Cheryl Great job on disc 15 back and biceps. I hope your biceps were doing ok the next day. I always struggle with the biceps curls.
Janie You have your priorities straight spending much needed time with your daughter, I hope things are ok with her. Thanks for your kind words and thoughts. You are too sweet! Our little group means a lot to me too!
Julie Great job on Live Total Body weights and the core work despite not liking it! Oh no, I hope things are ok with Maggie, these little guys sure can tear you up, can't they! Great job on Hard Strikes Low Impact too. Yep, the hardest part about having a pet is losing them. It always makes me question if I want to put myself through it again, but I can't imagine not having them at all.
Friday night was a long, tough night. We found some information about something called vestibular disease that sounded a lot like what we were seeing with Butters confusion and staggering when he walked. It said that treating them for motion sickness can help, so we got really hopeful about that. I called the vet and they said we could bring him in for an injection, but as we were putting him in the crate he had a seizure. After the seizure he was resting pretty peacefully for the first time all day. I called the vet back and we all decided it didn't make sense to bring him in because it was highly unlikely that it was vestibular disease. We spent the rest of the night just taking turns holding him. He had a few more seizures during the night, and then Saturday morning he started showing signs of being in a great deal of pain. At that point he could no longer use his back legs at all and could barely move his front ones, so we took him in and had him euthanized. I thought I was getting better, but I can't write this without crying

. Of course I can't stop wondering if I waited too long to take him to the vet, but I know I can't be doing that. So needless to say, there was no workout for me Saturday morning. On Sunday morning I got back into it and finished my second month of STS with disc 36 back, shoulders, and biceps. I am sooooo weak on biceps, they always kill me! This morning was CCC and now my active recovery week starts. I'm hoping for a much better week this week!! Have a great day!