Janie Great job on 4DS Kickbox. That one and KPC are my favorite Kickbox workouts I think. I had never heard of an April Fools day wedding either, but that was the only day that they could get the venue that they wanted. I'm excited because I love Charleston so it's a great excuse for a long weekend there.
Cheryl Yep, our weather is still all over the place though. In the 80s last week all week, then only mid 40's for the first day of spring.

Great job on disc 21 and your gardening. It sounds like fun being outside and doing some yard work and catching up with everyone/ Great job on 40/20, med ball abs and dragon boating. How exciting to be able to get out on the water again! I love Orange is the new Black too. I have been done with season 3 for awhile, can't wait for season 4!
Janie Great job on BM. That is a long and tough one, but one of my all time favorites!
Cheryl Happy Spring to you too!! How exciting that it is already here! Good for you getting out to enjoy it despite the weather! Great job on YR too!.
Julie Sorry that your 4 day weekend went by so fast! Great job on Total Body Reps, CrossFire Express, CycleFit, All About Legs, and Strong Upper Body w/Core! CrossFire express sounds intriguing to me! That is the second time that you haven't minded core work, maybe you are becoming a convert????!
The weekend went by fast for me too! It was fun but stressful. It was great seeing my cousin and his fiance, and my nephew and his fiance who I just love. My brother totally stresses me out though! He never brings anything and never helps with anything and just expects to be waited on all the time. Doug got home Saturday afternoon, and we went to my friends for dinner, but about 10 minutes after we got there he had to leave because he didn't feel well. I had to stay since it was for my birthday, and the neighbors that were there said they would bring me home. I was ready to go home by 11:00, but they stayed until almost 1:00! The host had even fallen asleep in his chair! They would have stayed longer but I finally got up and said I had to go and that I would walk if I needed to. I was so tried and I was worried about my DH. He was so sick, he thinks he got food poisoning from the airplane food. ICK. Then when I finally got home I could not get to sleep. I don't think I slept an hour. So it was really nice to have a spa day yesterday. I had the most incredible foot massage and I even think I dosed off for a few minutes during it. We ending up going to bed at 8:00 last night and I still had a hard time getting up this morning!

I didn't do any workouts Saturday or Sunday, but this morning was disc 7 chest, shoulders, and biceps. I think I am done with all of the crazy push up discs now. Thankfully! Have a great day ladies! Pam