Strength in Numbers

Today is my rest day. Been working on this drawing for awhile. Here it is: Called "Out Of The Dust".

Take care everyone,

Julie Congratulations on finishing month 8 of GG! Wow, how man months is it?? I hope you didn't have to spend too much time working on the weekend and were able to enjoy yourself! I looked ahead at this weeks workouts and sure enough, CCC on Thursday! Oh my, I had a terrible time with the toilet test on Saturday...OUCH!

Janie Great job on your 10 mile bike ride with Joey! I'm so glad that neither of you were hurt in your fall. That was so sweet of him to try to keep you from falling! Great job on Supercut too! Yes, the busy weekends lasted way too long. We might actually get to waterski this coming weekend! We haven't been since APRIL! :confused: I love your drawing with the little touches of color. I was wishing I could enlarge it to see it better though!

It was so nice on Friday getting home and everything was already done for the dinner that night. I didn't know what to do with myself waiting for everyone to come over! Saturday morning I could barely walk about STS legs on Friday!!! I was getting an F on the toilet test! I did Step Moves thinking that might help loosen them up a little, but I'm not sure if it did or not. I was supposed to do Yoga inspired abs too, but the first move you have to balance on your butt and roll back and forward. There was NO WAY that was happening! I decided to postpone the abs to Sunday. They went much much better on Sunday. I'm still a little sore today, but nothing like I was. Other than abs, yesterday was a rest day and of course we had graduation. This morning was disc 4 chest, biceps and shoulders. Of course that meant push ups galore. I'll be happy when I'm done with Meso 1! Happy Monday!

A walk on the beach with Rolly and Taco and a bike ride with my wonderful Joey. Tonight will post my exercises. It will be a full body workout.

Pam, You can see my drawing better on FB. It looks so much different when you can see everything. The colors show more as well. You can double click on it or just click on it (one of the two) and it will go to a larger mode.

OOOOOOO, STS legs does do that for sure. I too had a hard time failing the toilet seat and my toes kept curling under. Ouie! But hey, so worth what we get back. I've learned using the foam roller does help. Also great job on abs yesterday. And for this mornings disc 4 chest, biceps and shoulders. push ups, I know.:rolleyes:

Take care,

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I can’t believe it is Monday again already. The weekends just fly by and I don’t feel like I have much to show for it. I ended up taking work home with me and then could not get motivated to do it so now I will just have to try to fit it in between meetings. I did do Get Glutes Saturday and then DH and I cleaned, ran errands, and made a deadlift platform out of plywood and a horse stall mat. Sunday, I did Get Glutes and then was lazy and ate way too many sugary foods. My tummy hurts today so I am looking forward to my veggie lunch and salad dinner.

Janie Joey is so sweet to sacrifice himself for you. I am so glad neither of you got hurt. Great job on Supercuts! I love your drawing. It is so beautiful. I could definitely get lost in looking at it. Great job on your beach walk with the dogs and your bike ride with Joey.

Pam Awesome job for doing Step Moves with such sore legs! So glad that everything got done for you on Friday but I can understand not knowing what to do with yourself with everything being done too. Good for you for listening to your body and postponing yoga abs. Great job on doing it on Sunday and for today’s disc 4 pushup galore. Yep Meso 1 has a dread factor for me. All those pushups are a little insane. I have been doing Get Glutes since October 2013. The last 2 months have been cardio free. The only thing I have noticed with no cardio is the strength increases. Definitely no physique changes but then again I don't eat right to see physique changes. I do think about adding in some cardio 1 day a week. Maybe in another month or two. I kind of want to see how strong I can get first.

Have a great day!
Went to walk the beach twice today and spent about an hour and a half there. Then tonight was dancing for about an hour.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes Sat. and cleanmax and making equipment for exercising and a horse stall mat. Wow, you guys have been busy! Also for doing Get Glutes Sunday. I hear ya on the sugar.

Take care,

Janie Great job on the walk on the beach and your bike ride with Joey. I thought it was funny that you said you would post your exercises tonight....I think the walk and the bike ride are exercises ;):) i did get a much better look at your drawing on FB. So pretty! I really like the colors at the bottom! When I had such leg DOMS my MIL just couldn't believe it. She kept saying how can it hurt that much with all of the exercising you do?! They just don't understand....!

Julie I know, I hate how fast the weekends go too. It reallyis annoying :rolleyes::confused: It sounds like you got quite a bit done though. Great job on GG, ow nice to have a new deadlift platform too! Sorry to hear your tummy was hurting yesterday, I hope it's better today. The pushups in meso 1 really are a bit ridiculous. I am not sure how much benefit I am getting since I can't do them all on my toes, but I just chug along as best I can. I know what you mean about the physique changes. I am just not willing to make the diet changes that are required to really see results. You must be happy with your strength increases though.

Janie how fun, dancing for an hour. What a great way to get in your workout! Great job on your beach walks too!

This morning was 30/30 and pilates abs for me. I really enjoyed 30/30, I hadn't done it in awhile. I rarely do these ab circuits ab routines either, so it's been nice so far mixing the core routing up a little. I hope everyone has a great day. Cheryl I hope you are doing well and we haven't lost you!

Walked the beach with Rolly and Taco for an hour and a half. I found some wood that looked odd, so I picked it up and it looks just like...well you tell me. LOL A picture is worth a thousand words don't you think?

Pam, Yes, people can't believe that even though we workout on a regular basis we can still get DOM's. Most of the time I don't but man sometimes (Like legs work) I do all the time! Yikes! Great job on this mornings 30/30 and pilates abs. I need to do that one soon. It's calling me.

Cheryl, I too hope you come back to us. We love and miss you.

Take care,

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Janie Your driftwood find is so funny, it made me laugh! I love the stone head beside it too. He is really cool!! Great job on your beach walk. You know I was wondering what that sound was when I was doing 30/30, it must have been the disc saying "Jaaaaanie, Jaaaanie..." ;):p

I love my MIL, but it was so nice to go home last night and have the place to ourselves! This morning was disc 5 back and triceps. These STS workouts really go by fast! I am not very good at the chin ups and pull ups, even the super cheater kind! Oh well, always something to improve on. Have a great day!

I did Get Glutes last night. This whole week has been rainy, foggy, yucky weather. Makes it so hard to want to get out of bed and do anything.

Pam Great job on 30/30 and pilates abs. My tummy is much better. I think it was just too much sugar. Not sure if I will learn my lesson though. I am sure you are still getting a benefit out of doing them on your knees. At least you are doing them. Great job on disc 5! Visiting family is nice but it is also nice to be back to a regular routine and house too. She goes crazy with the number of chin-ups/pullups too. I can only do them with assistance bands and even with that I peter out around 7 reps.

Janie Great job on your hour and half beach walk plus dancing for an hour. I love your little collection there and I will not even go there on what I think the piece of wood looks like. Too funny!

Have a great day!
Lots of walking on the beach with doggies.

Pam, LOL!:p About 30/30. I thought I heard somebody calling my name! LOL :D I understand privacy after family visits. I do the same thing. Great job on disc 5 back and triceps.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes. Aww, wish you had better weather. It will come.

Take care everyone,

Julie Greatjob on GG. That is a bummer about the weather you are having, I hope it improves soon. We are finally having more typical summer weather. Hot, muggy and lots of afternoon thunderstorms. We had a big one last night that knocked down a lot of power lines. I know what you mean about not learning the lesson about too much sugar. I think we all know, but man, it can taste SOOO good at the time! I do the pull ups and chin ups with my tower, and I keep my feet on the floor, but they are still really hard. iu think I need to get some assistance bands though.

Janie Great job on the dog walking! Are you getting Taco in shape?

This morning for me was the new and improved PCCC. That one still has such a dread factor for me though. I'm not sure why, I don't think it's any worse than X10, Tabatacise or some of the others, but I sure am happy when I finish round 4! That last set of core work always kills me though too. She just had to throw that in at the very end! This week has flown by for me, I hope everyone is having a good one!

Pam, I am trying hard to get him in better shape. But, he eats horse manure on the beach I and suspect our kitty turds, so he is hanging on to his weight even though he walks a long way for such a small dog. I don't know how to keep it from him except clean up the enclosure more often and never take him off the leash while we are at the beach. Darn!

Great job on new and improved PCCC. Yea, it is one of my dread factors too. But we grin and bare it. LOL

Take care,

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Been another crazy work week. Have to get in here quick before I start working or I probably wouldn’t get to post today. I did Get Glutes last night. I think my heavy work week has caught up to me because I had pitiful strength last night. Oh well, just do what you can, right?

Janie Great job on the beach walks with your doggies! Ugh! Why do dogs think other animal poop is a treat?!? I had problems with two of my dogs eating cat poop or whatever poop they found on our walks. So gross!

Pam Great job on PCCC new and improved! I think CCC will always have a dread factor at least for me. I just don’t find it fun to do for some reason. I love thunderstorms at night but not so severe that they cause damage. Our weather is turning around this weekend. Well, it will at least be nice out with sun. Not quite as hot as we normally get but I will definitely take high 70s.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Rained today so no beach walking. Tonight was Supercuts, total body workout. Played Hallelujah with the guitar. I'm slow but not too bad. Singing sucks, but I guess that will take time too. Sigh. My fingers are so numb yet they hurt (well, uncomfortable feeling). Does that make any sense? Such a challenge to learn to play guitar, but I love it. I really want to play piano too, but have to master one instrument at a time first. Maybe to singing the scales on the piano will help a little for my voice. It's really bad. Thinking also on drawing a guitar on a stand and having music notes come out of the hole part going up and behind the guitar on both sides, in the shape of a heart. Hmmm, can't help it, art is calling me too.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes last night. You are doing just fine. Try to catch a breath from work and continue with a workout you can meet, even if it's not a lot. You can make it up later.

Take care,

Janie Oh my, that is tough when you have a dog that will eat anything like that. At least you are getting him some good exercise.

]Julie Great job on GG. Sorry you had a weak day, but it happens sometimes. You are probably right that it is the stress of the hectic work schedule. I'm not really sure why CCC has such a dread factor for me, but I do always feel very accomplished when I finish it. I'm glad to hear you were getting nice weather for the weekend!

Janie Bummer that you couldn't walk on the beach, but great job on SC! That is a fun one. Great job on your progress on the guitar too. Oh my, I wish I could sing, I do not have a nice voice, but I still song all the time. I'm sure my friends and family would appreciate it if I had a better voice! Yep, I understand the numb but hurting completely. Been there with my hands from water skiing, in fact, I'm kinda there now! I love your idea for the guitar picture and I can't wait to see it!

I took Friday as my rest day because we went down to Pinehurst for the US Open and i didn't want to get up early enough to do a workout first. Saturday morning I did disc 6 legs. Saturday afternoon we finally got to the lake, only the third time so far this year. It was so nice, we both skied well and it was a beautiful day. My hands were (and are) killing me by the time we finished though. Today was MMA Kickbox and then I did level 1 tabatacise since it seemed too light. My DOMS from disc 6 are nothing like they were for disc 3 last week so I was happy about that. It was so so so good to be home and just have a normal weekend. I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was super busy with no lazy day in there. I did Get Glutes on Saturday and then DH and I visited my parents and ran errands. Sunday I did Get Glutes again and then had a Father’s Day brunch with my family. After that, DH and I went to his dad’s. I am feeling pretty exhausted today and I am supposed to donate blood this afternoon.

Janie Great job on Supercuts! Love that song Hallelujah! I bet you sound better than you think you do. Our voice sounds different to ourselves than what everyone else hears. I love the idea about the guitar with musical notes forming a heart around it. You are so creative.

Pam Great job on disc 6 and MMA Kickbox with Tabatcise 1! MMA Kickbox does seem like her lightest workout ever. Glad you had less DOMS this week. DOMS are nice as a reminder of the hard work you did but when I don’t like it when they are so bad I am crippled for a few days.

Have a great day!
Julie You did have a busy weekend, wow! Great job on GG on Saturday and getting visits in with both dads. I think all three of the MMA workouts are pretty light, maybe I'm just not doing them right...? They also seem to be included in this rotation a lot, so I am already thinking about what I will sub in instead.

This morning for me was disc 7. I think it is called pushups, shoulders and biceps. I am glad I only have one more week of the crazy pushup workouts. My shoulders and biceps were pretty sore from skiing on Saturday, but I soldiered through it. I hope you all have a great Monday!

Rolly, Taco and me went walking on the beach as usual for an hour or so. Joey and I went biking on our bicycle built for two. So Much Fun!
Guitar Update: Very proud here. Can now play key of A "Hey Jude" by John Lennon. Key of G using a capo "With Or Without You" by U2 (kinda Sorta). Blue Bayou (key of A) by Linda Ronstadt and (key of G using capo) Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. Will start working on my strumming DDUUDU by playing Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffett. All slowly still mind you, but I have a beat going on. My goal is by the end of this month, I'll have it. YaHOOOOOOOOOO! Then will work on "Falling Slowly" by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova and hopefully, maybe, "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles . I LOVE GRAVITY! You can now see calluses on my four fingers. Yikes!

Pam, Wish I could sing too. Thinking about using my keyboard to at least try and sing the notes. I too still sing no matter what. It's music! I most likely will start my drawing tomorrow or the next day. Great job taking Fri. as your rest day. Great job on Sat. disc 6 legs and skiing. Message your hands. I find messaging my fingers help. Also good for doing MMA Kickbox today and also level 1 tabatacise.

Julie, Aw, sorryyou had such a busy weekend. Great job on Get Glutes on SAt. and visiting family and running errands. Also for Sun. doing Get Glutes again. Going to two fathers houses is a must. They both need to feel the love. LOL Hope your giving blood wasn't too exhausting.

Pam, Great job on disc 7, pushups, shoulders and biceps. LOL, good name for it. Happy Monday.

Take care all,

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Janie Wow, you had quite the active day with you beach walk and bike ride. It would be a lot of fun to have a tandam, but I'm not sure I could ever get my DH to ride! Wow, you are really doing amazingly well with your guitar playing, that is awesome. You will have to record a video of yourself playing and post it! Oh boy, the calluses are starting - good for you!

This morning for me was Hiit Pyramid. That one always gets me in the second round. It's all of those darn 1/4 turns that put me over the edge! I was going to add on some core work but I decided to wait and do that when I get home tonight. Have a great day!

Getting many things done to sell at the Art Association, didn't have time today to workout. I have lots of time tomorrow though.

Pam, Great job on Hiit Pyramid this morning. Oh yeah, those 1/4 turns are challenging for sure. The tandam is soooooooo much fun and we get all kinds of honks and waves from passing people. LOL! I'm no where near recording myself cause I'm barely keeping up with the beat. In fact it's still too slow, but, I'm getting there.LOL Maybe some day...

Take care,


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