Janie There was something going on with Cathe's site one day last week. I think I saw a notice from them that they were working on an issue. Luckily they got it fixed! That is a funny story about your razor clams. How are you supposed to prepare them? I think I would have done the same thing you did! Great job on your long walk on the beach, STS disc 5 AND 15more minutes on the guitar!! You are getting there!
Julie Great job on GG and setting personal records! Wow wow wow is all I can say. I struggle with 30 pounds for bench presses!!!!! That is amazing! It seems to really be paying off not doing the cardio.
Janie Great job on your beach walk and disc 6! I think it's always a good thing to change up your workouts. It's good to enjoy some of those other discs that you have invested in. I like to do that when I am doing STS also. Your plans sound like they will be a lot of fun! Sorry for the echos, I guess I wasn't the only one off enjoying the long weekend. Great job on your walk with Rolly and Taco, what a great name! Great job on Bum bum too, I just love the name of that one!
We had a great time in Charleston with DHs two brothers and their wives. There were no workouts, except for walking around town and lots of eating and drinking, but the good news is that I maintained my weight

Eric left Sunday morning for his 4201 mile bike ride. He was so excited! We made a giant banner that we held up on the side of the road as they rode off. Hopefully he is just as excited after a few long days on the bike! On Sunday afternoon we went to one of the plantations and did a self guided swamp tour. It was so cool because the birds were nesting and there were certain trees that were just loaded with birds nests full of baby birds. They were blue herons, green herons and egrets, so they were large nests and large babies. We also watched a mother duck run an alligator away from her babies which was pretty exciting. When we got home yesterday afternoon we spent a couple of hours spreading some more of our mulch, so I got a little workout in that way. This morning I did Cardio and weights, one I haven't done in forever. Another 3 day week for me, I think I could get used to this

Happy Tuesday!
P.S. i just saw that Cathe is filming 7 new DVDs!!! Ripped with Hiit YIPPEE! Happy Tuesday indeed!