Julie Great job on your GG on Thursday and making it through the work week. Of course, here we are starting a new one again already

Believe me, you are contributing just by being here. Hang in there!!! I'm so happy to help you live out your cardio fantasies, as long as you don't spend much time fantasizing about CCC!

The grip trainer is a great idea!
Janie Oh I hate those eat everything in sight days. Ugh is right! Great job on your bike ride and walk and starting on your guitar drawing!! The pirate day sounds like fun, I love the Johnny Depp guy! That should make a very fun drawing!
HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and Joey!! I hope you had a great day celebrating your love!
Julie Great job on GG Saturday and Sunday and cleaning and running around Saturday. You deserved to have a lazy Sunday! Sorry you didn't sleep well last night, I was right there with you.
Friday evening we went to the lake and as soon as we got there it started to rain

We couldn't get service on our phones to look at the radar, but we decided to hang out for awhile and see if it would pass. It did after about 30 minutes and then we had a nice ski so we were glad we waited. Saturday morning I did MMA Fusion. Of course I thought about Julie when i was doing the turtle spins! We went to the lake to ski on Saturday afternoon, but we got there and the boat was gone! Turned out some of the guys skied Saturday morning and the boat was having problems so one of them took it home to check it out, but he didn't tell any of the other members

Hopefully it will be fixed so we can ski this coming weekend.

Yesterday morning I did Core Max 3 and then spent most of the day cooking. My brother is home from Thailand for a few weeks so I had my family over for a cookout. So bad eating here too...ribs, potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob and peach cobbler. Bad but oh so good! I had a terrible sleep last night and woke up with an awful headache, but made it through disc 10 somehow. I'm happy to have that one finished, the last of the crazy push up discs! Now to make it through Monday. Have a great day!