Strength in Numbers

Cheryl That must be really tough on your mom having your dad in hospice. It's nice that she is close though to be able to get over there every day. It is so mentally draining though. Great job on Supercuts. I'm glad you were able to get a little bit better visit with your dad at least. Hugs to you, it's certainly a tough time. Great job on dragon boating and TC.

Julie Great job on FTAB. I get mad when I have to pause my dvd . I have to do it a lot when I'm adjusting my barbell. Oh no! I hate breaking bands and loops too. That would have been a frustrating workout for me!If you figure out what sifted for you with yoga please share your secret!

I found the new kitty when I started vacuuming the bonus room yesterday, He didn't come out, but it scared him so he started crying from under the chair. I was able to get him out to sit on my lap for awhile at least. This morning I did tabatacise and then went to the crochet group. Foxxy has been throwing up since Monday so now she has to go to the vet tomorrow. Captain Hooks surgery went well, but they said that he has to stay another night, so I will take her and drop her off in the morning so they can monitor her all day, and then hopefully pick them both up tomorrow afternoon. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on FT Advanced Boot Camp. It isn't an intense workout but I like how it works the muscles differently. Bummer that you broke your firewalker loop.

Pam I think it is easier on my mom having my dad in hospice because she doesn't have to look after him now. It was taking a toll on her to get him out of bed and dressed and fed and then trying to get him to doctor's appointments and things like that. Glad that you found the new kitty. Great job on Tabatacise. I hope Foxxy is doing OK and it is nothing serious. Glad that Captain Hooks surgery went well.

It is stinking hot here again so I didn't get a good nights sleep. I did do ICE LIS #1 and core #2. At the SPCA I looked after the 2 kittens that we had. They were really friendly and I had both of them in my lap purring away for a while. This is a volunteering job that I really like :).

Have a great day.

This morning I did another yoga from Blissology. This was more of a restorative yoga because the poses were held for longer and it really stretch out the hamstrings. I may have over stretched my right calf muscle. It is funny (or maybe sad) how inflexible I am. I several moves, he was said to rest your head on the floor and I had to control my laughter at the fact that my head was at least a foot from reaching the floor. I don’t think I will ever be near as flexible as true yogis but maybe I can make incremental changes for myself.

Pam Oh too sad and cute he was crying when you were vacuuming. Great job on Tabatacise! Poor Foxxy but glad to hear Captain Hooks surgery went well. I will definitely share what shifted for me to do more yoga if I figure it out for sure. Right now the only thing I can think of is that I was hoping it would help me do better in my powerlifting rotation. Not sure it did that though.

Cheryl Great job on ICE LIS 1 and icy core 2 especially with it being so hot and getting a bad night’s sleep! I sometimes wonder if there is a job where I could get paid what I get paid now with all my benefits but all I do is cuddle dogs.

Have a great day!
This morning I did ICE CLB plus the Blizzard Blast. Yep I am out of endurance shape for sure. I should probably stick with doing Cathe for a few more weeks but I fear losing some of my strength gains especially in my back. Plus not hanging from my pullup bar for so long is going to feel like starting over with the calluses on my hands. I’ll have to use the weekend to figure out what I want to do starting Monday.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Sorry to hear that you are getting miserable hot weather again. It is hot here again too, but I like it that way and of course I crank the AC down at night to sleep. I hope things cool off for you soon, great job on ICE LIS 1 and core 2. There is nothing like purring kittens in your lap, is there? There are so many days that I don't end up getting much done because I don't want to disturb the kittens in my lap :rolleyes:

Julie Great job on yoga. That's so funny that you were laughing about your head being so far from the ground. I was picturing it in my head when I was reading that. I hope that your calf muscle is ok. Great job ICE CLB and BB. It is so hard to get the right mix of the exercises that you really enjoy and what you should be doing for overall balance isn't it? I know I have lost a lot of strength since I have been bike riding more, because I don't want to do only weights on the days that I'm not riding.

This morning I did Body max 1 step and power circuits and the abs from Lean Legs and abs. Foxxy starting feeling better on Wednesday night and was back to normal by Thursday morning, so I didn't end up taking her to the vet. The woman from the rescue recommended I try deworming her and that may be what did the trick. I also go Hook home yesterday. They gave me this giant plastic cone that is too big for his head that they wanted him to wear for 2 weeks. It had to be taped on him because the smallest setting was too big and would have to be removed for him to eat or drink :confused:. I went to Petsmart to look for other options but the inflatable ones that go around the neck didn't look like they would keep him from getting to his eyes. I ended up calling another foster who had a kitten that went through this a few weeks ago and she had made a small more flexible cone for hers, so she let me borrow that. He still doesn't like it, but it's a lot better than the big plastic thing. This morning he was even playing and wrestling with it on. I'm a little worried because we are going out of town for the weekend, but I think he should be fine. The girl who watches them for me is really responsible too so hopefully there will be no issues. Have a great day and weekend if I don't get a chance to post!

Julie Good job on yoga. Yep I laugh too when I am told to put your head on the ground. I haven't been able to to that yet and I doubt that I ever will. I hope your calf muscle is doing better. Wouldn't that be nice to be able to do a job and get a good wage and benefits to cuddle dogs. Great work on ICE CLB and the BB. It doesn't take long to lose either your endurance or your strength. I hope you figure out what you want to do for your next rotation.

Pam So nice that you have AC. I really wish that we did. I really enjoyed having the kittens on my lap, I could have stayed there all day. Good work on Body Max 1 step and power circuits and the abs from Lean Legs and Abs. Glad that Foxxy is feeling better now. Oh no the cone of shame. Poor Hook I hope the smaller cone works for him.

So Thursday morning I went to Twist and had a really good workout. In the afternoon we were on our way to DH's doctors appointment when my brother called to tell us our dad had just passed away. As soon as DH's appointment was done we went over to mom's place. She was doing OK, and said that my dad had just stopped breathing so it was very peaceful. Friday we went to my mom's to help her with making arrangements for my dad's celebration of life and to help her fill out an online form for the crematorium. I didn't workout Friday or today. I was exhausted today with everything that has been going on and from the heat. At least it was a lot cooler out today which was a relief.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

I didn’t get any workouts in over the weekend. Saturday we had to get up early and get our chores done because we had a lot of errands to run. Got home later in the afternoon than we wanted but early enough to cook out. Sunday was my lazy day but I still had some leftover chores to get done. This morning I started another heavy lifting rotation I bought a few years ago called Unapologetically Powerful. I am going to modify it a bit and maybe not go as low in reps as it does towards the end. I think my sweet spot is in the 6-10 rep range.

Pam Great job on BM step and power circuits plus LLA abs! So glad Foxxy started feeling better. Poor Hook. I feel so bad when they have to wear cones. That was really nice of the other foster to loan you the one she made. Hope you had a great weekend and didn’t worry about the kitties too much while you were gone.

Cheryl Great job on your Twist workout! I am so sorry about your dad. Even with knowing it was coming and it sounding as if it was peaceful, it is still sad. I will be keeping your family in my thoughts as you go through this. Take care of yourself and your family! {{{HUGS}}}

Have a great day!
This morning I did X42 which was Hi/Lo and Fat Burning Circuit. Did I pause occasionally, did I use lighter weights, did I do less reps or stop early sometimes, am I still proud of myself? Yes to all! Especially since I am pretty sore from Monday’s heavy weights.

Have a great day!
Julie Even though you didn't workout this weekend it sounds like you were busy getting things done. Thanks Julie, yes he is in a better place now. Good job on Unapologetically Powerful and modifying to what works for you. Great work on X42, getting through that one is something to be proud of.

Sunday morning I didn't workout and went to the Farmers Market instead. I did go for a walk in the afternoon though. Monday morning I was feeling tired so I did MMA Kickboxing, that one is easy for me. In the evening I went dragon boating. We have a lot of smoke that is hanging around from all the forest fires that are burning so it felt very eerie on the water. You couldn't see the mountains at all and the sun was a bright red. It almost feels like being in a thick fog. This morning I went to Twist Conditioning, I was dripping with sweat by the end. We had a cardio blast on the spin bikes at the end where we did 40 seconds of hill climbs with the 20 second rest and repeated that 6 times and then we did 40 seconds of sprints with a 20 second rest. My quads were talking to me after that one.

Have a great day.

This morning I did yoga. I was feeling so sore from the last two workouts that I really needed it and now I feel much better!

Cheryl Great job on your walk and MMA Kickbox! I love that one for when I don’t have energy. It does feel like the easiest of Cathe’s kickboxing. That does sound like an eery thing to be in. Hopefully it doesn’t affect your lungs having all that smoke around. Great job on TC! The ending spin bike session sounds intense!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on TC. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. At least he is no longer in pain, I hope your mom is doing ok. HUGS to the whole family, it is such a difficult thing to go through. I'm sure your mom is thankful that you are there and for all of your help.

Julie Great job on your Unapologetically Powerful workout. I just love the names that they come up with! I have been feeling so bad for Hook wearing the cone too, but he is doing pretty well with it. He did get out of it a couple off times. and I take it off when I am in with them. The one that the vet gave me would have been terrible, I'm so happy to have the smaller lighter one. Luckily the kitties all did fine over the weekend.
Great jo on X4, you should be proud of yourself. That is a tough workout no matter what!

Cheryl Great job on your walk on Sunday and on MMA kickboxing and dragon boating. The fires are so terrible, I imagine it was a big eerie with all of the smoke and the bright red sun. Great job on TC. Those blasts sound killer!

Julie Great job on yoga. That was a nice day to follow up the last two workouts.

I didn't realize that I hadn't posted since we got home! My friend Sue and I spent our time hiking while the guys were playing golf on the weekend. We were at Chimney Rock and we did 6 miles on Saturday and 7 miles on Sunday. There are something like 700 stairs up to Chimney Rock, and we hiked all of the other trails in the park too. After the hikes we met the guys for lunch and then didn't do much else. The kitties all did great while we were gone so I was relieved about that. Hook did get his cone off, but she put it back on and then it stayed on after that. Yesterday morning my GF and I went for a 21 mile bike ride, and this morning I did XTrain Chest, back, and shoulders plus core 21. Foxxy is in getting her spray today so she will be up for adoption by tomorrow. I have to check with my neighbor first to make sure they don't want her, her son has been over almost every day to see her. Have a great day!

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Julie Good job on yoga. It does feel good to stretch out when you are sore.

Pam Thanks Pam, my mom is doing OK. We are trying to help her out as much as we can and her brother and wife have been down for the past several days staying with her. Good job on both of your hikes. Wow that is a lot of stairs to do. Good work on your 21 mile bike ride and XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulders and core. That is great that the kittens did well while you were gone. I think it helps to have a great cat sitter. That would be great if your neighbour adopted Foxxy then you could still visit with her.

So stupid me had a beer yesterday so with the gluten in it I could hardly get out of bed so no workout today. Though I did go to the SPCA and that did give me some energy. I looked after 5 cats today and that kept me busy for most of the shift. I also had to weigh them which is much easier than trying to weight the rabbits. I did hang out with the kittens for a while at the end of my shift. One of them fell asleep while I was holding her.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Unapologetically Powerful Bench Press day. Today is my Friday at work since I am taking tomorrow off. I have a huge list of stuff I want to get done this weekend plus I want to have some time to relax with the dogs too.

Pam Wow those are some awesome hikes you did! So glad the kitties did well while you were gone. I know you were worried about that. Great job on your 21 mile bike ride and XTrain CBS plus core 2! Oh I hope your neighbor wants her. He seems to really like her to come over almost every day.

Cheryl I’m sorry you couldn’t get a workout in because of the gluten. I wouldn’t even have thought about it but I guess most beers do have gluten in them because most are made from wheat but surely there has to be some out there that are gluten free, maybe? Hopefully being with all those kittens helped get your spirits and energy up.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Oh boy, that is terrible that a beer will do that to you. I'm glad that the SPCA helped with your energy level. There is nothing like a sleeping cat in your lap, is there? I end up sitting way longer than I mean to all of the time for that very reason! :D

Julie Great job on UP bench press. I hope you get your list completed quickly so that you get lots of time to relax with the dogs this weekend.

This morning my friend and I did a 29 mile bike ride. We ride on this path all the time, but we were both surprised that we had ridden that many miles. :rolleyes: We start at different places though, so we were just confused I guess. The vet called yesterday and said that they couldn't do Foxxys surgery because her temperature was 104.4! They gave her some fluids and a med to lower her temp, but she is feeling really bad today :(. Hopefully it is just viral and will go away on its own, there are too many really bad things that it could be so I'm pretty worried about her. I'm going to go get a thermometer so I can check her temperature. I'm sure that will be lots of fun :rolleyes:. Little Captain Hook is doing great though, running around and playful and happy. You can tell he's still cautious about figuring out where things are, but he's pretty amazing! Have a great day!

Good morning. This morning I did Hiit 40/20 and the abs from LIC. Now I'm headed back to the vet with Foxxy. If I'm taking her temperature properly it is back to normal, but she vomited early this morning and is still pretty lethargic so they want to take a look at her before the weekend. William is getting returned to me today too :(. She said that he has been peeing all over the house, I'm hoping that doesn't happen when she brings him back. He never had any issues when I had him, so it may be a stressful environment for him. Fingers crossed. Have a great weekend!

Julie Great job on UP Bench Press. Enjoy your Friday off and having time to relax with the dogs. Yes there are gluten free beers but not where I was at. I really have to learn that no matter how much I would enjoy a beer (unless gluten free) I can't unless I want to feel crappy the next day.

Pam I bet you sit way longer with a cat(s) in your lap. It is so nice and relaxing. Great work on your 29 mile bike ride. That is a long way. I hope Foxxy is doing better and there is nothing serious wrong with her. I saw your video of Captain Hook on FB, it is amazing how fast they can adapt. Good job on Hiit 40/20 and the abs from LIC. If William is being returned because he is peeing all over the place and it didn't happen before it could be from stress. Hopefully he will get back to using his litter box when he is back with you.

So yesterday morning I went to Twist and had a great workout. After that I got the laundry and housework done and then in the afternoon I went dragon boating. In the evening I went dragon boating and the smoke wasn't too bad out. At least you could see the mountains though it was hazy. This morning I did Flex Train and then had a lazy rest of the day.

Have a great weekend.

Friday I did a Peloton ride. It was really fun and had great songs to sing along to breathily. It ended up being about a 21.5 mile ride and this time my heart rate monitor showed a much more accurate burn. Then I did a bunch of cleaning and chores around the house. Saturday I did UP Deadlift day and then quite honestly I was pretty lazy except for a few chores that needed to be done. DH and I did go to my mom’s for a family dinner. We got home really late. Sunday was my lazy rest day. This morning I did UP Squat day.

Pam Great job on your 29 mile bike ride. Oh so sad about poor Foxxy but great news on Hook. Great job on 40/20 and LIC abs! Did the adopter for William have other cats that he was spraying or something? Definitely could be stress from being somewhere new. So sad though when people don’t try to work through those issues and just give up because the animal is not being easy for them. Just makes me mad because the animal doesn’t understand what is going on. Sorry didn’t mean to get on a soap box!

Cheryl Great job on your Twist workout and laundry and housework! Plus dragon boating twice on top of that. Glad it wasn’t that smokey out and you could enjoy the view in looking at the mountains. Great job on Flex Train!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your Peloton ride. 21.5 miles is a great distance. Good work on UP Deadlift and Squat day and all your chores and cleaning.

Saturday morning I did PRS #2 and Sunday was yoga. Sunday afternoon we went to the local car free day. It was fun and I saw an old colleague of mine who left to join the police force. She is now with the transit police and she was doing outreach. It was weird to see her in uniform with a bullet proof vest, and armed with a gun and taser. A long way from sitting at a desk when I worked with her. This morning I did Cardio Supersets. It is so smokey out today you can smell and almost taste the smoke :(. You can't see the mountains and my throat is starting to feel it. There is dragon boating tonight unless the cancel it but I doubt they will since we have a regatta this Saturday.

Have a great day.

We had a little bit of a late night last night because we were switching cables and the guy was there later than I would have liked. I was so tired this morning and really wanted to sleep in but I got up and did X10: X41 Low Impact and Fat Burning Circuit.

Cheryl Great job on PRS2 and yoga! That would be weird to go from a desk job to a pretty active and dangerous job. Good for her though as she must have been passionate about joining the force. Great job on CSS! Yuck! I’m so sorry you can almost taste the smoke too. I hope it clears up soon and especially in time for the regatta.

Have a great day!
I wrote this post yesterday but never hit the button to post it!

Cheryl I'm hoping it was just stress with William too. Our neighbor is a builder and he did some work on the house where he was adopted and he said that they used to scream at each other all the time while he was there. I'm thinking that would be pretty stressful for a cat! Great job on TC, your house work and dragon boating. I'm glad that the smoke was a little better. Great job on FT too.

Julie Great job on your peloton ride. I love your description of singing along breathily! And I'm glad that your heart rate monitor was more accurate this time. Great job on your housework, UP deadlift day and UP Squat day. The adopter has another cat but the two cats were getting along really well. As I was saying to Cheryl, apparently she and her husband do a lot of yelling, so I'm thinking that may have been causing him stress. He's been here since Friday and no incidents so far. There is a lot of stress with the other cats here now though, so that has me a little worried!. I agree though about people not making the effort, she claimed to have tried all kinds of things, but no mention of what those things were. We had issues with one of my Himalayans sometimes, but there was no way I was getting rid of him.

Saturday was Xtrain bis and tris and then I helped at the adoption event. It was a pretty slow day, we only had three adoptions, but it was clear the shelters day so I expected it to be slow for us. Sunday was my rest day and I helped at the adoption event again. It was even slower than Saturday. We did end up with 1 adoption, and of course those people showed up 5 minutes before it was supposed to be over so we ended up being there about an hour longer. I was glad that I didn't bring any of mine with me this weekend. Foxxy seems to be fine now. She is eating really well, she hasn't had a fever since last Wednesday, and no more vomiting. She is playing now too. This morning I did XTrain Cardio leg blast plus core 2.

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