Strength in Numbers

Janie Oh good for you for getting art work ready to sell.What fun! That is pretty cool that people honk and wave at you when you are riding the tandam. Most of my experiences with someone honking when I've been on a bike is because they don't like bikes on the road :confused: Very fun! Oh, I know you will get there with the guitar, you are so dedicated. Great job!

This morning it was disc 8 back and triceps. I like these days much better than the push up days, although the chin ups and pull ups are tough too. I see that MMA Boxing is on my calendar so I'm thinking about what I will do instead. Any suggestions? Have a great day.

I did Get Glutes last night. I stayed up a little too late last night and now I am exhausted. I am so looking forward to this weekend which is sad since it is only Wednesday. It feels like it should be Thursday.

Janie Great job on your walk and bike ride! DH talks about getting bikes. I wonder if he would be up for a tandem. Good for you for taking a day off working out to do some Art Association things. Nice to get things done off our to-do list.

Pam Great job on DWP! I agree those 1/4 turns are evil and even more so with being in there 4 times. She certainly could have substituted something the second round. Great job on disc 8! Hmmm! How about CCC! Just kidding! You could do Step Blast or Rhythmic Step. Whatever you decide make sure it is fun!

Have a great day!
Was in the middle of yard work and I simply got sick. Must have been something I ate. UGH! Been working on earrings to sell at the Gallery and also a few copies of my drawings, metal bookmarks with paper beads dangling, money rings and soap...Been busy. Here is a photo of some of the things I've been up to.

These really look much better in person. Really. Camera is too far away.

Pam, Great job on disc 8 back and triceps. Joey and I have so much fun together! LOL!

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes last night. Aw, sorry about you being exhausted for not enough sleep. Hope your week goes fast so you can enjoy the weekend. You guys should get bikes/tandem. So nice!

Take care everyone,

Julie Great job on GG, but sorry you were so exhausted. At least it's Thursday now, so the weekend is almost here. Come on weekend! i hate those days when you feel like it's later in the week than it really is. Thanks so much for your cardio suggestions...CCC, ha! I did take your Step Blast suggestion seriously and did that one. I hadn't even been thinking about if for some reason, so thanks for that! It was a lot more fun than MMA Boxing!

Janie Oh no! Sorry to hear you got sick, I sure hope you are feeling better. It could have been the heat too if it was hot out. Whatever the cause, I hope it's a short lived problem. Your earrings looks lovely and I have no doubt they are more beautiful in person. Having seen some of your work close up and personal I can say that with a lot of confidence! is there a specific date for the sale at the gallery, or will they be available there for the summer?

This morning as I said was supposed to be MMA Boxing but I nixed that right away. I took Julie's suggestion and did Step Blast, which was much more fun. I added in the core work from Step, Jump and Pump. I had done the stability ball core max on Tuesday evening and MAN, I didn't realize I had some serious DOMs from that until I started doing core this morning. Ouch! Have a great day!

Went to the beach with doggies for an hour and a half. I'm feeling much better and normal today.

Pam, Thank you for such a lovely compliment on my earrings. Your the best.;) Will start to sell them in about a week. Great job on Step Blast and enjoying it. Also the addition of core work from SJ&P. And congrats on the ab DOM's. Yea!

Take care,

Janie I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better! Great job on your beach walk with the doggies too.

Cheryl I hope you are doing ok - you have me worried!!!!

This morning for me was disc 9 legs. I can tell already that I am going to be feeling it tomorrow. I was really struggling with my grip this morning too, my forearms were screaming at me :confused: Happy Friday everyone!!

I did Get Glutes last night. So happy it is Friday. I feel like I don’t have much to talk about or contribute anymore since work has been so draining these last several weeks (maybe it has been months now). I am really not seeing it let up anytime soon either. Just trying to keep moving one foot in front of the other.

Janie That is weird that you got sick. Maybe something in the air? I am glad you were feeling better the next day and were able to get a walk in on the beach with your pups. The earrings are beautiful. I still have the bracelet you gave me and I love it.

Pam Great job on Step Blast! Glad I could live out my cardio fantasies vicariously through you! Great job on the SJP abs too especially with DOMS already. Great job on disc 9! I have horrible grip. I actually bought one of those grip trainers and try to remember to use that when I am watching TV. I am horrible at it and cannot close it completely. Maybe someday!

Have a great day!
Didn't eat so good today except everything in sight. Ugh! Joey and I went on our tricycles and rode on the beach and around the neighborhood, took about an hour. Later I took the pups on the beach and walked about an hour. My legs are already feeling DOM's. LOL I'll eat better tomorrow.:( I started my guitar drawing today.

Pam, Great job on disc 9 legs. Funny how we can tell if we are about to get DOM's.:) Struggling is good.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes last night. YOU ARE CONTRIBUTING! Are you kidding? We need you! Hopefully work will be kinder to you. If not get another job. No one should work that hard.:rolleyes: I know it can sometimes be hard, but you can ride it out. So glad you still enjoy the jewelry I made for you. Makes me feel good.

Take care of yourselves,

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Joey and I went to Pirates Day at Westport and took photos of a lot of people for my possible drawing subjects. Here is one I think looks a lot like Johny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean. He was awesome, even moved like the pirate did.

Isn't he adorable?

Today is Joey and my 23rd wedding anniversary. He's been my rock, my love, my soul mate and my best friend, my everything. He seems to ground me also when needed. LOL It's been an adventure living with him all these years and I'm a better person for it. And we are still going strong! I can't even imagine life without this marvelous human being.

Did Get Glutes Saturday and Sunday. Saturday, also did cleaning and running errands. Sunday was a pretty lazy day. I did not sleep good at all last night. One of those toss and turn kind of nights. I was also hot and cold all night. Ugh! Can’t wait to go home tonight. Thinking I will go to bed early tonight.

Janie Great job on your bike ride! You sound like me with eating everything in sight. That’s pretty much how my Sunday went. Nothing I ate was terrible (except maybe the Goldfish crackers) but I still ate way too much. Love the Jack Sparrow look-alike. I am a huge Johnny Depp fan. He is my celebrity crush! What a sweet post to your dear Joey! Made me tear up. I look at you and Joey and think that is what I want Jason and me to be when we are your ages.

Pam Hope you had a good weekend!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your GG on Thursday and making it through the work week. Of course, here we are starting a new one again already :rolleyes::confused: Believe me, you are contributing just by being here. Hang in there!!! I'm so happy to help you live out your cardio fantasies, as long as you don't spend much time fantasizing about CCC! :);)The grip trainer is a great idea!

Janie Oh I hate those eat everything in sight days. Ugh is right! Great job on your bike ride and walk and starting on your guitar drawing!! The pirate day sounds like fun, I love the Johnny Depp guy! That should make a very fun drawing!
HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and Joey!! I hope you had a great day celebrating your love!

Julie Great job on GG Saturday and Sunday and cleaning and running around Saturday. You deserved to have a lazy Sunday! Sorry you didn't sleep well last night, I was right there with you. :mad:

Friday evening we went to the lake and as soon as we got there it started to rain :confused: We couldn't get service on our phones to look at the radar, but we decided to hang out for awhile and see if it would pass. It did after about 30 minutes and then we had a nice ski so we were glad we waited. Saturday morning I did MMA Fusion. Of course I thought about Julie when i was doing the turtle spins! We went to the lake to ski on Saturday afternoon, but we got there and the boat was gone! Turned out some of the guys skied Saturday morning and the boat was having problems so one of them took it home to check it out, but he didn't tell any of the other members :mad: Hopefully it will be fixed so we can ski this coming weekend. :confused: Yesterday morning I did Core Max 3 and then spent most of the day cooking. My brother is home from Thailand for a few weeks so I had my family over for a cookout. So bad eating here too...ribs, potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob and peach cobbler. Bad but oh so good! I had a terrible sleep last night and woke up with an awful headache, but made it through disc 10 somehow. I'm happy to have that one finished, the last of the crazy push up discs! Now to make it through Monday. Have a great day!

Happy Tuesday ladies! I had a much better sleep last night thankfully. I hope you did too Julie! This morning was 40/20 and Weights and plates abs. I was a sweaty mess by the time I was finished. I was thinking this morning about how disappointed I was when the Hiit workouts came out because they were only 30 minutes. Then the first time I did 40/20 and I was so thankful that it wasn't any longer! :rolleyes: Have a great day!

Yesterday was gardening big time and a very long walk on the beach with my doggies. It was truly a back and leg day for me.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes Sat and Sun. And for cleanmax/errands. It's always a good idea to have at least once a week for a lazy day. Oh NO! So sorry for a sleepless night. Get some rest. Hugs I love Johnny Depp too. I hear his sight is very poor. Is that true? Joey and I still have some uncomfortable moments, but I think it's normal. I am so very grateful and lucky to have him in my life. He's pretty special.

Pam, So glad you waited out for better weather. Skiing sounds like sooooo much fun! Great job on Sat. MMA Fusion. Shoot, one of the guys should have told you about the boat. Great job on Core Max 3. How exciting to have your brother home for a little while. Aw, I love family cookouts. We all seem to have to have one of those days of eating. Maybe it's needed, yes? All of the foods sounds so irresistible! So sorry for the lack of sleep and the headache. But, great job doing disc 10. Good for you!

Pam, Happy Wednesday to you! So glad you slept better and caught up on your sleep. Great job on 40/20 and weights and plates abs. Love it when we are a sweaty mess. LOL. Yep, 30 min. workouts can come in handy. LOL

Take care everyone,

Janie Great job on Yard max and beach max! you did have quite the back and leg day!! I think those big eating days are needed sometimes. If for nothing else, to remind you how bad you feel when you are stuffed. :D My sweat test used to be if I had sweaty calves then I knew I had a tough workout. Now it's when I bend over and sweat is running off my face onto the floor :rolleyes: I had to run and get a towel yesterday because the sweat was stinging my eyes :confused:

This morning was disc 11, back and triceps. I can't believe I am almost done with meso 1 already! The month has really flown by. I am ordering some of those chin up assistance bands before I start meso 2 :D Happy Hump Day ladies!

I did nothing in the way of exercise yesterday.:( Just didn't have time. Hmmmm, suppose to once you retire, yes?

Went to join my art group yesterday and was introduced to the hostess husband and told me he plays guitar. Well, I saw him and his guitars and like a moth to light/flame, went right over to them. He gave me tips and pointers lasting about an hour and a half. Then realized I've taken up so much of his valuable time and better get back to my group. LOL! OH, what fun I had! He even mentioned maybe someday we can get other guitar enthusiasts and have a jamming session! My house is always open to that.

Pam, LOVE LOVE the sweaty mess we get ourselves into when we are finished with our workout. You KNOW you had a great workout. Good for you for this mornings disc 11, back and triceps. Oh I have an assistance band to help out with chin ups. For me I have to add more bands,LOL but it doable for sure. Just here at the beach I don't have a bar to do them.:( Enjoy them. When I use mine I feel I'm actually doing them and what a hoot it is! Makes you keep going.

Told my daughter while she was on a road trip that her doggie (Taco) will lose weight by the time she gets back home. My dog, her dog and me walked the beach sometimes an hour a day and still Taco never lost any weight. Caught him next to the cat food (above him on the next step). It is like a yard up from the floor for him to jump! How he does it is a mystery. However, now I know why he isn't losing weight! LOL! He's so ashamed he can't even look into the camera.

Take care,

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Janie Hahahahaha, I don't think you have any more time when you retire, you just find more and more ways to fill it. It's ok to have those days where you don't have time to exercise though, we all have them! It sounds like you had a lot of fun at your art group, even though it wasn't necessary related to art group! It would be so much fun to do a jam session, that is awesome! I did order an assistance band for my chinups and I'm really excited about it. I tried one when I did a trial at a crossfit place and really liked it. I'm not sure why I didn't think to get one sooner! :confused: I also ordered a bottle cutter that I have had my eye on. I am going to do some playing with bottle cuts and my kiln....we'll see how that goes :rolleyes:
OMG, I saw your post about Taco on FB. That little rat!! They certainly can be determined about something that they really want, can't they?! It's so funny that he wouldn't look at the camera too. How cute!

This morning for me was Athletic Step and stability ball abs. I haven't done that one in ages so it was a lot of fun. I do always think that there should be one more combo though. It seems like she throws in some extra stuff at the end just to try to make it a little's still fun though. Have a great day.

Wow, can’t believe the last time I posted was Monday! Work has just been so stressful and exhausting. I am getting in here early to post so I don’t go a full week being silent. I did Get Glutes on Tuesday and Thursday. I am so ready for the weekend! No plans except getting an oil change in my car. Hopefully I can de-stress this weekend a little.

Pam That’s crazy that they didn’t tell you the boat was getting serviced so you didn’t drive all they way out there for nothing. Great job on MMA Fusion and the turtle spins, one of my favorite moves. Great job on disc 10 and all those pushups which I am sure you will not miss those pushups one bit. Great job on 40/20 and W&P abs. That is quite a combination. W&P abs always seemed to be the hardest to me. Great job on disc 11! I love my pullup assistance bands. I have three different thicknesses and am getting close to being on the skinniest band. Great job on Athletic Step. Yeah the end does seem kind of thrown together and out of place. Wow, done with Meso 1 already. It’ll be nice to have your active rest week over 4th of July.

Janie Great job on gardening and your beach walk! Good for you for having a rest day. It is good to have those days. In fact, I take 3 of those every week now that I don’t do cardio. Oh poor Taco! I have heard dogs love cat food. When we had a cat, I constantly found Oscar eating the cat food and the piles in the kitty litter (so gross I know). I had to put the cat food out of reach from him but still where the cat could get it and I had to get a litter box with a hood so he couldn’t get in it.

Have a great day!
Julie I hope you will get some time to relax and destress this weekend. It just wears you out when work is like that. is this going to continue for awhile? I hope not!! Great job on still getting your GGs in through! I was really unsure about which band to order for the pullups. I went with one of the medium resistance ones and am hoping that I chose well. If not, I will be exchanging it!. The timing for my rest week did work out really well. I didn't even plan it that way :)

This morning was my last meso 1 workout - disc 12 legs. It seems like it just flew by! Now I have to start thinking about what I will do for active recovery next week. We are going to Virginia for the holiday weekend to see Ashley and do some hiking which fits in with the active recovery week quite nicely. Happy Friday ladies!!
Did MM today.

Pam, You are going to love the band for pullups! Well you must know that if you tried one. Cool uh? OOOO love the sound of a bottle cutter and a kiln. Hmmmm lots of fun I can tell. Photos please with your experiments or project. Yes, Taco is very persistent. LOL I'm going to miss the little guy. Have to return him to my daughter on the 3rd. Great job on Athletic Step and stability ball abs.

Julie, We also have to put kitty food on top of something where the dogs don't reach it. Unless like Taco, they find a way anyhow. LOL And a topper on the kitty litter box. Don't know some dogs like poo. UG!

Pam, Congrats on your last meso 1 workout disc 12 legs. Yea! Enjoy the weeend of hiking. Oh yes it does fit in nicely for active recovery.

Take care,


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