Strength in Numbers

Julie I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better and that you had a great workout! Oh man, pullups are always hard. I am in the same boat, I have put on a couple extra pounds that just don't seem to want to go away. :mad: I'm hoping we will be skiing soon and that that will help....

Cheryl We sound the same with our appetites. I am usually ready for lunch by 11:00 too but always try to wait until at least 11:30. How do your cats do on a leash? I had a cat that used to drive me crazy wanting to go outside so I hooked up a leash in the backyard so that he could go hang out out there sometimes. He liked it pretty well, but I can't imagine trying to walk him! Sorry you didn't have your mojo working yesterday morning, but good job getting through most of PRS 2 anyway! I hope Tangos eye is doing ok. Butters gets pink eye all of the time so I always have drops on hand for him. He hates getting the drops in, but enjoys getting a treat afterward :rolleyes:

So I did end up doing LL when I got home last night. I tried to do PS Legs and abs since I messed up and did LL when I had that one on the calendar last time, but I got 10 minutes in and the dvd started freezing so I switched. I guess I need a new copy of that one. This morning was Butts and Guts, so I got a double whammy of leg work. Have a great day!

Yesterday was a rest day for me. DH ended up getting sick too. He has had it a lot longer than me and keeps asking me why mine last 2 days and he has had his for 4 days now. I don't dare point out the difference in our age or nutrition/fitness lifestyles. I wish he would start buying into the needing to take care of oneself to feel great mentality. I'm not saying I'm perfect but I at least try to be healthier. Ok rant over!

Cheryl Oh I am sorry about Butters eye. That sounds scary and sad all at the same time. I hope you can get it figured out and taken care of. I have to say I love the image of cats on leashes. Makes me smile.

Pam Wow you are super woman to do LL last night and B&G the next morning. I know what I need to do to drop the pounds but I am just not ready to commit to really tightening up my eating yet.

Have a great day!
Julie Sorry to hear about your DH getting sick too. If he's anything like mine, I know they can be hard to be around when they are sick :rolleyes: I feel like I usually recover quicker than my DH too. Your hubby was trying to be healthier for well, I guess that didn't last, huh? :( I hope he is feeling better soon!

last night I came home and did the bonus stability ball abs from Butts and Guts. I was supposed to do them according to the rotation, but I didn't have time for a 78 minute workout plus another 15 minutes of abs in the morning. Cathe is really really killing my core with this rotation so far! This morning for me was the new and improved PCCC - round 1,2,4,3,5. It really kicked my butt this morning. I was wondering where it falls in the whole difficulty thing with Tabatacise and X77...I think the dread factor may be higher for me on this one than the other two. And that last round of core work just kills me. I always notice that she does 11 of them and probably meant to do 12, but there is no possible way that I could do one more of those!!! Anyway, so glad it's Friday, I hope everyone has a great day!

Pam Tango's eye is doing a lot better.He hates the drops too but he knows his eye will feel better if he lets us put the drops in. Our older cat walks on a leash really well. They know they can't go outside without their harness or leash so they patiently wait by the door while I put it on them. Good job on LL and Butts and Guts. So how are your legs feeling?

Julie Sorry that DH is sick. Yep I hear ya on wanting DH to take better care of themselves. Mine doesn't buy into living a healthy lifestyle either. People who walk by our place always comment on our cats being on leashes. It at least keeps them safe and I know where they are.

Pam Way to go in getting the bonus stability ball abs done. I agree that a 78 minute workout plus 15 more minutes of ab work in a lot to do all in one shot. Good work on the new and improved PCCC. I have been thinking that I need to pull that one out again.....maybe one day when I am feeling really strong :D.

Sorry I never got a chance to post yesterday. So I did STS disc 1 yesterday and today I did MMA kickbox. After that I got a lot of running around done. Tango's eye is doing much better though he still hates the drops. Last day of vacation for me and I am not looking forward to having to go back to work.

Happy Friday everyone.

Cheryl So glad to hear that Tango's eye is doing better. That is awesome that they wait for you to get their harness on. I can't see my cats doing that! My legs actually weren't too bad after the LL B&G back to back. My abs were hurting though between the core work in B&G and the bonus stability ball abs followed by CCC. Ouch! Great job on STS disc 1 and MMA kickbox. Sorry that your week off has come to an end. I'm sure it wasn't easy getting up this morning!

Janie Are you home? I hope you got a great sleep and get all rested up. Memorials are just so emotionally draining. I hope you are doing ok.

So I took Saturday as a rest day, but we did go ski for the first time this season! I was so surprised after my first pass I wasn't out of breath at all. That changed with the second one though! Then I had a nice surprise and my college roommate was in town for the weekend. Her daughter was playing in a basketball tournament here so they came by and spent Saturday afternoon with us. It was so fantastic to see her! So hard to believe it had been 30 years!!! Sunday I did BM2 in it's entirety. I don't know if it was because of skiing Saturday or what, but it was really tough! Then we skiied again Sunday afternoon. Holy cow, that was soooooo much harder than Saturday! My forearms and biceps are so sore today!! It was so good to finally get out there though. I did make it through FlexTrain this morning with my aching arms. I'm glad that one doesn't have a lot of biceps work in it. She just kills the triceps so now they will both be screaming! I hope everyone had a good weekend.

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Friday I ended up taking a half day at work. It was so beautiful this weekend and now it is supposed to rain the rest of this week. Saturday, we went to the dog park with my mom’s dog and our dogs. It was so much fun watching Ozzie and Sweetheart run around and play. Maggie and I just ambled about sniffing things, well Maggie sniffed things, I ambled. I did do Get Glutes on Saturday and Sunday. Then it was lazy day all Sunday.

Pam Great job on getting those stability ball abs in and new & improved PCCC! I think I noticed that she does an odd number in one of the rounds in CCC too but never add on myself to even it out. You had a busy weekend! Full of fun with seeing your college roommate and skiing! Yea ski season means nice weather. Great job on BM2 and FT! Hopefully you will still be able to move your arms tomorrow.

Cheryl Great job on STS disc 1 and MMA Kickbox! I am so happy Tango’s eye is doing better. Ugh! Try to smile on your way to work. I know I didn’t this morning and I didn’t even have a week off.

Janie Traveling and funerals can be exhausting. Rest up and you will be back at again.

Have a great day!
Internet was down last night so I couldn't get on line. Thank you do much for all the condolences. I'm doing good.
Now at the Beach House and Rolly and I walked over an hour on the beach this morning.
Today was STS Disc 1 Chest, shoulders and biceps. Whew! Nice to get back in the game.

Pam, Good job on taking a rest day and great to see you are still active with snow skiing. First time did you say? Awe so nice to have old friends around. I bet there was a lot of catch up after 30 years! Yikes! Great job on Sun. BM2 in it's entirety. Wow, good for you, and after skiing the day before. Amazing! Then for skiing again in the afternoon. Congrats for the DOM's in your forearms and biceps. ;) And also this morning for doing FlexTrain.

Julie, Great job on Sat. going to the dog park, it sounds like a lot of fun. And for doing Get Glutes and Sun.

Take care everyone,

Pam Your weather must be getting better to get out skiing. I saw the FB picture of you and your friend. Nice that the two of you could get together and visit. Good job on BM2 more skiing and Flextrain this morning. So how are your triceps doing today?

Julie Doesn't it feel good to take off from work early on a Friday. So nice that Ozzie and Sweetheart have fun together. Good job on Get Glutes and your lazy Sunday.

Janie I am glad that you are rested. Travelling and funerals can take a lot out of you. Good job on STS disc 1 and your walk on the beach with Rolly.

It was so hard to get out of bed this morning. I really didn't want to go to work. I was hoping to get a workout in this afternoon but it just didn't happen. I also did something to my right knee. It is puffy and feels stiff. I have no idea what I did to it. I did buy a foam roller on Saturday and did use it but I don't think that would have done something to my knee???

Have a great day everyone.

Julie Good for you taking a half day on Friday. I hope you enjoyed your day! It sounds like you had a nice time at the dog park, it was great you got out to enjoy the nice weather. I don't mind the rainy days as much on weekdays when I'm at work :) So glad you clarified that you weren't sniffing things :p;) great job on your GG. How are you handling less cardio and evening workouts? I'm so excited that we are finally able to ski, it's about a month later this year than normal! I am able to move my arms, but they are definitely talking to me!

Janie I'm glad you are at the beach, I think those beach walks are good for the soul! Great job on STS disc 1! Oh no, don't say that bad word SNOW, we were water skiing! I don't want to see any snow for a long time now! :D The great thing with my friend was like we had seen each other yesterday. So hard to believe how fast 30 years went! BTW, I just loved the video that you posted on FB of your dad!!! He is so adorable!!!!

Cheryl Oh yes, we hada beautiful weekend. In the 80s and sunny both days. Now we are supposed to be getting some of the storms that have been hitting the midwest the next couple of days. I'm hoping we don't get any of the severe weather. The tornados have been terrible. My biceps are still so sore that I'm not even noticing the pain in my triceps... :rolleyes:
Uh oh, I hope that whatever happened to your knee is temporary. Don't you just hate that when you don't even have any idea what caused it?! Sending healing thoughts your way!!!

This morning was Hard Strikes. I couldn't even come close to keeping up with Cathe and crew on the su/pu combo today. They were finishing when I was starting the last set. That little ditty just gets my heart pumping so hard!! Happy Tuesday!

Have cardio today so walked fast for 30 min. on the beach. Did a lot of yard work too. There are an unbelievable amount of dandelions.

Cheryl, I'm sorry that you are so tired and you poor thing with your knee. Hope everything works out better for ya. (hugs)

Pam, Oh Pam, I didn't mean to say snow skiing, I truly meant to say water skiing. I just was looking on Facebook and some of my friends and family are still showing snow scenes. Unbelievable! I have to agree about walking on the beach and good for the soul. When I go there to walk each and every time it takes my breath away, it is so beautiful.

Please be careful and safe with the storms threatening. Prayers your way.

Yeah, I love my Daddio. Will cherish him as long as I can.

Great job on Hard Strikes this morning. That one is a tough one.

Take care everyone,

Janie Great job on your beach walk and yard work. We have a ton of dandelions this year too and I don't remember that in the past. Hmmm..... I figured you didn't mean snow skiing, but I had to tease you :p I found out after I got up this morning that we had tornado warnings in the wee hours of the morning, but luckily no touch downs. There is still the possibility of severe weather this afternoon and evening. There has been some very scary weather all around us but we have been spared. I can't imagine living in tornado alley, that would be so stressful!

This morning was supposed to be pedal power, but I don't have that one so I did my spineverals workout. It's the same length as PP and all I can say is WOW. I really need to work some cycling in more often. I wiped myself down when I was done, walked downstairs and suddenly sweat was pouring down my face. :rolleyes: I kinda feel like I'm doing a Cathe workout when I do this one because Brenda is in it :) Happy Hump Day!

I had a super busy day at work yesterday. I did get my Get Glutes workout in when I got home. I am kind of liking working out in the afternoon but could be because it is only 2 days. I am starting to get antsy about wanting to do cardio. I was listening to the radio and heard a song that is on Hardstrikes and instantly missed it. :(

Janie Great job on disc 1 and your nice beach walk! Walking is good for the soul and one of the best ways to keep your weight in check to. I used to go for walks over lunch at work but have stopped. I really want to get back in the habit of doing that again.

Cheryl Oh no, I hope your knee is doing better. It stinks being injured but I think it is worse when I can’t even remember what I did to hurt it. I wouldn’t think foam rolling would have done it but I guess maybe it could have encouraged fluid buildup somehow.

Pam Great job on Hardstrikes! That one is so much fun except the su/pu combo. Although it is 2 less sets than Supercuts but still not easy. Great job on Spinervals! I’ve heard Brenda was in some of the spinervals workouts. I haven’t done spinning in a long time. I am really starting to miss it!

Have a great day!
Today was Disc 2 back and triceps. Thinking about doing this week all over again, just to be on the safe side to make sure I'm ready for STS week 2. Been practicing the guitar and almost can finger pick out pipeline. I'm so proud! Tonight will practice piano. YaHoo!

Pam, Teases are fun to give back. LOL I hope with all my heart you will be safe from those storms. Prayers for you and your family. Great job on spineverals workout. Love the sweaty part of exercise, means you are working hard in my opinion. Good Job!

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes workout. I can't do without cardio at least every other day. I do think walking as you say is good for the soul. I'm so lucky to be able to walk on the beach. Do get back in the habit of walks at lunch. So good for ya!

Take care everyone,

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Julie Great job getting your GG in despite your busy day at work. Sorry you are missing your cardio, I know that would be really hard for me too. I'm interested in seeing how your results are though! For some reason that su/pu combo doesn't seem any easier when there are 2 less sets, I don't get that!!

Janie Great job on STS disc. It certainly can't hurt to repeat week 1. Of course those meso 1 discs have all those push ups, so that means another week of push ups craziness! I don't know the song pipeline, but very cook that you almost have it down!!! Great job! Thanks so much for your kind thoughts and prayers. We were very lucky, we didn't get any of the severe weather at all, just some thunder storms. Oh yes, I love the sweatfests! I used to gauge how good my workout was by whether or not my shins were sweating when I was stretching :rolleyes: Now it's how long my face stays red after I'm done! :p

This morning was AB and I did the Julie Double Trouble version. I was beat when I was done! The face was still red after I had showered and I know my buns will be feeling it tomorrow! All good stuff! Have a great day!

Rolly, me, a neighbor and her doggie Cream, walked the beach just over an hour.

Pam, That is the reason I want to do over the first week. Felt as if I wasn't good enough for the next step until I can do a few more. LOL Then I'll be more ready for week 2.

Great job on AB and doing the Julie Double Trouble version. Wow! Good for you and for the beat red face. According to the gauge of your red face, you must have kicked butt! Yea!

Take care,

Janie That sounds like a lovely walk on the beach, good for you! I'm not sure I kicked butt, more like I got my butt kicked! It is feeling it today too!!

This morning for me was Crossfire. I really didn't want to get out of bed and I kept thinking how hard Crossfire was going to be. I did get up and do it though, and the good news is that after X77 and CCC it didn't seem too bad at all. I still hate the firewalker tabata, but hey, it's only 4 minutes, right?! Tomorrow I am off to Rome for the week, so if you don't hear from me, have a great week!

This week has been crazy busy at work. So far next week is not looking good either. I did get my Get Glutes workout in last night. I am so excited today is Friday and the weekend is here. Now if the weather would just get nice again. Last night on the way home we were at 48 degrees. Um I thought it was May 1?!

Janie Great job on disc 2 and your walk with your neighbor! I think it sounds like a great idea to repeat week 1 to help you feel more ready for week 2. I would say do that for all the weeks and for as long as you need to.

Pam Great job on AB DT! I love doing AB that way and since I discovered it I no longer do it the original way. Great job on getting up and doing CrossFire. Being Friday probably helped with being able to get out of bed. At least it always did me. Yep I imagine after the week Cathe gave you that CF would feel easier (not easy, easier). Have a safe and great trip!

Have a great weekend!
Pam Great work on Hardstrikes. The pu/su combo is hard.

Janie Way to go on your walk on the beach and your yard work.

Pam Good job on Spineverals. Nice feeling to have sweat pouring off of you. You know you got a good workout it.

Julie Good job on Get Glutes. I am glad that you enjoy working out in the afternoons. I find it really hard when it get hot out. It is possible that the foam rolling encourages a fluid buildup :confused:.

Janie Good job on STS disc 2. It wouldn't hurt to repeat the week again, you would get really good at pushups :D. Congrats in learning Pipeline.

Pam Good work on AB the Julie Double Trouble version.

Janie It was a nice day for a walk on the beach.

Pam Great job on getting up and doing Crossfire. Enjoy Rome.

Julie Sorry that you have been busy at work but at least it helps with having the day fly by. Great job on Get Glutes.

Well I have had one of those weeks. My knee is still puffy and I haven't exercised all week because of it. I didn't want to aggrevate it any more but it didn't seem to matter. I will try doing a workout tomorrow and see how it goes. Sorry that I haven't posted in a few days. Tuesday I didn't get a chance to get onto the computer, Wednesday we were without power from 3pm until 9:30pm. At least it was nice outside so we chatted with our neighbours for a few hours. Thursday I was going to post but my laptop decided to pack it in. I guess I will be looking for a new one unless DH knows how to fix it. Work has been crazy busy until today so I am taking time to post from work. Hopefully I will see about using my IPAD instead.

Today was disc 3 legs. No walking on the beach today, it was raining. LOL

Pam, Great job on Crossfire today. Awww, I'm glad the dreaded factor wasn't as bad as you thought. OMG! Rome? Do enjoy!

Julie, So sorry your weeks have to be so busy. Great job on Get Glutes workout last night. Hopefully you will get better weather very soon.

Cheryl, Hoping your knee gets better very soon. Smart for not wanting to aggravate your knee by exercising. Maybe other workouts without any leg work in them? I certainly understand not being able to get on the computer when you want to. It's always nice to hear from you.

Take care everyone,


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