Strength in Numbers

Pam I have no idea why I didn't have DOMS. I always get them when I do that workout. Having 80 degrees is wonderful. We aren't that warm yet but it is nice here. Those parts where she lifts one leg off the ball are hard. Good for you in making it all the way through even if you had to go down to your elbows. If your wrists hurt dumbbells may help. Great work on Imax 2.

Julie Great job on Hardstrikes. Sorry that your office didn't close. I hope you don't get another snowstorm. You guys have had a rough Winter. It is time for you to get some nice warm Spring weather. Sending warm weather wishes your way :D.

Janie Sorry that you are still feeling under the weather. I hope you feel better soon.

Pam That was quite the drop in temperature. You really need a wide range of clothes in your closet. Good work on Bootcamp. I haven't done that one in a long time either.

Julie Good work on Get Glutes. I am with you on the exhausting week and not getting enough sleep. I think Spring starts on Thursday.

What a week. I am with Julie in that it was an exhausting one with the time change. Wednesday I didn't get a chance to post as we had to clean up after Tigger. Poor guy got poop stuck to his butt and we had to clean him and the carpets etc. That took most of the evening. Now he is a very happy kitty until he finds out we are taking him in to get his butt shaved so this little incident won't happen again :eek:. I have no idea what happened to Thursday but this is the first day since Tuesday that I got onto the computer. My workouts have been the same (like that is anything new). I don't know what it is with trying to workout and having to go to work. It is just so hard for me to get both things done in the day. I can hardly wait for retirement. I never have a problem working out when I don't have to go to work.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Thank you so much for all your concerns. It was a really bad whatever I had. Symptoms were between cold and flu. Not sure what I have but things seem now to be on track of getting better. Whew! I feel when an older person like myself gets sick, it's worse to endure than a younger person. At least that's what I've experienced lately. I truly need to stay away from people who are sick and I've learned now to ask if anyone is sick before I visit with them. It's just simply too hard.

Pam, Great job on Boot Camp. I love that one too. Was about to do that one before I got sick.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes. Things will be changing weather wise soon if not already. Having something to look forward to is always a good incentive and motivator. Try to get some rest and dream about Spring and the up coming Cathe Road Trip. Yea!

Julie, Great job on Friday mornings Get Glutes. WooHoo! I can envision a Happy Dance.;)

Cheryl, Aww, that must be frightening for an animal to have that happen to. Poor Tigger. And also on the fur parents. Good idea on the butt shave. It's best for everyone all around. Hoping you figure out your exercise regime. It's so very important. I know it's difficult, but you are worth it.

Take care,

Janie I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. Everything seems to get worse the older you get :confused:.

So yesterday I did Lean Legs and Abs but only did the leg work. Then I got the housework done and went out for a few errands that shouldn't have taken too long. Well it was traffic gridlock where I needed to go. The closed down one of the streets because they were doing road work and it was pouring out. It took an extra hour to get the things done that I needed to. Today I did Gym Style shoulders and STS pilate abs. Then it was more running around and now it is time to relax.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Julie Great job on GG whatever day that was...I forgot to check in on Friday! Yippee on the road trip coming up, I know you will have a blast! Well of course just when I talk about people NOT getting sick, Carl came down with a 102.4 temp yesterday. Needless to say he is at home today and now I'm fretting that I don't get it before my long long flight Thursday night! Oh looks like your first GG was Thursday, great job on Friday's too!

Cheryl We are still having the roller coaster weather. Saturday was just beautiful. We even got the convertible out and went for a nice drive. Yesterday and today, cold and rainy. All of the trees and flowers are in bloom though so that is really nice. Oh no, poor Tigger. We have had to deal with the a few times too with our long haired cats.

Janie I'[m glad to hear that you are on the roda to recovery! I'm hoping that Carl doesn't have the same thing, but he has a fever, a cough and achy muscles. Doesn't sound too! I agree that the older I get the harder illnesses seem to hit me too. They seem to last a lot longer and are more intense. Yuck.

Cheryl Great job on LL&A-A and clean max! Oh, I hate being stuck in grid lock, it's just so frustrating. I'm glad you were able to get your errands done though. Great job on GSS and pilates abs!

So I don't know how I forgot to post on Friday, but I did Pyramid Lower body. I was still feeling it yesterday too. I took Saturday as a rest day, yesterday I did Step Blast and this morning was 4DS KB. I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Saturday I did Travel Fit and then ran errands and visited my parents. Sunday I did Get Glutes and then was lazy the rest of the day. I’m a little nervous saying this out loud but I think our weather is finally turning around. We are supposed to be in the 40s and 50s this week! So excited.

Janie I am glad you are on the mend now. I’m not older but I am the same way about not wanting to be around sick people. I just don’t like to take the chance on getting something. I am sure it is even harder to get sick when you are older. You are a trooper though!

Cheryl I can’t remember how long you have till retirement but I was thinking you were getting close to a year maybe. I hope it is that soon. I will be so excited for you and know that will open up your time so much. I hate when our dogs get poo stuck to them. Luckily they don’t have hairy behinds so it is easier to clean up but sometimes they step in it when they are outside and it is disgusting to clean off their paws. Great job on lean legs, GS shoulders and pilates abs, plus all the housework and running around.

Pam Great job on PLB on Friday, Step Blast on Sunday and 4DS KB today! Wow you hammered your legs between Friday and Monday. It has been awhile but I remember really liking the leg work in 4DS KB! I hope Carl isn’t sick too long and that you do not get it. That would not be good trying to fly like that especially with how long of a flight you have.

Have a great day!
Pam Nice that you could get the convertible out this past weekend. Too bad that Sunday wasn't just as nice. Isn't it fun when poo gets stuck to their butt :rolleyes:. Good job on PLB Step Blast and 4DS KB.

Julie Good job on travel fit and Get Glutes. I hope your weather is turning around. 40s and 50s is so much better that being in the negatives. I am just over 13 months till retirement, I can hardly wait. I am glad that we aren't the only ones dealing with poo that get stuck on our pets. Cleaning it off paws wouldn't be fun either.

With Live Fit the 1st 4 weeks you only work out 4 days a week. So I am on 3 days off. I was going to do yoga when I got home but I was so tired I just crawled into my PJs. I almost fell asleep on the train home.

Have a great day everyone.

During the day Rolly and I took a walk about 6 min. each time. Eventually we walked 45 min. today. Yea, I'm out and about in this Spring time weather.

Cheryl, For me the older I get things seem to get worse. Not everyone, I'm sure. You shouldn't have to worry about this for years yet. Great job on yesterday's Lean Legs and Abs leg work only. And cleanmax with errands. So sorry about the traffic/weather you got caught in. Also for doing today's Gym Style shoulders and STS pilate abs. Yes, I think a rest is due for you.

Pam, Oh no, hoping with finger and toes crossed that Carl doesn't get a bug. Great job on Fri. Pyramid Lower Body and Sat. as your rest day, Sun. for Step Blast. Also for doing this mornings Step Blast. You are doing so well. Good for you.

Julie, Great job on Travel Fit Sat. and then your errands. How are your parents doing? Also for Sun. Get Glutes. I'm hoping for Spring time weather to come along for you. It's about time.

Cheryl, Glad to see you on Live Fit. Maybe this is what you needed. Keep us posted. Now, relax and enjoy your rest days.

Take care,

Julie Great job on TF and GG. I'm so glad to hear that your weather is turning around! Our schools are closed again today although for the life of me I can't figure out why. We had cold rain yesterday and this morning, but it's only rain. They are beyond paranoid here with the schools! Oh yes, I did hammer my legs and they were talking to me big time! Carl is doing quite a bit better already. His fever is gone and it's mainly just in his throat now. I think it was probably a good thing for him to have another day off school though.

Cheryl It was great getting the convertible out. That and all of the flowers and tress in bloom made the weather Sunday and Monday a little more bearable. The obvious signs of spring help! Oh yea, it is one of my favorite past times cleaning poo off a cat's butt ;):rolleyes: NOT!

Janie I'm sp glad to hear that you and Rolly are enjoying the weather! Good for you! Well Carl had a pretty good bug, but as a teenager, he's also getting over it very quickly. He's much better already.

So I did something to my foot, I don't know what or when, but it has really been hurting. Yesterday when I woke up I knew I shouldn't work out, but I did anyway and of course I paid for it the rest of the day. I decided to be smarter today and not workout. It's definitely doing much better today, but I may take tomorrow off too. We went to a concert last night too, so I was up late. It was really nice sleeping later this morning after that :) I hope everyone is having a great day!

This morning I did Get Glutes. I was sound asleep when my alarm went off. Usually I am in that almost awake mode but this morning it was like I was sleeping death I was so deeply asleep. I didn’t want to get up but I did. I did make some gains in my workout but it was like trudging through mud. I think I might try to go to bed a little early tonight.

Cheryl I misread your post at first and thought you said you crawled into your PJs on the train home! Sorry but it made me LOL this morning. I ride in a carpool and almost always take a nap on the way in and the way home. I’m not sure I would do that on a train though with so many people I didn’t know. Hope you got some good sleep last night.

Janie Great job getting some walks in. That will help boost your immunity plus the nice weather will help too. My parents are doing great thanks for asking. They are loving their new puppy.

Pam Oh no! I am so sorry about your foot. My first thought was hoping you didn’t break it, as I know how that feels and it stinks. Sounds like maybe a tendon sprain or something that hopefully heals up quickly. Feet problems are the worst because it is not like you cannot walk for a few days while it heals. Good job resting it.

Have a great day!
Janie I am glad that you are feeling better. Just in time for the Spring weather.

Pam The flowers and trees are starting to bloom here too. Yep Spring is right around the corner. I hope you didn't sprain your ankle or anything like that. Don't you hate it when you can't remember what you may have done to make it hurt.

Julie Good job on Get Glutes. Good for you in getting up and doing it instead of staying in bed. Too funny that you thought I crawled into my PJs on the train home. I wish I could take a nap to and from work.

Well it is another rest day. This is the one thing that I don't like is there are a lot of rest days in the first 4 weeks. I am missing my cardio though.

Have a great day.

Did 20 min. of Body Fusion. I was starting to feel weak, so I listened to my body and stopped. Today I took Rolly into the vet. He is acting very strangely. He sniffs the air or stretches is neck up and also licks his paws. It starts in the afternoon and gets worse by night time. Was able to get him on video to show the vet. Glad I did. They also took blood in hopes to find out why he is doing this. Poor baby, they gave him an annal extraction, cut his nails, opened his mouth and look at his teeth, poked and probed and got their blood. I'm hoping he's just a unique doggie and nothing is wrong with him. The vet will call me tomorrow morning.

Pam, Awe, so glad Carl is much better. Hoping your foot will feel better soon too. Smart for not exercising just in case.

Julie, What kind of puppy did your parents get? Great job on Get Gluets. I know how it is when you are sleeping so soundly and don't want to get up from bed. Yes, when I don't get enough sleep sometimes whatever your workout is, is especially hard. Good for you for doing it.

Cheryl, Enjoy your rest day.

Take care,

Rolly is good! They think he's acting that way because he needs his teeth cleaned. They have an opening in May but looking for a sooner one. Will come back later tonight to post my workout.

This morning I woke up not very excited about my scheduled workout, KickMax. So while I was getting ready to work out, I decided that I was going to do something fun instead. I did Imax 2. That hit the spot. It was fun and energizing and I was full of smiles and a bright red face by the end. Funny how something as simple as a workout can cheer you up!

Cheryl The Get Glutes program I am on recommends only 4 days of working out with weights only. Of course I am bad and don’t know how to listen so I add 1-2 days of cardio in. And then I wonder why I don’t get the same results as people who actually stick to the plan.

Janie Good for you for stopping when you were feeling weak. You are so good at listening to your body. Yea, I am so glad Rolly got the all-clear. We have been using this spray called PetzLife on our dogs and it has helped keep their teeth clean. In fact, Maggie is 10 years old and the vet is shocked at how nice her teeth still are for being so old. My parents have a boxer named Sweetheart and she is just that.

Pam Hope your foot is feeling better!

Have a great day!
Rolly has his teeth cleaned this Tues. Yea! Tonight was 30/30 all of it.

Julie, Great job on Imax 2. Isn't it nice to scratch an itch. Good for you. Changin the workout is AOK. Oh, I LOVE BOXers! I looked up Petzlife, thank you for suggesting it. Also I've been using tumeric for my toothpaste and I have to say, I have no plague/tarter and my teeth have never been whiter. Wonder if...hmmmm Rolly?

Take care,

Janie Great job on 20 min of Body Fusion. Good for you in listening to your body and stopping when you started feeling weak. I am glad that there is nothing wrong with Rolly. At least it was only his teeth that need some work.

Julie Smart to change your workout to one that you really wanted to do. It sure does make a difference. It is driving me crazy to not do any cardio. Last night I was so fidgety that I couldn't sit still.

So today was another rest day. There are a lot of rest days and as I was telling Julie not doing any cardio is driving me crazy. I now remember why I had a hard time trying to do it the first time.

Have a great day everyone.

Cheryl I don't think I sprained my ankle, it's not my ankle that is bothering me. It's the top of my foot - I think I messed it up in Vegas with all of the walking and the workouts on the hard floors. Just enjoy those rest days!!!

Janie great job on body fusion and for listening to your body and stopping when you needed to. I am trying get better about that :rolleyes: So glad to hear that everything is ok with Rolly. It is no fun when there is something wrong with them and you have no idea what.

JulieGood for you for switching out your workout and doing something that you were excited about instead. It makes such a big difference!

Janie Great job on your beloved 30/30 and being able to get through it all!!!! I hope that means you are back to 100%. So glad that Rolly doesn't have to wait until May to get his teeth cleaned, that is great news!

Sorry I have been MIA, this week has been terrible. The guys in Australia didn't do what they were supposed to do to set up for the class and it's been back and forth all week on whether I would actually be going or not. I am leaving this afternoon, but the environment there is still not working so it may not be a very effective class. This morning has been a big run around for back up plans. What a mess. I have just been fuming, but now I just need to get over it and make the best of it. I haven't done any workouts the rest of this week because of my foot. I was going to do one today before this big flight, but my foot is still hurting so I decided it's best to continue resting it. I don't want to be hobbling around in pain the whole time that I am gone. If I don't get to check in while I'm gone, I hope everyone has a great weekend and week!

Rolly and I walked around the yard about 15 min. Also did Low Impact Circuit premix Total Body Sculpting 45 min. I needed this so badly!

Cheryl, Hope you enjoyed your rest day today. I think if you feel like you have energy enough to do a cardio you should be able to.

Pam, Sounds so confusing to do your class in Australia. How upsetting it must be for you. Hopefully everything will work it's self out. Good Luck. I hope your foot feels better by the time you get back home, at least enough to workout. Hang in there. Hugs.

Take care,

Yesterday was busy at work so I didn’t get a chance to post. I did do Get Glutes yesterday morning and this morning. So happy it is the weekend and it is supposed to be 64 today!!!! Tomorrow DH and I are going to try to do some Spring cleaning. I know I am a dork because I am very excited about that.

Janie Great job on the whole 30/30 and Low Impact Total Body Sculpting! Yea! That must mean you are feeling good. I used to brush my dogs teeth but they tolerate the spray better. You can always give it a try. You might want to just make sure dogs can have turmeric. There are so many things we can have that they can’t.

Cheryl Well fidgeting is a form of cardio, right? Ok, maybe not. I can only imagine how hard it must be to not do any cardio.

Pam Good job resting your foot. I know that has to be super hard. That sounds so frustrating to not have things done for your trip. I hope everything goes great. Even if not, it can’t be all bad being in Australia. Have a good time!

Have a great day!
Will post my workout later tonight.

Julie I've found so many positive side effects with dogs using tumeric on the internet. It's astonishing! Since it thins the blood a little bit, I'll hold off until Rolly's dental work is done. If it weren't for you having me search on the internet to make sure it's good for pets, I never would have known this. Thank you for that. You may have saved us some problems. Hugs.

Great job on Get Glutes yesterday and this morning. Oh my, do enjoy your 64 degree weather. We are suppose to have 50ish weather today. No bad, it's walking weather for Rolly and I. I love Spring Cleaning too. Hmmm, when I think of it there is a lot to do!

Take care,


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