movers she wants so things are starting to fall into place. This morning I did FS Boxing Bootcamp and Legs and Glutes. In the afternoon I had a dentist appointment for a cleaning. Unfortunately I have a couple of cavities that need to be looked after. After dinner our friend put on our snow tires for us. It was so cold out but at least it is done now.

Have a great day.

Julie Great job on yoga, and your revamp workouts. 4 total body workouts a week sounds like a lot! How is your mom doing? Hopefully she is not in so much pain anymore. It's nice that you are able to stay with her to help her. Wow, 20 tornadoes, that is scary.

Cheryl Great job on AOLIH and FS BBC+LG. Oh yuck, I hate having to have cavities looked after. That is something that I always dread. That is great that things are starting to fall into place for your moms move. I know it must feel like a whirlwind with everything happening so fast.

This morning was RWH Hiit circuit lower body. I didn't have much energy but I managed to struggle through it. I did have to make some modifications at the end of the round where you are jumping over the bench because Foxxy decided that my step was a lot of fun to play with :D. I also forgot the best news yesterday! Wendy, my little blind kitten got adopted on Friday. I really loved the girl who adopted her and she has a 4 year old blind cat too. She sent me a video of her playing on Sunday and said that she has been really snuggly, so that made me really happy. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on RWH Hiit circuit lower body. That one is hard even with energy, so that is great that you made it through. Too funny about Foxxy. Tango sometimes lays down in the middle of the room so I always have to step over him. That is great about Wendy being adopted. She will be great company for her other blind cat.

This morning I went to Twist. I really wanted to stay in bed today because it was stinkin' cold outside. A couple of people were late because they didn't give themselves enough time to scrape the car windows. After that I went and got groceries and then when I got home I went over to our friends house because they had a dog trainer come in for Zoey. Since I look after her sometimes it was good for me to sit in on it too. After I finished there I then went over to our neighbours and walked their dog for them.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on Twist, especially getting out in the cold to do it. I know how tempting it is to stay under the covers when it's cold. You are so nice to always be helping your friends with their dogs.

Yesterday I started looking for a new SUV. Car shopping is one of my most dreaded things to do, but it wasn't too bad. I only went one place and drove 2 cars though. We really don't know what we want, so that is making it a lot harder. My DH had to leave at 6:00 this morning for the airport, so I took him and then came home and did cardio Slam and bonus abs. Now I'm trying to decide if I feel like doing any more car shopping today :rolleyes:. Have a great day!

Pam I dread car shopping too. That would make it harder if you didn't know what you want. My mom has a Toyota Rav 4 and our friends have a Subaru Forester. They all love their cars. Great job on Cardio Slam and bonus abs.

This morning I did Yoga Relax. Then I went to the SPCA for my shift. After that I went to the mall as I needed to get a couple of things and then went and got my hair cut. When I got home I took Zoey out for a walk. You never notice how much garbage is on the sidewalks until you have a dog. She was finding everything and it is getting harder to open her mouth to pull it out.

Have a great day.


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