Strength in Numbers

I now know how to paste larger photos. LOL My hair is short looking in this photo because it is all bunched up. It's actually down a little past my waist.


This was taken of Joey and Me at my Brothers and sister in laws 45th wedding anniversary yesterday. We had so much fun. Age has caught up to us.

Will post later on my workout today.

Update: Did MM and cleaned our Sun Room. We are in Shelton for a little while. Went to a Wedding Anniversary party.

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Saturday I did Get Glutes and then visited my parents for a while. I gave their dog a bath which she hates. Then DH and I got an oil change for my car (exciting I know). Sunday was Get Glutes and then lazy day. Early this morning around 2:30 we got really bad storms and our power went out. It is still not on. Needless to say I did not get much sleep after 2:30. I need my fan for the white noise. Looking forward to going to bed early tonight.

Pam Great job on disc 12 and finishing up Meso 1! I don’t know how long this is going to last but probably through the summer. We are working on a few big projects right now and they are taking up a lot of my time with meetings which means less time to get actual work done. So looking forward to this short week and the long weekend coming up. Work has been so draining, I think I need to take a week off working out and/or start lessening the intensity of my workouts.

Janie Great job on MM! Love the picture of you and Joey! You too look so adorable together. Like you were made for each other. I love your hair too. It looks really pretty with the soft curls. Is your hair naturally wavy like that? Wow 45 years is amazing! Congrats to your brother and sister-in-law on their anniversary.

Have a great day!
Janie Great job on MM. I am looking forward to getting my band for pull ups. Maybe it will motivate me to do them more often..... Oh that will be sad when you have to send Taco home. It's so easy to get attached to the little buggers, isn't it?!

Julie Great job on your GG workouts over the weekend. That is so nice of you to go and do the dirty work for your parents! Oh boy, that must have been a bad storm. I hope the power doesn't stay out too long! It sounds like it would be good for you to take a week off from your workouts or lesson the intensity some. You have been going hard for quite awhile now.
Have a great day![/QUOTE]

Janie Wow, I guess you do know how to paste larger photos now :D That is a really great picture of you two, you both look amazing! I really love your hair! Great job on MM and CM! Glad you had a great time at the anniversary party!

Saturday morning was supposed to be Circuit Max cardio only according to my calendar, but that is only 23 minutes. So I did it twice, but that still only made it 36, so I also did the firewalker and plyo tabatas from Crossfire (or maybe it's To the max?) Anyway, that was still only about 45 minutes total, but I felt pretty worked out after that. Then I ran errands, we went and skiied and went to a birthday party for our neighbor that night. Yesterday was my rest day and I spent most of the day getting ready for a little dinner party that we were having. We had a nice time, but don't typically like to do that on a work night so I'm tired today. I'm looking forward to just relaxing at home tonight. This morning I had nothing on my calendar since it's my active recovery week, so of course it took me way too long to decide what to do. I ended up doing Step Works. I like that one a lot, but I wish she didn't repeat the second combo so many time! I need to figure out tomorrow's workout tonight so that I don't sit there staring at the dvds forever again! Happy Monday - virtual Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday! I planned ahead to do the wedding video this morning, and then I forgot that I had planned on that and ended up doing Mindy's extreme intervals. I have the wedding video sitting right on top to do tomorrow morning. I so so so did not want to get out of bed and workout this morning, but I talked myself into it. I hope everyone has a great day!

Janie I hope you had a great day with your grandson!!

I did remember to do the wedding video this morning- just the step portion since it's active recovery week. I think it's kind've funny that it isn't even in the workout manager....thinking I'll do one of the Imax's tomorrow to up the intensity a bit. Happy Wednesday!

Finished with baby sitting with my grandson. Tomorrow I give back Taco. Then today is Joey's birthday and the 4th will celebrate with the kids. Today was MM.

Pam, Great job on the step part of the wedding video. It might not be in the workout manager because she was married at the time. Maybe bad memories. Who knows.

Take care,

Janie Oh,, I know you will be sad to see Taco go today. Happy Birthday to Joey! Did you do something fun to celebrate? Great job on MM. I was kind've laughing that the wedding video isn't even in the WM. I was telling my DH - she doesn't sell it anymore and you can't even take credit for doing it. It's like it never existed! I do like the little clips from her wedding in there, but I can certainly understand her not wanting to see them.

This morning I did Imax2. I hadn't done it in awhile and decided I needed something a little more intense than I have been doing the last few days. It was fun, Jeannie hops and all ;):p I realized this morning that I haven't done any ab work all week, but then I figured it's already Thursday, so why start now?! I don't know if you are supposed to do abs during active recovery or not, but in this case it's going to be not! Happy virtual Friday!

Today was Latino dancing for my cardio.
Happy 4th tomorrow if I don't get on. Hope you all have a good time celebrating it.

Pam, It's kinda quite without Taco here. Hmmmmm. I do miss him... I will tell Joey you said Happy Birthday. He will like that. He wanted to stay home and eat chocolate cookies from Costco. And he got a headache from it. We also sat down and watch movies and had a meal of Ceaser salad and turkey rolls. Just what he wanted. My daughter in law bought me a money card of $40.00 for babysitting my grandson and I gave it to Joey. I think he really like it.

Great job on Imax2 this morning. I think just cardio without any muscle toning, so good for you not doing the ab work. LOL Is there a virtual Friday?

Take care,

Hi everyone, sorry I have been MIA for so long. It seemed as soon as the weather got nice I wasn't sitting at the computer anymore. Weeks have gone by without getting on the computer and it seemed a bit overwhelming to catch up on here. I am trying out this tapatalk app for my iPad. I quickly scanned all of you posts and you are all doing so well. I have been doing fine but still struggling with my workouts, not that that is anything new. I hope you are all enjoying your long weekend. I wish I was able to post at work but I can't so I will try to do it through this app but I am not sure how easy it is to reply to individual posts like you can using a computer.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Yesterday, Rolly and I walked on the beach for an hour one time and then another hour later in the day. I needed it with all the strange and wonderful food I ate on the 4th. My lambs!

Cheryl, I MISSED YOU! Your not the only one struggling with workouts. I am too. Let's keep us going together. That's why we have this group. Not only because we report our successful workouts, but also to try and get inspiration from one another to continue with them. It's hard sometimes. We are here for each other. SSoooooooooooo glad you are back.

Take care dear friend,

Today was another two hours walking on the beach with Rolly. Now to visit a friend and do some serious cleanmax.

Oh boy it has been a long time since I last posted. I finished up month 9 of Get Glutes on Friday morning and then decided to take a week off from working out. Friday, DH and I visited my parents and family for the 4th but we didn’t see any fireworks. Saturday we spent about 5 hours cleaning like crazy. We shampooed the carpets, washed the curtains, and bathed the dogs. Feels so much better in the house. After that, we went out to visit DH’s brother and watch the fireworks in his town. Got home so late, way past my bedtime by the time we went to bed at midnight. Sunday was a lazy day. Looking forward to my week off and hoping it helps get my motivation back. It was kind of waning towards the end of last week.

Pam Hope you enjoyed your hiking trip.

Janie You are doing so good keeping up with your walks. Does Rolly miss Taco as much as you?

Cheryl So glad to see you are back even if you only check in occasionally. It is nice to hear from you. I totally understand not wanting to get on the computer at home. Being on one all day makes me not want to get on one at night or the weekends.

Have a great day!
Janie Great job on your latino dancing on Thursday. What a fun and creative way to get your workout in!! Aw, I love Joey's birthday choices, but I'm sorry to hear that he got a headache from the cookies :(
Thanks so much for the 4th of July wishes, Happy Belated 4th to you!

Cheryl So good to hear from you, we have missed you!!! I am going to have to try out that tapatalk app on the iPad. I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling with your workouts, just hang in there and do what you can. Don't worry about replying to individual posts either, it's just good to hear from you!

Janie Great job on your long walks on the beach, so nice! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed all of that strange and wonderful food on the 4th!!! :D

Julie Great job finishing month 9 of GG. I hope that your week off helps with your motivation levels. Wow, it must have felt great getting all of that housecleaning done. I was looking around last night thinking about a lot of that type of cleaning that I really need to do. I'm not sure when that is going to get done though.... :confused:

Friday morning I did Rhythmic Step and then we packed up and headed to Blacksburg. We got there at lunch time and went to a little restaurant downtown. It is right on Main Street and we were sitting at an outside table. Pretty soon people starting lining the streets and we realized that there was about to be a parade. So we ended up with front row seats for the 4th of July parade :D After that we went tubing on the New River which was really fun. Then we had dinner and watched fireworks. On Saturday we did an 8mile hike - 4 miles up the mountain to a really beautiful view and 4 miles down. The rest of the family went and sat at the edge of the rocks with their feet hanging over the edge - yikes! I am way too afraid of heights for that, I can't get close to the edge. After hiking we went to the Wildlife rehabilitation center where Ashley is working. They work mostly with birds and they had several nests of baby birds in little cages. They also had 2 really cool owls, a baby possum, a flying squirrel and a little hummingbird. That was really cool! After dinner that night she took us to the barns at school to see the cows and sheep and then we went and snuck into the football stadium :eek: It was pretty eerie being the only people in the stadium at night. Apparently this is a common thing that the VT students do. This morning was 30/30 and medicine ball abs. I was happy to have a short workout on the calendar because I did not want to get up. It was such a fun weekend and it went by SO FAST! Happy Monday everyone....!

Good morning ladies, I hope everyone had a good Monday. I was soooo tired last night, I guess the weekend caught up to me. Luckily I had a great sleep. This morning was the first disc of meso 2 - disc 13. It was so nice to not have all of those pushups to worry about! Happy Tuesday everyone!

Janie We can struggle together with our workouts, it is nice to know I am not alone with that :D. Way to go with all of your walks on the beach and clean max.

Julie I think I got you beat with not posting for a long time LOL :p. Good work on your Get Glutes workout. Sometimes a break from the workouts is just what we need. Good job on clean max too. It is hard to get on the computer when I get home sometimes especially when it is nice outside. There would be weeks that would go by before I sat in front of the computer.

Pam Good job on Rhythmic Step. So cool that you got a front row seat for the parade. Sounds like you had a great time for your long weekend. That would have been fun to sneak into the football stadium. Good job on 30/30 and med ball abs. Good work on STS disc 13 too.

I missed you guys too. I kept meaning to post but I never seemed to be able to get time and before you know it a couple of months had passed :confused:. I tried to post yesterday but a couple of our neighbours came over to visit so I didn't get a chance. It has been so hot here that I haven't worked out yesterday or today. I am hoping to get some yoga done tomorrow, I guess it will all depend on how well I sleep tonight.

Have a great day everyone.

Cheryl It's amazing how quickly time can go by, isn't it?! I'm glad you are enjoying time with your neighbors though! It has been hot here too. Yesterday I got in the car to go home and was going to put the top down until I looked at the temperature. It was 100, I decided that was a bit too toasty for 'topless' driving! :rolleyes:

Last night DH was tossing and turning and kept me awake so I was worrying because I knew that CCC was on the calendar for this morning. It surprisingly was not too bad though. I think I'm going to have to start subbing something for the last core exercise where you roll back and then forward into a pushup. It just kills my knees. I stopped short but then was feeling guilty so I added them in after a little rest :confused: I am supposed to do NE abs today too, but will do it after I get home. I might leave it until Friday though....I was surprised to see CCC and NE abs on the same day, but then when I looked at the details I saw that I was supposed to do the cardio only premix of CCC. So thinking I got my core work in and I can add NE abs on Friday with Step Moves. So complicated! :p I hope everyone has a good Tuesday.

Been cleaning for UFO (un-finished objects) group last night. Didn't have time for exercises. Today will be a full day of yard work, so I will catch up. My computer needed band width, I used a lot of it. My Joey fixed that and paid for a few more days until the monthly band width is due us.

Julie, Glad to see you back! It's always nice to hear from you. Great job on finishing up mo. 9 Get Glutes on Friday. A week off is a good idea, gets your muscles a much needed break. I get a clean bug too, just wish it would visit me more. LOL We didn't see any Fire Works, we were on our way home. Too old to stay up that late and travel a couple hours. LOL. I think Rolly likes not to share me. He's a very happy camper.

Pam, Great job on Friday Rhythmic Step. What are the chances of having the best seats to watch the parade?. Awesome! Then tubing (FUN!) and a dinner with fireworks. Would loved to have seen the Wildlife rehabilitation Center and saw those fabulous babies. Lucky you being in an empty Stadium! Hope you took photos. Great job on 30/30 and medicine ball abs.

Cheryl, Sometimes we just have to make time for ourselves. Very hard to do, I know. Yoga is on my list either today or tomorrow too. Hope you get a good rest.

Pam, Great job on CCC even though hubby tossed and turned.:rolleyes: Awe I feel guilty sometimes when I skip or not do what I'm suppose to do. Even though I know I can do it. (Did that make sense?):cool: Oh KNow! You were only suppose to do the cardio only premix. LOL Sounds like something I would do. You did good!

Take care everyone,

Janie UFO sounds interesting, does everyone just bring somethingg that they are trying to finish and work on it together? A full day of yard work is about a weeks worth of exercising, so I wouldn't worry at all about missing yesterday! Do you get a certain amount of band width per month for your computer? We just pay a monthly fee and use whatever. Of course that monthly fee is ridiculously high, but that is how it goes.... :rolleyes:
Yes, we were really happy that we picked the restaurant that we did for lunch when we found out we were right on the parade route. It was kind've a cheesy little parade, but still fun. I did take some photos in the stadium, but most of them didn't really come out because it was too dark in there. I understand what you were saying about feeling guilty when you skip something. Even after realizing that I didn't really need to do NE abs since I did all of CCC, I did them last night anyway since it was on the calendar. :rolleyes: I got a little extra workout afterward hauling some tree branches and logs around too. We had 5 trees taken down in our front yard, so we have been slowing cleaning them out of there. This morning was disc 13 legs and then I went and hauled some more branches. Have a great day everyone, I can't believe it's already Thursday!


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