Janie Great job on your latino dancing on Thursday. What a fun and creative way to get your workout in!! Aw, I love Joey's birthday choices, but I'm sorry to hear that he got a headache from the cookies

Thanks so much for the 4th of July wishes, Happy Belated 4th to you!
Cheryl So good to hear from you, we have missed you!!! I am going to have to try out that tapatalk app on the iPad. I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling with your workouts, just hang in there and do what you can. Don't worry about replying to individual posts either, it's just good to hear from you!
Janie Great job on your long walks on the beach, so nice! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed all of that strange and wonderful food on the 4th!!!
Julie Great job finishing month 9 of GG. I hope that your week off helps with your motivation levels. Wow, it must have felt great getting all of that housecleaning done. I was looking around last night thinking about a lot of that type of cleaning that I really need to do. I'm not sure when that is going to get done though....
Friday morning I did Rhythmic Step and then we packed up and headed to Blacksburg. We got there at lunch time and went to a little restaurant downtown. It is right on Main Street and we were sitting at an outside table. Pretty soon people starting lining the streets and we realized that there was about to be a parade. So we ended up with front row seats for the 4th of July parade

After that we went tubing on the New River which was really fun. Then we had dinner and watched fireworks. On Saturday we did an 8mile hike - 4 miles up the mountain to a really beautiful view and 4 miles down. The rest of the family went and sat at the edge of the rocks with their feet hanging over the edge - yikes! I am way too afraid of heights for that, I can't get close to the edge. After hiking we went to the Wildlife rehabilitation center where Ashley is working. They work mostly with birds and they had several nests of baby birds in little cages. They also had 2 really cool owls, a baby possum, a flying squirrel and a little hummingbird. That was really cool! After dinner that night she took us to the barns at school to see the cows and sheep and then we went and snuck into the football stadium

It was pretty eerie being the only people in the stadium at night. Apparently this is a common thing that the VT students do. This morning was 30/30 and medicine ball abs. I was happy to have a short workout on the calendar because I did not want to get up. It was such a fun weekend and it went by SO FAST! Happy Monday everyone....!