Cheryl Great job on Hiit DWP and NE abs! Also on your housework and long walk. It is SO awesome to get spring like weahter in February and I am happy that you are taking advantage of it! How do your cats like the leash! I used to have a cat that I would take out on a leash because he just drove me crazy wanting to be outside. Now we have a screened porch and that seems to work for them getting the feeling of being outside.
Julie Great job on RWH LIHI legs and getting your second wind. That is funny that you were having to fast forward at the end! Your legs must be feeling a lot better for you to get through that one!
This morning for me was disc 2 Back and triceps. How did I forget about all of the chin ups and pull ups in this series? I must have blocked that out because it was too painful to remember! I'm not even doing any real ones and they kill me! I had forgotten how chatty Cathe can be in some of these STS workouts too. I get mad at her when the rest timer has clicked down to zero and she is still chatting away and hasn't even starting getting set up for the next exercise! Happy Friday!
Julie Great job on RWH LIHI legs and getting your second wind. That is funny that you were having to fast forward at the end! Your legs must be feeling a lot better for you to get through that one!
This morning for me was disc 2 Back and triceps. How did I forget about all of the chin ups and pull ups in this series? I must have blocked that out because it was too painful to remember! I'm not even doing any real ones and they kill me! I had forgotten how chatty Cathe can be in some of these STS workouts too. I get mad at her when the rest timer has clicked down to zero and she is still chatting away and hasn't even starting getting set up for the next exercise! Happy Friday!